How many Russian Troops are in Mexico, Canada, or Caribbean?

One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there -- be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.
why did Putin invade Crimea and use Military force if everybody in Crimea want to join Russia?

Because the people of Crimea and the government of Crimea were not in alignment. I explained that already.
so, you're implying the people of Crimea did not elect their government??????

They were part of Ukraine. Crimea is tiny and the people there wanted to be part of Russia instead. You clearly have a severe lack of understanding on this issue. That's like saying Alabama elected Obama because it's part of the United States.

You are parroting Putin. Everyone understands perfectly. You are a Russian agent. It is as simple as that.
Well Russia has attacked the Ukraine and Georgia. THAT'S why there are NATO troops on the Russian border.

What a silly ass question.

Ukraine and Georgia aren't part of NATO (and Russia didn't attack them), Putin could also say that the US attacked Libya so that's why there should be Russian forces on the murican border...


The Ukraine and Georgia are independent countries. We have a obligation to Ukraine because they were the best equipped militarily which included nuclear weapons. We convinced them to give that up and said we had their backs.
But NATO has troops on Russian border? Does not Putin have an obligation to fight for his nation...his people?
The map that shows how many Nato troops are deployed along Russia’s border
Russia is now #1 to you. I get that. You made your choice.

In the modern world we should not be looking at and treating Russia as our enemy. That's true regardless of partisan flip flopping from the right. You're not approaching the issue intellectually; you're just talking shit about partisan politics that dominate both sides of the field.

Yes we should. They have interfered in elections in the US as well as other countries. They backed far-right candidates in France and other European countries. They interfered in Brexit. They are working with terrorists in the Middle East. They launched a attack on US forces in Syria. They are our enemies.
Russia isn't stupid enough to invade west Europe. The world has changed. Most people don't want the world to end and cultures have become a lot more fused because of ease of travel and communication. It's probably kind of obnoxious to Russia that NATO has a bunch of military positioned right outside its asshole.
Sorry, that's simply the price they pay for invading Crimea.... Putin should have thought about that beforehand....

Most of the people in Crimea are Russian and supported what happened. Putin had a very good case for doing what he did, and he managed to do it with minimal violence. The people there are stronger now that they are part of Russia.
no he did not!

he used military force to do it.... that was against international law....and agreements russia signed on to....

he should have used diplomacy and elections, if Crimea wanted to join them....

The people overwhelmingly wanted to be part of Russia. The government wasn't cooperating. I have no issue with what happened.

So you say. Another Russian agent in the US.

So say the people that live there. Calling me a Russian agent isn't an argument, but it is kind of hilarious. I'm honored that you think I'm good enough to get paid for this.
Yes we should. They have interfered in elections in the US as well as other countries.

We do the same shit.

They backed far-right candidates in France and other European countries.

You think Russia had enough influence to sway elections in west Europe? What far-right candidates are becoming powerful and relevant in Europe?

They interfered in Brexit.

This is the first I'm hearing of it. Again, I doubt they had significant influence and we are just as guilty of manipulating global politics.

They are working with terrorists in the Middle East.

We do the same thing.

They are our enemies.

The world can't afford for Russia and the United States to be enemies. If peace and cooperation is possible then it should be pursued. Get over your Cold War hatred already. The world is changing.
It’s hilarious. Trump’s worshippers are willing to diminish America’s status in the world for their messiah.

What status do we have in the world exactly? The biggest military? Even our allies have been looking down on us for a long time now. A little bit of humility would probably impress a lot of fucking people.

please stop being so ignorant! pick up a history book if you truly do not understand this.... or please google it....

NATO was created to PREVENT Soviet/Russian aggression.... in to eastern europe.... we have never tried to take over Russia with our troops silly willy, its to prevent Russia from encroaching on Europe.

Russia isn't stupid enough to invade west Europe. The world has changed. Most people don't want the world to end and cultures have become a lot more fused because of ease of travel and communication. It's probably kind of obnoxious to Russia that NATO has a bunch of military positioned right outside its asshole.
Sorry, that's simply the price they pay for invading Crimea.... Putin should have thought about that beforehand....

Most of the people in Crimea are Russian and supported what happened. Putin had a very good case for doing what he did, and he managed to do it with minimal violence. The people there are stronger now that they are part of Russia.
no he did not!

he used military force to do it.... that was against international law....and agreements russia signed on to....

he should have used diplomacy and elections, if Crimea wanted to join them....
You know that Crimea did vote and voted to return to Russia. Not only that, but they love it.

Crimeans back Russian takeover: If they try to take it back, ‘I will fight’
Got anything else to say, punk?

Nah, I think that about covers it.

Good, then you can start by shutting your ignorant little trap until you’ve seen something of the world. Also, spending a whole month in a Western European country is not exactly as impressive as you seem to think it is. Little less talking and a little more growing up will do you a lot of good.

please stop being so ignorant! pick up a history book if you truly do not understand this.... or please google it....

