How Much Do You Consume?

What you point out is two things.

A. You only acknowledge a FRACTION of what the Federal government does for you.

B. It's nearly impossible to figure just how MUCH the Federal government does for you.

Does the Coast Guard do anything for you?

The FBI? The Federal Courts? The US Marshall's Service? The Post Office? The Secret Service?

They don't touch your life directly but we would be FAR less well off without them

And we got just a TASTE of that in Trump's idiotic Shut Down
This obviously needs repeating
What you point out is two things.

A. You only acknowledge a FRACTION of what the Federal government does for you.

B. It's nearly impossible to figure just how MUCH the Federal government does for you.

Does the Coast Guard do anything for you?

The FBI? The Federal Courts? The US Marshall's Service? The Post Office? The Secret Service?

They don't touch your life directly but we would be FAR less well off without them

And we got just a TASTE of that in Trump's idiotic Shut Down
Yeah, most of us found out how much we really don't need them, or how much better things would be if they weren't involved.....That's the thing that you State worshiping moonbats are most terrified of.

That is really not true though, each week Trump called back thousands more of them so that nobody would feel any pain from it. So, even with less than 25% of the government shutdown and more than half of the 25% working anyhow they still had to keep calling back more people.
That is really not true though, each week Trump called back thousands more of them so that nobody would feel any pain from it. So, even with less than 25% of the government shutdown and more than half of the 25% working anyhow they still had to keep calling back more people.
All the circumstantial evidence shows that he did it because air travel was going to begin suffering major interruptions...Which shows, like I said, that agencies like ATC and TSA need to be devolved to private sector agencies.
How do you measure your portion of a Federal road project or border protection or park service or....?
Knowing the OP, it's a trap question....No doubt we'll later be showered with instances where we have no choice in the matter and/or things that nobody asked for, as "evidence" of how badly we neeeeed the almighty benevolent State.


What you point out is two things.

A. You only acknowledge a FRACTION of what the Federal government does for you.

B. It's nearly impossible to figure just how MUCH the Federal government does for you.

Does the Coast Guard do anything for you?

The FBI? The Federal Courts? The US Marshall's Service? The Post Office? The Secret Service?

They don't touch your life directly but we would be FAR less well off without them

And we got just a TASTE of that in Trump's idiotic Shut Down
Yeah, most of us found out how much we really don't need them, or how much better things would be if they weren't involved.....That's the thing that you State worshiping moonbats are most terrified of.

That is really not true though, each week Trump called back thousands more of them so that nobody would feel any pain from it. So, even with less than 25% of the government shutdown and more than half of the 25% working anyhow they still had to keep calling back more people.

That's certainly a stark contrast to when Obama was president, he wanted to make sure people felt the pain, especially veterans.

Air traffic would have halted if Trump didn't call off the shutdown, so he did what he had to do. What makes one the man? When you can get the job done, no matter what. I am the man in my profession.

Trump may just be the man at being president.
That is really not true though, each week Trump called back thousands more of them so that nobody would feel any pain from it. So, even with less than 25% of the government shutdown and more than half of the 25% working anyhow they still had to keep calling back more people.
All the circumstantial evidence shows that he did it because air travel was going to begin suffering major interruptions...Which shows, like I said, that agencies like ATC and TSA need to be devolved to private sector agencies.

I do agree that both ATC and TSA (which really should not even exist) should be private sector jobs. But it was not just them that he was calling back, USDA, IRS and more were called back.
That's certainly a stark contrast to when Obama was president, he wanted to make sure people felt the pain, especially veterans.

I think this is the way it should be, shutting down the government should be so painful that we the voters would not stand for it on a regular basis. I think it should all shutdown, ATC, TSA, mail, and even the DOD. Then the voters would not accept such stupid actions from our leaders.
That's certainly a stark contrast to when Obama was president, he wanted to make sure people felt the pain, especially veterans.

I think this is the way it should be, shutting down the government should be so painful that we the voters would not stand for it on a regular basis. I think it should all shutdown, ATC, TSA, mail, and even the DOD. Then the voters would not accept such stupid actions from our leaders.

You ready for a Convention of The States to repeal the 27th amendment and get some honesty out of Congress, then? Enact laws to where if they don't do their job they're fired? You onboard with that?
You can start your own thread. I’m sure conservatives will be more receptive to complaining about that than admitting their figures about what others consume are total shit. Good luck.
The question you are trying to avoid is, am I getting back more than the federal government took from me or less?

Again, you can start your own thread on that topic. What I’m highlighting is that assigning figures to what others consume when you do not know what YOU consume is dubious. Good luck with your thread.
That's exactly the question I addressed by asking if I am getting back more or less of what the federal government took from me and how much of my money is being spent on other people without my consent. You appear to believe federal tax revenues magically appear out of nowhere, that when the federal government gives me back some of my money it is a gift, but it is more appropriately considered partial reparations for the money the federal government took from me, and if you didn't pay taxes, then everything you imagine you got from the federal government was in fact a gift from me, albeit forcibly extracted from me.

If you’re employed, you can look at your last pay stub(s) and see how much was taken by the government.
If you’re not happy about it…too bad.
Then why are you asking how much we consume in government benefits? If you don't like the amount, too fucking bad, right?

It highlights how little you think that you consume and by how much you over state how much is consumed by others.
That's certainly a stark contrast to when Obama was president, he wanted to make sure people felt the pain, especially veterans.

I think this is the way it should be, shutting down the government should be so painful that we the voters would not stand for it on a regular basis. I think it should all shutdown, ATC, TSA, mail, and even the DOD. Then the voters would not accept such stupid actions from our leaders.

You ready for a Convention of The States to repeal the 27th amendment and get some honesty out of Congress, then? Enact laws to where if they don't do their job they're fired? You onboard with that?

100% on board with that.
Half an hour later and Gaffing Goober still has no opinion, aye?

Sorry dude, I actually do have a life outside of this forum...making grilled corn salsa, beef and chicken fajitas and homemade tortillas and tres leches cake for desert.

Wife and I are feasting tonight! :beer:
The question should be, how much of the money the federal government took from me do I get back? A follow up question might be, how much of my money does the federal government spend other people without my permission?

You can start your own thread. I’m sure conservatives will be more receptive to complaining about that than admitting their figures about what others consume are total shit. Good luck.
The question you are trying to avoid is, am I getting back more than the federal government took from me or less?

Again, you can start your own thread on that topic. What I’m highlighting is that assigning figures to what others consume when you do not know what YOU consume is dubious. Good luck with your thread.
That's exactly the question I addressed by asking if I am getting back more or less of what the federal government took from me and how much of my money is being spent on other people without my consent. You appear to believe federal tax revenues magically appear out of nowhere, that when the federal government gives me back some of my money it is a gift, but it is more appropriately considered partial reparations for the money the federal government took from me, and if you didn't pay taxes, then everything you imagine you got from the federal government was in fact a gift from me, albeit forcibly extracted from me.
The problem is that people like you don't know or won't admit how MUCH of what the government spends is spent for your benefit.

We just got a glimpse of that during Trump's idiotic Shut Down and STILL you don't get it
Oh, I get it. The government is spending some of the money it took from me on services I benefit from and some of the money it took from me to spend on people who pay no taxes. To make this system fair to everyone, the people who can't afford to pay taxes would be required to pay their fair share by working a certain number of hours for free for the government to ease the tax burden on people who do pay taxes.

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