How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?
How much time should women get for having an abortion?

I reckon the same amount of time a woman would get when she had her baby and then snuffed it's life out immediately thereafter.

So much for your "gotcha" question.

So let me guess, you are all for women being able to kill their viable infants as soon as they are born, right?
No one who calls abortion murder would be here flapping their figurative jaws on the Internet. Anyone who really believed abortion is murder would go do something about it. Otherwise, such a person is the worst kind of hypocrite.

Abortion is without any doubt in lots of cases murder. The criteria:
(1) it hurts the human rights to kill human beings
(2) the killed human being is not able to defend itself
(3) the reason to kill a human being for to prevent some month gestation is not substantial, because average life span is about 80 years.

Whether I am a worst hypocrite or not is not part of the truth of such sentences.

Then go shut down an abortion clinic.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?
How much time should women get for having an abortion?

I reckon the same amount of time a woman would get when she had her baby and then snuffed it's life out immediately thereafter.

So much for your "gotcha" question.

So let me guess, you are all for women being able to kill their viable infants as soon as they are born, right?
How much time for paying taxes to kill babies?
That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
That whole “responsibility” thing really pisses you selfish abortionists off doesn’t it?

So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?
How much time should women get for having an abortion?

I reckon the same amount of time a woman would get when she had her baby and then snuffed it's life out immediately thereafter.

So much for your "gotcha" question.

So let me guess, you are all for women being able to kill their viable infants as soon as they are born, right?
How much time for paying taxes to kill babies?

The notion that the populace at large is culpable for the government that collects their taxes is an interesting one.

For example, how should the German people be held responsible for the Nazi party that indulged in genocide who collected their taxes?

The sad part is, the German people were bought off. Hitler was fearful of another German uprising during the war that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards during the war. The people during WW1 probably stopped paying their taxes. However, Hitler embraced socialism as he collected taxes for two specific target, entitlements for the German citizens and his war effort. In fact, the German people had the highest living standards in the world during the war years. Hitler heavily taxes the top 4% of the populace, as well as collecting the loot from conquered territories, as well as rounding up rich Jews and taking the gold as they were sent off to die.

Shrug, it worked. The people did not rise up against their government as they did during WW1. I view the US populace much in the same light. They want their entitlements, albeit not as good of entitlements as the Germans had under Hitler, but I reckon they are a cheaper date. They will sell their collective soul for perceived material gain just as much as the German people were to overlook genocide.

Jew? No, they are vermin. Infant? No, they are a fetus.

Relabeling people does not purchase away their humanity. It's just mental masturbation.

This is what scares the poo out of me in regard to socialism.
So the message to the single Mom with an unplanned pregnancy because you cut funding to Planned Parenthood is:

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to have that baby - But not mine to feed it with government cheese even though you are working two jobs and daycare eats up half your income.


No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
No. Why is she behaving irresponsibly by having children that she can't afford?

Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
That link doesn’t substantiate the speculative claim in your previous post.
Just to follow up with my other post regarding greed = genocide, this article pretty much says it all

The Real Reason Why Women Get Abortions - ATTN:

About 73% of women who have abortions due so because of concerns about money.

We are really no different that the ancients, for they too sacrificed their children to the gods for financial gain. They would sacrifice their children for better crops, fertility, or victory in battle.

Today, children are sacrificed for that better home or car or career, etc.

Time may change, but we don't.

In the interim we will be deluged with those who are in love with abortion who defend it by saying, "What about women who are raped or back alley abortions"?

It is very telling that they NEVER defend why most women get abortions, which is having more money.

As for back alley abortions, they continue, only legally. Just look at Dr. Kermit Gosnell. He had multiple health violations but the state simple stopped coming round instead of shutting him down. This allowed him to practice for some 30 years where he killed viable infants as well as mothers over that time span. The government is so pro abortion, that they would rather allow this than shut one abortion clinic down.

Very disingenuous and deceitful, but they have to be in order to maintain their ideology.
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Better question - Why was she not given better sex ed and access to birth control?
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
That link doesn’t substantiate the speculative claim in your previous post.

Sorry - but unwanted pregnancies are highest in states offering abstinence only education.

Abstinence education: There's almost no getting around it. States with abstinence-only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancies.

In 2008, the Washington Post reported on a University of Washington study which found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education were 60% less likely to get pregnant than someone who received abstinence-only education. A 2007 federal report found that abstinence-only programs have had "no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence," reported ThinkProgress.

In a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers found a similar correlation between a state's commitment to abstinence education and pregnancy rates.​

Therefore it stands to reason that the woman in my example was more likely to have been educated in such a manner and was hence under-informed.

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common
Just to follow up with my other post regarding greed = genocide, this article pretty much says it all

The Real Reason Why Women Get Abortions - ATTN:

About 73% of women who have abortions due so because of concerns about money.

We are really no different that the ancients, for they too sacrificed their children to the gods for financial gain. They would sacrifice their children for better crops, fertility, or victory in battle.

Today, children are sacrificed for that better home or car or career, etc.

Time may change, but we don't.

In the interim we will be deluged with those who are in love with abortion by saying, "What about women who are raped or back alley abortions"?

It is very telling that they NEVER defend why most women get abortions, which is money.

Very disingenuous and deceitful, but they have to be in order to maintain their ideology.
A timely post! I was just about to offer something similar. With that said what is it about birth control and abortion that makes it so appealing to so many? Money. It’s natural that humans start having sex as teenagers. Our biological clocks are set this way. It is also natural that a woman become pregnant as a result of having sex... Still no shocker here.
So, where does this start to go off the rails? Probably right about the time that natures biological clock interferes with individuals desires to land high paying careers that provide the selfish lixury items they covet. Careers that necessitate ignoring their biological clocks, and postponing procreation till often times a decade past their prime natural cycle...
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
That link doesn’t substantiate the speculative claim in your previous post.

