How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

This is over and above the fraud. It is going to get worse. You cannot stop it so I would just STFU and wait.

We've been waiting for 19 months so far. We'll be waiting another 19 years and you still won't have any proof of fraud.
Faun's points are fucking ridiculous.


Slobbers the idiot who thinks a made up line on a screen is really somebody picking up multiple ballots from a nonprofit and then dropping them off at multiple drop boxes.

I’ve posted this before. But 45 states showed an increase in votes for the Democratic Noominee over 2016.

So which states was the result fraudulent?

View attachment 652278

This map shows the increase in Democratic Voters over 2016. Which states were not in the conspiracy to defraud Trump of the win?

How many of the votes were fraudulent?

The issue is not that your post is not correct......(it likely is)
The issue is that people are resigned to doing nothing about it. They are either scared shitless of the federal government (VERY bad)...or just don't yet realize how serious things are getting.

On this path, Americans are on a collision course with oppression and horrible tyranny.
The Tyrants are becoming increasingly impatient and emboldened. The Dictators of both America and Canada are launching total gun rights and possession bans.
I’m not challenging the data. I’m challenging your interpretation and claims about the data. The data does not show proof of any crimes or fraud or a stolen election. You’re straight up lying.
It shows extremely suspicious activity. Certainly nowhere near normal activity with multiple trips to drop boxes going on for days by a shitload of people. Following the same pattern in each city. That is a fact. Again, there is no acceptable explanation but fraud.
It shows extremely suspicious activity. Certainly nowhere near normal activity with multiple trips to drop boxes going on for days by a shitload of people. Following the same pattern in each city. That is a fact. Again, there is no acceptable explanation but fraud.
Yes there are many good expolanations and fraud is the leadt likely.

You need evidence of fraud you have none and 2000 mules is a failure with no evidence.
It shows extremely suspicious activity. Certainly nowhere near normal activity with multiple trips to drop boxes going on for days by a shitload of people. Following the same pattern in each city. That is a fact. Again, there is no acceptable explanation but fraud.

That's not proof of fraud and even D'Souza confessed his fil does not prove fraud. He contends it only suggests it but that he hoped it would open the door to investigations which would prove fraud.

Slobbers the idiot who thinks a made up line on a screen is really somebody picking up multiple ballots from a nonprofit and then dropping them off at multiple drop boxes.

It is not made up. They got caught and you clinging to fact you think the behavior is not highly unusual and not fraud is just fucking ridiculous.
Yes there are many good expolanations and fraud is the leadt likely.

You need evidence of fraud you have none and 2000 mules is a failure with no evidence.
The data does not lie. You are incredibly stupid. Why do you even bother?
It shows extremely suspicious activity. Certainly nowhere near normal activity with multiple trips to drop boxes going on for days by a shitload of people. Following the same pattern in each city. That is a fact. Again, there is no acceptable explanation but fraud.
Ohhhhh, now it’s extremely suspicious activity. What happened to verified proof ODM fraud and a stolen election?! We’re you lying when you said that?? We all know the answer is yes. Admit it… be a man
That's not proof of fraud and even D'Souza confessed his fil does not prove fraud. He contends it only suggests it but that he hoped it would open the door to investigations which would prove fraud.
Let's see a quote.
Ohhhhh, now it’s extremely suspicious activity. What happened to verified proof ODM fraud and a stolen election?! We’re you lying when you said that?? We all know the answer is yes. Admit it… be a man
Grow up asshole. It proves fraud because there is just no other plausible explanation. Tell me if there was this kind of evidence against Trump would your excuses still apply? Try an honest answer.
The data does not lie. You are incredibly stupid. Why do you even bother?
No one said igt lied you moron.

It does not prove what you say it does and that is fact,

I bother because it is easy to own and destroy your stupid ass with facts,
Grow up asshole. It proves fraud because there is just no other plausible explanation.
Wrong, that’s not how fraud is proven. And there are many plausible explanations you just refuse to engage in a discussion about them
Trump had nothing to do with the movie other than the fact he was the victim of massive organized fraud.
He was victim of nothing and you have never podsted evidence of any such fraud.

the movie fails to prove fraud.

those are facts and you know it now go suck on them you loser

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