How many of the 91 indictments against Trump will result in convictions, after all appeals? (Poll)

How many convictions will Trump have of the 91 indictments?

  • More than 60

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • Between 60 and 30

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Between 30 and 15

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Between 15 and 5

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • between 1 and 5

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Zero

    Votes: 26 59.1%

  • Total voters
Actually the government won't prove Bragg's or Fani's cases. They are total bullshit.
Jack Smith has a better shot at proving wrongdoing in the docs case.
So all Trump needs is one juror to know that Joe Biden had classified docs as a VP.
Trump has the Bubba Clinton sock drawer tapes argument to make as president.

So Trump has a good shot of beating all 91 counts.

It's you're opinion.

I doubt that they spent this much making a case out of nothing.
You were yammering on that Hillary got away with something Trump did not. You sounded like Trump
Not what I said. I get that me not screaming Bad Orange Man and getting all hot and bothered at the thought of the Trump indictments is foreign to you but that doesnt change the facts of what's happening. These indictments 100% have a political aspect to them. Acting like they don't is silly. Both Bragg and May ran on indicting Trump. We have in the very recent past had political figures taking classified documents and information illegally and storing them illegally. They also destroyed evidence of that, and made efforts to thwart the investigation of their acts. Sorry but that shit happened and they weren't prosecuted. If that messes with your worldview, life's hard, get a helmet.
The trials will happen
Four of them
91 counts

Do you feel lucky?
You folks are funny. Maybe one makes it to a courtroom, maybe. No need for luck, you rubes got played. The last thing your liberal masters want are actual trials. That risks acquittal, which would have the opposite effect of what they want. Look to technical 'mistakes' that will get these cases tossed. That will stoke your impotent rage without causing riots, which an acquittal would cause. Spaced out properly and you folks will spend all of next year in one endless hissy fit, which is what your masters want.
Not what I said. I get that me not screaming Bad Orange Man and getting all hot and bothered at the thought of the Trump indictments is foreign to you but that doesnt change the facts of what's happening. These indictments 100% have a political aspect to them. Acting like they don't is silly. Both Bragg and May ran on indicting Trump. We have in the very recent past had political figures taking classified documents and information illegally and storing them illegally. They also destroyed evidence of that, and made efforts to thwart the investigation of their acts. Sorry but that shit happened and they weren't prosecuted. If that messes with your worldview, life's hard, get a helmet.
These cases have one thing in common

They are all the result of bad decisions Trump made. He was warned and acted anyway
You folks are funny. Maybe one makes it to a courtroom, maybe. No need for luck, you rubes got played. The last thing your liberal masters want are actual trials. That risks acquittal, which would have the opposite effect of what they want. Look to technical 'mistakes' that will get these cases tossed. That will stoke your impotent rage without causing riots, which an acquittal would cause. Spaced out properly and you folks will spend all of next year in one endless hissy fit, which is what your masters want.
Indictments are in
Trial dates are being set

Trump cronies are ready to sell him out to save their ass
Hillary exposed untold amounts of classified material to foreign entities by using her little private server so that she could circumvent the FOIA laws. She then wipe said server to avoid the investigation of her conduct.

I get it she's on your team so you can never admit she was wrong but she was. BTW I highly doubt any foreign entities were hanging out in Trump's residence at Mar A Lago, I cant say the same for the unsecured server associated with the Sec of State.
Hillary had inadvertent material that was sent to her and not marked secret
There is no proof that it was compromised
Not what I said. I get that me not screaming Bad Orange Man and getting all hot and bothered at the thought of the Trump indictments is foreign to you but that doesnt change the facts of what's happening. These indictments 100% have a political aspect to them. Acting like they don't is silly. Both Bragg and May ran on indicting Trump. We have in the very recent past had political figures taking classified documents and information illegally and storing them illegally. They also destroyed evidence of that, and made efforts to thwart the investigation of their acts. Sorry but that shit happened and they weren't prosecuted. If that messes with your worldview, life's hard, get a helmet.
You are the one that needs a helmet. None of that will be relevant in court. Trump lacks justification for having the documents in the first place after the archives asked for their return. The rest is obstruction, documented obstruction and the testimony of Trump's security guy.
To sum it up, no demonic political force MADE Trump take off with a truckload of government property. You're argument isn't even bullshit. It's steer shit
You are the one that needs a helmet. None of that will be relevant in court. Trump lacks justification for having the documents in the first place after the archives asked for their return. The rest is obstruction, documented obstruction and the testimony of Trump's security guy.
To sum it up, no demonic political force MADE Trump take off with a truckload of government property. You're argument isn't even bullshit. It's steer shit
The entire documents clownshow is a clerical matter. The fact some loser bureaucrat had a politically motivated hissy fit doesn't change the fact said hissy fit is an arbitrary act with little or no chance of netting a conviction.
You are the one that needs a helmet. None of that will be relevant in court.
Did I say it woukd?
Trump lacks justification for having the documents in the first place after the archives asked for their return.
ok. Did I say he didnt?
The rest is obstruction, documented obstruction and the testimony of Trump's security guy.
Ok. You caught the part where I said he likely broke the law right?
To sum it up, no demonic political force MADE Trump take off with a truckload of government property. You're argument isn't even bullshit. It's steer shit
You are likely correct about what Trump did I never disputed it. It’s also true that the prosecution of Trump for those violations is politically motivated to one degree or another. You can stick your head in the sand or in your colon and ignore that fact but it won’t change it.
Hillary had inadvertent material that was sent to her and not marked secret
There is no proof that it was compromised
Yeah I’m sure the email of the Sec State of the US wasnt checked by foreign intelligence entities. I’m sure the unsecured server she had in her bathroom evaded detection by all the foreign intelligence services. I’m sure that’s true.

