How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

How fortunate for Biden your feelz are meaningless?
See as a conservative, I don't let "feelz" influence my decisions.
Just plain common sense show diaper dude had no shot of winning without massive cheating behind the scenes.
Even that wasn't enough so they switched votes on news screens, shut down counting only to add fake ballots in the middle of the night & basically had to be blatant about it.
Pedo Joe may be in there now but in no way is he ever going to be legit despite how strong your "feelz" about it
See as a conservative, I don't let "feelz" influence my decisions.
Just plain common sense show diaper dude had no shot of winning without massive cheating behind the scenes.
Even that wasn't enough so they switched votes on news screens, shut down counting only to add fake ballots in the middle of the night & basically had to be blatant about it.
Pedo Joe may be in there now but in no way is he ever going to be legit despite how strong your "feelz" about it

A pity that not a stitch of proof has been found after 19 months of searching for it.

That leaves you with nothing but your worthless feelz.
Believe what you want.
Free country.
I know dementia man is an illegitimate fraud in a dirty diaper & neither corrupt judges nor UNiparty Rinos making up lies will change that fact.
Resident Briben is a treasonous joke of a leader & the whole world knows it
It is only a fact if it is proven. What you claim is not proven. It’s unverified allegations made from the media sources that you choose to tune into. I have engaged in many debates with people about why they think it was a stolen election. Nobody can back up their claims with verified evidence. So no you do not know the election is stolen as a fact. You believe it because you choose to believe it, because you choose to believe the media sources that you listen to.
A pity that not a stitch of proof has been found after 19 months of searching for it.

That leaves you with nothing but your worthless feelz.
The sad thing is you probably really believe this.
It takes a whole lot of head/ass burying to buy into that.
Come up for air
It is only a fact if it is proven. What you claim is not proven. It’s unverified allegations made from the media sources that you choose to tune into. I have engaged in many debates with people about why they think it was a stolen election. Nobody can back up their claims with verified evidence. So no you do not know the election is stolen as a fact. You believe it because you choose to believe it, because you choose to believe the media sources that you listen to.
I mean exactly what I said. The election was stolen & that's a fact.
There has been multiple submissions of verified evidence in multiple states, presented & ignored by MSM & the UNiparty.
Ignoring them doesn't make them go away.
It was a stolen election. Joe is an illegitimate fraud with late stage dementia & he is the leader of jack squat.
Why do you think nobody respects him?
I mean exactly what I said. The election was stolen & that's a fact.
There has been multiple submissions of verified evidence in multiple states, presented & ignored by MSM & the UNiparty.
Ignoring them doesn't make them go away.
It was a stolen election. Joe is an illegitimate fraud with late stage dementia & he is the leader of jack squat.
Why do you think nobody respects him?
You may mean it but that doesn't make it true or a fact. Facts need to be proven and you can not prove your claims. You dishonestly state this stolen election nonsense as a fact because of information that your media sources told you which you chose to believe. These things you believe are verified are not verified. If I pressed you to prove it you would fail. Think I'm wrong? Lets debate it. Show your proof.... here comes the dodge
The election was stolen & that's a fact.

I’ve posted this before. But 45 states showed an increase in votes for the Democratic Noominee over 2016.

So which states was the result fraudulent?

View attachment 652278

This map shows the increase in Democratic Voters over 2016. Which states were not in the conspiracy to defraud Trump of the win?

How many of the votes were fraudulent?
Lol, all the people who got convicted of voter fraud were Trump supporters. For as long as Trump and his sick ideology is around voter participation on the dem side will be near 100 percent.
You may mean it but that doesn't make it true or a fact. Facts need to be proven and you can not prove your claims. You dishonestly state this stolen election nonsense as a fact because of information that your media sources told you which you chose to believe. These things you believe are verified are not verified. If I pressed you to prove it you would fail. Think I'm wrong? Lets debate it. Show your proof.... here comes the dodge
Facts are facts whether you or anybody else admit to them or not.
The fact is, this was a stolen election.
I know it, DC knows it, most of the world knows it.
Denial cannot change that fact.
He's about as legit as the gene therapy clot shots are at being both safe & effective
I'll give you just one example in one state & then we're done. Do your own homework.
Or don't, as I do not care about your opinion in the least.

Rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities,” according to the Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report filed on March 1 with the Wisconsin Assembly.

Facts are facts whether you or anybody else admit to them or not.
The fact is, this was a stolen election.
I know it, DC knows it, most of the world knows it.
Denial cannot change that fact.
He's about as legit as the gene therapy clot shots are at being both safe & effective
I'll give you just one example in one state & then we're done. Do your own homework.
Or don't, as I do not care about your opinion in the least.

Rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities,” according to the Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report filed on March 1 with the Wisconsin Assembly.

I agree facts are facts... And what you are calling facts are not facts because you can not prove them... That is the fact.

Did you read this report or just an article telling you what it said? I think I know the answer... Here is a direct quote from the report

"As noted throughout, this Report regarding the administration of the 2020 election in Wisconsin is incomplete because the Office of the Special Counsel has received little to no cooperation in its investigation from the government officials and others that were responsible for conducting the election."

I would not be surprised if several cases of misconduct are found during deep dives into the election. A national election is a monster of a task and nothing of that magnitude goes off perfectly. But despite the irregularities that are found, this report about nursing home included, there is no evidence of anything to the magnitude of a stolen election. Not even close. You can't prove that yet you call it a fact. Thats just you being dishonest.
Facts are facts whether you or anybody else admit to them or not.
The fact is, this was a stolen election.
I know it, DC knows it, most of the world knows it.
Denial cannot change that fact.
He's about as legit as the gene therapy clot shots are at being both safe & effective
I'll give you just one example in one state & then we're done. Do your own homework.
Or don't, as I do not care about your opinion in the least.

Rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities,” according to the Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report filed on March 1 with the Wisconsin Assembly.

Most think you're a nut... most adults polled say the election was legit.
Most think you're a nut... most adults polled say the election was legit.
Is that really true though? Just because you want it to be so doesn't make it so.
Nice try proggy
In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 56% of respondents said, "It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”
Is that really true though? Just because you want it to be so doesn't make it so.
Nice try proggy
In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 56% of respondents said, "It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”

That's not a poll of adults or even registered voters. That's a poll limited to only "likely voters," which lean right.

Be sure to collect your participation award on your way out.
Is that really true though? Just because you want it to be so doesn't make it so.
Nice try proggy
In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 56% of respondents said, "It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”

In a poll of adults, by a margin of 57 to 34 percent, respondents do not believe there was widespread voter fraud.

It's a map of purported ballot harvesting they claimed in the movie, ya fucking retard. :cuckoo:

That you're running away from trying to prove the map they claimed showed ballot harvesting reveals even you know the movie doesn't prove fraud.

They claim ballot trafficking, you dumb fuck.
Unfortunately, there was a very recent thread closure of a very solid thread — and it got closed for very much a poor reason. Trolls had supposedly ruined it. Closure therefore rewarded the trolls.

That thread categorized the nature of much of the DNC election theft efforts. That said, I still can’t say I see sufficient evidence that the election theft efforts ended up changing the eventual electoral college vote totals of any state. But it does cast grave doubt on the official “totals.”

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