How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

Boss, why even waste your time!

They are upset because everyone is pointing out that their values are like Trump values; conservative today, liberal tomorrow. Whatever is easiest for them. Anyone who points out that they are supporting e left leaning liberal, must be shut out, because if they don't hear the words, they don't have to admit the truth.

1. Who wants to raise taxes on wealthier people? Trump!

2. Who is willing to let men into a ladies room? Trump!

3. Who is always claiming he is a victim, even as he is winning? Trump! (liberal victimology)

4. Who said Hillary was a GREAT SOS? Trump!

5. Who said the Reagan tax cuts were bad? Trump!

And the list goes on, and on.

If someone would have told you that YOU would be supporting a candidate for President that believed all of this 2 years ago, how many of you would have got in an argument with the person accusing you of doing this! And now, you want to tell everyone else, that we to should discard everything we believed in for years, because why? Because Trump is an outsider, lolololol! Wasn't Hillary at his wedding, lolol. Oh yes, sounds like a total outsider to me. Didn't he call Hillarys husband on the phone before deciding to run?

I know there is NOTHING I can say to convince any of you, but realize this----------------->you/we voted in republicans that LIED to our faces about what they would do when they got in office to get our vote. And your solution? Make the republican nominee a liberal, so no matter who wins, we have a Democrat in office! You DO realize that tariffs are taxes on YOU, and who likes taxes? Trump/liberals.

And as far as that glorious wall he keeps talking about. I am all for it, but it appears that he probably told the New York Times that he words are just rhetoric, since he won't release the transcripts. Kinda like Hillary and her e-mails ya know! And have you heard about the meeting his campaign people meeting with the Republican elites? Oh yes, they told them it was just Donald's persona, and he was ACTING to get the nomination, or weren't you aware of that. Oh yes, just to get you people all excited, just like all politicians telling you what you want to hear.

I believe Donald Trump is a BRILLIANT man, probably equal to Obama. Why? Because BOTH of them have managed to fool large swaths of the American public so much, many have almost become groupies. Just as with Obama, you can't say anything against Donald. Just like Obama, he is a victim, lolol.......a billionaire victim who is winning no less while claiming everyone is screwing him, and of course, by sheer force of using his personality, his followers believe it........even though he is winning, lol.

The only difference between the magic of Obama, and the magic of Donald is------------> Obama had to convince his minions he would deliver, with out a doubt, what they desired. Now the Donald is a better alchemist than that; meaning he is better of a hypnotist. Look at 1 through 5 above that NO CONSERVATIVE would ever have accepted, and yet, he has convinced many of his followers to go against the very things they believed for most of their adult lives. Oh, and one more difference I forgot to mention------> Obama got elected President, if The Donald gets the nomination, he won't win anything but the nomination, which is probably fine with Hillary, Schumer, and The Donald, as they go out to eat after the election in New York, and laugh like hell.
Tell me how Cruz is against the establishment. You know fighting the Washington cartels and all that. What a joke!The Junior Senator and Hillary were almost tied in money raised from the billionaires.

Pfffffffffffffft anti Wall Street riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. What a joke.

The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016
Establishment-bashing Ted Cruz nabs four of six top donors.

By Kenneth P. Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf

02/08/16 05:14 AM EST

From the article.

"The 100 biggest donors of 2016 cycle have spent $195 million trying to influence the presidential election ― more than the $155 million spent by the 2 million smallest donors combined — according to a POLITICO analysis of campaign finance data.

The analysis found that the leading beneficiaries of checks from the top 100 donors were Jeb Bush’s floundering campaign for the GOP nomination (a supportive super PAC received $49 million from donors on the list), Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton (super PACs dedicated to her raised $38 million from top 100 donors) and Ted Cruz’s insurgent GOP campaign ($37 million).

In fact, despite his attacks on his party’s donor class and establishment, Cruz, the Texas senator who won last week’s Iowa caucuses, appears to have locked down the support of four of the top six donors ― the Wilks family of Cisco, Texas (the No. 1 donor on POLITICO’s list), New York hedge fund tycoon Bob Mercer (No. 2), Texas energy investor Toby Neugebauer (No. 4) and Illinois manufacturing moguls Dick and Liz Uihlein (No. 6) ― but only one other donor on the list."

