How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Trumpsters have turned on Fox News, Rush, and now Mark Levin to support the most liberal candidate running. This election keeps getting better and better. :lol:

Sorry to burst your bubble,but Rush, Hannity, and Gallagher all try to show no favorites, and I would presume many of the moderate, Independents will prefer Trump, over that lying, criminal, corrupt, murdering bitch, The Hildebeast!
Only 2 digit IQ republicans prefer trump over hill Experience wise she's heads and shoulders above that idiot
I had respect for Levin...I respected his mind....but now I see he sold his soul to the the sad and cheap is that....

And so I dropped him like a hot potato

bye bye Levin.....sad

He's certainly no friend of the establishment. I don't know any republican who is more anti-establishment than Mark Levin. He's not a globalist but he's also not a protectionist. He IS a conservative. Trump is not.
Mark Levin is very obedient to the Republican script - lower taxes & deregulation for the elite, and the culture war + terrorism/fear for the stupid.

Trump doesn't follow that script with as much vigor. He is too unpredictable. He is to left of Hillary on Iraq, and he refuses to parakeet the company line.
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Trump recognizes the problems with giving Washington the power to nation build in the Middle East, whereas Levin embraces the brain dead lunacy of giving Federal Bureaucrats the power to destabilize Iraq/Syria for the purpose of rebuilding these places in our image. Talk about faith in Big Government.

Fucking morons. The Levin republicans tell us that Washington doesn't have the competence to run a vending machine, yet Levin was the first man in line to give Washington the power to redesign the Arab world.

Yes, we know the Libtards trust big government to do big things, but the Right's whole brand is to protect us from the corruption & unintended consequences of giving Washington the power to do BIG things.

Point is: Mark Levin is a rubber stamp for the failed interventions & nation building of the Bush Vision for the war on terror. And so are the Clinton's.

At least Trump has the balls to admit that Bush and his War on Terror was a corrupt, incompetent farce that destroyed the region and left us with terrible options.

So of course Levin hates Trump. Levin is "big government" / "save the globe" interventionist. He and his lemming-listeners trust Washington way too much for Trump.
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Trump recognizes the problems with giving Washington the power to nation build in the Middle East, whereas Levin embraces the brain dead lunacy of giving Federal Bureaucrats the power to destabilize Iraq/Syria for the purpose of rebuilding these places in our image. Talk about faith in Big Government.

Fucking morons. The Levin republicans tell us that Washington doesn't have the competence to run a vending machine, yet Levin was the first man in line to give Washington the power to redesign the Arab world.

Yes, we know the Libtards trust big government to do big things, but the Right's whole brand is to protect us from the corruption & unintended consequences of giving Washington the power to do BIG things.

Point is: Mark Levin is a rubber stamp for the failed interventions & nation building of the Bush Vision for the war on terror. And so are the Clinton's.

At least Trump has the balls to admit that Bush and his War on Terror was a corrupt, incompetent farce that destroyed the region and left us with terrible options.

So of course Levin hates Trump. Levin is big government / save the globe interventionist. He and his lemming listeners trust Washington way too much for Trump.
You recall when trumpet said that about Iraq ?? I hear from some that soon after he's selected by repubs as their candidate there will be links showing him in complete agreement with bush
The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.
And they got on the ballots, how?

We had the exact SAME process we have now... A MAJORITY of republican delegates at the convention HAVE to support the nominee. It's been this way since 1856.

Romney and McCain went through the exact same delegate process as Trump and Cruz... nothing has changed... they had to go out there and compete for the delegates and secure nomination by getting a MAJORITY. As weak as they were, they GOT the majority! ...And hey, Trump MAY do the same? :dunno: But NO ONE gets nominated without the MAJORITY.

There have been at least three GOP primaries where the candidate with the most delegates didn't win the nomination. The first being the very first Republican nominee, Abe Lincoln. William Seward had the most delegates and ironically, led a "populist" campaign against the more principled Lincoln. Lincoln won the nomination on the third ballot.

Next was Dwight D. Eisenhower... went into the GOP convention trailing in delegates to Taft, the 'establishment' pick. Ike won on subsequent ballots. Then, most recently, in 1976 when Reagan trailed Ford... in that case, the "plurality winner" prevailed and got the needed majority on the second ballot.... again, this could very well happen for Trump.

But there are three great nominations for the GOP candidate.
Wrong. Colorado for one example specifically changed it's process to deny voters the opportunity and made it delegates only. They did that last August. But I was asking how the milk toast establishment guys got on the ballot in the first place. The party decides who gets to participate in the debates, not the people. It's an establishment system, by the establishment, for the establishment.

No... YOU'RE wrong... probably because you've been listening to Donald Trump talk out of his ass about a process he knows nothing about and little weak-kneed "journalists" turning into the liberal slimeweasels they were always destined to be.

