How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

...2 days before 427,000 worth of levins 4 yr old book was purchased by a cruz superpac...

Of which, he donated the modest royalties to his local animal shelter.

What you FAIL to mention is, Levin had two more books published since that one... and one of them was fresh of the press and Levin was actively promoting it. Now... as an author, what is the benefit to Levin in selling half a million old books? ...I mean, we can certainly understand how Hillary's super-pac bought thousands of copies of her book when they were desperately trying to boost sales numbers.... but this book of Levin's had already dropped off the charts, there had been two more books written since then.
The conservative talk radio hosts like Levin have created this monster, and watching it come back to bite them on the ass is pretty amusing.
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!
My guess is Levin is bleeding listeners. I was a huge fan for several years but he's gone off the rails with his Trump rants I can't even listen to his show. And when it comes to Cruz wow the word shill comes to mind, a complete lack of objectivity.
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!

Give me a break. You obviously haven't really gotten into Cruz's past have you?

The Junior Senator worked for GW for years. Heidi worked for the Bushes longer than Ted including a stint working for Condi. Left Washington and went to work for Goldman Sachs.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank. His major donors are all Wall Street.

I don't give a rats ass about that speech. He's a fraud. He's Bush all the way and Carly is McCain's girl.

Oh and btw Niel Bush and his wife Maria are on his campaign team.

Let me know if you need any more information because I'm loaded for bear. I used to believe in Cruz until I found out what a charlatan he was.
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!

Give me a break. You obviously haven't really gotten into Cruz's past have you?

The Junior Senator worked for GW for years. Heidi worked for the Bushes longer than Ted including a stint working for Condi. Left Washington and went to work for Goldman Sachs.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank. His major donors are all Wall Street.

I don't give a rats ass about that speech. He's a fraud. He's Bush all the way and Carly is McCain's girl.

Oh and btw Niel Bush and his wife Maria are on his campaign team.

Let me know if you need any more information because I'm loaded for bear. I used to believe in Cruz until I found out what a charlatan he was.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank.

This is not only a LIE but would be a flagrant violation of CFR laws. Banks and businesses CAN'T fund candidacies other than the $2k limit set by CFR. If you have any information to the contrary on Cruz, you need to submit it to the FEC because he is seriously in violation of the law.

Now, what he DID was to take out a LOAN... you know, a temporary borrowing of money backed by collateral? He paid off the loan and that's all there ever was to that story.

For some strange reason "Goldman Sachs" has become some kind of pariah in America... what's the deal with that? Anyone associated with GS is automatically labeled a crook and con man.... that's Saul Alinsky 101. Of course, Goldman Sachs and CitiBank have contributed more to Hillary's PACs than any candidate in history.... but shhhhhhhhhh! (Don't mention that while bashing Cruz to death!)
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!

Give me a break. You obviously haven't really gotten into Cruz's past have you?

The Junior Senator worked for GW for years. Heidi worked for the Bushes longer than Ted including a stint working for Condi. Left Washington and went to work for Goldman Sachs.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank. His major donors are all Wall Street.

I don't give a rats ass about that speech. He's a fraud. He's Bush all the way and Carly is McCain's girl.

Oh and btw Niel Bush and his wife Maria are on his campaign team.

Let me know if you need any more information because I'm loaded for bear. I used to believe in Cruz until I found out what a charlatan he was.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank.

This is not only a LIE but would be a flagrant violation of CFR laws. Banks and businesses CAN'T fund candidacies other than the $2k limit set by CFR. If you have any information to the contrary on Cruz, you need to submit it to the FEC because he is seriously in violation of the law.

Now, what he DID was to take out a LOAN... you know, a temporary borrowing of money backed by collateral? He paid off the loan and that's all there ever was to that story.

For some strange reason "Goldman Sachs" has become some kind of pariah in America... what's the deal with that? Anyone associated with GS is automatically labeled a crook and con man.... that's Saul Alinsky 101. Of course, Goldman Sachs and CitiBank have contributed more to Hillary's PACs than any candidate in history.... but shhhhhhhhhh! (Don't mention that while bashing Cruz to death!)

And he hid the loans.


You appear to be of the opinion that Cruz despite all his years with Bush, all Heidi's years with Bush, all of Heidi being plugged into Wall Street and Wall Street funding Cruz now, Cruz hiring Niel Bush and Maria and the endless list of inside the beltway links that Cruz is anti establishment?

Okey dokey. I get it. He's a Wall Street Rebel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!

Give me a break. You obviously haven't really gotten into Cruz's past have you?

The Junior Senator worked for GW for years. Heidi worked for the Bushes longer than Ted including a stint working for Condi. Left Washington and went to work for Goldman Sachs.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank. His major donors are all Wall Street.

