How many of 452 suicide attacks perpetrated by Muslim extremists?

fact:terrorist killed moslem more than others........
fact:terrorist funding by suidi arabia.
fact:suidi arabia is republican dog
fact: moslem is real victim

I guess you missed Muslims are responsible for 450 of 452 attacks?
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.
they just claim it.but they arent.wahabis isnt islam

Salafi Wahabism is anti Islam

The Contradiction between the Salafi Wahabism and real Islam
Salafi Wahabism is anti Islam

Difference Between Sunni and Wahabi

I think you're making excuses
fact: wahabi isnt moslem .
Facts are facts, sorry they don't fit your narrative
fact:terrorist killed moslem more than others........
fact:terrorist funding by suidi arabia.
fact:suidi arabia is republican dog
fact: moslem is real victim

I guess you missed Muslims are responsible for 450 of 452 attacks?
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
I've heard lots of bullshit on this board, but I gotta say, this wins BS of the week.

Everything Lumpy said here is true. The Muslim American political groups have signed on with the Dhimmicrats and now the Dhimmicrats protect them, their reputations and image as well as their economic interests here in the USA.

That is the same old ward politics the Dhimmicrats have been practicing since Tamanay Hall, dude.
Yuck. One of the reasons I've been an Independent for over 40 years. But honestly, when the front running Republican presidential candidate wants to ban all Muslims could you expect our Muslim citizens to flock to the Republican tent?
When did he say that?
Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -
But you know what I was referring to, and you're quibbling over my choice of words rather than acknowledging that what I said makes sense.

UNTIL the government can get a handle on it.....

CNN left that out in the title and it's why left loons fell for it
Some of Trump's business associates in the Middle East "fell for it," too, and have stopped dealing with him. Not just left loons like me.
What will people agree is a good "handle" on it? No terrorist threats or attacks for ... how long? Or when the NSA and FBI say it's under control? Will anyone believe them? We hear all the sound bytes but what to do about it--not so much. I'd like to see improvement, as well.
fact:terrorist killed moslem more than others........
fact:terrorist funding by suidi arabia.
fact:suidi arabia is republican dog
fact: moslem is real victim

I guess you missed Muslims are responsible for 450 of 452 attacks?
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
Orthodoxy is branch of christianity
Everything Lumpy said here is true. The Muslim American political groups have signed on with the Dhimmicrats and now the Dhimmicrats protect them, their reputations and image as well as their economic interests here in the USA.

That is the same old ward politics the Dhimmicrats have been practicing since Tamanay Hall, dude.
Yuck. One of the reasons I've been an Independent for over 40 years. But honestly, when the front running Republican presidential candidate wants to ban all Muslims could you expect our Muslim citizens to flock to the Republican tent?
When did he say that?
Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -
But you know what I was referring to, and you're quibbling over my choice of words rather than acknowledging that what I said makes sense.

UNTIL the government can get a handle on it.....

CNN left that out in the title and it's why left loons fell for it
Some of Trump's business associates in the Middle East "fell for it," too, and have stopped dealing with him. Not just left loons like me.
What will people agree is a good "handle" on it? No terrorist threats or attacks for ... how long? Or when the NSA and FBI say it's under control? Will anyone believe them? We hear all the sound bytes but what to do about it--not so much. I'd like to see improvement, as well.

My point is CNN and others took what Trump said out of context to make political points and attack. That is wrong and thinking people saw right through it
I guess you missed Muslims are responsible for 450 of 452 attacks?
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
Orthodoxy is branch of christianity

It can be or it can also be Orthodox Judaism
I guess you missed Muslims are responsible for 450 of 452 attacks?
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
Orthodoxy is branch of christianity have read too many liberal posts. You are deflecting. Deal with the Muslim ideology that is disrupting the world. Christian orthodoxy is not the problem.
Islamic Radicalism: Its Wahhabi Roots and Current Representation

Radicalism, in various forms, has made significant inroads in several countries of Central Asia and in the Caucasus - in particular the three countries that share the Ferghana Valley, namely Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikstan, Chechnya, and the Russian Republic of Daghestan. Known as fundamentalism or "Wahhabism," it poses a direct challenge to the ideal vision of a state that the newly founded nations of the region have embraced. In addition, the broader ideology name "Wahhabism" represents a serious challenge to the theology and practice of the mainstream Sunni Islam to which most of these nations' populations adhere. Should this radicalized understanding of Islam continue to spread unchecked, radical interpretations could threaten social stability at the local, national, and regional levels and create serious geopolitical dangers to which neighboring powers, as well as the US and Europe, would have to react.

