How Much Do You Consume?

let me guess, you are one of those manly men that think cooking is woman's work...:21::21:

Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

The allocates sans tetes involves using such a cheap cut of meat.

I see nothing wrong with "cheap cuts of meat". :dunno:

I do see something wrong with Communist shills, though. ;)

let me guess, you are one of those manly men that think cooking is woman's work...:21::21:

Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

So, you do not like good food either...seems to be a pattern around here. Did Trump tell you sheep not to eat Mexican food?

Beef rolls made with cheap meat is something you consider good food?
Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

The allocates sans tetes involves using such a cheap cut of meat.

I see nothing wrong with "cheap cuts of meat". :dunno:

I do see something wrong with Communist shills, though. ;)

Depends on the purpose. GG uses it because of being cheap and calls it something that sounds fancy to create an appearance of value.
Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

you must have a weak stomach if you cannot handle a few spices.

Your dinner was not the subject, it was the deflection.

You ready for a Convention of The States to repeal the 27th amendment and get some honesty out of Congress, then? Enact laws to where if they don't do their job they're fired? You onboard with that?

I already said I was 100% behind it...why do I need to say it again?

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let me guess, you are one of those manly men that think cooking is woman's work...:21::21:

Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

So, you do not like good food either...seems to be a pattern around here. Did Trump tell you sheep not to eat Mexican food?

Beef rolls made with cheap meat is something you consider good food?

A good chef can use any cut of meat and make a great meal. Only those who lack skills are limited to just some cuts of meat.

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Get in the kitchen, bitch, and fix me something to eat.

You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

So, you do not like good food either...seems to be a pattern around here. Did Trump tell you sheep not to eat Mexican food?

Beef rolls made with cheap meat is something you consider good food?

A good chef can use any cut of meat and make a great meal. Only those who lack skills are limited to just some cuts of meat.

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Good chefs do go cheap. People like you that go cheap aren't good chefs.
You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

The allocates sans tetes involves using such a cheap cut of meat.

I see nothing wrong with "cheap cuts of meat". :dunno:

I do see something wrong with Communist shills, though. ;)

Depends on the purpose. GG uses it because of being cheap and calls it something that sounds fancy to create an appearance of value.

I use it because it creates an amazing meal. I have the skills to use any cut of meat.

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Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

The allocates sans tetes involves using such a cheap cut of meat.

I see nothing wrong with "cheap cuts of meat". :dunno:

I do see something wrong with Communist shills, though. ;)

Depends on the purpose. GG uses it because of being cheap and calls it something that sounds fancy to create an appearance of value.

I use it because it creates an amazing meal. I have the skills to use any cut of meat.

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Cheap meat doesn't produce an amazing meal. You and the meal have something in common. Low value contents.
You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

So, you do not like good food either...seems to be a pattern around here. Did Trump tell you sheep not to eat Mexican food?

Beef rolls made with cheap meat is something you consider good food?

A good chef can use any cut of meat and make a great meal. Only those who lack skills are limited to just some cuts of meat.

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Good chefs do go cheap. People like you that go cheap aren't good chefs.

Seems someone is a little jealous they lack skills in the kitchen.

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You missed a fabulous meal, the only thing missing was the watermelon from the corn salsa.

Going to mix it up tomorrow night and make alouettes sans tetes

Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

you must have a weak stomach if you cannot handle a few spices.

Your dinner was not the subject, it was the deflection.

You ready for a Convention of The States to repeal the 27th amendment and get some honesty out of Congress, then? Enact laws to where if they don't do their job they're fired? You onboard with that?

I already said I was 100% behind it...why do I need to say it again?

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Because you never did in the 1st place. :1peleas:
Not if that's what you fixed.

Sounds like heartburn to me.

you must have a weak stomach if you cannot handle a few spices.

Your dinner was not the subject, it was the deflection.

You ready for a Convention of The States to repeal the 27th amendment and get some honesty out of Congress, then? Enact laws to where if they don't do their job they're fired? You onboard with that?

I already said I was 100% behind it...why do I need to say it again?

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Because you never did in the 1st place. :1peleas:

Post number 74...made at 3:46 PM yesterday...

Must have missed it. My apologies.

I would be good with Congress being a volunteer position. It is a part time job anyhow, why do they need to make as much as they do

Because during Reagan's 2nd Congress, they voted themselves the keys to the country. That seriously needs to be reversed, among a myriad of other things, such as The Patriot Act.
Must have missed it. My apologies.

I would be good with Congress being a volunteer position. It is a part time job anyhow, why do they need to make as much as they do

It's not what they make while in Congress, it's what they are worth after they leave. Doing political favors really pays off. That's why most of them retire millionaires.
Must have missed it. My apologies.

I would be good with Congress being a volunteer position. It is a part time job anyhow, why do they need to make as much as they do

Because during Reagan's 2nd Congress, they voted themselves the keys to the country. That seriously needs to be reversed, among a myriad of other things, such as The Patriot Act.

Could not agree more. The Patriot Act and DHS were just knee jerk reactions to a terrible event.

The other thing that needs to be taken back is the AUMF, Congress was wrong to abdicate their duties to the executive branch, and even more wrong not to take them back after 18 years.
The question should be, how much of the money the federal government took from me do I get back? A follow up question might be, how much of my money does the federal government spend other people without my permission?

You can start your own thread. I’m sure conservatives will be more receptive to complaining about that than admitting their figures about what others consume are total shit. Good luck.
The question you are trying to avoid is, am I getting back more than the federal government took from me or less?

Again, you can start your own thread on that topic. What I’m highlighting is that assigning figures to what others consume when you do not know what YOU consume is dubious. Good luck with your thread.
That's exactly the question I addressed by asking if I am getting back more or less of what the federal government took from me and how much of my money is being spent on other people without my consent. You appear to believe federal tax revenues magically appear out of nowhere, that when the federal government gives me back some of my money it is a gift, but it is more appropriately considered partial reparations for the money the federal government took from me, and if you didn't pay taxes, then everything you imagine you got from the federal government was in fact a gift from me, albeit forcibly extracted from me.
The problem is that people like you don't know or won't admit how MUCH of what the government spends is spent for your benefit.

We just got a glimpse of that during Trump's idiotic Shut Down and STILL you don't get it
What I'm trying to figure out is, how this question is relevant. Most of the things government does are things everyone gets benefit from. We all have access to roads and postal service, the tsa, military protection, among other things.

Really, however, the actual answer to the question on how much we consume of government benefits is 0. You have to remember that any benefit the government can provide is only possible because of the money it taxes from the people. In essence, it's not really a benefit, because we paid for it.
Interesting that many here think they can tell us exactly how much undocumented persons (illegal aliens) costs us per year (an average of $6,700) but when asked how much they consume…they can’t tell us an amount.
i guess the point (other than the one on your head) went right OVER your head.

Illegals are entitled to NONE OF IT!

American citizens, however......

I agree. Maybe you guys should stop it with the hundred billion dollar estimates if you can’t cone up with a figure for you or your neighbor
You mean willingly, or instances where I'm given no choice in the matter?

So you're position is that you don't have control over what you consume? Interesting.
Hmm... no? His position is that he has no control over federal spending, which was the question of the OP.

Uh no. That is not what the question was.
That's how it read to me....Purposely vague bait.
What I'm trying to figure out is, how this question is relevant. Most of the things government does are things everyone gets benefit from. We all have access to roads and postal service, the tsa, military protection, among other things.

Really, however, the actual answer to the question on how much we consume of government benefits is 0.

Those two statements are diametrically opposed..and pretty stupid

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