How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Neither Trump nor Cruz would have ever won the White House.

I think a lot of you believe that only Republicans vote in this country, or at least you act like you're the only ones.
Do you even know what year you are in?
I could be wrong but I definitely remember THAT voice when I tuned in to Air America for a good laugh. He has a very unique voice. I believe the same guy that used to do "The Lionel Show" is this Mark Levin dude. The voice is IDENTICAL. People can claim ANYTHING on TV and Radio AND the Internets.

Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.

I could be wrong but ANYBODY can write a book. I did. ANYBODY can write a book for someone else also. It happens all of the time when a celebrity writes their BIO. Frequently it is written by a professional ghost writer.

I am going on the voices of the supposed two people. They are the SAME!
The guy on Air America was Lionel. His voice sounds almost exactly as Mark Levin. Furthermore, there was another Mark Levin on Air America that was liberal with a totally different voice. The name confused me too, but the voice was different. Although Lionel's voice and accent was uncannily similar.

With that you now have enough info to Google and cross check. You'll see.

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Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


The Republican parties main problem is that many--(right wingers) are attached at the hip to 3 or more daily hours of listening to right wing talk show hosts. Either radio or FOX News that fills them with right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions designed to enrage--for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

They are all responsible for inciting this anger toward fellow Republicans, and they have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. They have continually promoted candidates, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, that in no way could ever win the White House. The very worst thing that could happen to those obscene profit breaks, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.

So like little lambs they are leading their audiences to a slaughter on election night.

And i, for one, couldn't be more happier to see all this take place in real-time.

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Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


I've listened to Mark Levin for years. These days on podcasts.

He's always struck me as a hyper-partisan liar and dissembler as well as an unapologetic the-end-justifies-the-means propagandist. But he was always entertaining if for no other reason than he was (and certainly is) a transparent hypocrite as well as a self-serving egomaniac.

A few weeks and months ago, Levin gave Trump a lot of air time. He spent that time telling everyone that while he was not endorsing any candidate (it was clear that he preferred Cruz because Cruz was a kindred spirit ideologue like himself), that he would have no problem supporting and voting for Trump.

These days, Levin rails against Trump nightly. It's made all the more hilarious because Levin helped promote his candidacy.

Levin is a fool and a dupe. I'm enjoying his public humiliation.
Both he AND Lush Rimbaugh are the-end-justifies-the-means characters. Utterly dispicable.

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Looking forward to seeing the Arbitron ratings after first quarter next year.

My guess is that conservative talk radio's numbers will be pretty much the same overall.

Some may switch around a bit, but those listeners aren't really going anywhere.
I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?

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Limbaugh at least tried to walk the middle line, for ratings I'm sure but lately has been pounding it for Cruz. Screw him too, the show was too monochromatic anyway. I used to listen more but three hours of the same point gets old.

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Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


I haven't heard him lately, but generally his show is very good
I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?
Reasonable to you means a hack to me. You guys can't think.
How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Ha Ha Ha... You people crack me up. I remember this guy when he first got started around 15 years ago.

You idiots! He used to be on the old progressive stations that had Randi Rhodes, Ed Shultz, Mike Malloy and the like before Clear Channel removed them and replaced them with sports programming.

He was a frigging progressive!!!!!!!! He was a flaming LIBERAL!!!!

So this whiny fag re invented himself and you so called conservatives just lap it up like mothers milk.

You people are so fucking gullible!!!!


"You people are so fucking gullible!!!!"

60 plus % of Americans are christians.
Yeah, but in name only.

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Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

That chick is about useless. Several times Cruz's record has been made available and she ignores it. While Cruz was fending off the guys Donald's money funded, Cruz fought them. Sheesh.

Neither Trump nor Cruz would have ever won the White House.

I think a lot of you believe that only Republicans vote in this country, or at least you act like you're the only ones.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Ted Cruz is too far right--he's not electable. Women, the largest voting block in this country today would never vote for him. He has a far right abortion stance. You lost in 2012 because of women. The Evangelical wing of the party decided to use abortion as their platform which then moved into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal-legitimate rape questions. This sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2012 the debate platform was all about immigration/deportation/amnesty--also. The last President to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney only captured 27% and lost. This year Republicans need 46% of this block, and Donald Trump is polling at an Historic Negative 80%. So now 17% of the population, Hispanics are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Until Republicans figure out why they lost an election, they sure as hell aren't going to know how to win one. And that's your real problem.

Yep. I've been telling you guys this for years.