Yes, the state party determines their format for choosing delegates. There are all kinds of formats... some have open primaries... closed primaries... caucuses... hybrids... all formats ALLOW VOTING by party members. Nothing in Colorado is "rigged" or disenfranchising. They held county caucuses on March 1 and over 60,000 Republicans selected their delegates BY VOTE. They didn't have a popular election because they're not required to have a popular election. Just like in IOWA!

Previously, Colorado also had a "presidential preference vote" where the voters were given the chance to reaffirm the delegate selection. It was intended as sort of a confirmation of the delegates selected in caucus but it was totally unnecessary because it couldn't ever change the outcome of the caucuses. The party decided to save the expense to the taxpayers and forgo the preference vote. This was done last year, not the last minute. And it certainly wasn't done in order to disenfranchise the people.

Candidates get on the ballots by meeting the several requirements of the party. The PARTY isn't "The Establishment" ... the establishment is part OF the party! And YES... the PARTY does decide who gets in the debates... who the fuck do you THINK should decide? The media???
You shot yourself in the foot there big guy. No one said it was illegal, just a shitty practice. It's fine with you but not with everybody. The delegates are typically selected to do the will of the people. Colorado change in August to deny the populist candidate from winning. That's a crooked system.

We elect people to represent us, not a political party. Donald is right, you're wrong.
You shot yourself in the foot there big guy. No one said it was illegal, just a shitty practice. It's fine with you but not with everybody. The delegates are typically selected to do the will of the people. Colorado change in August to deny the populist candidate from winning. That's a crooked system.

We elect people to represent us, not a political party. Donald is right, you're wrong.

No... it's not a "shitty practice" unless it has been a shitty practice since 1856 when the party was formed because that's how long the practice has been happening in our universe of reality. The delegates are selected by the vote of republican party members attending their county caucus. Nothing was done to deny anyone anything. They simply did away with the unneeded preference vote.

The selection of a party nominee is not "democratic" and if you want true democracy, Trump needs to surrender about 10% of his delegates that he didn't earn by the democratic vote of the people. You know, those "winner take all" states, where he got ALL the delegates, even though he didn't get ALL the votes? In South Carolina, Trump had 37% of the vote but got all the delegates... so 63% of the voters in SC are disenfranchised... rigged system! rigged system!
I voted for Cruz and I like Levin.....his show is hard to listen to for long
Periods, but when you do you can learn a lot...if Trump is the nominee I'll vote for him.......I don't think "never Trumpers" are thinking rationally....Hilary has a record of the worst kind of criminality...if you don't like the Republican you really need to vote to just keep her out of office.... really need to vote to just keep her out of office....

I seldom vote for anybody JUST to keep someone else out of office. Trump will have to earn my vote and he hasn't done that yet. I may end up voting for him... I know that I said I wouldn't under any circumstances, but there's still time to change my mind.
Since Levin turned against Trump

I don't listen or like him any more.

The Right and their Cult of Personality is really amazing. They will cut the throats of their most loyal conservatives all for a Reality Show Liberal Pro Abortion guy.

This is awesome

Trump isn't bought and paid for and hes not a lifelong politician like Cruz. Cruz has been employed or endorsed by every member of the Bush family- yeah cruz youre a real outsider.
People are starting to speak loudly about these right wing talk show hosts. I imagine after Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency--there's going to be a lot of chickens coming home to roost on these right wing talk show hosts. Starting with Mr. Talent on Loan from Gaaaawwwwd.

People are finally starting to realize that when you mix politics with entertainment, ratings and profits, the outcome is never going to be good.

Pro Trump conservative media should worry:

Why Pro-Trump Conservative Media Should Worry

Trump isn't bought and paid for and hes not a lifelong politician like Cruz. Cruz has been employed or endorsed by every member of the Bush family- yeah cruz youre a real outsider.

For some strange reason, Trump supporters think he is oblivious to dishonesty because he's not a career politician. And apparently, only multi-billionaires have your best interests at heart because they can't be bought off.

So Cruz, who is from Texas, gets the support of members of the Bush family, who coincidentally, also are from Texas... and that's the Kiss of Death? When exactly did the Bush family turn into the Hitler family? Maybe the Bush grandkids should think about changing their names or assuming new identities?

Cruz is the only candidate other than Bernie Sanders who has actually stood for his principles in spite of the heat. The other three all have records of abandoning principles for the sake of expediency, self-interest, or just politics in general.
No... it's not a "shitty practice" unless it has been a shitty practice since 1856 whe
Yes, it is a shitty practice. To me and many millions more. You don't get to decide that for us. Just like people are tired of the party deciding what's best for us. On both sides.
People are starting to speak loudly about these right wing talk show hosts.
People are finally starting to realize that when you mix politics with entertainment, ratings and profits, the outcome is never going to be good.

Pro Trump conservative media should worry:
The've been doing that since Reagan shut down "the Fairness Doctrine" and the left wing badly wants it back.

