CDZ How many things do anti gunners get wrong....let us count the ways...

that night in France...Nice.....when that white truck was driving down the road.....if you were there, what would you have known for sure about that guy, driving the truck....( hint: the one that was used to murder 84 people)
I don't recall if the truck was stolen or not but I'll assume here it wasn't and that he was driving legally, at least until he wasn't. To get any kind of drivers license you have to be able to prove you can operate the vehicle safely. That is not the case with guns, at least not here in VA.

1). Licensing guns is a prior restraint on an actual Right........the democrats used Literacy tests to keep blacks from exercising their right to vote.....requiring a test to own a gun is no different......and the requirements to get that license can be increased to the point that gun ownership is a right in name only....

So it is not even close to being the same as driving a car.

2) how do you know the guy in the truck has a license? Every day in every city illegal aliens are driving without insurance or licenses do you tell as they are driving down the road?
1). Licensing guns is a prior restraint on an actual Right........the democrats used Literacy tests to keep blacks from exercising their right to vote.....requiring a test to own a gun is no different......and the requirements to get that license can be increased to the point that gun ownership is a right in name only....

So it is not even close to being the same as driving a car.
100% correct. However, it doesn't change my feeling of unease when I see someone with a gun, so at this moment in time I'd vote to limit or better yet repeal the 2nd and make gun ownership a privilege like driving. I'll bet there are plenty of people like me out there so if the NRA really wanted to protect the 2nd they'd push for registration and training.

2) how do you know the guy in the truck has a license? Every day in every city illegal aliens are driving without insurance or licenses do you tell as they are driving down the road?
If you catch someone acting illegally you have remedies, if they are merely exercising their rights you have none.
Please leave BHO alone.

He did not do anything about guns or gun ammo.

Hillary is with Bill on the assault weapons ban thing. It is a family value of theirs.

They just don't like AK's and AR's or their clones.

Your beloved meat puppet faggot did everything he could to undermine the 2A, and Fast&Furious lead to untold numbers of innocent deaths for the sole purpose of demonizing such weapons.

Libturds across the board hate ALL weapons held in private hands that can be used to prevent the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths from having absolute power. Their goals are exactly the opposite of "public safety". Their goals are complete subjugation.

You're just too stupid to grasp that reality.
I don't think reality is something you're qualified to comment on since nothing you wrote seems to intersect it on any level.

Speaking of stupid, thanks for chiming in bed wetter.

Rarely do I read a post that so perfectly displays what is wrong with this country. Aside from the childish insults and numerous strawmen, Pete7469 provides a fine example of demonizing those who don't share his values. This allows for no discussion and no compromise and is exactly what is tearing this country apart.
--The biggest thing the anti gunners have gotten wrong....

the entire premise of their argument against guns is that more guns will lead to more crime.

Speaking only for myself, my beef with guns is that you owning a gun does not make me feel any safer. In fact it is just the opposite. If I knew that you had to pass a rigorous training course, like the police do, and are screened so you're not a criminal or mentally ill, I feel different. In fact, I'd encourage everyone to take the training and pass the screening tests. You may know you're a good guy with a gun but I have no idea.
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
100% correct. However, it doesn't change my feeling of unease when I see someone with a gun, so at this moment in time I'd vote to limit or better yet repeal the 2nd and make gun ownership a privilege like driving. I'll bet there are plenty of people like me out there
This is a political fight no one is able to wage.
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.

Are you joking?

The proposals offered by liberals for gun control are among the most watered down, impotent measures that anyone could conceive of. But the NRA's frothing screams in reply make them all sound like a quick road to confiscation.

What planet are you on?
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.
Are you joking?
The proposals offered by liberals for gun control are among the most watered down, impotent measures that anyone could conceive of. But the NRA's frothing screams in reply make them all sound like a quick road to confiscation.
Like most anti-gun loons, you do not understand the nature of compromise -- which is why you never offer it.

You want universal backgrounds checks. What do you offer in return?
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.
Are you joking?
The proposals offered by liberals for gun control are among the most watered down, impotent measures that anyone could conceive of. But the NRA's frothing screams in reply make them all sound like a quick road to confiscation.
Like most anti-gun loons, you do not understand the nature of compromise -- which is why you never offer it.

You want universal backgrounds checks. What do you offer in return?

WTF are you talking about?

