How many of the 91 indictments against Trump will result in convictions, after all appeals? (Poll)

How many convictions will Trump have of the 91 indictments?

  • More than 60

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • Between 60 and 30

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Between 30 and 15

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Between 15 and 5

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • between 1 and 5

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Zero

    Votes: 26 59.1%

  • Total voters
The prosecution will certainly do extensive background checks on the entire jury pool to determine who they do and don't want on the jury. If they are successful in selecting all corrupt leftists for the Jury Trump will likely be convicted of something which will go immediately to appeal. But if they have even one honest person on the jury, he will either be found innocent of all charges or there will be a hung jury.

I have no feeling one way or the other how it might go.

Sure you don't.

Here's the thing. You guys aren't denying that Trump didn't do anything he's accused of.

You just think he should be above the law because he's Trump.
When I lay out how Trump is guilty in the documents case you agree. But holding him to account is political. Explain that to me.
I’m glad that we can agree that the only case with merit is the docs case.

I find it hilarious that you apparently believe that we prosecute all the politicians who break the law and that the decision to do so or not isn’t politically motivated.
I’m glad that we can agree that the only case with merit is the docs case.

I find it hilarious that you apparently believe that we prosecute all the politicians who break the law and that the decision to do so or not isn’t politically motivated.

Actually, they all have merit, but the ones that have the most import are the Election interference ones.

Our system is based on losers accepting the lost. It really can't work any other way.
Just think it's laughable that there are poor white people who keep voting for the people who screw them.

Your statement doesn’t change the fact you are ignorant hating, bigot. But I know in your dumb illogical thinking you said something to defend your ignorance, hate and bigotry.

BTW, you vote Demo or Republican you are voting for the people that screw you, you are just as dumb as those you laugh.
With regards to Trump I have full faith the jury will do the right thing
That isn’t what you posted when I responded, so were you lying then or now? Hard to keep track with all your lies.

Like I said, you are already paving the way with the excuses.
Actually, they all have merit, but the ones that have the most import are the Election interference ones.

No they don’t. The ones in NY and GA are complete bullshit. Even you know that. It was stupid of those DAs to charge him as it casts a shadow of political motivation on the other charges. I’d have to read ore analysis of the Jan 6 related charges before having a real opinion on them. They are certainly weaker than the docs case.
Our system is based on losers accepting the lost. It really can't work any other way.
Yeah but it’s not illegal for them to not accept it. If it were Hillary and Stacey would already be in jail.
No they don’t. The ones in NY and GA are complete bullshit. Even you know that. It was stupid of those DAs to charge him as it casts a shadow of political motivation on the other charges. I’d have to read ore analysis of the Jan 6 related charges before having a real opinion on them. They are certainly weaker than the docs case.

Yeah but it’s not illegal for them to not accept it. If it were Hillary and Stacey would already be in jail.

Freedom of speech doesn't allow you to incite violence or encourage crime.
No they don’t. The ones in NY and GA are complete bullshit. Even you know that. It was stupid of those DAs to charge him as it casts a shadow of political motivation on the other charges. I’d have to read ore analysis of the Jan 6 related charges before having a real opinion on them. They are certainly weaker than the docs case.

Yeah but it’s not illegal for them to not accept it. If it were Hillary and Stacey would already be in jail.
You don't think it's illegal for a campaign to look for people willing to sign a false statement attesting that they are the duly elected electors. Letting them sign it and then send it to NARA?

You don't think it's illegal to go into an election office and copy the data of an election machine?

You don't think it's Illegal to pressure a governor to find you votes. Etc.etc
Sure you don't.

Here's the thing. You guys aren't denying that Trump didn't do anything he's accused of.

You just think he should be above the law because he's Trump.
I think Trump, no matter how much you despise him, should not be persecuted by the government any more than any other citizen. I think the presumption of innocence before being proven guilty should apply to Trump as any other citizen. I think Trump deserves equal treatment under the law as any other citizen. I think Trump deserve due process as any other citizen. I think Trump deserves to be protected from malicious prosecution as any other citizen.

That the government applies none of that to Trump is pure evil and should be condemned by all honorable citizens.
Your statement doesn’t change the fact you are ignorant hating, bigot. But I know in your dumb illogical thinking you said something to defend your ignorance, hate and bigotry.

Not at all... I'm white therefore I can fairly criticize white folks.

BTW, you vote Demo or Republican you are voting for the people that screw you, you are just as dumb as those you laugh.
Works on the assumption that the two parties are equivalent, which they are not.

The GOP is the party of the investor class.
The Democrats are the party of the working class.

It's really that simple.
I think Trump, no matter how much you despise him, should not be persecuted by the government any more than any other citizen. I think the presumption of innocence before being proven guilty should apply to Trump as any other citizen. I think Trump deserves equal treatment under the law as any other citizen. I think Trump deserve due process as any other citizen. I think Trump deserves to be protected from malicious prosecution as any other citizen.

Your reasoning is fallacious.

Trump is being prosecuted for things any other citizen couldn't do, because they couldn't abuse their position as president.

The only real comparison we have are the previous 43 guys who held the job and DIDN'T try to overthrow the government.
Your reasoning is fallacious.

Trump is being prosecuted for things any other citizen couldn't do, because they couldn't abuse their position as president.

The only real comparison we have are the previous 43 guys who held the job and DIDN'T try to overthrow the government.
He is being prosecuted for doing things many politicians have done--some criticized, some ignored. None have been prosecuted other than Sandy Berger who smuggled sensitive classified documents in his socks and underwear to protect Bill Clinton and got caught. He got a fine, probation, ordered to do community service, and was temporarily stripped of his security clearance. No raid by the FBI. No show trials. Relatively light punishment for the offense.

Trump made his 'classified documents' available to the FBI months before that Mar-a-lago raid and they had his permission to take anything they wanted at that time.

The double standard is glaring and so obviously politically motivated only the most dishonest people do not see it.
Not at all... I'm white therefore I can fairly criticize white folks.

Works on the assumption that the two parties are equivalent, which they are not.

The GOP is the party of the investor class.
The Democrats are the party of the working class.

It's really that simple.
You can criticize whoever you want, I don't care. You are still a bigot, you are still ignorant, criticizing white people has nothing to do with anything.

Democrat full of billionaires are now the working class? LOL! The Democrats are only interested in buying votes after that they don't give a damn about the people; they are just as terrible as Republicans.

Believe what you need to believe so you can sleep at night, good luck.
He is being prosecuted for doing things many politicians have done--some criticized, some ignored. None have been prosecuted other than Sandy Berger who smuggled sensitive classified documents in his socks and underwear to protect Bill Clinton and got caught. He got a fine, probation, ordered to do community service, and was temporarily stripped of his security clearance. No raid by the FBI. No show trials. Relatively light punishment for the offense.

He didn't take hundreds of documents, or engage in a years long battle with the national archive. Point is, he was punished. Never served in a position of authority again.
The same should be done to Trump.

Democrat full of billionaires are now the working class? LOL! The Democrats are only interested in buying votes after that they don't give a damn about the people; they are just as terrible as Republicans.

Okay, Staklergeorgio.

The thing is, every time the GOP gets in, we have a recession, and they usually "solve" it by screwing working people.

That Billionaires are starting to realize the GOP is too crazy for them now isn't really indicative of anything other than how crazy the GOP has gotten.

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