How much debt do you think Trump will accumulate in 4 years?

How much will Trump accumulate?

  • None

  • 1 Trillion

  • 2 trillion

  • 3 trillion

  • 4 trillion +

  • No idea, what's for lunch?

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Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Our debt is in dollars, the behavior of the Yuan doesn't impact the cost to pay off our debt.

china is not holding a warehouse of dollar bills, they have it in assets, IOUs and trade deficit.
Our debt can be bought back for less, much less, if done right

Our debt can be bought back for less, much less, if done right

How? Dollar goes up 10% against does that help us "buy it back for less"?
Trump won't be a 'Savior.' Trump just needs to accomplish a few very important goals. The other stuff doesn't matter. He can't change some things. For me, if he just focuses on the few things i expect action on, he'll always have my support. I don't need any miracles. I don't consider him my 'Hopey Changey Messiah.' That was the other guy.
That's the problem with your kind. You say stuff like "Just needs to accomplish a few important goals" and then doesn't say what those goals are.
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing,

Obama didn't fix that in 8 years? Bastard!
Too busy helping the rich with a higher stock market, eh?
With unemployment going from over 10% to less than 5%. Millions of new jobs. 5.8 million jobs unfilled and those fucking racist asshole Republicans doing everything they could to block him, he did pretty good. In fact, we did pretty good.

Ironically, the people hurt the most by Republicans was the Republican base. And that's not going to stop any time soon.
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

Still blaming Bush?

Nothing about NAFTA, China's Favored Nation Status, Wal-Marts shift from made in America to made in China after HRC was on the board, Clinton deregulation of banks, Clinton failure to go after Bin Laden, Clinton playing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Guess who balanced the budget under Clinton. A Republican Congress.

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Now you're just making shit up. NAFTA started under Reagan and was signed by Bush Sr.

Hello, videotape!

Clinton signed it after it was improved with a deal that American workers who lost their jobs, among other things, would get help being retrained.

Imagine who the fuckers are that never funded the retraining. Guess. Who fucked over the American worker. Come on, you know who. Remember, Trump stiffs his workers. Which party admires Trump for doing such a NASTY thing. You're figure it out.
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.

Making up shit is fun and easy, but lets have a look at something resembling serious consideration of the facts:


How Much Would Clinton and Trump Increase Our $19 Trillion Gross Debt?
Trump won't be a 'Savior.' Trump just needs to accomplish a few very important goals. The other stuff doesn't matter. He can't change some things. For me, if he just focuses on the few things i expect action on, he'll always have my support. I don't need any miracles. I don't consider him my 'Hopey Changey Messiah.' That was the other guy.
That's the problem with your kind. You say stuff like "Just needs to accomplish a few important goals" and then doesn't say what those goals are.

I've listed them here on this thread. If Trump focuses solely on those few goals, he'll always have my support.
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.
Why would you think that?

Because Trump understands something that Obama and Hillary don't. That business is the driver of GDP, not Government. When JFK said a rising tide lifts all boats, he meant the government revenue boat as well. Increased revenue reduces deficits and the national debt.

That comment is so clueless about Marco Economics it is amazing you can string a sentence together...
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing,

Obama didn't fix that in 8 years? Bastard!
Too busy helping the rich with a higher stock market, eh?
With unemployment going from over 10% to less than 5%. Millions of new jobs. 5.8 million jobs unfilled and those fucking racist asshole Republicans doing everything they could to block him, he did pretty good. In fact, we did pretty good.

Ironically, the people hurt the most by Republicans was the Republican base. And that's not going to stop any time soon.

With unemployment going from over 10% to less than 5%.

Did he bring back all those factories? How did he do it?
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

Still blaming Bush?

Nothing about NAFTA, China's Favored Nation Status, Wal-Marts shift from made in America to made in China after HRC was on the board, Clinton deregulation of banks, Clinton failure to go after Bin Laden, Clinton playing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Guess who balanced the budget under Clinton. A Republican Congress.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Now you're just making shit up. NAFTA started under Reagan and was signed by Bush Sr.

Hello, videotape!

Clinton signed it after it was improved with a deal that American workers who lost their jobs, among other things, would get help being retrained.

Imagine who the fuckers are that never funded the retraining. Guess. Who fucked over the American worker. Come on, you know who. Remember, Trump stiffs his workers. Which party admires Trump for doing such a NASTY thing. You're figure it out.

NAFTA started under Reagan


Clinton signed it

Right again.
Forget about Balanced Budgets and lowering the Debt. It ain't gonna happen. So don't get too worked up about it. And we're gonna have more wars too. So the best thing to do now is pick just a few battles and hope you can win em.

Securing our Border, Repairing Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and keeping Leftist/Globalists off our Supreme Court. Those are the battles i'm choosing. I hope Trump focuses on them. The rest doesn't matter to me. Trump can't change everything.
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.

Making up shit is fun and easy, but lets have a look at something resembling serious consideration of the facts:


How Much Would Clinton and Trump Increase Our $19 Trillion Gross Debt?

Part of governing is selling your "success". Reagan was rather good at it. Spend the nation into a deficit that it still hasn't paid back (whether it was necessary or not is an open question in my mind) and gee...whatdayaknow??? Credit is loosened so people can buy the extra car, get cable in their kitchen, the second home on the Coast, etc... Then you have the ultimate correction that comes later but while the charade is being pulled off; people feel great. So you get a 2nd term and an aura of being a good President. When the bubble bursts on your watch like it did with GWB you are thought of as clueless and incompetent. Had it happened a year later under Obama, GWB would have such an aura too. Obama had to deal with the fallout which resulted in the budget sequestration and hasn't been great for his Presidency. When you can't pass out candy to the people like Reagan did, you're thought of as the bad cop.

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