How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

From what does the life of a fetus come if not from the living beings that participated in fertilizing the female's egg?
Anyone who understood biology and genetics would realize life began a very long time ago.
Anyone who understood life would realize we make choices all the time that alter life.
Anyone who understood society would realize that this special choice of a woman has no parallel, nothing similar in other domains.
Anyone who understood logic would see that, given how exceptional this question is and how complex for others to deal with, the solution is best left to the woman.
Men certainly don't ever have to face anything like it. Surely, a man may be chosen for his body as a soldier, but even there he could escape. Thus, men should pretty much exclude themselves from trying to make this choice for their sisters.
Were there ever to be a referendum on abortion, only fertile females should be allowed to vote.
So IOW, your contention is that a fetus doesn't need a host to live?
Your post is just another failed attempt at wordsmithing. You thought “host” was clever as well, the first time you heard it I see... So sad... Try again.

Its just another attempt for them to try to ease their conscience by calling a human life a blob of cells etc.

It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you?

It is a separate and distinct human being that you demand the right to kill.

Leftists have quite a history of doing that....100 million in the last century.

Soooo....we've determined that you know neither science nor history... must be a Liberal, huh?
Screw it abort em all. Abort anyone with the Homo gene while they're at it. Abort those with low IQ. Abort all the ones with Downs Syndrome. Screw it.
Your post is just another failed attempt at wordsmithing. You thought “host” was clever as well, the first time you heard it I see... So sad... Try again.

Its just another attempt for them to try to ease their conscience by calling a human life a blob of cells etc.

It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.

Sorry bout that,

1. This is interesting, read this, who do you think just said this?

“All I have to say is this, if you shoot me you better shoot straight, there’s nothing like a wounded animal,” she added to cheers.

2. Click the link don't read the link, don't cheat, go to the link its ALL there.

Maxine Waters responds to death threats: 'You better shoot straight'

That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

I think the question is , "who is getting abortions and why?"

I can actually agree with you on this but they're still being irresponsible.
I am not going to get in the way of liberals culling their own.

Free weed in exchange for free sterilization.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are James. Women can’t be trusted to make decisions over their own lives or families? What an ignorant ass you are.

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk. Are you saying that women should be refusing to have sex with their husbands?

The level of ignorance that right wing men have about women is just astounding. You should never be allowed to have any vote or say in what happens to women because you’re a danger to women everywhere.
How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion? …

Abortion destroys about 80 million years of human lifetime in the USA every year. This are 3 months destroyed lifetime per US-American every year. What do you do with someone who let you live only 9 months a year and not 12 months a year?

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are James. Women can’t be trusted to make decisions over their own lives or families? What an ignorant ass you are.

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk. Are you saying that women should be refusing to have sex with their husbands?

The level of ignorance that right wing men have about women is just astounding. You should never be allowed to have any vote or say in what happens to women because you’re a danger to women everywhere.

1. Your screen name fits you perfectly.
2. Your argument holds no water sweet cheeks.
3. You sound more like a filthy murderer.
4. In your mind I am in every home across America holding womans legs apart so random men can impregnate them.
5. Women should not be able to make life and death decisions.
6. Once the baby is conceived its not hers to murder.
7. The baby is a whole other person, she has no right to execute the baby.
8. These are the facts, 45 years of women murdering babies must end.

No one who calls abortion murder would be here flapping their figurative jaws on the Internet. Anyone who really believed abortion is murder would go do something about it. Otherwise, such a person is the worst kind of hypocrite.
No one who calls abortion murder would be here flapping their figurative jaws on the Internet. Anyone who really believed abortion is murder would go do something about it. Otherwise, such a person is the worst kind of hypocrite.

Abortion is without any doubt in lots of cases murder. The criteria:
(1) it hurts the human rights to kill human beings
(2) the killed human being is not able to defend itself
(3) the reason to kill a human being for to prevent some month gestation is not substantial, because average life span is about 80 years.

Whether I am a worst hypocrite or not is not part of the truth of such sentences.

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No one who calls abortion murder would be here flapping their figurative jaws on the Internet. Anyone who really believed abortion is murder would go do something about it. Otherwise, such a person is the worst kind of hypocrite.

Live begins at conception.

How can you not understand that?
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk.
Link? Thanks....
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk.
Link? Thanks....

"Marital Status Most women getting abortions (83%) are unmarried; 67% have never married, and 16% are separated, divorced, or widowed4 . Married women are significantly less likely than unmarried women to resolve unintended pregnancies through abortion6 .
6 Henshaw SK. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 1998; 30(1): 24-29 & 46.

Two rules apply:
1. "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' Ronald Reagan

2.Every word from a Democrat/Liberal is lie.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk.
Link? Thanks....

"Marital Status Most women getting abortions (83%) are unmarried; 67% have never married, and 16% are separated, divorced, or widowed4 . Married women are significantly less likely than unmarried women to resolve unintended pregnancies through abortion6 .
6 Henshaw SK. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 1998; 30(1): 24-29 & 46.

Two rules apply:
1. "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' Ronald Reagan

2.Every word from a Democrat/Liberal is lie.
And of these married women who do get abortions... How many are murdering their child to hide their infidelity to their spouse? The world may never know...
Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk.
Link? Thanks....

"Marital Status Most women getting abortions (83%) are unmarried; 67% have never married, and 16% are separated, divorced, or widowed4 . Married women are significantly less likely than unmarried women to resolve unintended pregnancies through abortion6 .
6 Henshaw SK. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 1998; 30(1): 24-29 & 46.

Two rules apply:
1. "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' Ronald Reagan

2.Every word from a Democrat/Liberal is lie.
And of these married women who do get abortions... How many are murdering their child to hide their infidelity to their spouse? The world may never know...

Funny about that 'never know'....

For decades the Left and their drones were denying that Bill Clinton was a they're admitting it.

I can't think of a single thing we on the Right told/warned about that hasn't been born out......
That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

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