I offer fewer criminals with guns. Isn't that enough? Or do you prefer to maximize the number of criminals with guns?
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.
Are you joking?
The proposals offered by liberals for gun control are among the most watered down, impotent measures that anyone could conceive of. But the NRA's frothing screams in reply make them all sound like a quick road to confiscation.
Like most anti-gun loons, you do not understand the nature of compromise -- which is why you never offer it.
You want universal backgrounds checks. What do you offer in return?
WTF are you talking about?
Thank you for proving my point - you do not understand the nature of compromise.
1). Licensing guns is a prior restraint on an actual Right........the democrats used Literacy tests to keep blacks from exercising their right to vote.....requiring a test to own a gun is no different......and the requirements to get that license can be increased to the point that gun ownership is a right in name only....

So it is not even close to being the same as driving a car.
100% correct. However, it doesn't change my feeling of unease when I see someone with a gun, so at this moment in time I'd vote to limit or better yet repeal the 2nd and make gun ownership a privilege like driving. I'll bet there are plenty of people like me out there so if the NRA really wanted to protect the 2nd they'd push for registration and training.

2) how do you know the guy in the truck has a license? Every day in every city illegal aliens are driving without insurance or licenses do you tell as they are driving down the road?
If you catch someone acting illegally you have remedies, if they are merely exercising their rights you have none.

Which does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters........not one is once again directed at normal, law abiding gun owners....which is why we don't trust people like you.........

You want to get rid of the Right of people who own 356,991,876 million rifles which are not used in crime or to commit murder.........because you want to register guns...which leads to banning and confiscation...and training, which will again be used to limit access to a Right... are now no different than the democrats after slavery.....
tell France....

Oh, you mean the country with less than 1/3rd the gun death rate of the U.S.?

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a bogus stat.

Historically the US murder rate has always been higher than France's.

Today our murder rate is what it was in 1950

Our non gun murder rate is higher than Frances...or England's or Australia's or Japan's.......completely different criminal cultures with completely different views on murder....especially against non criminals....
--The biggest thing the anti gunners have gotten wrong....

the entire premise of their argument against guns is that more guns will lead to more crime.

They have been wrong....for the last 20 years. More Americans now own and acutally carry guns...and the gun murder rate, and the gun crime rate, has gone down. This is not made up or wishful thinking...actual FBI crime statistics, and CDC data actual show this is the case.....and right now the anti gunners are going to busily type..."Coincidence is not Causation" ......and they are wrong on this as well....

We are not even discussing causation for the decrease in the gun murder rate.

The fact is that as more Americans have bought, owned and carried guns...the gun murder rate and the over all violence rate went down...not up........showing that anti gunners were completely wrong with the core premise of their anti gun beliefs.....

They were wrong...

--They claim that gun owners in a mass shooting will turn into Rambos.

They have been wrong on this, and we saw this in dramatic fashion at the Dallas shooting and at the Gabby Giffords shooting.....the gun owners acted responsibly, they did not shoot innocent people and in the case of Dallas, since the police were on the Scene, they retreated and allowed the trained police professionals handle the situation..

--The claim that armed civilians at the scene of a mass shooting or violent crime will be seen as a threat and shot by arriving police.....

Again, we have Dallas.....and the Gifford's shooting as well as other mass public shootings where normal gun owners with guns have stopped the attack and have not been shot by the police....

Dittos for regular criminal attack.....I love the video of the black guy with the gun holding the white car jacker on the ground with his gun...then the police arrive and they shake the guys hand.......again, showing that the anti gunners are just wrong....

--allowing guns in bars will lead to drunk people shooting each other......

this one has been shown to be wrong.....40 states apparently allow concealed carry in places that serve alcohol and Virginia allowed carrying guns in bars last year....and the crime rate in their bars went down 5.9%......

--Allowing people to carry guns, both open carry and concealed carry would increase the gun crime rate.....

this has been shown to be wrong...with 20 years of evidence showing it to be wrong.....over 13 million people now carry guns.........and the gun murder rate went down, not up........

--Normal gun owners with guns don't stop mass shootings.....

this has been show to be wrong over and over again.......the night club attacked 2 weeks after the orlando attack, was stopped by a concealed carry gun owner....we have shown actual mass shooting attempts stopped by concealed carriers...given actual examples.....and the anti gunners simply deny they exist....even though we have taken the time to type about them and linked to the actual stories......