Today, throughout the world, there has been a wave of radical movements, which sometimes turn militant, whose source can be traced to the Wahhabi movement. What is this movement and how did it spread throughout the Muslim world, and now the Western world? What are its ideological differences with traditional Islam and how are these differences influencing and supporting modern day radical movements? What can be done to diminish the power of these movements in vulnerable states such as those in Central Asia and the Caucasus?

Traditional Islam views religion as a pact between man and God and therefore the domain of spirituality. In this belief, there can be no compulsion or force used in religion. From the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s), peace and tolerance were practiced between different religious groups, with respect to distinctions in belief. Contrary to this, the "Wahhabi" ideology is built on the concept of political enforcement of religious beliefs, thus permitting no differences in faith whatsoever. In "Wahhabi" belief, faith is not necessarily an option; it is sometimes mandated by force.

Origins of the Wahhabi Movement

The origins of nearly all of the 20th century's Islamic extremist movements lie in a new Islamic theology and ideology developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in tribal areas of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. The source of this new stream of thought was a Muslim scholar named Muhammad ibn Abd-al Wahhab, hence the name "Wahhabism."

The premise of this new, narrow ideology was to reject traditional scholars, scholarship and practices under the guise of "reviving the true tenets of Islam" and protecting the concept of monotheism. Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's brand of "purification" of Islam consisted of prohibiting many traditionally accepted acts of worship, reverence of the person of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and the pious saints, and burning books containing traditional prayers, interpretations of law and commentaries on the Qur'an and Hadith. He encouraged his followers to interpret the holy books for themselves and to act on their interpretations in light of their own understanding, regardless of their understanding of fundamental principles or lack thereof. Anyone who did not profess to this new ideology was considered outside of the realm of Islam - an apostate, disbeliever or idolater, thus making the shedding of their blood and confiscation of their wealth permitted. In this way, he was able to secure a significant following whose legacy continues in one form or another until today.

Over time, Ibn Wahhab's ideas spread far and wide, being debated, called into question and sometimes supported. A struggle ensued between the staunchly orthodox Ottoman Empire and the "Wahhabi" tribes. The Wahhabis were put down until the eventual dismantling of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920s and the dissolution of its influence. Finding a new opportunity among the tribes, Wahhabis were able to reinstate their beliefs and assert their influence on Muslims of the Peninsula.

Gradually from 1920 until today, they were very successful in establishing an "accepted" new ideology in Islam whose essential characteristic is extreme views and interpretations, as contrasted with traditional Sunni Islam. Coming under the guise of reform of the religion, the movement gathered momentum in the last three decades with support from a number of wealthy individuals. As it has grown, the movement mutated and splintered, with the eventual outcome that some groups went to the extreme in radicalization of their beliefs.

Influence of Wahhabism Today

The Wahhabi ideology is antagonistic to non-Muslims and to traditional practices including seeking intercession by means of the pious saints in Islam, accepted by traditional Sunni Islam for over 1400 years. By rejecting any form of hierarchy such as that followed by traditional Sunni schools, the Wahhabis rejected traditional rulings on a wide range of subjects, invalidated the four schools of thought and its accepted interpretations of law, as well as issued declarations of unbelief for those who disagreed.

While this new ideology prohibited many traditional Islamic forms of worship, its followers did not become overtly militant until recently. Now "Wahhabi" followers have taken up an increasingly confrontational standpoint attempting to impose their ideology in many regions around the world. The Wahhabi mentality asserts that Islam may be reformed by means of the sword. Thus the movement has manifested itself as armed insurrections throughout the world, especially where governments are weak and unable to resist aggression effectively.

Unfortunately, this narrow ideology has appeared and flourished in Islam, but not because of Islam. Previously, Islam was always presented in a peaceful, tolerant manner. The Prophet Muhammad (s) used to present his neighbors or friends that were not Muslim with gifts and flowers, never holding a sword against them, or ever instigating a struggle or a fight. There are many events in Muslim history where the Prophet made peace treaties with non-Muslims. Islam, despite its rapid spread in its first three centuries, never imposed its beliefs on anyone, as attested by the scrolls of history.

