How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

They never admitted that. You and a hack from the WP are simply lying again. They got caught and there is more to come.
Hahahahaha, it always comes back to “more to come” “wait and see” oldest conspirator trick in the book. You got nothing except for another fail.
Get the data and show me how it is not. Has anyone even tried to debunk the data? No, they have not because they cannot. Game over.
I’ve debunked every claim of “verified proof” that you’ve claimed that farce of a movie has. Now all you have left is “wait and see… more to come” that’s a fail
A route like what? They never showed an actual route. They presented two maps. One they admitted was only made up for the movie and the other was actually of Moscow, not Atlanta, as they falsely protrayed.
It is absolutely moronic to think anything else but ballot trafficking happened. Again, if situations were reversed Trump would be in jail already.
I’ve debunked every claim of “verified proof” that you’ve claimed that farce of a movie has. Not all you have left is “wait and see… more to come” that’s a fail
You have debunked nothing. Show me where the data is wrong. Can you do that? Until you can you have done 0.
It is absolutely moronic to think anything else but ballot trafficking happened. Again, if situations were reversed Trump would be in jail already.
That’s a retreat from the debate. You didn’t address any of Fauns points. Another fail
Hahahahaha, it always comes back to “more to come” “wait and see” oldest conspirator truck in the book. You got nothing except for another fail.
This is over and above the fraud. It is going to get worse. You cannot stop it so I would just STFU and wait.
You have debunked nothing. Show me where the data is wrong. Can you do that? Until you can you have done 0.
I’m not challenging the data. I’m challenging your interpretation and claims about the data. The data does not show proof of any crimes or fraud or a stolen election. You’re straight up lying.
This is over and above the fraud. It is going to get worse. You cannot stop it so I would just STFU and wait.
Why do I have to keep waiting?! You’ve been saying that for over a year. And now you said the movie is the verification. If I still need to wait then you just admitted to your lie.
They never admitted that. You and a hack from the WP are simply lying again. They got caught and there is more to come.

I already showed you the quote from D'Souza. Here it is again. Denying it won't actually make it go away...

Bump: It’s not up to me! It’s up to you to prove this even happened. But again, your movie doesn’t prove that this even happened even once. You show no one who went to multiple drop boxes.
D’Souza: But what I’m saying is I do show it. You’re demanding video evidence when you know that there are whole states that took no video. There are other states that that took very partial video. There are other states that took video, but the camera is not even pointed at the drop box. So the absence, my inability to — if this had been done properly according to the election rules and there was video surveillance on all the drop boxes, I am firmly convinced that a mule going to 10 different drop boxes would be seen on the video 10 different times. But if only one of those drop boxes have video, you can’t then fault me and say, “Wait, why can’t I see more video?” Because the states didn’t take it.
Bump: I can fault you because you are the one making the proposition. It’s not up to me to prove you wrong, but for you to prove your point. And you just admitted you don’t have the evidence to prove that point.
D’Souza: Well, I’m saying that I have the evidence — when I say “I’m,” I’m speaking also, by the way, for True the Vote — we have the electronic evidence, which is decisive in itself, and the video evidence happens to completely correspond with the geotracking evidence.
Bump: Although we don’t see that in the movie.
D’Souza: The video evidence I agree is partial. It doesn’t show every mule. In fact, it shows a minority of the mules. But the strength of the video evidence is it is supported by the geotracking evidence. In other words, True the Vote knew where to look on the video.
Bump: You don’t actually —
D’Souza: You have a guy whose phone is at a location on a given date at a given time. You look in the video and boom, there he is.
Bump: But you don’t actually show that. You at no point in the movie show, “Here is the geotracking data. We saw the bike guy, for example, or the dog guy. We saw them heading to this location. Then boom, there they were at this date and time. And then they went on to this place where there is no camera.” You never showed that.
You never actually prove or show any evidence for what you claim is fundamentally happening. The burden is on you to provide the evidence, not on me to rebut it. And that’s really one of the challenges that this whole movie has.
It is absolutely moronic to think anything else but ballot trafficking happened. Again, if situations were reversed Trump would be in jail already.

Again, D'Souza's own admission destroys your bullshit...

D’Souza: We’re merely assuming that there is no rational reason for someone, let alone in the middle of the night, to make more than 10 trips to mail-in drop boxes.

Assumptions are not proof. Especially when coming from partisan Trump supporters like D'Souza and Phillips.

I already showed you the quote from D'Souza. Here it is again. Denying it won't actually make it go away...

Bump: It’s not up to me! It’s up to you to prove this even happened. But again, your movie doesn’t prove that this even happened even once. You show no one who went to multiple drop boxes.
D’Souza: But what I’m saying is I do show it. You’re demanding video evidence when you know that there are whole states that took no video. There are other states that that took very partial video. There are other states that took video, but the camera is not even pointed at the drop box. So the absence, my inability to — if this had been done properly according to the election rules and there was video surveillance on all the drop boxes, I am firmly convinced that a mule going to 10 different drop boxes would be seen on the video 10 different times. But if only one of those drop boxes have video, you can’t then fault me and say, “Wait, why can’t I see more video?” Because the states didn’t take it.
Bump: I can fault you because you are the one making the proposition. It’s not up to me to prove you wrong, but for you to prove your point. And you just admitted you don’t have the evidence to prove that point.
D’Souza: Well, I’m saying that I have the evidence — when I say “I’m,” I’m speaking also, by the way, for True the Vote — we have the electronic evidence, which is decisive in itself, and the video evidence happens to completely correspond with the geotracking evidence.
Bump: Although we don’t see that in the movie.
D’Souza: The video evidence I agree is partial. It doesn’t show every mule. In fact, it shows a minority of the mules. But the strength of the video evidence is it is supported by the geotracking evidence. In other words, True the Vote knew where to look on the video.
Bump: You don’t actually —
D’Souza: You have a guy whose phone is at a location on a given date at a given time. You look in the video and boom, there he is.
Bump: But you don’t actually show that. You at no point in the movie show, “Here is the geotracking data. We saw the bike guy, for example, or the dog guy. We saw them heading to this location. Then boom, there they were at this date and time. And then they went on to this place where there is no camera.” You never showed that.
You never actually prove or show any evidence for what you claim is fundamentally happening. The burden is on you to provide the evidence, not on me to rebut it. And that’s really one of the challenges that this whole movie has.
I think Lastamender is D’Souza doing research for is next flop. “3 million mules… wait and see”
You have debunked nothing. Show me where the data is wrong. Can you do that? Until you can you have done 0.

You've been debunked because data alone can not prove a single person dropped off a single ballot at even a single drop box.

That's why you need video evidence to corroborate the cell phone pings.

D'Souza admitted he doesn't have any and like a 4 year old, blamed someone else for that.
D’Souza: We’re merely assuming that there is no rational reason for someone, let alone in the middle of the night, to make more than 10 trips to mail-in drop boxes
And he didn't even prove they made one single trip to a ballot box, much less ten.

It's such a joke.
Quote where the Constitution or U.S. code allowed for him to do that....


Why no answer, FruitLoops??

The Constitution says the VP has to count the votes on the day prescribed by Congress. That day was January 6th. So how could Pence NOT count the ballots on that day without violating the Constitution....?

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