BTW. I have some very nice ocean front property in Az I’d like to sell you.
Alvin Bragg hit Trump with 31 indictments in the hush money case
Fani Willis hit Trump with 6 indictments in the GA case
Smith hit Trump with 54 indictments in the docs & J6 cases

So after the evidence is heard, the verdicts heard, and the appeals have all been processed, how many convictions against Trump will stand?

In my humble opinion not many. This is just democrats being democrats misusing the Law to their political advantage.

The prosecution will certainly do extensive background checks on the entire jury pool to determine who they do and don't want on the jury. If they are successful in selecting all corrupt leftists for the Jury Trump will likely be convicted of something which will go immediately to appeal. But if they have even one honest person on the jury, he will either be found innocent of all charges or there will be a hung jury.

I have no feeling one way or the other how it might go.
These cases have one thing in common

They are all the result of bad decisions Trump made. He was warned and acted anyway
Yeah and? The only case that has any merit is the classified docs case. The others might not make it out of pretrial. If the 91 indictments boil down to Trump had some papers he wasn’t supposed to and didn’t give them up when he was supposed to, I don’t think that plays well.

But of the Dems want to win just run anyone but Biden. He’s the only guy Trump can win against.
Alvin Bragg hit Trump with 31 indictments in the hush money case
Fani Willis hit Trump with 6 indictments in the GA case
Smith hit Trump with 54 indictments in the docs & J6 cases

So after the evidence is heard, the verdicts heard, and the appeals have all been processed, how many convictions against Trump will stand?

In my humble opinion not many. This is just democrats being democrats misusing the Law to their political advantage.

Your problem is that your "humble opinion" is based on the false beliefs that:
  • the government doesn't have the evidence to convict Trump; or
  • there was some sort of legal or Constitutional justification for his criminal behaviour; or
  • it's his job to ensure election integrity.
There are over a million pages of documents and evidence of the criminal conspiracy to claim the election was stolen, if Joe Biden won the election. Donald Trump undertook many actions to put the "fake electors" plan into action, and deliberately failed or neglected to send assistance or reinforcement to the Capitol and appointed staffers to key positions in the Pentagon well in advance of January 6, to keep help from being sent, once the attack began.
Did I say it woukd?

ok. Did I say he didnt?

Ok. You caught the part where I said he likely broke the law right?

You are likely correct about what Trump did I never disputed it. It’s also true that the prosecution of Trump for those violations is politically motivated to one degree or another. You can stick your head in the sand or in your colon and ignore that fact but it won’t change it.
That's what Trump would like you to believe. Believe it if you must. He's not standing trial in the court of public opinion
That's what Trump would like you to believe. Believe it if you must. He's not standing trial in the court of public opinion
I couldnt care less what Trump would like me to believe. The cognitive dissonance it takes to ignore it is not something I can muster.
I couldnt care less what Trump would like me to believe. The cognitive dissonance it takes to ignore it is not something I can muster.
When I lay out how Trump is guilty in the documents case you agree. But holding him to account is political. Explain that to me.
Juries will sit through months of boring testimony

When they finally deliberate, they will be looking to go home. They will trade off for lesser charges

Unlikely that four juries will acquit on all 91 charges
The left’s distrust of the judicial system rivals the rights distrust of the voting system and you both set up the fraud very well.

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