How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

"....because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood ..."

If only.
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.'re looking for dates????
No, I'm asking for the name of one of the victims.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?


Thanks Herr Goebbels...
ok, how many people, who abstained from sex, have had a baby?

Okay, how many people want to stop having sex?
Oh wait, there is you and that's about it ;)
So because someone wants to have sex it's ok for them to collect welfare for 18 years because they had a kid.
So because someone wants to have sex it's ok to murder their unborn baby.
Want has nothing to do with it. I want to be President. I want to be a multi-millionaire. Want is shit. What is, is.
Don't have sex and you won't have that problem. Period.
In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.'re looking for dates????
No, I'm asking for the name of one of the victims.


Are you denying that there were the abortions???
If there are all these deaths you must have the name of a victim. Please share.
ok, how many people, who abstained from sex, have had a baby?

Okay, how many people want to stop having sex?
Oh wait, there is you and that's about it ;)
So because someone wants to have sex it's ok for them to collect welfare for 18 years because they had a kid.
So because someone wants to have sex it's ok to murder their unborn baby.
Want has nothing to do with it. I want to be President. I want to be a multi-millionaire. Want is shit. What is, is.
Don't have sex and you won't have that problem. Period.

I wouldn't want to be president - no way no how
I DO want to have sex - it is healthy and abstaining for 40 years is NOT
Most people are more like me than they are like you
And abortion in the first 120 days isn't murder
But you would like to make it so
Hence I have a new logo for your movement

Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?
Because anti-abortion can't argue the merits of the case, they must find a hobby horse to ride after they misanalyze it.
So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


"....because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood ..."

If only.
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.
So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


"....because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood ..."

If only.
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.
A name does not a person make... Unless you suggest I can kill illegals crossing the border, so long as I secret their identity. The fail is strong with you.
So lets see you are anti abortion and yet you do not believe in helping infants if in need of food, healthcare, or a roof over their head, or even a clean environment (I am talking about Hud) conducive for them to become healthy and happy productive well educated adults?

I'd say your responsible is to keep your opinions to yourself then, you have no right to be anti abortion due to the fact you are not pro life.
Can't afford a kid. Easy solution. Don't have sex.

Sadly, the states that promote abstinence only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.

Just ask Bristol Palin how abstinence works. :rolleyes-41:

Abstinence has never worked. The number of six month term babies born to newlyweds has been constant since the beginning of marriage. Really big healthy six month babies. It happened in colonial America. It happened in my parents' generation and it still happens now. The trick is, do you take responsibility for what you have done? Do you find a way to bring this child into a world where it will be provided for and loved, raised with commitment, or do you terminate this seed of potential as the kinder and more responsible thing to do? Neither is an easy decision, and people don't ADVOCATE abortion--the advocate the right of CHOICE.

I wouldn't be opposed to changing the on-demand term limit to five months, unless the child or mother's life is a serious factor.

"Abstinence has never worked."

Have I mentioned that you're a moron?
Abstinence works 100% of the time.
How many people have babies that didn't have sex? Only one that I know of and that was Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalena did not have children. The other mary did
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.'re looking for dates????
No, I'm asking for the name of one of the victims.
Your assanine question just cost you your seat at the table for the remainder of this thread. Your dismissed.
In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.
You can't handle the facts.'re looking for dates????
No, I'm asking for the name of one of the victims.
Your assanine question just cost you your seat at the table for the remainder of this thread. Your dismissed.
"....because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood ..."

If only.
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.
"....because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood ..."

If only.
Planned Parenthood prevents abortions. Big time. Why would Pro-Lifers not want them to continue?

In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.
A name does not a person make... Unless you suggest I can kill illegals crossing the border, so long as I secret their identity. The fail is strong with you.
If you killed a person crossing the border they would more than likely have a name and grieving friends and family. Do these victims have either?
Quoted for posterity. Lest we forget...

It is an perfectly good analogy - Unless you know someone who is starting babies in a test tube and transferring to an incubator with feeding tubes and such.
Actually it’s a horrible analogy that doesnt work; no matter how you twist it. Especially in this modern age of genetics. It actually fails harder than the “is an acorn a tree?” question that so many baby killers thought was clever. And that’s saying something...

So IOW, your contention is that a fetus doesn't need a host to live?
The pro-life group, DrLove, is not a bunch of deep or consistent thinkers.

Yes - I have noticed that. :)


You've noticed nothing but delusions and propaganda from media.
In a constellation of stupid posts....this may be the most stupid.


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

Did I mention that you're a moron????
Now THAT!!! Is a fucking holocaust!
Give the name of one of the victims.'re looking for dates????
No, I'm asking for the name of one of the victims.
Your assanine question just cost you your seat at the table for the remainder of this thread. Your dismissed.
You can't answer it? You can't name a single victim?
That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?
A fetus is like a virus, it needs a host to live.
Quoted for posterity. Lest we forget...

It is an perfectly good analogy - Unless you know someone who is starting babies in a test tube and transferring to an incubator with feeding tubes and such.
Actually it’s a horrible analogy that doesnt work; no matter how you twist it. Especially in this modern age of genetics. It actually fails harder than the “is an acorn a tree?” question that so many baby killers thought was clever. And that’s saying something...

So IOW, your contention is that a fetus doesn't need a host to live?
Your post is just another failed attempt at wordsmithing. You thought “host” was clever as well, the first time you heard it I see... So sad... Try again.

Its just another attempt for them to try to ease their conscience by calling a human life a blob of cells etc.
Quoted for posterity. Lest we forget...

It is an perfectly good analogy - Unless you know someone who is starting babies in a test tube and transferring to an incubator with feeding tubes and such.
Actually it’s a horrible analogy that doesnt work; no matter how you twist it. Especially in this modern age of genetics. It actually fails harder than the “is an acorn a tree?” question that so many baby killers thought was clever. And that’s saying something...

So IOW, your contention is that a fetus doesn't need a host to live?
Your post is just another failed attempt at wordsmithing. You thought “host” was clever as well, the first time you heard it I see... So sad... Try again.

Its just another attempt for them to try to ease their conscience by calling a human life a blob of cells etc.

It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)
An embryo with human dna is not life? Lol.

Life can grow in a petri dish. Bacteria, viruses, fungi are all living, they don't create infants though.

A life in a womb is not a petri dish. We do know your tactics in referring to a child as petri dish in order to vanquish your conscience so you will not have to think about the morbid atrocities of abortion.

A fetus is like a virus, it needs a host to live.
Quoted for posterity. Lest we forget...

It is an perfectly good analogy - Unless you know someone who is starting babies in a test tube and transferring to an incubator with feeding tubes and such.

No, its an analogy for some to ease their conscience. If someone intentionally hits a pregnant mother and kills the baby, it's murder.
Life can grow in a petri dish. Bacteria, viruses, fungi are all living, they don't create infants though.

A life in a womb is not a petri dish. We do know your tactics in referring to a child as petri dish in order to vanquish your conscience so you will not have to think about the morbid atrocities of abortion.

A fetus is like a virus, it needs a host to live.
Quoted for posterity. Lest we forget...

It is an perfectly good analogy - Unless you know someone who is starting babies in a test tube and transferring to an incubator with feeding tubes and such.

No, its an analogy for some to ease their conscience. If someone intentionally hits a pregnant mother and kills the baby, it's murder.
Yes if someone hits a pregnant mother and kills the fetus, there are grieving family and friends. Where are all the grieving family and friends for these abortions?
Because, LBT, the baby is a part of the mother and can't exist outside of her at that time.

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