Under this modern ideological extremism, Islam's essential principle of tolerance has been abolished. The Holy Qur'an mentions repeatedly that there is no compulsion in religion and that all people are free to practice any religion they like. Those of the Wahhabi ideology selectively apply verses of the Holy Qur'an to support their ideology, whose basis is to impose its beliefs upon everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

Theory in Practice: Declaration of War against Governments

Just as the spread of Wahhabism flourished outside of the Arabian Peninsula after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, it now poses a significant challenge to the region of the former Soviet Union. While these countries were "protected" from all types of religious influence under Soviet rule, the fall of the Soviet Empire and the vacuum of religious teaching made this area fertile ground for the spread of this new ideology.

Wahhabi belief provides the religious and ideological underpinnings to enable militant movements to take up arms against existing governments if they deem the need arises. Though these movements are ideological in nature, they easily resort to armed struggle. While most governments are able to reconcile and reach compromises -- as one may easily compromise with a moderate Muslim -- extremists reject any kind of compromise, insisting on their way and no other. They have tunnel vision, believing in a duty and message to deliver.

The extremists who have turned militant declare war against anyone with viewpoints contrary to theirs; thus, declaration of war against a government is commonplace. In Egypt, they oppose their government. Similarly in Jordan, they oppose their government. In Syria, Pakistan, Algeria, and many other countries "Wahhabi-minded" groups oppose their governments as they have begun to do in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The approach of these movements is to infiltrate mosques, Islamic teaching centers, and charitable organizations from where they indoctrinate religiously oriented people with their ideas and methods. They forcefully impose their views on weak societies, in hopes of conquering one and establishing a base for further control. They justify their militant acts and illegal means of financing their cause by claiming to wage a "jihad" for the preservation of Islam.

Today, we have many examples of this phenomenon, whether it is individuals declaring war on America, or vigilante groups coming against their governments in Central Asia. This contradicts the explicit teaching of the Prophet Muhammad, not to oppose a ruler as long as he does not prevent the performance of prayer, even if he commits injustice. Thus, those of the Wahhabi mentality use Islam when it suits them and likewise, contravene it at their convenience.

Using Islam to Justify Prohibited Actions

The term "Islamic" is grossly abused by extremists who attribute to the religion all kinds of rulings, which in fact contradict the essence of the religion in spirit and in particulars. Among them is the fatwa that justifies the use of terror tactics such as suicide bombings of civilians and attacks against non-combatants in marketplaces, schools, offices, and places of worship. Similarly they have issued a fatwa legitimizing the use of drug money to finance their campaign, despite the fact that narcotics are strictly forbidden in Islam.

Islamic extremists have ruled permissible and recommended the production of drugs and their sale on the streets of Muslim and non-Muslim nations. With such illicit monies, these extremist groups finance the development of their global network, purchase weapons and supplies, and build their front organizations, which represent them under the guise of Islamic activism.

Containing the Spread and Growth of Extremism

It is very well known that certain networks have flourished in many countries throughout the world. Small but well-financed militant movements arise, coming against their government and the common people, instigating conflict. The danger lies when an outside government supports such extremist movements under the false impression that this constitutes preserving religious freedom.

In Uzbekistan, for example, rather than legitimize these vigilante groups as part of the religious fabric of the society, there should be system of checks to insure the government is not fostering the growth and spread of radical movements, whose stated goal is elimination of the legitimate government by any means, including armed struggle. There are known groups who are not permitted in many of the Middle Eastern countries, thus, it is unreasonable to single out Uzbekistan as being required to recognize these same groups as a legitimate religious party. There must be some type of code of ethics devised to differentiate legitimate religious groups from those who use the threat of force to impose their ideology.

The problem of extremism exists not only in far distant countries, but in the US as well. It can be dealt with more effectively if the West better understands Islam and builds bridges with moderate Muslim individuals and nations. To support "religious freedom" abroad without having knowledge of whom one is supporting (i.e., an extremist movement) is an irrational misuse of the laws protecting the religious rights of individuals.

To understand such movements, one must understand the scope of Islam and the psychology of Muslims, since what we are seeing today is an ideological movement turned militant. It is important to note that the Wahhabi ideology itself is extreme in its interpretation and can turn militant over time. Why is this form of thinking attractive to some Muslims? What are the political agendas behind "religious" movements? How are holy books used to justify illegal actions performed in the name of the religion? Education is a key factor in containing and countering the spread of this type of extremism and its associated movements.

