How many Russian Troops are in Mexico, Canada, or Caribbean?

But NATO has troops on Russian border? Does not Putin have an obligation to fight for his nation...his people?
The map that shows how many Nato troops are deployed along Russia’s border

Why are you defending the Russians?

Has the U.S. invaded Mexico, Canada, or the Caribbean? No you say?

Well Russia has attacked the Ukraine and Georgia. THAT'S why there are NATO troops on the Russian border.

What a silly ass question.
We have invaded all those nations during our history. I’m not defending Putin’s actions as a murderer and dictator...but I can understand where he’s coming from when you place yourself in his shoes.

No we haven't numbnuts. They were territories of other countries at the time and not their own country, and the countries that owned them at the time were hostile towards the U.S.
One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Russian poll after Russian poll shows...
One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.
But NATO has troops on Russian border? Does not Putin have an obligation to fight for his nation...his people?
The map that shows how many Nato troops are deployed along Russia’s border

So, no nation should have troops in the nations around it?

The United States literally has battleships floating in the Black Sea as we speak. It's aggressive posturing and you're a fool if you're going to try to argue that point.

That wasn't my point at all.

My point was that the OP made a comment about having "troops on Russia's border", which means any country that neighbor's Russia. How close, exactly, is the US to any physical border of Russia's?

The Black Sea has one entry point, which is through a NATO COUNTRY. Which the US belongs to.

Parts of the Black Sea belong to Turkey, the Ukraine and other countries.

So, if Russia has a problem with the US having troops in countries neighboring Russia, do they have problems with troops of other countries in neighboring countries?

Russia has troops in the Ukraine, which borders four NATO countries, plus Syria which neighbor's one NATO country.

Same shit.
About 4 miles.

So, does the US have troops within 4 miles of the Russian border?
Remember....Palin can see Russia from Alaska.
But NATO has troops on Russian border? Does not Putin have an obligation to fight for his nation...his people?
The map that shows how many Nato troops are deployed along Russia’s border
Russia is now #1 to you. I get that. You made your choice.

In the modern world we should not be looking at and treating Russia as our enemy. That's true regardless of partisan flip flopping from the right. You're not approaching the issue intellectually; you're just talking shit about partisan politics that dominate both sides of the field.
One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.
One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? I really doubt it, because public support for what happened is staggering. You're ignorant. People like you are why politics is so fucked up. You rant and rave and talk shit about things you know fuck all about. You truly are a fucking idiot. Learn something about the world before you make it worse by opening your mouth.

please stop being so ignorant! pick up a history book if you truly do not understand this.... or please google it....

NATO was created to PREVENT Soviet/Russian aggression.... in to eastern europe.... we have never tried to take over Russia with our troops silly willy, its to prevent Russia from encroaching on Europe.

Russia isn't stupid enough to invade west Europe. The world has changed. Most people don't want the world to end and cultures have become a lot more fused because of ease of travel and communication. It's probably kind of obnoxious to Russia that NATO has a bunch of military positioned right outside its asshole.
Sorry, that's simply the price they pay for invading Crimea.... Putin should have thought about that beforehand....

Most of the people in Crimea are Russian and supported what happened. Putin had a very good case for doing what he did, and he managed to do it with minimal violence. The people there are stronger now that they are part of Russia.
no he did not!

he used military force to do it.... that was against international law....and agreements russia signed on to....

he should have used diplomacy and elections, if Crimea wanted to join them....
What did Obama do about it? On his watch?
Obama got the entire Western alliance to levy sanctions against Putin.
Sanctions so bad their economy is suffering.

Trump wants to remove the sanctions and says Crimea speaks Russian.

Only a total nitwit could compare the two actions and find Trump's position to be the favorable one.
One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

You're ignorant and nothing I can say will help you deal with that ignorance. You'll just continue to stew in it and push more of your ignorance and stupidity onto the rest of us.
Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

You're ignorant and nothing I can say will help you deal with that ignorance. ....

Because I come by my information from real people from the real country, whereas you just Google like any other dopey punk?

Does that really makes sense to you, punk?
Russian poll after Russian poll shows...

I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

You're ignorant and nothing I can say will help you deal with that ignorance. You'll just continue to stew in it and push more of your ignorance and stupidity onto the rest of us.

Last spoke with real humans from the real Ukraine about 3 hours ago. How about you?

You're the punk who was going on about how much he hates America, but it sure seems as if you've never been outside the country in your so-called life. Maybe you can wise up and reduce some of the douche bag in your character by learning something about the real world first-hand.
I know I'm asking a lot, but maybe you should know something about issues you feel so strongly about. Everything I've said in this thread is true. Russia's actions were supported by the people that live there. Only Ukraine's government and ignorant nitwits like you have a problem with it.

Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

You're ignorant and nothing I can say will help you deal with that ignorance. You'll just continue to stew in it and push more of your ignorance and stupidity onto the rest of us.

Last spoke with real humans from the real Ukraine about 3 hours ago. How about you?

You're the punk who was going on about how much he hates America, but it sure seems as if you've never been outside the country in your so-called life. Maybe you can wise up and reduce some of the douche bag in your character by learning something about the real world first-hand.

Your anecdotal evidence that's most likely bullshit does not change reality, dumb ass. The Crimean public supported the annexation and years later they are still happy with it.
Let's see, I can take the word of a proven dimwit like you on the internet, or the many Ukrainians I've asked about the issue since it all began, including 5 just this morning.

Take your word for it? That is asking a lot. Pass.

Have you talked to people from Crimea? .....

Yes, real people. While you Google and then shoot your mouth off as if you've lived there all your life. Clown.

You're ignorant and nothing I can say will help you deal with that ignorance. You'll just continue to stew in it and push more of your ignorance and stupidity onto the rest of us.

Last spoke with real humans from the real Ukraine about 3 hours ago. How about you?

You're the punk who was going on about how much he hates America, but it sure seems as if you've never been outside the country in your so-called life. Maybe you can wise up and reduce some of the douche bag in your character by learning something about the real world first-hand.

Your anecdotal evidence that's most likely bullshit does not change reality, dumb ass. The Crimean public supported the annexation and years later they are still happy with it.

If you think you are getting honest news out of the region, you're painfully naive. I'll take the word of people who really know.

please stop being so ignorant! pick up a history book if you truly do not understand this.... or please google it....

NATO was created to PREVENT Soviet/Russian aggression.... in to eastern europe.... we have never tried to take over Russia with our troops silly willy, its to prevent Russia from encroaching on Europe.
Pick-up a history book. Stalin already had Eastern Europe. It was created to prevent aggression into Western Europe by programs such as Marshall Plan. Why did we expand NATO after collapse of Soviet Union into Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia? How should Russians feel about this?
when the soviet bloc countries got their freedom from the USSR, they became part of Europe and the new border to Russia... they are the ones that want protection and don't want to be taken over again by the Soviets/now Russians, is my understanding...
They became part of Europe? They were always European’s.
they were Soviet Bloc states/countries...

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