How much debt do you think Trump will accumulate in 4 years?

How much will Trump accumulate?

  • None

  • 1 Trillion

  • 2 trillion

  • 3 trillion

  • 4 trillion +

  • No idea, what's for lunch?

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Secure the Border, rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and keep Anti-American Left/Globalists off the Supreme Court.

If Trump focuses most of his attention on those things, i will always support him. I don't care about the Debt, or any of the other numerous things he can't change. We're gonna have more Debt and we're gonna have more war. Nothing's gonna change on those fronts.

So don't get too worried and distracted about that. We need focus. Trump needs to focus solely on those few issues i mentioned. If he does that, he'll win reelection in a Landslide.

If he does just those things, he goes down as the greatest American president...............period.:bye1::bye1:

Agreed. It's about focus. He needs to keep his eye on the ball. He's not gonna change most of the other things. Debt and war are good ole American traditions now. Trump can't change that.

He just needs to focus on a couple goals. I voted for him solely on those goals. The rest of the stuff is just meaningless folly for folks to argue about. I really do hope Trump stays focused. But we'll see i guess.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.

Remember Bush and the cost of the wars?
How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president?

The debt wasn't hidden by Bush. Supplemental appropriations impact the debt exactly as any spending would.

It wasn’t in the budget; which is as far as most on the right will look.

It wasn’t in the budget;

Supplemental budgets aren't hidden and neither is the debt they cause. DERP!
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing,

Obama didn't fix that in 8 years? Bastard!
Too busy helping the rich with a higher stock market, eh?
Seriously folks, don't get distracted. Don't get sucked into old lame 'Government Shutdown' quagmire arguments. The Democrats want that. There won't be a Balanced Budget and the Debt is going to increase. That's a done-deal. Paul Ryan and Hussein already flucked us bigtime on that stuff. So, time to get passed that. It's much more important Trump get focused on the real issues he got elected on...

Secure the Border, rebuild Obama's decimated Immigration System, and keep Anti-American Left/Globalists off the Supreme Court.

That's where all of Trump's focus needs to be. The rest of the stuff is meaningless. It's just silly stuff for folks to argue about. Nothing's gonna change. Trump needs to keep his eye on the ball. If he does that, his reelection is guaranteed.
We love to bitch about the debt so here's you chance to pontificate about the upcoming administration.

Grandpa--------> let us face it....anyone over 50 is screwed! We are the sacrifice on the political altar, as they all spent every bit of cash they could to buy votes. It isn't a guess, it is reality, and all of us, you, me, and all of the people who bought into their nonsense, are left holding the bag. We all know what they did!

That being said, many try and convince we should fight for the next generation. Won't work! Reason is-------> that 5 years down the road, everyone will convolute what we were fighting for, lol. We again, will be sacrificed......probably in absentia since would be dead............and be reported as the biggest crooks of all time!

Now I know as an elder American, that we do NOT want to come out of retirement and fix this. And yet, we were the ones who let it all get away from us! Still, it is our children, our grandchildren, and our country. Yep, we don't want to do it, but using we are old as an excuse is pathetic! We already got all of the minimal improvements by closing our eyes......and now that our eyes are open, we either fix what we helped screw up, or let the hippies, yippies, socialists, Marxists, and those like Obysmal, dictate what our children are going to do!

I don't know about those reading this post...........but I see my young adult children, and my very young grandchildren, and I know it is me, we, us, or it is nobody. Your choice! Look at those who you bore, or those who you bore that have born your grandchildren. You don't have to explain it to me, or those who think like me; you have to explain it to them! Don't be the generation who everyone has to hate because of failure! Be the generation who stands up to those who want to change your country through any way possible, to leave those that come after you, with less power, because these clowns KNOW BETTER!
here's how much the debt increased each year for the last 7 fiscal years under Obama (the 2009 fiscal budget was Bush's)

(the 2009 fiscal budget was Bush's)

Only a portion of it. Dems held up the final budget, so they could boost spending after Bush was gone.

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill
I think he will do the opposite. He will balance the budget and bring debt down. He will have a Republican House and Senate to help with this.

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I think he will do the opposite. He will balance the budget and bring debt down. He will have a Republican House and Senate to help with this.

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Don't count on it. Lots more wars and corporate welfare to fund. That stuff doesn't come cheap. There will be no Balanced Budget and the Debt is going to increase. People need to accept that and get passed it. I want Trump focused on securing our border, rebuilding Obama's decimated Immigration System, and keeping Anti-American Left/Globalists off our Supreme Court. We need to focus on that first.
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.
Trump has a multi-million - billionaire--Golden Sachs cabinet who will ensure tax breaks for the 1 percent, while ensuring his cabinet of retired Generals find wars of choice for the military; thus further enriching Corporate military contractors while increasing military weapons expenditures! Its going to be free-for-all. Trump and his band of crooks will start another war, foolishly believing the country will give the GOP 8 years to win those war(s) of choice.
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.
Trump has a multi-million - billionaire--Golden Sachs cabinet who will ensure tax breaks for the 1 percent, while ensuring his cabinet of retired Generals find wars of choice for the military; thus further enriching Corporate military contractors while increasing military weapons expenditures! Its going to be free-for-all. Trump and his band of crooks will start another war, foolishly believing the country will give the GOP 8 years to win those war(s) of choice.

I kinda have to agree. More wars and more corporate welfare will be funded. The Debt will increase. That's my observation anyway.
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

Still blaming Bush?

Nothing about NAFTA, China's Favored Nation Status, Wal-Marts shift from made in America to made in China after HRC was on the board, Clinton deregulation of banks, Clinton failure to go after Bin Laden, Clinton playing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Guess who balanced the budget under Clinton. A Republican Congress.

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Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction
We love to bitch about the debt so here's you chance to pontificate about the upcoming administration.
Man Must Exploit Nature or Man Will Exploit His Fellow Man

Half our land lies idle under the pretext of Conservation or Environmentalism. These Eco-Eunuch dogmas cover up a form of hoarding intended to keep the dispossessed people from reaching their full potential and becoming a threat to the hereditary ruling class's economic tyranny. By leasing or selling it, Trump will double our national value and easily pay off the debt.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Oh my booosh again. Lol
Exponentially less than it went up under Obama and many orders of magnitude less than it would have gone up under a Hillary Presidency.
Why would you think that?

Because Trump understands something that Obama and Hillary don't. That business is the driver of GDP, not Government. When JFK said a rising tide lifts all boats, he meant the government revenue boat as well. Increased revenue reduces deficits and the national debt.

So a Trillion for infrastructure—his words.
Billions for a wall—his words.
Billions more for defense.
Tax Cuts for everyone and businesses.

Oh…and taking ISIS’s oil—his words again which means boots on the ground in the ME yet again.

What could go wrong?
Obama has sent troops back to iraq.
Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Our debt is in dollars, the behavior of the Yuan doesn't impact the cost to pay off our debt.
It will be interesting to see how many Trump worshipers will be brave enough to weigh in.

It would be even more interesting to see how many Trump haters weigh in.

So…how did you vote? Or are you too much of a pussy to take a firm stand?

I voted dipshit. If you had voted you would know.

Which option…the OP wasn’t smart enough to make it to where we could see the way people voted.

Sorry, I voted 1 Trillion.
Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Stonger the dollar, and the lower the chinese ren, the more we can pay off/buy back our debt at a fraction

Our debt is in dollars, the behavior of the Yuan doesn't impact the cost to pay off our debt.

china is not holding a warehouse of dollar bills, they have it in assets, IOUs and trade deficit.
Our debt can be bought back for less, much less, if done right

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