--mass shooters don't target gun free zones....

I have linked to the videos, diaries, notes and confessions and wiretaps of mass shooters who actually stated they decided on their target because they wanted a gun free zone where they could kill at will and not be stopped........

Sandy Hook
South Carolina Church shooter
Aurora Theater shooter
Santa Barbara shooter
The muslim terrorist mega church attacker

this is just off the top of my head..........any others....

thanks for the NRA approved nonsense.

the reality pre-heller"
Fortunate that the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to you feeling more or less safe when exercised by someone else.
Quite right, I have little power but the NRA has alienated many people. Old saying: The tree that doesn't bend with the wind gets broken. This country and its constitution is always changing.
if those that seek more gun control were willing to compromise, perhaps the NRA would as well.
But, they aren't - rather than compromise. they demand acquiescence.
Are you joking?
The proposals offered by liberals for gun control are among the most watered down, impotent measures that anyone could conceive of. But the NRA's frothing screams in reply make them all sound like a quick road to confiscation.
Like most anti-gun loons, you do not understand the nature of compromise -- which is why you never offer it.

You want universal backgrounds checks. What do you offer in return?

WTF are you talking about?

I offer fewer criminals with guns. Isn't that enough? Or do you prefer to maximize the number of criminals with guns?

There is not one post that you have put here that makes fewer criminals with guns...not one.
--The biggest thing the anti gunners have gotten wrong....

the entire premise of their argument against guns is that more guns will lead to more crime.

They have been wrong....for the last 20 years. More Americans now own and acutally carry guns...and the gun murder rate, and the gun crime rate, has gone down. This is not made up or wishful thinking...actual FBI crime statistics, and CDC data actual show this is the case.....and right now the anti gunners are going to busily type..."Coincidence is not Causation" ......and they are wrong on this as well....

We are not even discussing causation for the decrease in the gun murder rate.

The fact is that as more Americans have bought, owned and carried guns...the gun murder rate and the over all violence rate went down...not up........showing that anti gunners were completely wrong with the core premise of their anti gun beliefs.....

They were wrong...

--They claim that gun owners in a mass shooting will turn into Rambos.

They have been wrong on this, and we saw this in dramatic fashion at the Dallas shooting and at the Gabby Giffords shooting.....the gun owners acted responsibly, they did not shoot innocent people and in the case of Dallas, since the police were on the Scene, they retreated and allowed the trained police professionals handle the situation..

--The claim that armed civilians at the scene of a mass shooting or violent crime will be seen as a threat and shot by arriving police.....

Again, we have Dallas.....and the Gifford's shooting as well as other mass public shootings where normal gun owners with guns have stopped the attack and have not been shot by the police....

Dittos for regular criminal attack.....I love the video of the black guy with the gun holding the white car jacker on the ground with his gun...then the police arrive and they shake the guys hand.......again, showing that the anti gunners are just wrong....

--allowing guns in bars will lead to drunk people shooting each other......

this one has been shown to be wrong.....40 states apparently allow concealed carry in places that serve alcohol and Virginia allowed carrying guns in bars last year....and the crime rate in their bars went down 5.9%......

--Allowing people to carry guns, both open carry and concealed carry would increase the gun crime rate.....

this has been shown to be wrong...with 20 years of evidence showing it to be wrong.....over 13 million people now carry guns.........and the gun murder rate went down, not up........

--Normal gun owners with guns don't stop mass shootings.....

this has been show to be wrong over and over again.......the night club attacked 2 weeks after the orlando attack, was stopped by a concealed carry gun owner....we have shown actual mass shooting attempts stopped by concealed carriers...given actual examples.....and the anti gunners simply deny they exist....even though we have taken the time to type about them and linked to the actual stories......

--mass shooters don't target gun free zones....

I have linked to the videos, diaries, notes and confessions and wiretaps of mass shooters who actually stated they decided on their target because they wanted a gun free zone where they could kill at will and not be stopped........

Sandy Hook
South Carolina Church shooter
Aurora Theater shooter
Santa Barbara shooter
The muslim terrorist mega church attacker

this is just off the top of my head..........any others....

thanks for the NRA approved nonsense.

the reality pre-heller"

YOu guys are really just the sock puppets of the anti gun movement......there isn't one thing I have posted that comes from the could try to read the links...the ones that say...CDC....and FBI......that would help....

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