How many of you will cheat on your state use taxes this year?

Select which best applies to you

  • My state does not impose a use tax

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • I will pay the use tax I owe

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I will pay only part of the use tax I owe, because I want more money

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will pay only part of the use tax I owe, because I'm not sure exactly what I owe

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I will not pay any of the use tax

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
This is where I got that from...

Fuck off...Come and get me.

So you're not a law abiding citizen.

Its OK if we restrict your gun rights then, right? Since you aren't law abiding.

That's not a call to obey all laws.

By definition someone who does not abide by the laws is not a law abiding citizen. DUH. You are a moron, definitely, no need to answer.

Just to be sure you would want anyone who didn't abide by slavery related laws to have their guns taken away, right?
Yes, anyone who violates the 13th amendment and keeps slaves should have their guns seized, I agree.
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But it is a law. I'm asking if you were alive in say 1830 and someone was violating a slavery related law, say they were letting a negro use their toilet, would you want that person to be stripped of his guns?

Oh! I got an even better one for you. Say a President violated the supreme law of the land by killing a citizen without his right to due process, should he be stripped of his access to guns?

This is where I got that from...

So you're not a law abiding citizen.

Its OK if we restrict your gun rights then, right? Since you aren't law abiding.

That's not a call to obey all laws.

By definition someone who does not abide by the laws is not a law abiding citizen. DUH. You are a moron, definitely, no need to answer.

Just to be sure you would want anyone who didn't abide by slavery related laws to have their guns taken away, right?
Yes, anyone who violates the 13th amendment and keeps slaves should have their guns seized, I agree.
"Turbo tax" Tim Geithner admitted that he cheated the government out of 34,000 and Hussein hired him as treasury secretary so cheating must be OK.
I pay the taxes I owe. I keep every legal penny I am entitled to, and pay exactly what I am required to.
"Turbo tax" Tim Geithner admitted that he cheated the government out of 34,000 and Hussein hired him as treasury secretary so cheating must be OK.

Why is it OK if Tim Geithner did it? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
But it is a law. I'm asking if you were alive in say 1830 and someone was violating a slavery related law, say they were letting a negro use their toilet, would you want that person to be stripped of his guns?

Oh! I got an even better one for you. Say a President violated the supreme law of the land by killing a citizen without his right to due process, should he be stripped of his access to guns?

Hey - what if you were alive in 1750 - but in a parallel universe where Mongolia never had an empire and no one could tell the difference between the colors red and yellow, and say that antelopes were exceptionally intelligent in this parallel universe and had 2 heads but weren't quite as smart as humans - and suppose that there was an extra continent called "bullshitia" situated in the Atlantic between South America and Africa - and assuming you had been raised in Guatemala, and that you were a farmer by trade - in such a hypothetical situation - would you support or oppose selection by lot as the legal system by which stranded seafarers would decide which of themselves to eat for sustenance until rescue?
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Okay, let me ask this. Will you obey every law that the government institutes ?

It is obvious you were hoping people would say "ill cheat" and then you could say "ill take your guns because you cheated".
Okay so you don't mind if I take your guns and your uhhhh let me think of something that is valuable to a liberal, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, your welfare check?
It is for purchases of consumer goods for use in your home state that have not already been taxed by your state. So, for instance, if you buy from amazon and its shipped from out of state, you must figure the tax yourself.

22 states have them. There would be a line on the tax form if your state has one.

Why so curious, do you pay yours?

yes. And those who do not are cheating me, I consider it no different than if they had cheated me directly and personally.

Interesting that you feel cheated. Do you also feel cheated that there are only 22 states with this tax? Would you feel less cheated if all 50 states had this tax?
Now what about those people in the 22 tax states. Do you think they feel cheated that they have to pay a tax that is not in 28 other states?
Why so curious, do you pay yours?

yes. And those who do not are cheating me, I consider it no different than if they had cheated me directly and personally.

Interesting that you feel cheated. Do you also feel cheated that there are only 22 states with this tax?


Would you feel less cheated if all 50 states had this tax?
Now what about those people in the 22 tax states. Do you think they feel cheated that they have to pay a tax that is not in 28 other states?
Why should they?

Local government ... perhaps you've heard of it?
yes. And those who do not are cheating me, I consider it no different than if they had cheated me directly and personally.

Interesting that you feel cheated. Do you also feel cheated that there are only 22 states with this tax?


Would you feel less cheated if all 50 states had this tax?
Now what about those people in the 22 tax states. Do you think they feel cheated that they have to pay a tax that is not in 28 other states?
Why should they?

Local government ... perhaps you've heard of it?

Just checking......
It is for purchases of consumer goods for use in your home state that have not already been taxed by your state. So, for instance, if you buy from amazon and its shipped from out of state, you must figure the tax yourself.

22 states have them. There would be a line on the tax form if your state has one.

We don't have state tax forms.

Yes you do. You can find your use tax form right here:
Texas Sales & Use Tax Forms

Those are for merchants, idiot.

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