More at link:

The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016
Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

Cruz is an inside the beltway establishment candidate. And owned by Wall Street now. As a matter of fact he got 4 out of the 6 biggest donors for this election cycle. He's debated a quizzillion times with Cruz. Deal with it.

Of course Trump has over the years contributed to both sides of the aisle. So does Warren Buffet and Bill Gates because they are freaking business men. That's just what you do.

The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney. Because to the RNC it's all about the party. They don't give a damn about the peons aka the electorate.

Yup. Right off of foux news. You watching the 5 or something? By the way, that was all talking points.
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Levin is a puppet and does what his funders tell him to do. He is funded by GOP establishment big-dollar donors and PACS. They are #nevertrump.

Beck same thing, Ben Shapiro same thing. Follow the money :) :) works every time

UPDATE: tinydancer this should settle your alarmed feelings of Beck and make sense of it.

Who in the media isn't funded by someone?
Deflection. Levin is a puppet and is controlled by his funders. It's a simple statement of truth.

They all are. Even the ones who like trump. Not a deflection at all. Just the truth.
I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.
You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

That chick is about useless. Several times Cruz's record has been made available and she ignores it. While Cruz was fending off the guys Donald's money funded, Cruz fought them. Sheesh.
Ted "Business Visa" Cruz can go to hell.

Like the blond, you are also a twit.

I'm still waiting for you to post something of context.
Trump will get the vote of ANYBODY threatened by Cruz's support of Quintuplig Business Visas and that includes Physicians, Attorneys, Accountants, Electrical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers.
Cruz's wife lives off her Portfolio and her position at Goldman-Sachs, the Cruz's couldn't give a damn about the average American.

Like I said, you are a tinfoil hat, Alex Jones twerp using democrat talking smart about a topic you know nothing about at all. Trump has been and is in bed with everything you weirdos hate. "something in context" has been posted ed by many over and over again and ya just won't see because like those in the media you want to be a guy who called it right. You will get a warm fuzzy because Drumpf will win the primary, but in November we will be treated to you all howling as Clinton wins. And that, as well as the Hannity melt down will be pure gold and for me, worth 8 more Clinton years.

I just posted facts and you retort with pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
Trump is perfect BECAUSE he used the system and has NO QUALMS about admitting why this system must be destroyed.
You probably live off of your Portfolio.
Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

That chick is about useless. Several times Cruz's record has been made available and she ignores it. While Cruz was fending off the guys Donald's money funded, Cruz fought them. Sheesh.
Ted "Business Visa" Cruz can go to hell.

Like the blond, you are also a twit.

I'm still waiting for you to post something of context.
Trump will get the vote of ANYBODY threatened by Cruz's support of Quintuplig Business Visas and that includes Physicians, Attorneys, Accountants, Electrical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers.
Cruz's wife lives off her Portfolio and her position at Goldman-Sachs, the Cruz's couldn't give a damn about the average American.

BTW read a cool report by the AFL CIO that a survey they did of their members many are leaning towards Trump.
Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

Cruz is an inside the beltway establishment candidate. And owned by Wall Street now. As a matter of fact he got 4 out of the 6 biggest donors for this election cycle. He's debated a quizzillion times with Cruz. Deal with it.

Of course Trump has over the years contributed to both sides of the aisle. So does Warren Buffet and Bill Gates because they are freaking business men. That's just what you do.

The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney. Because to the RNC it's all about the party. They don't give a damn about the peons aka the electorate.

Yup. Right off of foux news. You watching the 5 or something? By the way, that was all talking points.

I don't have television. And the stats on the billionaire's money Cruz has scored is from Politico. Hell's bells the Cruz campaign even brags on Heidi's connections to Wall Street.

Inside the beltway pro Wall Street all the way. Cruz is owned lock stock and barrel.
I can't stand his voice. I don't listen to either this 'tard or Savage. Both are incredibly annoying.
We must throw in Michael Medved, his rants almost sound like Levin wrote them for him! Another one dropped from my listening schedule.
Medved has long been my favorite but his steady Trump bashing is too much, I'm done with the guy. He sees all the negatives and no positives but dedicating your show to destroy a candidate is low class, thought he was better than that.

