How many times will Hillary Clinton inject the word 'dangerous' into her speeches?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.
"Dangerous" is about the kindest thing any sane person could say about Trump.
"Dangerous" is about the kindest thing any sane person could say about Trump.

I wasn't making a comment about the candidates but more a comment about the strategy the candidates are using. Is it just a strategy or do they really feel he is dangerous.
"Dangerous" is about the kindest thing any sane person could say about Trump.

I wasn't making a comment about the candidates but more a comment about the strategy the candidates are using. Is it just a strategy or do they really feel he is dangerous.

Oh, believe me - "they really feel he is dangerous"...

I'm sure no one has ever thought that they could capitalize on a weakness of his in the ever.
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.

Nah...they just know their voter base doesn't have a broad vocabulary. LOL There are many synonyms and near synonyms she could have used almost indiscriminately and her points would have been equally germane and accurate. When it comes to describing what precious little there is to Trump's policies, numerous terms apply: nocuous, baneful and baleful, malignant, ruinous, pernicious, parlous and perilous, to list just a few.

Truly, it has become so common to deride Trump that my closest friends and I have made an informal requirement amongst ourselves to at this point only do so alliteratively or keep mum. Something entertaining and pleasurable, besides laughing at Trump and his surrogates' inanity, needs to come from such conversations....LOL
i like the handle ''Donny Dangerous'' that was created on this site....can't remember by who?

She truly called him ''King of Debt'' more than dangerous, I think?
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.

I think it is because Huma Abadin's husband, Carlos Danger, is writing her speeches.
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.

Nah...they just know their voter base doesn't have a broad vocabulary. LOL There are many synonyms and near synonyms she could have used almost indiscriminately and her points would have been equally germane and accurate. When it comes to describing what precious little there is to Trump's policies, numerous terms apply: nocuous, baneful and baleful, malignant, ruinous, pernicious, parlous and perilous, to list just a few.

Truly, it has become so common to deride Trump that my closest friends and I have made an informal requirement amongst ourselves to at this point only do so alliteratively or keep mum. Something entertaining and pleasurable, besides laughing at Trump and his surrogates' inanity, needs to come from such conversations....LOL

It must be great to be a 'liberal' because you have the freedom to say what you want about the other guy's politician without the fear of retaliation from other people. I can't really say that other people have the same freedom considering how many threads actually get banned on this forum by 'liberals'. It must be great to be you.
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.
I think she's attempting to play Trump's game. Crooked Hillary is something he's repeated quite a bit, for instance. Now she's showing him the power of words! Dangerous is a handy word for making certain people and certain ideas sound scary. Hillary is playing the concerned can do save the world savvy grandma. Clearly, anyone who doesn't believe she is the candidate for the people is dangerous and part of the dangerous right wing conspiracy.

It all began with a dangerous idea that we could make western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interests in becoming a western democracy.

It is a dangerous world, more dangerous now than it has ever been.

Miami Debate:

TRUMP: We have some protesters who are bad dudes, they have done bad things. They are swinging, they are really dangerous and they get in there and they start hitting people.

Detroit Debate:

We are in a very dangerous place. We have a depleted military. Totally depleted.

Trump calls for Muslim ban:

Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.
All people have freedom of speech.

But not all expression is freedom of speech.

I am just going to say that is quite informative because if all expression isn't protected under freedom of speech then how do you say all people can express themselves as much as they want? It just points out to the fact that 'liberals' today are not liberals at all.
Your comment just points out you don't understand language above the 8th grade.
All people have freedom of speech.

But not all expression is freedom of speech.

I am just going to say that is quite informative because if all expression isn't protected under freedom of speech then how do you say all people can express themselves as much as they want? It just points out to the fact that 'liberals' today are not liberals at all.
Your comment just points out you don't understand language above the 8th grade.

You are just a fascist asshole who should be taken on a hunting trip to meet up with some banjo playing homosexual rapist. Seriously...fuck yourself in the ass.
I couldn't help but notice that she keeps describing Trump as dangerous. Dangerous foreign policy. Dangerous economic plan, dangerous mid east policy, etc etc. It is like the DNC is handing out instructions to say everything Trump does is dangerous because they know that this is his biggest weakness. Some people may perceive him as a loose cannon and it appears that the Hillary team is going to capitalize and exploit that at every turn.
one word for her would be "disastrous"

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