How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

Get ready for the pride abortion rallies

Are liberal women really proud to have abortions?

The Left understands that for those who have abortions, there is an underlying feeling of shame associated with the procedure, and understandably so. After all, abortion is a tragedy of sorts. No one gets pregnant just to have an abortion.

The Left also understands that this threatens their moral position. How could there be shame associated with something that they champion and is at the root of their ideology?

As a result, we now have a movement where women are being asked to be loud and proud about their abortions.

Now they parody themselves.
If any "relabeling" is happening it is on the part of those who would change "choice".
If any "relabeling" is happening it is on the part of those who would change "choice".

But it is a choice.

At least you concede the game of psychology of terms.

Very disingenuous, isn't it.
Notice how the Left only focuses on abortion with the above meme.

Very telling.

Abortion is really the core of the DNC and Leftist movement.

Ridiculous. People just don't want to live in a fascist dictatorship and be slaves to the state.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?
How much time should women get for having an abortion?

I reckon the same amount of time a woman would get when she had her baby and then snuffed it's life out immediately thereafter.

So much for your "gotcha" question.

So let me guess, you are all for women being able to kill their viable infants as soon as they are born, right?
How much time for paying taxes to kill babies?

The notion that the populace at large is culpable for the government that collects their taxes is an interesting one.

For example, how should the German people be held responsible for the Nazi party that indulged in genocide who collected their taxes?

The sad part is, the German people were bought off. Hitler was fearful of another German uprising during the war that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards during the war. The people during WW1 probably stopped paying their taxes. However, Hitler embraced socialism as he collected taxes for two specific target, entitlements for the German citizens and his war effort. In fact, the German people had the highest living standards in the world during the war years. Hitler heavily taxes the top 4% of the populace, as well as collecting the loot from conquered territories, as well as rounding up rich Jews and taking the gold as they were sent off to die.

Shrug, it worked. The people did not rise up against their government as they did during WW1. I view the US populace much in the same light. They want their entitlements, albeit not as good of entitlements as the Germans had under Hitler, but I reckon they are a cheaper date. They will sell their collective soul for perceived material gain just as much as the German people were to overlook genocide.

Jew? No, they are vermin. Infant? No, they are a fetus.

Relabeling people does not purchase away their humanity. It's just mental masturbation.

This is what scares the poo out of me in regard to socialism.
Pure cop-out.
Notice how the Left only focuses on abortion with the above meme.

Very telling.

Abortion is really the core of the DNC and Leftist movement.

Ridiculous. People just don't want to live in a fascist dictatorship and be slaves to the state.

A fascist dictatorship?

More disingenuous rhetoric. The issue is, is abortion murder? Is an unborn baby really a baby?

No one advocates legalizing murder, or do you?
Latinos are about 95% Roman Catholic. These women NEVER get an abortion!
Negro men refuse to wear condoms and negro women use abortion as birth control.
As do poor white women.
It’s the “unwanted” that is the problem. Abstinence works. The reason their pregnancy may be deemed unwanted is based on a belief that they can trade it for something of greater value to themselves. And that is a failure of education at a moral level. Teaching our women to sacrifice their own children for a seat on the board of directors....

Aren't you the one who bragged about not having sex for the last 40 years?
That's a problem my friend - You may want to think about that.
It’s the “unwanted” that is the problem. Abstinence works. The reason their pregnancy may be deemed unwanted is based on a belief that they can trade it for something of greater value to themselves. And that is a failure of education at a moral level. Teaching our women to sacrifice their own children for a seat on the board of directors....

Aren't you the one who bragged about not having sex for the last 40 years?
That's a problem my friend - You may want to think about that.
That wasn’t me. Though 6 days seems like 40 years...
Notice how the Left only focuses on abortion with the above meme.

Very telling.

Abortion is really the core of the DNC and Leftist movement.

Ridiculous. People just don't want to live in a fascist dictatorship and be slaves to the state.

A fascist dictatorship?

More disingenuous rhetoric. The issue is, is abortion murder? Is an unborn baby really a baby?

No one advocates legalizing murder, or do you?

I do not believe that an abortion is murder. I think that is an extremist position

My reference to a fascist dictatorship was not rhetorical; it is a reference to the types of legislative schemes being set up so that a person who wants to have an abortion has to discuss the intimate details of her personal life with a government operative of some sort, whether a trip to a "counselor," perhaps being required to submit to a medical examination, or submit to questioning by a government official to make a determination of whether or not the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest. I was also referring to government imposition of a particular religious/ideological viewpoint, which may not be held by the woman herself. If she held that belief, she probably would not be seeking an abortion. I am totally against big-government involvement in such personal events.