I don't give a rats ass about that speech. He's a fraud. He's Bush all the way and Carly is McCain's girl.

Oh and btw Niel Bush and his wife Maria are on his campaign team.

Let me know if you need any more information because I'm loaded for bear. I used to believe in Cruz until I found out what a charlatan he was.

This liar was funded for his first run at the Senate by Goldman Sachs AND Citi Bank.

This is not only a LIE but would be a flagrant violation of CFR laws. Banks and businesses CAN'T fund candidacies other than the $2k limit set by CFR. If you have any information to the contrary on Cruz, you need to submit it to the FEC because he is seriously in violation of the law.

Now, what he DID was to take out a LOAN... you know, a temporary borrowing of money backed by collateral? He paid off the loan and that's all there ever was to that story.

For some strange reason "Goldman Sachs" has become some kind of pariah in America... what's the deal with that? Anyone associated with GS is automatically labeled a crook and con man.... that's Saul Alinsky 101. Of course, Goldman Sachs and CitiBank have contributed more to Hillary's PACs than any candidate in history.... but shhhhhhhhhh! (Don't mention that while bashing Cruz to death!)

And he hid the loans.


You appear to be of the opinion that Cruz despite all his years with Bush, all Heidi's years with Bush, all of Heidi being plugged into Wall Street and Wall Street funding Cruz now, Cruz hiring Niel Bush and Maria and the endless list of inside the beltway links that Cruz is anti establishment?

Okey dokey. I get it. He's a Wall Street Rebel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ted Cruz has stood firmly for core Conservative values from Day One of his political career. He has never waffled or flip-flopped on an issue regarding Conservatism. He has withstood enormous heat from the liberal left, the establishment elite, the republican party in general and now, Trump supporters. He's still standing up for those same Conservative principles.

Now you can try to gin up and bluster up all this "guilt by association" crap like some kind of radical left-wing loon... but you're making yourself look like a moron. Do you not realize that "Wall Street" is merely a liberal dog whistle word for "Capitalism"?
How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Ha Ha Ha... You people crack me up. I remember this guy when he first got started around 15 years ago.

You idiots! He used to be on the old progressive stations that had Randi Rhodes, Ed Shultz, Mike Malloy and the like before Clear Channel removed them and replaced them with sports programming.

He was a frigging progressive!!!!!!!! He was a flaming LIBERAL!!!!

So this whiny fag re invented himself and you so called conservatives just lap it up like mothers milk.

You people are so fucking gullible!!!!

Oh bullshit Huggy. You don't have a freaking clue what you are talking about. Levin is an uber conservative and has been all his life. He used to work for the Regan administration for Ed Meese for crying out loud.

Mark Levin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ya I saw the BIO. I'm saying their voices are frigging IDENTICAL.

I don't believe ANYTHING on the radio or the internets...even my own bullshit.. It's ALL LIES!!!!!

TV is a little more believable. But then you can take a Ronnie Reagan who was a flaming anti gun dem in California ACTOR and worked his way up the lib ladder to governor for flakes sakes and THEN all of a sudden he is the pretty boi conservative running as such for president. You have to keep reminding yourself that these people on the radio and tv are NOT the brains behind the Mic and the camera. They just follow scrpts written by smart stooges working for the OWNERS of the stations. Reagan was a convincing actor but the message was from whoever signed his paychecks.
So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

WTF is wrong in your brain? Do you not recall the 21-hour speech he gave when trying to stop the establishment beltway elite from passing the funding for Obamacare? This whole entire MEME about how Ted can't get along with anybody... is because he can't get along with establishment elites! He gets along GREAT with Constitutional Conservatives!

Ted Cruz is certainly NOT part of the establishment elite. Now, in the 11th hour, the establishment elite have begun to see the writing on the wall and are actively trying to support Cruz in the final stretch... because they have no other option at this point. That doesn't make him "part of the elite" by any stretch. If anything, it means he has broken the backs of the establishment elite... finally!

No she doesn't, neither does she pointed to out how during his run for Senate he ran with just about every politician in Texas and many not opposing him including Dick Perry, Gregg "wheels" Abbot the Bush family and many others. She is typical of the trump supporter who will only listen to Hannity who has always backed whomever looked to be a winner. He gave Christy a pass on his gun control policy, same with Rudy Giuliani and many others. Trump supporters don't even know why they support trump. They can't name a single policy, won't adress his trade war comments, instead they get all they need to know from a tweet.
I could be wrong but I definitely remember THAT voice when I tuned in to Air America for a good laugh. He has a very unique voice. I believe the same guy that used to do "The Lionel Show" is this Mark Levin dude. The voice is IDENTICAL. People can claim ANYTHING on TV and Radio AND the Internets.

Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.

