How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Trump, easily the most liberal candidate running, has turned Republicans against each other. Their reasoning? Anger. You have to be the stupidest motherfuckers to ever live. :lol:

But barronland, just look at the 2 socialist/commies you have to choose from!

And you, as I recall, ask for Drumpf to be a king or dictator.
Levin isn't on the air in my city, but I did listen to part of his show online once.

He's like Rush Limbaugh. Just some fat ass with a loud obnoxious voice who constantly refers to communists and authoritarians as "liberals".

Communists and authoritarians are not in any way shape or form, "liberals". The terms are practically antonyms.
Communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, control freaks = shit bags... Same difference.
And I bet you claim to love this country.
Trump, easily the most liberal candidate running, has turned Republicans against each other. Their reasoning? Anger. You have to be the stupidest motherfuckers to ever live. :lol:

DUMBASS- Trump supporters are the right ones...the smart ones. We are tired of lifelong politicians bought and paid for and promising everything and returning nothing.

But will happily return every representative back to Congress. Brilliant!
Yep...they will do that.
As a national culture, we have become far to accepting of liars telling lies to advance their agenda.

How do we have some of the most popular conservative pundits being the paid liars like Levin and Beck are today? One says that having 40% of the vote in a five man race is no juggernaut. Then what the fuck would be, for shits sake? The other says that God as anointed Ted Cruise to be the next President; if so I am not worshiping God any more as He would be not a Loving Father, but an old alcoholic child abusing father. If Ted Cruse is the answer to prayers, the enemies of America have taken over God's prayer channels.

If we were as intolerant of liars as we should be, these baboons wouldnt be on the air waves.
I have to admit a guilty pleasure. I consider myself a moderate but I listen to Levin, Savage, and some others of their ilk when I get a chance. I find them hilarious. Like Jon Stewart or the old Colbert shows except they don't intend to be funny. Their plane of reality is just so skewed, I love em.
Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


it is hilarious that Levin has to continue to own his support for Cruz


it has been fun watching him turn into a barking moonbat
I have put up with Levin's rants in the past. This time I passed.

When I was driving home from work and if it was around 6 PM I would turn on Mark's show....
It was funny listening to him rant for a bit...
I would hang in to the first commercial break and that would be it for me...

This guy is far far far right to an ultra conservative.
How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Ha Ha Ha... You people crack me up. I remember this guy when he first got started around 15 years ago.

You idiots! He used to be on the old progressive stations that had Randi Rhodes, Ed Shultz, Mike Malloy and the like before Clear Channel removed them and replaced them with sports programming.

He was a frigging progressive!!!!!!!! He was a flaming LIBERAL!!!!

So this whiny fag re invented himself and you so called conservatives just lap it up like mothers milk.

You people are so fucking gullible!!!!

You're thinking of Michael Savage. Levin has always been a con as far as i know.
How many others have absolutely had it with The Mark Levin show?

Ha Ha Ha... You people crack me up. I remember this guy when he first got started around 15 years ago.

You idiots! He used to be on the old progressive stations that had Randi Rhodes, Ed Shultz, Mike Malloy and the like before Clear Channel removed them and replaced them with sports programming.

He was a frigging progressive!!!!!!!! He was a flaming LIBERAL!!!!

So this whiny fag re invented himself and you so called conservatives just lap it up like mothers milk.

You people are so fucking gullible!!!!

Oh bullshit Huggy. You don't have a freaking clue what you are talking about. Levin is an uber conservative and has been all his life. He used to work for the Regan administration for Ed Meese for crying out loud.

Mark Levin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Man....are these kinds of threads fun or what!?

You weirdos really do get invested in these bozo's. You are so upset that the guy you've been so loyal to......listening every day and repeating his words for years....buying books and podcasts and coffee mugs.....has finally shown you what he is all about.

It is awesome!! When is the Levin book burning?

I'm keeping all mine. He's an excellent author. And he used to be pretty fair and balanced and highly informed regarding constitutional and legal issues.

But he's got a new babe whose kid is working for Cruz so he's all pro Cruz all the time so much that you want to bazooka barf 5 minutes into the show.
I could be wrong but I definitely remember THAT voice when I tuned in to Air America for a good laugh. He has a very unique voice. I believe the same guy that used to do "The Lionel Show" is this Mark Levin dude. The voice is IDENTICAL. People can claim ANYTHING on TV and Radio AND the Internets.

Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.
Yes... People CAN claim anything on the Internets... like: Mark Levin used to be a flaming liberal! He does have an unusual voice but it's not like no one can sound just like him. I've read several of his books.. in them, he talks about finding his conservative voice in high school like a Christian talking about when they were saved. It's a matter of public record that he was part of the Reagan administration, I think you can find that on his Wiki page.

You're definitely wrong.
Levin, just like Rush and all the rest are first and foremost ENTERTAINERS.

To rely on them for your information is irrational unless vetted.

They will say any damned thing that will get them more viewers.
Oh, don't worry your pointy little heads, kids. After Trump gets the nomination, all the anti-Trump pinwheels on the Right will line up to suck his dick, and to sling the same old mud they've been slinging at Hillary for the past 25 years.

The irony is that Trump has succeeded precisely because the pseudo-con tards NEVER learn their lessons. Which is exactly why they will keep getting opportunities to learn them again.

