How many will run for president in 2020

A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.
His approval rating is according to his AND the American people's enemies so that's no surprise they claim its low,The Russians didn't help the first time so. As I said people vote with their wallets...economy is doing well and if it continues or gets even better which I expect it to once we fix these trade deals especially with China then its a slam dunk in 2020.
Trump is spending the very last of his political capital on this shutdown. Don't count on him to get anything done. Also if the economy goes flat {very likely} don't count on him to be as eager to take the blame as he is to take credit for a good economy.
I can see 4 or so running aginst trump and maybe 10 or more democrats.
I think that moron Kasich will ATTEMPT to run against Trump but give me a break the guy won ONE state his own during the primaries,not sure what he hopes to achieve. As far as leftists at least 10 possible 15.

Is Kasich stupid or something? It was pretty clear less than 10% of the Republican party want anything to do with that fool.
A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.
His approval rating is according to his AND the American people's enemies so that's no surprise they claim its low,The Russians didn't help the first time so. As I said people vote with their wallets...economy is doing well and if it continues or gets even better which I expect it to once we fix these trade deals especially with China then its a slam dunk in 2020.
Trump is spending the very last of his political capital on this shutdown. Don't count on him to get anything done. Also if the economy goes flat {very likely} don't count on him to be as eager to take the blame as he is to take credit for a good economy.

The liberals are working hard to try and destroy the economy.

It may be a smart move on their part, their only chance to try and create massive unemployment.

But I don't think they will be able to do it.
I can see 4 or so running aginst trump and maybe 10 or more democrats.
I think that moron Kasich will ATTEMPT to run against Trump but give me a break the guy won ONE state his own during the primaries,not sure what he hopes to achieve. As far as leftists at least 10 possible 15.

Is Kasich stupid or something? It was pretty clear less than 10% of the Republican party want anything to do with that fool.

But if Kasich were to switch parties, his hatred of Trump is right up there and consistent with the Democrats.
A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.

The Democrats really don't have any good, qualified people coming forward yet, occupied.

Pocahontas? LOL
Creepy Joe? Crooked Hillary again? Beto, the Fake Hispanic? Farticus? Howdy Doody? Crazy Bernie?

No one really serious has even been discussed yet. I can't think of anyone that Donald J. Trump would not schlong and schlong royally.
I have no predictions as yet except that Trump is assuring himself a single term. if that, expect the unexpected.
A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.
His approval rating is according to his AND the American people's enemies so that's no surprise they claim its low,The Russians didn't help the first time so. As I said people vote with their wallets...economy is doing well and if it continues or gets even better which I expect it to once we fix these trade deals especially with China then its a slam dunk in 2020.
Trump is spending the very last of his political capital on this shutdown. Don't count on him to get anything done. Also if the economy goes flat {very likely} don't count on him to be as eager to take the blame as he is to take credit for a good economy.
Nonsense. He is 1. Solidifying his base and 2. Showing American's FINALLY a president has the balls to stand up for America and AGAINST the leftist enemy and that will bring some independents to his side AND the left's absolute maniacal response to EVERYTHING he does will push more his way.IF the Economy goes flat its because the Fed is trying to sabotage it and HE is trying to fight against them doing it.
I can see 4 or so running aginst trump and maybe 10 or more democrats.
I think that moron Kasich will ATTEMPT to run against Trump but give me a break the guy won ONE state his own during the primaries,not sure what he hopes to achieve. As far as leftists at least 10 possible 15.

Is Kasich stupid or something? It was pretty clear less than 10% of the Republican party want anything to do with that fool.
Obviously he is an idiot...gonna waste a lot of money and harm the GOP for his own selfish purposes.
I can see 4 or so running aginst trump and maybe 10 or more democrats.
I think that moron Kasich will ATTEMPT to run against Trump but give me a break the guy won ONE state his own during the primaries,not sure what he hopes to achieve. As far as leftists at least 10 possible 15.

Is Kasich stupid or something? It was pretty clear less than 10% of the Republican party want anything to do with that fool.

But if Kasich were to switch parties, his hatred of Trump is right up there and consistent with the Democrats.

They might use Kasich if he switched, but they would never run him as a candidate.
A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.
His approval rating is according to his AND the American people's enemies so that's no surprise they claim its low,The Russians didn't help the first time so. As I said people vote with their wallets...economy is doing well and if it continues or gets even better which I expect it to once we fix these trade deals especially with China then its a slam dunk in 2020.
Trump is spending the very last of his political capital on this shutdown. Don't count on him to get anything done. Also if the economy goes flat {very likely} don't count on him to be as eager to take the blame as he is to take credit for a good economy.

The liberals are working hard to try and destroy the economy.

It may be a smart move on their part, their only chance to try and create massive unemployment.

But I don't think they will be able to do it.
Whatever, Trump knows his followers will accept any scapegoat no matter how tenuous but those not brainwashed will pretty much want to tar-and-feather him should the economy go south.
A bunch. Any other predictions concerning the 2020 election are pure conjecture except that Democratic voters alone will get to pick the next president and republicans have only themselves to blame.
I look forward to America shutting down the leftists running for president...shall be funny! People vote with their wallets which is why of course the globalist fed is trying to harm the economy right now.
Trump's approval rating is not likely to dramatically improve. The Russians are not going be much help either. Anyway, if the democrats cannot win against these people they probably deserve to lose.
His approval rating is according to his AND the American people's enemies so that's no surprise they claim its low,The Russians didn't help the first time so. As I said people vote with their wallets...economy is doing well and if it continues or gets even better which I expect it to once we fix these trade deals especially with China then its a slam dunk in 2020.
Trump is spending the very last of his political capital on this shutdown. Don't count on him to get anything done. Also if the economy goes flat {very likely} don't count on him to be as eager to take the blame as he is to take credit for a good economy.
My Property Taxes are skyrocketing in order for me to adopt an illegal family.
They might use Kasich if he switched, but they would never run him as a candidate.

If he also switched genders they'd find him irresistible!

Good point. I was thinking the Chelsea Manning might be a good choice for the Democrats in 2020? "She" is a veteran that could make an issue of the fact that President Trump wasn't in the military. Further, Manning would be the First Tranny President.
I can see 4 or so running aginst trump and maybe 10 or more democrats.

Good point. I was thinking the Chelsea Manning might be a good choice for the Democrats in 2020? "She" is a veteran that could make an issue of the fact that President Trump wasn't in the military. Further, Manning would be the First Tranny President.

Yew slept thru 8 years of Obamwhazzit?

Mrs. Obama is allegedly a She-Male, President Obama is just an alleged homosexual according to his ex lover Larry Sinclair.

Although the thing I've never understood is that why do the Obamas deny it? If there is nothing wrong with being LGBTQAAII+, why the denial? That to me is evidence that the allegations are true

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