It would be highly beneficial if a think tank or research institute were to be formed in order that government officials, researchers, and media understand Islam on a deeper level, rather than making rash generalizations based on superficial understandings. To truly understand the world Islamist extremist movement, one must realize it is not just a social phenomenon as so many theorists mistakenly assume, but is a full-fledged ideological war of words and weapons alike.
Wahhabi Islam – the Real Enemy of the West

In the world most of us know, we have nothing analogous to Wahhabi Islam. This may explain why we appear to be ignoring this ominous threat, despite everything we have accomplished against international terrorism and radical regimes in Southwest Asia in the past two years.

The Wahhabi sect is a branch of Sunni Islam. A bit of background will facilitate an understanding of where Wahhabi adherents fit into the overall Islamic scheme.

Islam is based on two writings, the Qur’an, believed by Muslims to have been revealed by Allah to Mohammad during the 7th century, and the Sunnah, which records the Prophet’s life. Taken together, the Qur’an and Sunnah form the basis for Islam as a religion and for Islamic jurisprudence, very much like our Constitution forms the basis for our secular laws; except that Islam does not distinguish between “religious” and “secular” as we do in the West.

The Shari’ah, which is analogous to codified law in Western society, consists of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and a constantly evolving collection of Fatwas, or rulings, that deal with every aspect of Islamic life from ideology to practical daily matters. Throughout Islamic history, Imams and Mullahs have issued Fatwas, which have the force of law among Muslims, similar to a ruling by a Western court. As in the West, these rulings can be confirmed or overturned by a higher authority, by issuing a Fiqh.

From the beginning, two branches of Islam evolved: Sunni and Shia or Shi’i. As in every religion with internal differences in belief, how these differences are described is very much a function of who does the describing. All factions, however, seem to agree on at least two points.

The Shia (or Shi’ites) believe that they derive directly from ‘Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet. ‘Ali died in AD 661. Shi’ism, as their brand of belief is called, derives from theArabic phrase “shi’at ‘Ali,” which literally means the partisans or party of ‘Ali. The Shia believe that the Prophet chose ‘Ali as his rightful successor. Today they fall under one of twelve Imams, and most live in Iran , Iraq and Lebanon .

The Sunni, on the other hand, specifically reject that the Prophet selected ‘Ali as his successor, and went to war repeatedly in the ensuing 1,400 years to prove their point. The Sunni is organized under four schools of law or jurisprudence called madh’habs. Their differences don’t matter here.

The second point is not so obvious in how it matters, but has been material in the wars fought between the Sunni and Shia over the centuries. The Sunni passionately believe that certain body parts of Allah are real, physical objects. The Shia just as passionately believe that Allah is entirely immaterial. I don’t mean to trivialize these differences, but only to indicate that relatively minor differences in belief or in perspective have resulted in profound differences in behavior.

In our own Judeo-Christian culture some believe in the literal meaning of the Bible, whereas others choose to interpret the Bible according to one or another religious point of view. In this sense, Islam is no different.

In another sense, however, Islam is dramatically different from both Christianity and Judaism. The Judeo-Christian focus is mainly on peace and nonviolence – turning the other cheek. Granted, in practice, our own heritage has had its share of faith-based wars, but in today’s modern world, both Christianity and Judaism can be considered entirely benign.

No so Islam – and especially not so the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam. The Wahhabis believe that Allah’s organs are physical, and that Allah sits firmly on a ruling throne in Paradise . They take in a literal sense every Qur’anic statement, especially when it relates to warfare, and most particularly to jihad – religious war.

Sometimes called the Salafi school, Wahhabi is an 18th-century offshoot of the Hanbali madh’hab. In 1818 Wahhabi was nearly defeated and deprived of influence, but the Saudi dynasty breathed new life into the movement in the early 20th century when it drove the Hashemites out of Arabia into the present Jordan .

According to a prominent Lebanese Islamic scholar (who remains anonymous for obvious reasons), during the last decade, Saudi Arabia has financed all of the Wahhabi movements in the region either directly or indirectly through non-governmental organizations.

This means that al Qaeda, 9/11, and all the other terrorist acts against the United States and other nations received their funding from the House of Saud.

“This was really a strategic mistake,” says this scholar. “The Arab rulers, as well as the policy analysts, have really underestimated the [fundamentalist] regeneration in the region. I would expect a war of Wahhabism against the Gulf countries, particularly Saudi rulers.”