You think Trump is bad? Wait until 2020!
As a national culture, we have become far to accepting of liars telling lies to advance their agenda.

How do we have some of the most popular conservative pundits being the paid liars like Levin and Beck are today? One says that having 40% of the vote in a five man race is no juggernaut. Then what the fuck would be, for shits sake? The other says that God as anointed Ted Cruise to be the next President; if so I am not worshiping God any more as He would be not a Loving Father, but an old alcoholic child abusing father. If Ted Cruse is the answer to prayers, the enemies of America have taken over God's prayer channels.

If we were as intolerant of liars as we should be, these baboons wouldnt be on the air waves.

The Beck deal is nothing short of alarming. Beck is a true Mormon and a believer in all things Mormon so when he came out and claimed that Cruz was divinely anointed that really set off alarm bells for me.

Cruz puts himself out there as an evangelical but for all I have studied to be anointed one has to be a Mormon. Then you have the strange situation where all of Romney and his associates who are Mormon all backing Cruz as well.

AND then Beck is proclaiming that Cruz has been chosen to rise up and save America. That's right out of the Mormon belief in the white horse prophecy.

That's the part that doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy. We're talking Cruz's believers believe he will bring about a Mormon theocracy.
I don't listen to any talk radio conservative or liberal granted most liberal talk radio died years ago what's left of it along with conservative talk radio is just talking points and pretty uninteresting in my opinion.
But he's got a new babe whose kid is working for Cruz so he's all pro Cruz all the time so much that you want to bazooka barf 5 minutes into the show.

Why do idiots make such a big deal out of this? He happens to be dating a woman who's grown son has a job in Washington on the staff of Ted Cruz. He's not working the campaign, there is no "quid pro quot" or exchange of favors. Levin didn't help him get the job... it's just a coincidence. This little tidbit of information was discovered by political hacks who started to threaten Levin and he headed them off by telling his audience all about it. Since then, it has been rolled out and rolled around by the liberal asswipes on the left (and Trump supporters) to try and smear him and Ted Cruz.

Levin supports Ted Cruz because Ted Cruz is the Constitutional Conservative in the race. He did not come out of the gate supporting Cruz, he didn't endorse him until a couple months ago. He liked Cruz and several others early on, and the ones he didn't like, he tells you why he doesn't like them and it's never because they're "greasy" or "creepy" or because they look like Grandpa Munster. It's always on policy substance.

If he makes you bazooka barf, why are you listening to him? Do you suffer from bulimia?
Ever since Trump has taken the lead in the Republican runoff, it seems all I hear on his show is a Trump rant, even going so far as to LIE about what Trump stands for, and today he picked on Bobby Knight for endorsing Trump. I've tried to listen, but after no more than 10 minutes, I turn on a much better conservative, Larry Elder. I read all his books, made much sense, but his ERRATIC behavior is worse that Trumps name calling, and supposed bullying! I understand his ratings have started to decline drastically, and as these guys live and die by ratings, I'd think he'll have to change his tune fairly soon or he'll become a useful as Glenn Beck is today!


Glen Beck, Mark Levin, Alex Jones, Michail Sewage. All of a kind.

Mark Levin's show is 60% screaming and 40% commercials. Even the local talk show people that are on before him say they can't listen to his show anymore because all he does is scream into the mic. Who are the rubes that are his audience?
Levin, just like Rush and all the rest are first and foremost ENTERTAINERS.

To rely on them for your information is irrational unless vetted.

They will say any damned thing that will get them more viewers.

I don't rely on any single source for my information... I'm not like a liberal sheep.

Mark Levin heads the Landmark Legal Foundation who have successfully argued SCOTUS cases. The man is an expert on Constitutional law. Before he got into radio, he was an adviser and consultant for some very important people... (like Edwin Meese.)

I think this puts him a notch above most talk show hosts.
But he's got a new babe whose kid is working for Cruz so he's all pro Cruz all the time so much that you want to bazooka barf 5 minutes into the show.

Why do idiots make such a big deal out of this? He happens to be dating a woman who's grown son has a job in Washington on the staff of Ted Cruz. He's not working the campaign, there is no "quid pro quot" or exchange of favors. Levin didn't help him get the job... it's just a coincidence. This little tidbit of information was discovered by political hacks who started to threaten Levin and he headed them off by telling his audience all about it. Since then, it has been rolled out and rolled around by the liberal asswipes on the left (and Trump supporters) to try and smear him and Ted Cruz.

Levin supports Ted Cruz because Ted Cruz is the Constitutional Conservative in the race. He did not come out of the gate supporting Cruz, he didn't endorse him until a couple months ago. He liked Cruz and several others early on, and the ones he didn't like, he tells you why he doesn't like them and it's never because they're "greasy" or "creepy" or because they look like Grandpa Munster. It's always on policy substance.

If he makes you bazooka barf, why are you listening to him? Do you suffer from bulimia?

First off I have listened to Mark for years on end. All I have is radio and a computer and I know all the talkers inside and out because I listen 24/7.

Please don't lecture me on the talkers. Mark has been anti insider and pro tea party for years and I have appreciated his efforts. As well I have admired him greatly on his promotion of animal welfare.

So for Mark to turn around and back Cruz who is the penultimate inside the beltway, part of the RNC elite and Wall Street supporter means:

#1 Mark lost his mind

#2 Mark lost his mind AND still wants to get laid.

It's that simple.

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