How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

Maybe when people started denying facts and evidence. When nothing was investigated and no proof was offered but some corrupt officials word. That might be it. You deny digital and video evidence. You are the unbelievable one.
There were plenty of investigations and audits and recounts. All came up empty and exposed your conspiracy lies even more. Then there’s tards like yourself that persist to push the lies. How many times now have you claimed the big proof bomb had been dropped?… then nothing. And when pushed on details you lie, dodge, evade and then ditch the debate. Weak and tired tactics.
Why on Earth was it Pence's job to investigate his own election?
It was not but he knew 7 states had problems and over 100,000 people were in DC. to protest the fraud. He had the power to do something and did nothing.
I believe any VP with evidence and a huge crowd protesting fraud should have the charges investigated. Pence had those two things and did nothing.
It was a crowd of delusional cultists that had been fed lies from our president who were calling for Pence to break the constitution in the course of an attempted insurrection. Pence played the game long enough but in the end on that day he did what was right and he sacrificed his name and career in MAGAland to do so.
There were plenty of investigations and audits and recounts. All came up empty and exposed your conspiracy lies even more. Then there’s tards like yourself that persist to push the lies. How many times now have you claimed the big proof bomb had been dropped?… then nothing. And when pushed on details you lie, dodge, evade and then ditch the debate. Weak and tired tactics.
Those found all kinds of laws broken or ignored. You never mention that, why?

That is old news now. There is digital and video evidence of fraud. You denying it exists makes no sense.
It was not but he knew 7 states had problems and over 100,000 people were in DC. to protest the fraud. He had the power to do something and did nothing.

You said he should have done that. Now you admit it wasn't his job to do that. You're literally bashing him for not doing something you admit wasn't his job to do.

And what was in his power to do?
It was a crowd of delusional cultists that had been fed lies from our president who were calling for Pence to break the constitution in the course of an attempted insurrection. Pence played the game long enough but in the end on that day he did what was right and he sacrificed his name and career in MAGAland to do so.
Delusional? They saw the numbers and heard the people that came forward. You are the delusional one.
You deny digital and video evidence.
I questioned you about that so called evidence. You admitted you spread false information about video proof of fraud and you ditched the debate in the geo data because you knew you were going to get schooled again. Weak
You said he should have done that. Now you admit it wasn't his job to do that. You're literally bashing him for not doing something you admit wasn't his job to do.

And what was in his power to do?
I said investigating was not his job. He could have sent those votes back and let the states investigate.
I’ve posted this before. But 45 states showed an increase in votes for the Democratic Noominee over 2016.

So which states was the result fraudulent?

View attachment 652278

This map shows the increase in Democratic Voters over 2016. Which states were not in the conspiracy to defraud Trump of the win?

How many of the votes were fraudulent?
Virtually none, apparently. The only people we seem to be catching casting fake votes are trumpers. That's a pretty strong indicator.
I questioned you about that so called evidence. You admitted you spread false information about video proof of fraud and you ditched the debate in the geo data because you knew you were going to get schooled again. Weak
Christ's sake. Enough with that crap. You are not capable of schooling anyone.
It was not but he knew 7 states had problems and over 100,000 people were in DC. to protest the fraud. He had the power to do something and did nothing.
What power did the constitution grant him on Jan 6. Please do explain!
Those found all kinds of laws broken or ignored. You never mention that, why?

That is old news now. There is digital and video evidence of fraud. You denying it exists makes no sense.
I’m happy to discuss whatever you want. I don’t run from debates like you do. Fact remains that no evidence of a stolen election was ever found. If you want to look at specific examples of fraud or broken regulations then that fine we can look at those. The anamolies don’t amount to systemic fraud
Delusional? They saw the numbers and heard the people that came forward. You are the delusional one.
The numbers showed Joe winning. The people coming forward were spouting unverified conspiracy theories. The election workers coming forward weren’t able to prove systemic fraud. It was all a big flop and an excuse to cover for the ego of a narcissistic loser
I said investigating was not his job. He could have sent those votes back and let the states investigate.
No he couldn’t, that power is not provided in our constitution or congressional law. You’re advocating that he break the law.
Christ's sake. Enough with that crap. You are not capable of schooling anyone.
Yet you’ve been schooled. You lied about the video evidence and you ditched the geotracking discussion. That’s getting schooled

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