In effect the House of Saud tried to purchase protection for itself by channeling some of its vast wealth to the Wahhabis. Recent events, of course, have put the lie to this point of view.

In most of the Islamic world, the Wahhabis control basic schooling. Between the ages of 7 and 15, students are taught fundamentals of strict Islam and religious obligations. Initial introduction to basic education (reading, writing, and arithmetic) is entirely absent, except as an adjunct to the teaching of strict, literal Islam. Between 15 and 25, young men are taught to fight – are prepared for jihad.

Wahhabism flourishes in every Muslim country. Lebanon has about 4,000 Wahhabis. In Egypt , Saudi Arabia , and Pakistan it is far larger. Wahhabism goes by many names – Ikhwan, Wahhabi, Salifiyya, Mowahabin, and the Taliban. What all of them have in common is a strident, militant view of Sunni Islam, and financial support at the highest levels of the Saudi government. They also share a hatred of anything not strictly Wahhabi.

Osama bin Laden has capitalized on this widespread Wahhabism to unite Muslims across the Islamic world. The movement grows by indoctrinating youngsters in its hatred while ostensibly educating them. It is fueled by massive infusions of Saudi money. And it is legitimized by Fatwas issued almost daily by Islamic clerics throughout the Islamic world.

The system feeds upon itself, and is growing stronger by the day. In recent weeks, Iraqi clerics have begun issuing Fatwas to their local congregations that, in effect, put at risk every non-Islamic person anywhere in the region.

These people cannot be stopped by reason. They cannot be starved out. And they certainly cannot be changed. Their message of universal fundamentalist Islamic rule over all Muslims now and over the entire world as soon as possible cannot be ignored if we value our freedom and way of life.

The specter of universal Jihad is upon us. The longer we wait, the stronger the Wahhabis become, and more capable of achieving their goals.

Will the entire Middle East become a Wahhabi-ruled theocracy? Quite possibly. Will the rest of the world fall to the Wahhabi sword? Not likely, so long as the United States remains willing to apply its overwhelming force to prevent this from happening.

With the arrest this week in Saudi Arabia of the terrorists who attacked the residential compounds, and the subsequent arrest of several militant clerics who vociferously supported them, the Saudis have taken another small step in the right direction.

In the meantime, we cannot allow Wahhabi schools to exist, let alone flourish in any area we control, or over which we exercise influence. The moment a cleric utters a Fatwa calling for anyone’s death is the moment for us to act. These clerics must be stopped permanently, no matter what it takes. We must speak to them in the only language they understand – force and violence. We must disperse Wahhabi communities and require their children to be educated in secular schools that Coalition forces and their follow-on civilian counterpartscontrol, schools where they will learn about the real world, and how to build a self-governing society on the ruins of the Wahhabi disaster.

If America lacks the will to take these drastic steps, I fear that our presence and influence in Iraq will be a momentary splash in the frying pan of history.
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
Orthodoxy is branch of christianity have read too many liberal posts. You are deflecting. Deal with the Muslim ideology that is disrupting the world. Christian orthodoxy is not the problem.

it was just example.
we had extremist radical branches of christianity in history too
fact:95 % of moslem arent wahabis
fact:99% of terrorist are wahabis
you cant blame iranian shia or sunni kurd for basterd wahabis actions
they arent moslem.they are wahabis

Sounds like Muslims to me....

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.

you cant blame catholic for Orthodoxy actions?
can you?

Catholics and Jews are in no way compatible. Whabbibism is an off shoot of Sunni Islam. Your example is poor
Orthodoxy is branch of christianity have read too many liberal posts. You are deflecting. Deal with the Muslim ideology that is disrupting the world. Christian orthodoxy is not the problem.

it was just example.
we had extremist radical branches of christianity in history too
fact:95 % of moslem arent wahabis
fact:99% of terrorist are wahabis
you cant blame iranian shia or sunni kurd for basterd wahabis actions
Will read that later. You should provide link to the source of your us broader perspective.
Here's a better question. How many "extremist" Muslim suicide attacks were there before the US built it's first bases in Dahran Saudi Arabia ?
Or how many "extremist" Muslim suicide attacks were there before the US air strikes and bombing campaigns killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims.
They have been doing that shit for over a millennia. History didn't start 20 years ago. THINK
See post #50

Man Crashes Plane Into Texas I.R.S. Office -

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