Sorry - but unwanted pregnancies are highest in states offering abstinence only education.

Abstinence education: There's almost no getting around it. States with abstinence-only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancies.

In 2008, the Washington Post reported on a University of Washington study which found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education were 60% less likely to get pregnant than someone who received abstinence-only education. A 2007 federal report found that abstinence-only programs have had "no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence," reported ThinkProgress.

In a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers found a similar correlation between a state's commitment to abstinence education and pregnancy rates.​

Therefore it stands to reason that the woman in my example was more likely to have been educated in such a manner and was hence under-informed.

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common
It’s the “unwanted” that is the problem. Abstinence works. The reason their pregnancy may be deemed unwanted is based on a belief that they can trade it for something of greater value to themselves. And that is a failure of education at a moral level. Teaching our women to sacrifice their own children for a seat on the board of directors....
it is
Just to follow up with my other post regarding greed = genocide, this article pretty much says it all

The Real Reason Why Women Get Abortions - ATTN:

About 73% of women who have abortions due so because of concerns about money.

We are really no different that the ancients, for they too sacrificed their children to the gods for financial gain. They would sacrifice their children for better crops, fertility, or victory in battle.

Today, children are sacrificed for that better home or car or career, etc.

Time may change, but we don't.

In the interim we will be deluged with those who are in love with abortion by saying, "What about women who are raped or back alley abortions"?

It is very telling that they NEVER defend why most women get abortions, which is money.

Very disingenuous and deceitful, but they have to be in order to maintain their ideology.
A timely post! I was just about to offer something similar. With that said what is it about birth control and abortion that makes it so appealing to so many? Money. It’s natural that humans start having sex as teenagers. Our biological clocks are set this way. It is also natural that a woman become pregnant as a result of having sex... Still no shocker here.
So, where does this start to go off the rails? Probably right about the time that natures biological clock interferes with individuals desires to land high paying careers that provide the selfish lixury items they covet. Careers that necessitate ignoring their biological clocks, and postponing procreation till often times a decade past their prime natural cycle...

Getting an education so that they can land a great job is why this is going on. The biological clock for people say, "It's time to have babies" but society says, "No, wait a little longer!"

And that clock seems to be getting pushed back further and further. It used to be that people had babies in their teens, then in their twenties, and now it is in their 30's and 40's.

I believe that the state wants lower population levels as they are fearful of such things as pollution, global warming, and their natural resources. As a result, any policy that promotes lower population levels, is supported whether it be gay sex, or abortion, or birth control, etc.

Meanwhile that nasty polygamist who wants to have 20 kids will never get the right to marry.

This is why Dr. Gosnell was able to practice in his little shop of horrors for over 30 years.
Who can demonstrate that she hasn’t; and instead made an irresponsible decision?

Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
That link doesn’t substantiate the speculative claim in your previous post.

Sorry - but unwanted pregnancies are highest in states offering abstinence only education.

Abstinence education: There's almost no getting around it. States with abstinence-only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancies.

In 2008, the Washington Post reported on a University of Washington study which found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education were 60% less likely to get pregnant than someone who received abstinence-only education. A 2007 federal report found that abstinence-only programs have had "no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence," reported ThinkProgress.

In a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers found a similar correlation between a state's commitment to abstinence education and pregnancy rates.​

Therefore it stands to reason that the woman in my example was more likely to have been educated in such a manner and was hence under-informed.

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common
I find it highly unlikely that the woman in your scenario, was unaware that sex causes pregnancy.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

How much time should a president get for killing people by sending warplanes to bomb?
Nobody - but the chances are better than 50/50 that she lived in a red state and was either home schooled or got an abstinence only sex ed.
You have absolutely no way to quantify your claim...

Yes - Actually I do

Research Confirms That Abstinence-Only Education Hurts Kids
That link doesn’t substantiate the speculative claim in your previous post.

Sorry - but unwanted pregnancies are highest in states offering abstinence only education.

Abstinence education: There's almost no getting around it. States with abstinence-only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancies.

In 2008, the Washington Post reported on a University of Washington study which found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education were 60% less likely to get pregnant than someone who received abstinence-only education. A 2007 federal report found that abstinence-only programs have had "no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence," reported ThinkProgress.

In a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers found a similar correlation between a state's commitment to abstinence education and pregnancy rates.​

Therefore it stands to reason that the woman in my example was more likely to have been educated in such a manner and was hence under-informed.

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common
I find it highly unlikely that the woman in your scenario, was unaware that sex causes pregnancy.

You have to understand, the other side does not care if sex education causes more kids to become sexually active, which his currently against the law and spreads STD's.

No, all they care about are fewer babies.

Never mind that uncle Joe may drive Suzy to a myriad of secret abortions. The only thing that matters is, she does not have those babies so that no one will ever know
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

How much time should a president get for killing people by sending warplanes to bomb?

Well it depends on the President.

If it is President Obama, no time at all cuz he is Mr. Nobel Peace Prize, but if it is "W", he should be impeached for war crimes.

After all, Obama is the enlightened one. He recognizes that killing babies, humanly, of course, is what is best for society.
Notice how the Left only focuses on abortion with the above meme.

Very telling.

Abortion is really the core of the DNC and Leftist movement.

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