But thanks for your concern, the Retard Party needs you to go fetch some more water.
No... it's not a "shitty practice" unless it has been a shitty practice since 1856 whe
Yes, it is a shitty practice. To me and many millions more. You don't get to decide that for us. Just like people are tired of the party deciding what's best for us. On both sides.

Again... I don't know what state you live in but I just about bet your state doesn't apportion delegates strictly representing the votes of the public. Whether you like it or not, someone else is getting to decide for you... we don't have true democracy here, we never have. We're a republic.

Millions and millions of people who voted for Ted Cruz, John Kasich and others, will have their political voices muted as Trump is awarded all the delegates in their state... because he won the primary. Why should he win ALL delegates if he didn't get ALL the votes? Is that a "fair" system? Is that "rigged" to give Trump the nomination?

You should really go study up on what the problems are with true democracies and why our founders established a republic instead. You've been brainwashed by a bunch of mindless twits who don't understand why we can't have pure democracy in this process. The process is specifically designed to protect the integrity of the party from undue outside influence of mob rule. Without it, you may as well not have political parties anymore.
People are starting to speak loudly about these right wing talk show hosts. I imagine after Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency--there's going to be a lot of chickens coming home to roost on these right wing talk show hosts. Starting with Mr. Talent on Loan from Gaaaawwwwd.

People are finally starting to realize that when you mix politics with entertainment, ratings and profits, the outcome is never going to be good.

Pro Trump conservative media should worry:

Why Pro-Trump Conservative Media Should Worry


You appear to be threatening them with censorship and persecution, and you're not even shy about admitting you're a committed Stalinist!
No... it's not a "shitty practice" unless it has been a shitty practice since 1856 whe
Yes, it is a shitty practice. To me and many millions more. You don't get to decide that for us. Just like people are tired of the party deciding what's best for us. On both sides.

Again... I don't know what state you live in but I just about bet your state doesn't apportion delegates strictly representing the votes of the public. Whether you like it or not, someone else is getting to decide for you... we don't have true democracy here, we never have. We're a republic.

Millions and millions of people who voted for Ted Cruz, John Kasich and others, will have their political voices muted as Trump is awarded all the delegates in their state... because he won the primary. Why should he win ALL delegates if he didn't get ALL the votes? Is that a "fair" system? Is that "rigged" to give Trump the nomination?

You should really go study up on what the problems are with true democracies and why our founders established a republic instead. You've been brainwashed by a bunch of mindless twits who don't understand why we can't have pure democracy in this process. The process is specifically designed to protect the integrity of the party from undue outside influence of mob rule. Without it, you may as well not have political parties anymore.
Colorado went 100% delegate decision. That was done last summer, not something since the 1800s.

You continue to dance around the fact to uphold your beliefs. A republic is representatives of the people, not political parties. Repeating yourself doesn't help.
Colorado went 100% delegate decision. That was done last summer, not something since the 1800s.

You continue to dance around the fact to uphold your beliefs. A republic is representatives of the people, not political parties. Repeating yourself doesn't help.

What the hell do you mean "100% delegate decision"? They held a CAUCUS. They didn't do anything different than Nevada, Hawaii, Iowa, etc. Lots of states have caucuses instead of primary elections. Every state has it's own party rules for how to assign delegates, some delegates are bound and some are unbound. No state that I've ever heard of lets delegates decide who will be the delegates. That's just silly.

In Colorado, on March 1, 2016, registered Republican voters statewide held primary caucuses at the county level. You had to attend the county caucus in order to select your delegates from your county. Now how the hell is that NOT representing the people? Is it because they didn't have an open primary where liberals, democrats, independents and every tom, dick and harry could vote? Well... this is the PARTY nomination, it's NOT a fucking general election!

Now, some states DO have an open primary free for all... South Carolina, for example... Trump gets 37% of the popular vote and walks away with ALL the delegates! I don't see any Trumpettes opposing that! No... you're just going to IDIOTICALLY rant on and on about fucking Colorado like some hack liberal Alinskyite!
Trump isn't bought and paid for and hes not a lifelong politician like Cruz. Cruz has been employed or endorsed by every member of the Bush family- yeah cruz youre a real outsider.

For some strange reason, Trump supporters think he is oblivious to dishonesty because he's not a career politician. And apparently, only multi-billionaires have your best interests at heart because they can't be bought off.

So Cruz, who is from Texas, gets the support of members of the Bush family, who coincidentally, also are from Texas... and that's the Kiss of Death? When exactly did the Bush family turn into the Hitler family? Maybe the Bush grandkids should think about changing their names or assuming new identities?

Cruz is the only candidate other than Bernie Sanders who has actually stood for his principles in spite of the heat. The other three all have records of abandoning principles for the sake of expediency, self-interest, or just politics in general.

Cruz is unelectable. He cannot get moderates- he is way too far right. He is rigid. He is an idealog.

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