How much debt do you think Trump will accumulate in 4 years?

How much will Trump accumulate?

  • None

  • 1 Trillion

  • 2 trillion

  • 3 trillion

  • 4 trillion +

  • No idea, what's for lunch?

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

rdean is never sure which talking points are supposed to be used from one day to the next
When it comes to Trump, there are so many, it's difficult to keep track. I'm sure even you know many but won't mention them for obvious reasons. Am I right?
100 gazillion! go for it Trumpy! let's expand the military and rebuild our infrastructure...GO BIG OR GO HOME! THINK BIG OR DON'T THINK AT ALL!
The President doesn't have much control over the debt added during his first year in office, that belongs to the previous POTUS.

I expect the debt to go up dramatically over the first 2 years of his administration, followed by a drastic decrease in years 3-8.

I'd also expect a balanced budget amendment being passed during his tenure.

Like Obama, he is sort of screwed walking in the door........
'How much debt do you think Trump will accumulate in 4 years?'

1. Are there any intelligent people / liberals left alive? CONGRESS controls the purse strings, the economy, the spending, and debt....NOT the President. (Unless, like Barry constantly did, the President by-passes Congress and spend money on his own....Like Barry did when he STOLE $500 million US Tax Dollars in the name of Zika only to give it to the UN for their new Global initiative...or like Barry did when he stole money and on his own paid a ransom to Iran for kidnapped Americans.

2. I am sure it will be much less than the nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years Obama and the Democrats spent.
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's not me that's going to be crying, it's the country.

What's funny is you said: Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

So I explained with facts and charts and links and your only pathetic response is that.
With such a response, I don't understand why you get so upset when others refer to you as an "ignorant tool". Clearly that's what you are. A know nothing who is determined to stay a know nothing. At least you're consistent.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's not me that's going to be crying, it's the country.

What's funny is you said: Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

So I explained with facts and charts and links and your only pathetic response is that.
With such a response, I don't understand why you get so upset when others refer to you as an "ignorant tool". Clearly that's what you are. A know nothing who is determined to stay a know nothing. At least you're consistent.
Of course Deanie. Of course
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's not me that's going to be crying, it's the country.

What's funny is you said: Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

So I explained with facts and charts and links and your only pathetic response is that.
With such a response, I don't understand why you get so upset when others refer to you as an "ignorant tool". Clearly that's what you are. A know nothing who is determined to stay a know nothing. At least you're consistent.
Of course Deanie. Of course
Ahh, then we agree.
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows

I can help you out with the imagination game as well. Close your eyes and imagine that Hillary had won, and Trump supporters were on here making these same million excuses. What would you think? What would you say?

See how easy this is?
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

rdean is never sure which talking points are supposed to be used from one day to the next
When it comes to Trump, there are so many, it's difficult to keep track. I'm sure even you know many but won't mention them for obvious reasons. Am I right?
When it comes to Trump, there are so many, it's difficult to keep track.

Puts him in the same league as the Clintons, the Bushs, and Obama.

I figure, in each case, 75% of them are spin.

What's your estimate?
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's not me that's going to be crying, it's the country.

What's funny is you said: Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

So I explained with facts and charts and links and your only pathetic response is that.
With such a response, I don't understand why you get so upset when others refer to you as an "ignorant tool". Clearly that's what you are. A know nothing who is determined to stay a know nothing. At least you're consistent.
Of course Deanie. Of course
Ahh, then we agree.

s0n..........enjoy the next 1,460 days!!! Should be a real blast!!:2up: That's over 35,000 hours of bumpy time!!:bye1::bye1:

And you go right on telling us how giddy you are!!:popcorn:
Trump won't be a 'Savior.' Trump just needs to accomplish a few very important goals. The other stuff doesn't matter. He can't change some things. For me, if he just focuses on the few things i expect action on, he'll always have my support. I don't need any miracles. I don't consider him my 'Hopey Changey Messiah.' That was the other guy.
It's impossible to know how much damage and debt Trump will cause. He's a professional scam artist.
Remember Bush and the cost of the wars? How he was able to hide the cost until Obama became president? Trump will be much better.