The article you posted is totally nuts. Considering the reputation of its source, I am not surprised. It is loaded with hyperbole and deliberate misapprehension. Just the headline itself is ridiculous. The author uses terms like "celebrate," and "pride," when, as was explained in the article, the hashtag was created to give women a chance to talk about their experiences. If I had had an abortion, I certainly would post my story on there. I can guess that people might not have wanted to talk about having an abortion because it reminds them of a bad period in their lives or because of all the crazies out there who are attempting to produce feelings of guilt and shame in people who otherwise aren't experiencing them.

One thing that I have noticed about right-wing posters on many threads, is that you people have a tendency to attribute to others thoughts and emotions that you cannot possibly know anything about. You folks simply cannot possibly know these people and just manufacture stories about them. It's the whole "everybody" is a whore, or a junkie, or a petty thief thing. It's baloney.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Now hold on there sparky, that's like putting the fox in the hen house as overseer , *there4eyeM*.
2. Or murderers running the prison of murderers.
3. Woman who are set to procreate just because they can, should not have say who lives and who dies by murder.
4. That sort of power of life and death is to big for them to shoulder or have that responsibility endowed upon them, its not and should not be their choice and decision.
5. Its far to important a matter to be just handed to woman, *ALL*, women know that when they open their legs for a man, be it by force or her free will there is a distinct possibility they may end up pregnant, conception can occur..
6. Now we all know that rape is bad, and we also know that when rapes occur those who do that need to be brought to justice, now if a rape occurred and a baby is brought of it then that changes everything, the created being is *NOT* at fault, and should not have to be put to death just because the woman says so, she should carry the child to term, either keep the child or give it away for adoption, never should the innocent have to forfeit his or her life because the woman says so.
7. The human race depends on fairness and justice allowing a woman to have the power of life and death is tantamount of drinking poison for all mankind, it destroys creation, and ends up making humans animals.
8. The structure of the human race depends of the women to give birth, if the judges give the women the power to decide who lives of who dies humanity is over, humans are now animals.


What a misogynistic piece of shit you are James. Women can’t be trusted to make decisions over their own lives or families? What an ignorant ass you are.

Most of the women who have abortions are married, you jerk. Are you saying that women should be refusing to have sex with their husbands?

The level of ignorance that right wing men have about women is just astounding. You should never be allowed to have any vote or say in what happens to women because you’re a danger to women everywhere.

1. Your screen name fits you perfectly.
2. Your argument holds no water sweet cheeks.
3. You sound more like a filthy murderer.
4. In your mind I am in every home across America holding womans legs apart so random men can impregnate them.
5. Women should not be able to make life and death decisions.
6. Once the baby is conceived its not hers to murder.
7. The baby is a whole other person, she has no right to execute the baby.
8. These are the facts, 45 years of women murdering babies must end.


My argument holds water because ultimately, the mother will raise the child. It’s her body and her life. A woman isn’t free if she’s a slave to biology. If the state can force a woman to carry or give birth to the result of any sexual intercourse then she has no freedom at all.

There are many good and valid reasons to have sex that have nothing to do with having children. People with a healthy active sex life within a monogamous relationship have better physical and emotional health and lower incidences of some forms of cancer. They enjoy a happier life.

Our biology gives women the option to abort a pregnancy with good reason. It’s not always a good time to add to the family. Finances, health, and the ability to properly provide for any care for more children are primary considerations.

But most women have abortions because they’re poor. 80% are living below or just above the poverty line.

And your line that women are poisonous or stupid just shows how far up your ass your head is.
Notice how the Left only focuses on abortion with the above meme.

Very telling.

Abortion is really the core of the DNC and Leftist movement.

And exerting control over women's bodies and personal decisions is really the core of the RNC and Rightist movements.
no. It isn’t.

Oh it absolutely IS! You clowns long for a return to the 1950s.

Keep the bitches tethered between the kitchen and the bedroom .. but no sex unless you plan to procreate! :icon_rolleyes:

"I do not believe that an abortion is murder. I think that is an extremist position"
It is not an extremist position, it is a militant declaration of being the only position and that there is no other. It excludes discussion. By deforming language, it seeks to annihilate opposition.
Not content with wanting control over the physical body of woman, such manipulators seek to control the mind as well.
Women will not allow this. The articulate among them will refute it. The rest will simply overcome it directly. If they lack verbiage, they still have resolve, determination and strength.
Its just another attempt for them to try to ease their conscience by calling a human life a blob of cells etc.