NATO was created to PREVENT Soviet/Russian aggression.... in to eastern europe.... we have never tried to take over Russia with our troops silly willy, its to prevent Russia from encroaching on Europe.

Russia isn't stupid enough to invade west Europe. The world has changed. Most people don't want the world to end and cultures have become a lot more fused because of ease of travel and communication. It's probably kind of obnoxious to Russia that NATO has a bunch of military positioned right outside its asshole.
Sorry, that's simply the price they pay for invading Crimea.... Putin should have thought about that beforehand....

Most of the people in Crimea are Russian and supported what happened. Putin had a very good case for doing what he did, and he managed to do it with minimal violence. The people there are stronger now that they are part of Russia.
no he did not!

he used military force to do it.... that was against international law....and agreements russia signed on to....

he should have used diplomacy and elections, if Crimea wanted to join them....
You know that Crimea did vote and voted to return to Russia. Not only that, but they love it.

Crimeans back Russian takeover: If they try to take it back, ‘I will fight’

And you people think Russia influenced OUR election ...
Got anything else to say, punk?

Nah, I think that about covers it.

Good, then you can start by shutting your ignorant little trap until you’ve seen something of the world. Also, spending a whole month in a Western European country is not exactly as impressive as you seem to think it is. Little less talking and a little more growing up will do you a lot of good.

I never said it was impressive. I only said that I did it because you made it a big deal. Anyway, I found out that Crimea actually voted in favor of joining Russia before the annexation. They were ignored by Ukraine's government. Thoughts?
Russia isn't stupid enough to invade west Europe. The world has changed. Most people don't want the world to end and cultures have become a lot more fused because of ease of travel and communication. It's probably kind of obnoxious to Russia that NATO has a bunch of military positioned right outside its asshole.
Sorry, that's simply the price they pay for invading Crimea.... Putin should have thought about that beforehand....

Most of the people in Crimea are Russian and supported what happened. Putin had a very good case for doing what he did, and he managed to do it with minimal violence. The people there are stronger now that they are part of Russia.
no he did not!

he used military force to do it.... that was against international law....and agreements russia signed on to....

he should have used diplomacy and elections, if Crimea wanted to join them....
You know that Crimea did vote and voted to return to Russia. Not only that, but they love it.

Crimeans back Russian takeover: If they try to take it back, ‘I will fight’

And you people think Russia influence OUR election ...

Fuck man. You are so delusional it's actually a little mind blowing.
However Russia could go and try and get troops in Mexico, if it wanted to.

Mexico isn't the US.

That would be unnecessary aggressive posturing and I would not fault the U.S for being pissed off about it.

The biggest problem here is that Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Ukraine etc are fearful of what Russia will do, so they joined NATO, which is their right to do so.

Russia annexed Crimea because it was the wish of the people that live there. Regardless of how butthurt everybody is, Russia had a lot more justification than we do for most of our military action, and they managed to pull it off with minimal violence.

So if Russia has a problem with that, who the fuck cares?

We should, because it's childish as fuck and a little bit of maturity could really improve relations with Russia. Our military can be anywhere in the world in very little time and Russia knows that. We don't need to rub their nose in the fact that we have the biggest dick of all.

Yes, the US would be pissed off with Chinese troops in Mexico. Why? Because the US is arrogant as fuck, like the Russians, like the Chinese. Power breeds arrogance.

Russia annexed the Crimea because the Russians wanted to annex the Crimea.

Had the whole thing been done in a proper manner then I wouldn't have had a problem with it. However Russia turned up with Russian troops with their badges covered up, pretending not to be Russian troops. Then they took over the Crimea and held a vote that no one could oversee.

Yes, I understand the Crimea is mostly ethnic Russian, but that doesn't make what they did okay.

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic-majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia

Here's a list of mostly Hispanic areas. Imagine they started to be annexed by Mexico. Would the US stand by and accept this? Hell no they wouldn't. So why should the Ukraine? Oh, wait, because the Ukraine is smaller the Russia and doesn't stand a chance in war.

Russia is being as childish as fuck. You want maturity against a country that keeps annexing places. Ukraine and Georgia. Where next? Putin needs this shit to keep the people happy.
Got anything else to say, punk?

Nah, I think that about covers it.

Good, then you can start by shutting your ignorant little trap until you’ve seen something of the world. Also, spending a whole month in a Western European country is not exactly as impressive as you seem to think it is. Little less talking and a little more growing up will do you a lot of good.

I never said it was impressive. I only said that I did it because you made it a big deal. Anyway, I found out that Crimea actually voted in favor of joining Russia before the annexation. They were ignored by Ukraine's government. Thoughts?

Naive child.

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