End the deals with Canada, Mexico and China. How many jobs will that cost? All that revenue gone, all that unemployment benefits to be paid out. And he wants to spend money on a silly wall. Huge increase in military spending.

And Obamacare. He says he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance. Those cost too much without the mandate. And cut 20 million from health care and see an enormous spike in expensive emergency room care?

The potential is there for a six to eight trillion increase in debt. Not to mention the damage to our foreign policy. How can America call for freedom and fairness with a racist as president who was helped by voter suppression?

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Republicans call for unity after that? What a lot of nerve.
Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?
There were several reasons. Considering the slim majority in Red States Trump got, he needed every one.
Some states cut polling places in Democratic areas by hundreds. See, nothing to do with ID's but even more effective.

Then you had the help from the FBI.

Then the news media. Trump hardly spent anything on his campaign, yet he was never out of the news.


Trump got more free air time than everyone else put together. Market watch gave a final tally of three billion dollars in free air time. Who can fight that? Remember in Scotland when Trump was walking from hole to hole at his golf course with a gaggle of reporters dutifully following along behind him? Remember the hour long infomercial at the Trump hotel with every second broadcast live?
And when they talked about Clinton, it was always emails and Foundation. When it turns out it was the Trump foundation that was illegal. Brought down by only a single reporter, David Fahrenthold.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
It's not me that's going to be crying, it's the country.

What's funny is you said: Helped by voter suppression? I thought the distributed talking points blamed it on Russia?

So I explained with facts and charts and links and your only pathetic response is that.
With such a response, I don't understand why you get so upset when others refer to you as an "ignorant tool". Clearly that's what you are. A know nothing who is determined to stay a know nothing. At least you're consistent.

s0n.....know what we are thinking?

The bumpy you are sporting in there is beach ball sized and lets face it....stuck waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck up there for a long time!! Oh.....and the level of bitter in the responses tells us the size of the bumpy btw. Social oddballs like you don't ever quite figure out the social dynamic.:gay:
I'm assuming, a lot. I gave up on the idea of Balanced Budgets and no Debt a long time ago. It just ain't gonna happen. I supported Trump for only a few reasons. I expect him to take drastic steps in rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and to appoint Non-Communist Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court.

That's about it for my expectations for Trump. I don't care much about anything else. There's gonna be more massive Debt and more wars, regardless of which Party occupies the White House. So folks should just give up on worrying about that stuff. It's gonna happen, so don't get sick worrying about it. Just pick a couple of battles, and hope you win em.
A balanced budget is not impossible. We had one under Clinton.

After 8 years of Bush and millions of jobs leaving and over 43,000 factories closing, with all that revenue gone. And the cost of the wars with all that revenue used up. And the Bush Tax cuts for the rich and all that revenue gone. And all those unemployment benefits from people who lost their jobs under Bush and the revenue spent. It goes on and one. And the Republicans blame it on Obama.

Yeah, cuz your Hopey Changey Messiah sure did balance that budget and reduce the Debt. Sure he did. :cuckoo:
Secure the Border, rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and keep Anti-American Left/Globalists off the Supreme Court.

If Trump focuses most of his attention on those things, i will always support him. I don't care about the Debt, or any of the other numerous things he can't change. We're gonna have more Debt and we're gonna have more war. Nothing's gonna change on those fronts.

So don't get too worried and distracted about that. We need focus. Trump needs to focus solely on those few issues i mentioned. If he does that, he'll win reelection in a Landslide.
Secure the Border, rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and keep Anti-American Left/Globalists off the Supreme Court.

If Trump focuses most of his attention on those things, i will always support him. I don't care about the Debt, or any of the other numerous things he can't change. We're gonna have more Debt and we're gonna have more war. Nothing's gonna change on those fronts.

So don't get too worried and distracted about that. We need focus. Trump needs to focus solely on those few issues i mentioned. If he does that, he'll win reelection in a Landslide.

If he does just those things, he goes down as the greatest American president...............period.:bye1::bye1:

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