I could be wrong but ANYBODY can write a book. I did. ANYBODY can write a book for someone else also. It happens all of the time when a celebrity writes their BIO. Frequently it is written by a professional ghost writer.

I am going on the voices of the supposed two people. They are the SAME!
Levin is a puppet and does what his funders tell him to do. He is funded by GOP establishment big-dollar donors and PACS. They are #nevertrump.

Beck same thing, Ben Shapiro same thing. Follow the money :) :) works every time

UPDATE: tinydancer this should settle your alarmed feelings of Beck and make sense of it.
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As a national culture, we have become far to accepting of liars telling lies to advance their agenda.

How do we have some of the most popular conservative pundits being the paid liars like Levin and Beck are today? One says that having 40% of the vote in a five man race is no juggernaut. Then what the fuck would be, for shits sake? The other says that God as anointed Ted Cruise to be the next President; if so I am not worshiping God any more as He would be not a Loving Father, but an old alcoholic child abusing father. If Ted Cruse is the answer to prayers, the enemies of America have taken over God's prayer channels.

If we were as intolerant of liars as we should be, these baboons wouldnt be on the air waves.

The Beck deal is nothing short of alarming. Beck is a true Mormon and a believer in all things Mormon so when he came out and claimed that Cruz was divinely anointed that really set off alarm bells for me.

Cruz puts himself out there as an evangelical but for all I have studied to be anointed one has to be a Mormon. Then you have the strange situation where all of Romney and his associates who are Mormon all backing Cruz as well.

AND then Beck is proclaiming that Cruz has been chosen to rise up and save America. That's right out of the Mormon belief in the white horse prophecy.

That's the part that doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy. We're talking Cruz's believers believe he will bring about a Mormon theocracy.

Beck remanufactured his personna several times. I believe that crazy fuck has many personalities.
How many Americans were convinced we were at war with MARS when HG Well's "War of the Worlds"
was first broadcast on the radio?

As CK said and as I have said MANY times over the years "FOLLOW THE MONEY!"
I could be wrong but I definitely remember THAT voice when I tuned in to Air America for a good laugh. He has a very unique voice. I believe the same guy that used to do "The Lionel Show" is this Mark Levin dude. The voice is IDENTICAL. People can claim ANYTHING on TV and Radio AND the Internets.

Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.

I could be wrong but ANYBODY can write a book. I did. ANYBODY can write a book for someone else also. It happens all of the time when a celebrity writes their BIO. Frequently it is written by a professional ghost writer.

I am going on the voices of the supposed two people. They are the SAME!

Well most people can't fake a 40-year resume as a Conservative because those things can be checked. As I said, LONG before Levin's voice was ever heard over the radio airwaves, he was giving legal advice and counsel to Ronald Reagan's administration and had been passionately involved in Republican politics for decades. So do we just pretend that doesn't exist and assume because you think he has the same voice as someone else that it must be him?

I know you don't like to be wrong... nobody here seems to like it... but you're just flat out wrong about this. There's no "could be" about it... you're just flat out wrong... Period!
Levin, just like Rush and all the rest are first and foremost ENTERTAINERS.

To rely on them for your information is irrational unless vetted.

They will say any damned thing that will get them more viewers.

I don't rely on any single source for my information... I'm not like a liberal sheep.

Mark Levin heads the Landmark Legal Foundation who have successfully argued SCOTUS cases. The man is an expert on Constitutional law. Before he got into radio, he was an adviser and consultant for some very important people... (like Edwin Meese.)

I think this puts him a notch above most talk show hosts.

He is STILL an ENTERTAINER now. The advertising companies pay his salary, not some legal beagal team.
Levin is a puppet and does what his funders tell him to do. He is funded by GOP establishment big-dollar donors and PACS. They are #nevertrump.

Beck same thing, Ben Shapiro same thing. Follow the money :) :) works every time

UPDATE: tinydancer this should settle your alarmed feelings of Beck and make sense of it.

Who in the media isn't funded by someone?
Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


The Republican parties main problem is that many--(right wingers) are attached at the hip to 3 or more daily hours of listening to right wing talk show hosts. Either radio or FOX News that fills them with right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions designed to enrage--for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

They are all responsible for inciting this anger toward fellow Republicans, and they have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. They have continually promoted candidates, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, that in no way could ever win the White House. The very worst thing that could happen to those obscene profit breaks, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.

So like little lambs they are leading their audiences to a slaughter on election night.

Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


Yo, he did endorse Ted Cruz? You need to cut him some slack! If you want to change a Channel? You might want to start with the Bias Fox News Station? TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, is all you hear anymore on the Fair and Balanced Station? So, if you like Trump? You watch Fox News 24 hours a day, having your orgasm! If you like Mark Levin? You listen to him tell the Facts about all of the Candidates, period!

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