What's killing me is that the talkers are insulting the shit out of Trump supporters. Just like Cruz, his campaign and his supporters.

No way Cruz could ever win in the general because they've been so smarmy and condescending who on earth is going to go to the polls in November for someone who hates your guts for backing Trump.

Strangest campaign tactic I've ever witnessed. Bitch slap your opponents voters and then say aw come on come vote for me. Idiots!

Limbaugh at least tried to walk the middle line, for ratings I'm sure but lately has been pounding it for Cruz. Screw him too, the show was too monochromatic anyway. I used to listen more but three hours of the same point gets old.
The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.

The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.
And they got on the ballots, how?
And they say talk radio isn't influential....

It's very influential.
Levin is a puppet and does what his funders tell him to do. He is funded by GOP establishment big-dollar donors and PACS. They are #nevertrump.

Beck same thing, Ben Shapiro same thing. Follow the money :) :) works every time

UPDATE: tinydancer this should settle your alarmed feelings of Beck and make sense of it.

Who in the media isn't funded by someone?
Deflection. Levin is a puppet and is controlled by his funders. It's a simple statement of truth.

Just like Hannity and the rest of fox. If it's bad for one it's bad for all.
Cruz is a fraud plain and simple.

You've NOT made your case. TRUMP is the fraud here. As recently as two years ago, he was contributing to the campaigns of the most liberal of the liberal. For the past 60 years, the man has been a flaming left-wing liberal in all his viewpoints... until he decided to run for president on the GOP ticket. He continues to take positions completely contradictory to Conservatism and makes no apologies for them. He refused to address CPAC and he refuses to debate Ted Cruz one-on-one.

In the past month, he has turned into a Saul Alinsky radical... calling "the process" into question after a series of losses which put his "sure thing" nomination on the first ballot in question. But the butt monkeys for Trump will completely ignore everything and continue to kiss Trump's fat rump while trashing and bashing a good strong Constitutional Conservative who fights for what you claimed you believe in.

Cruz is an inside the beltway establishment candidate. And owned by Wall Street now. As a matter of fact he got 4 out of the 6 biggest donors for this election cycle. He's debated a quizzillion times with Cruz. Deal with it.

Of course Trump has over the years contributed to both sides of the aisle. So does Warren Buffet and Bill Gates because they are freaking business men. That's just what you do.

The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney. Because to the RNC it's all about the party. They don't give a damn about the peons aka the electorate.

What a plonk. The case is right in front of you. Listen, if you are a sheep in the fold of Fox news, go back and read their crap and see for your self. Other then that, your a brain washed zombie. No changing your mind.
Tell me how Cruz is against the establishment. You know fighting the Washington cartels and all that. What a joke!The Junior Senator and Hillary were almost tied in money raised from the billionaires.

Pfffffffffffffft anti Wall Street riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. What a joke.

The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016
Establishment-bashing Ted Cruz nabs four of six top donors.

By Kenneth P. Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf

02/08/16 05:14 AM EST

From the article.

"The 100 biggest donors of 2016 cycle have spent $195 million trying to influence the presidential election ― more than the $155 million spent by the 2 million smallest donors combined — according to a POLITICO analysis of campaign finance data.

The analysis found that the leading beneficiaries of checks from the top 100 donors were Jeb Bush’s floundering campaign for the GOP nomination (a supportive super PAC received $49 million from donors on the list), Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton (super PACs dedicated to her raised $38 million from top 100 donors) and Ted Cruz’s insurgent GOP campaign ($37 million).

In fact, despite his attacks on his party’s donor class and establishment, Cruz, the Texas senator who won last week’s Iowa caucuses, appears to have locked down the support of four of the top six donors ― the Wilks family of Cisco, Texas (the No. 1 donor on POLITICO’s list), New York hedge fund tycoon Bob Mercer (No. 2), Texas energy investor Toby Neugebauer (No. 4) and Illinois manufacturing moguls Dick and Liz Uihlein (No. 6) ― but only one other donor on the list."