It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

"Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations"


You require another spanking????

My pleasure:

Only Progressives, Liberals, have a history of doing this: watch me prove it.

1. The affinity of Nazis and American Progressives is largely hidden from the public....for obvious reasons.
But any research clearly turns up the close and constant associations of the two.

Now for some background on the subject of forced sterilization....notice the documentation provided:

2. "As one authority has noted, this 'was the common denominator of all forms of Nazi racism.'

Eugenics was synonymous with 'race hygiene,' and its most fundamental program was to purify the 'race' of 'low grade' and 'degenerate' groups. Thus, American and European eugenicists created a generic racism and sexism - the genetically inferior.

Not surprisingly, the victims always turned out to be the traditional victims of racism - Jews, Blacks, women, and the poor."
Giesela Bock, 'Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany,'Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,Vol. 8, no. 3, Spring 1983. Reprinted in Renate Bridenthal et. al.,When Biology Became Destiny:Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany(New York, 1984), p. 276.

a. American and German eugenicists were particularly close in ideology.Germans and Americans regularly translated each other's literature, and the German movement was closely followed in the American eugenics press.

In June of 1936, Heidelberg University planned a celebration in honor of its 550th anniversary. Harry Laughlin, the author of Eugenical Sterilization in the United States,was offered an honorary degree in recognition of his services to eugenics.

Laughlin wrote that he would be glad to accept 'not only as a personal honor, but asevidence of the common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics as research in and the practical application of those fundamental biological and social principles which determine racial endowments and the racial health... of future generations.'
Randy Bird and Garland Allen, 'Archival Sources in the History of Eugenics,'Journal of the History of Biology,'Vol. 14, no. 2, Fall 1981, p. 351.

c. The most popular German eugenics text, Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre,was translated into English and widely read in the United States. Many American eugenics texts, including Madison Grant's Classic, The Passing of the Great Race, were translated into German.

The above based on chapter five of Dr. Mehler's dissertation, 'A History of the American Eugenics Society,' (University of Illinois, 1988) which can be obtained from University Microfilm (Ann Arbor, MI).Eliminating the Inferior American and Nazi Sterilization Programs Institute for the Study of Academic Racism - Ferris State University

3. Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his“The Case for Sterilization.” (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

You see the disadvantage you are under, never having read a book??????
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

"Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations"


You require another spanking????

Please stop sharing your sexual fantasies with us.

I am pointing out the numerous times in this thread that you contards have proposed forced sterlizations and controlling women's bodies.

I didnt' even bring up about how you contards also tried to prevent women from access to birth control.
It's a baby that the mother doesn't want to be responsible for and take care of. With an abortion, there should be mandatory sterilization. (in most cases)

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

"Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations..."

Only Liberals and Progressives.....

  1. American support for Eugenics.
    1. The most revered of liberal icons, Oliver Wendell Holmes, concurred with eugenics, to the extent that he attempted to write it into the Constitution. . In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision (Buck v. Bell) written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” It turned out that she was not retarded, as the state had contended. Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.
    2. The only vote against the state, in an 8-1 decision was the archconservative and only Catholic on the court, Pierce Butler. “Butler was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, but was also, most importantly, a political conservative.”

"Ultimately, 60,000 Americans were coercively sterilized — legally and extra-legally. Many never discovered the truth until decades later. Those who actively supported eugenics include America's most progressive figures: Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and Oliver Wendell Holmes."
War Against The Weak - Home Page

I burst that balloon, huh?
".. and controlling women's bodies."

How many times must the biology be explained to you??

How many times must I have to respond to your usual idiocy.

Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.
Everyone should be sterilized at birth. If they can afford to reverse the procedure then that's proof they can afford to have a kid.
Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations- and controlling women's bodies.

"Conservatives do really love the idea of forced sterilizations"


You require another spanking????

Please stop sharing your sexual fantasies with us.

I am pointing out the numerous times in this thread that you contards have proposed forced sterlizations and controlling women's bodies.

I didnt' even bring up about how you contards also tried to prevent women from access to birth control. agree....forced sterilization was carried out by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats....not conservatives.

Want me to smash another custard pie in your kisser, and prove that the unborn is not a part of the mother's body????

Or....would that embarrass you too much?

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