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I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?
Reasonable to you means a hack to me. You guys can't think.
Clearly you haven't listened to Tom Sullivan ever, clearly.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?
Reasonable to you means a hack to me. You guys can't think.
Clearly you haven't listened to Tom Sullivan ever, clearly.
Clearly your opinion of me, conservatives or anyone/anything else means little to me. Clearly.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?
Reasonable to you means a hack to me. You guys can't think.
Clearly you haven't listened to Tom Sullivan ever, clearly.
Clearly your opinion of me, conservatives or anyone/anything else means little to me. Clearly.
This isn't opinion dummy, its facts. You've either listened to him, or you haven't. So have you, or have you not listened to Tom Sullivan?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You guys can't seem to get enough of the hacks. Why not listen to more reasonable talkers like Tom Sullivan instead?
Reasonable to you means a hack to me. You guys can't think.
Clearly you haven't listened to Tom Sullivan ever, clearly.
Clearly your opinion of me, conservatives or anyone/anything else means little to me. Clearly.
This isn't opinion dummy, its facts. You've either listened to him, or you haven't. So have you, or have you not listened to Tom Sullivan?
You either have sex with your dog or you don't. Which is it, asshole?
I could be wrong but I definitely remember THAT voice when I tuned in to Air America for a good laugh. He has a very unique voice. I believe the same guy that used to do "The Lionel Show" is this Mark Levin dude. The voice is IDENTICAL. People can claim ANYTHING on TV and Radio AND the Internets.

Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.

I could be wrong but ANYBODY can write a book. I did. ANYBODY can write a book for someone else also. It happens all of the time when a celebrity writes their BIO. Frequently it is written by a professional ghost writer.

I am going on the voices of the supposed two people. They are the SAME!
The guy on Air America was Lionel. His voice sounds almost exactly as Mark Levin. Furthermore, there was another Mark Levin on Air America that was liberal with a totally different voice. The name confused me too, but the voice was different. Although Lionel's voice and accent was uncannily similar.

With that you now have enough info to Google and cross check. You'll see.

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Just between you me and the fence post I did that on Wednesday.

I really don't enjoy admitting I am wrong about anything. Sometimes if you bluff good enough you never have to. :lol:

It IS uncanny how close their voices are.

Thanks for your input.
Since Levin turned against Trump

I don't listen or like him any more.

The Right and their Cult of Personality is really amazing. They will cut the throats of their most loyal conservatives all for a Reality Show Liberal Pro Abortion guy.

This is awesome
The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.
And they got on the ballots, how?

We had the exact SAME process we have now... A MAJORITY of republican delegates at the convention HAVE to support the nominee. It's been this way since 1856.

Romney and McCain went through the exact same delegate process as Trump and Cruz... nothing has changed... they had to go out there and compete for the delegates and secure nomination by getting a MAJORITY. As weak as they were, they GOT the majority! ...And hey, Trump MAY do the same? :dunno: But NO ONE gets nominated without the MAJORITY.

There have been at least three GOP primaries where the candidate with the most delegates didn't win the nomination. The first being the very first Republican nominee, Abe Lincoln. William Seward had the most delegates and ironically, led a "populist" campaign against the more principled Lincoln. Lincoln won the nomination on the third ballot.

Next was Dwight D. Eisenhower... went into the GOP convention trailing in delegates to Taft, the 'establishment' pick. Ike won on subsequent ballots. Then, most recently, in 1976 when Reagan trailed Ford... in that case, the "plurality winner" prevailed and got the needed majority on the second ballot.... again, this could very well happen for Trump.

But there are three great nominations for the GOP candidate.
Wrong. Colorado for one example specifically changed it's process to deny voters the opportunity and made it delegates only. They did that last August. But I was asking how the milk toast establishment guys got on the ballot in the first place. The party decides who gets to participate in the debates, not the people. It's an establishment system, by the establishment, for the establishment.

No... YOU'RE wrong... probably because you've been listening to Donald Trump talk out of his ass about a process he knows nothing about and little weak-kneed "journalists" turning into the liberal slimeweasels they were always destined to be.

Yes, the state party determines their format for choosing delegates. There are all kinds of formats... some have open primaries... closed primaries... caucuses... hybrids... all formats ALLOW VOTING by party members. Nothing in Colorado is "rigged" or disenfranchising. They held county caucuses on March 1 and over 60,000 Republicans selected their delegates BY VOTE. They didn't have a popular election because they're not required to have a popular election. Just like in IOWA!

Previously, Colorado also had a "presidential preference vote" where the voters were given the chance to reaffirm the delegate selection. It was intended as sort of a confirmation of the delegates selected in caucus but it was totally unnecessary because it couldn't ever change the outcome of the caucuses. The party decided to save the expense to the taxpayers and forgo the preference vote. This was done last year, not the last minute. And it certainly wasn't done in order to disenfranchise the people.

Candidates get on the ballots by meeting the several requirements of the party. The PARTY isn't "The Establishment" ... the establishment is part OF the party! And YES... the PARTY does decide who gets in the debates... who the fuck do you THINK should decide? The media???

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