More at link:

The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016

Okay... listen up and I'll educate you here....

PACS are the official set-up by McCain-Feingold CFR in order to "control" undue influence tied directly to the candidates. Now, if a wealthy billionaire (who usually owns a business) wants to contribute to a candidate, they have to do this through the PACS and they are regulated on how that can be done, it all has to be fully documented and made available to the public, etc. The cannot contribute more than $2k to any candidate directly on behalf of their business. They are not restricted on how much they can contribute to various PACS for (or against) various candidates.

Now you can foolishly assume that candidates are somehow obligated by their respective PACS and maybe in some cases, some are... that comes down to integrity of the candidate, but by-and-large, there is no impropriety or 'quid pro quot' unless it's done in flagrant violation of ethics laws. Candidates can have ZERO contact with any PAC! ZERO! That is the LAW!

But.... look, if a wealthy business owner believes the policies which Ted Cruz would implement, would be beneficial to his capitalist free enterprise... why can't he support that? Does it mean Ted Cruz is "in their pocket" because he happens to support ideas and policies which would be great for business and free market capitalists? I guess that is a matter of perspective or opinion? :dunno:

Are you planning to attend any Occupy rallies soon, or??? :cuckoo:
The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.
And they got on the ballots, how?

We had the exact SAME process we have now... A MAJORITY of republican delegates at the convention HAVE to support the nominee. It's been this way since 1856.

Romney and McCain went through the exact same delegate process as Trump and Cruz... nothing has changed... they had to go out there and compete for the delegates and secure nomination by getting a MAJORITY. As weak as they were, they GOT the majority! ...And hey, Trump MAY do the same? :dunno: But NO ONE gets nominated without the MAJORITY.

There have been at least three GOP primaries where the candidate with the most delegates didn't win the nomination. The first being the very first Republican nominee, Abe Lincoln. William Seward had the most delegates and ironically, led a "populist" campaign against the more principled Lincoln. Lincoln won the nomination on the third ballot.

Next was Dwight D. Eisenhower... went into the GOP convention trailing in delegates to Taft, the 'establishment' pick. Ike won on subsequent ballots. Then, most recently, in 1976 when Reagan trailed Ford... in that case, the "plurality winner" prevailed and got the needed majority on the second ballot.... again, this could very well happen for Trump.

But there are three great nominations for the GOP candidate.
The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.

The RNC has the power to change the rules right before a convention and they do. Rule 40B for example. In other words the RNC makes the rules to benefit their choice of candidate.

And the RNC pressures states on how to conduct their primaries. It's rigged from the top down. Just like the DNC.

This isn't shocking. It's just never been as blatant as to who is pulling the strings in the game.
Dan Rather still gets about 100k for a speech and he committed freaking treason with forged documents intended to skew a presidential election. Everybody on CBS news should have been indicted. George Stephenopolis used to be a top Clinton aid. Chris Matthews used to work for a democrat senator. There is plenty of hatred to go around if you want to play that game without whining about a voice on freaking talk radio. Anyway the post belongs in the media forum.
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The process does need to be called into question. It's designed to let the establishment pick their establishment candidate. That's how everyone got McCain and Romney.

No, dumbass... that's exactly NOT how the GOP got Romney and McCain.... Romney and McCain both went into the GOP convention having secured the necessary MAJORITY of delegates! IF either candidate had gone into the convention with simply a "plurality" of delegates, you would have held the convention in the middle of a busy freeway to have prevented them from being the GOP nominee. But they had the MAJORITY and nothing could stop them.

The RNC has the power to change the rules right before a convention and they do. Rule 40B for example. In other words the RNC makes the rules to benefit their choice of candidate.

And the RNC pressures states on how to conduct their primaries. It's rigged from the top down. Just like the DNC.

This isn't shocking. It's just never been as blatant as to who is pulling the strings in the game.

The Delegates vote on the rules... always have... nothing has changed. The RNC can merely preside over the process. The establishment elite don't control the process, the delegates set the rules and the RNC carries out the process. The "establishment" is OFTEN defeated... case in point, Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower.

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