How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

Understood, so was I… Trump came into power with party control of congress. Lost them all in 4 years. You call that cleaning up the town?
He cleaned up the damage done by Congress, which Biden promptly reinstated.
What in the world does Obama have to do with this discussion?!. That was the worst dodge and pivot I’ve seen in a while.
We were discussing basing our opinions not on facts. You opened that door & so I brought Barry into the conversation
More butthurt crybaby sore losers trying to understand how their candidate lost. I am all out of tissues and menstraul relief for your pain, sorry.
He cleaned up the damage done by Congress, which Biden promptly reinstated.
Haha, really?! Why was Biden even in a position to do that? Because Trump lost the congress and White House in 4 short years. Total flop of a presidency
We were discussing basing our opinions not on facts. You opened that door & so I brought Barry into the conversation
Ok well for this conversation I don’t really care if Barry did or didn’t base his opinions on facts. Even if he did that doesn’t make it ok for you to do it now. Is Barry your idol and inspiration or something?! I’m not seeing the connection here
When did we stop basing our opinions on things like facts and evidence?! You people are unbelievable!!

Maybe when people started denying facts and evidence. When nothing was investigated and no proof was offered but some corrupt officials word. That might be it. You deny digital and video evidence. You are the unbelievable one.

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