How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

Doctors should be tried for murder.
It is the duty of the State to punish murderers, not the individual.

So a woman hires someone to kill a baby and the killer is only jailed.

Can I hire someone to kill my wife and only have the killer jailed also? I'm the "individual" right, I didn't do the actual killing, I just paid for it.

Give it some deep thought and ask yourself who benefits most from abortion. The shallow opinion is that poor women benefit because it's one less mouth to feed but that ain't necessarily true. Women who undergo abortion are often plagued with PTSD symptoms for the rest of their lives. Liberal media types would never focus on it because it's mostly liberal men who benefit from abortion when their future responsibilities are ended at the stroke of a scalpel. The racist aspect is also noteworthy. Black women are in the minority but they are most likely to have abortions. The godmother of abortion, Margaret Sanger, was a proponent of a theory called "eugenics" and so were liberal democrats like Wilson and socialist nationalists like Hitler. It's possible that white racist democrats keep the abortion mill running as a subtle form of ethnic cleansing.
You are dead wrong. I know women who have had abortions and the one emotion they all said they had was relief. Years later, not one of them has any regrets. You're just spouting the same RW propaganda that has been debunked over and over.

To your ilk this is something ti be PROUD of, killing the most innocent as it slumbers in the room because the drunken sluts couldn't keep their legs closed or couldn't be bothered using contraception, of course the ONLY emotion they feel is relief, of course they have NO regrets because they are devoid of any morals and devoid of ALL humanity. Fucking dirty Ghouls Whores.
Sorry bout that,

QUOTE="JakeStarkey, post: 20290018, member: 20412"]A fetus is not a baby.

End of story.[/QUOTE]

1. Hate to tell you in your award winning ignorance but a women makes humans in her womb, not fetuses.
2. A fetus needs not a diaper change, but when feeding, a BABY it does.
3. A mother is feeding a BABY before its born, they feed the BABY through the placenta.
4. All wastes are dealt with by the mothers womb, there are wastes but in the womb waste is handled with ease.
5. A BABY in the womb is still a BABY,...not some blob so its makes you feel better to murder it.

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There is a huge disparity when it comes the termination of a pregnancy.

If a man assaults a woman and she has a miscarriage. He will be arrested, charged with murder, and receive prison time if convicted.

But if that same woman has an abortion. She will be hailed as a hero by the liberals for terminating the baby. .... :cuckoo:
You do understand that isn't a disparity right?

Its only a disparity for people who are disingenuous --- so lets put your money where your mouth is -- Do you want women to get the death penalty for having an abortion? If not, then shut the fuck up with the disparity bullshit.

It's not?

I shoot a pregnant woman and kill her and the baby, do I not get charged with two homicides?

If she goes to Planned Parenthood and has an abortion, why should she not be charged with a homicide?
Again, there is a reason you dick suckers don't come out and demand women who have abortions be sentenced to death -- because you do understand there is NOT a disparity between someone murdering a woman and her child versus a woman making the decision herself to terminate the pregnancy...

If you are saying these are the same things -- why is there such a reluctance to call for the death penalty for all of those involved with the abortion?

In both cases a child dies. There is no difference.

I want to know why a child would be aborted when so many couples would love to adopt a baby.
Yours is the tired old fall back solution. Truth: Healthy white babies only. Plus, it is so expensive to adopt that many simply can't afford it.

So Kittymom do you have any of your OWN children? Or are you just a Crazy Old Cat Lady who's cats are her children ie. Kittymom?

Doctors should be tried for murder.
It is the duty of the State to punish murderers, not the individual.

So a woman hires someone to kill a baby and the killer is only jailed.

Can I hire someone to kill my wife and only have the killer jailed also? I'm the "individual" right, I didn't do the actual killing, I just paid for it.

I was equating the woman with a druggie and giving her a pass. But She's more a patron of a Hired killer. I hadn't thought of it like that.

If a fetus is a human then it is murder to kill it and both Doctor and Mother is to blame.
If a fetus is no more human than an Intelligent Porpoise or Gorilla, or Genetically close matched Pig, then it's not.
Weird a Pig is a closer genetic match to us than Gorillas are.
there is a lot of disingenuous nonsense in this. Supporters of Roe don't believe it will ever be overturned or won't accept the very real possibility and therefore can't or won't answer the question. And people who oppose abortion don't really believe it is murder or believe women are too incompetent to murder their own unborn babies. It is only when the first girl gets the needle for aborting her baby will abortion opponents lose their hesitancy to hold women accountable.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Your a damn troll. If Roe V Wade is overturned, then it goes back to the states, and what is wrong with that?

Hey, Biffy-Biffy-the Baby Slayer, do you know how they do late term abortions? You know, the ones that are within weeks or days of the baby being born.

Well, I am GOING TO TELL YOU------------->

They turn the baby around so coming out of the birth canal, it comes feet first. Oh yes, yes.

Then, the legs come out, the torso comes out, and the shoulders and arms come out, but they leave the baby's head in. Why? I do not know, maybe legality, but not sure.

Then know what happens? This baby could be moving, or kicking, and YOUR ABORTIONIST takes either a syringe, or sharp object, and sticks it into the baby's neck, right below the base of the skull, and if it is a syringe, draws part of the babys brain out, thus causing it to die!

And you people talk about NAZI Germany? Dude, that is YOU!

So, now are you proud you support this procedure? I bet you are! It is such a NOTHING procedure, maybe you should watch a few in real life, or maybe video. If you want to hide your eyes from the disgusting procedure as it unfolds, just put on your Halloween, Darth Vader mask.

You people are really, really pathetic. 1 minute before it comes out, you can kill it. 1 minute after it is born, if you kill it, you will get the death penalty. You people are an EMBARRASSMENT to the human race!
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Your a damn troll. If Roe V Wade is overturned, then it goes back to the states, and what is wrong with that?

Hey, Biffy-Biffy-the Baby Slayer, do you know how they do late term abortions? You know, the ones that are within weeks or days of the baby being born.

Well, I am GOING TO TELL YOU------------->

They turn the baby around so coming out of the birth canal, it comes feet first. Oh yes, yes.

Then, the legs come out, the torso comes out, and the shoulders and arms come out, but they leave the baby's head in. Why? I do not know, maybe legality, but not sure.

Then know what happens? This baby could be moving, or kicking, and YOUR ABORTIONIST takes either a syringe, or sharp object, and sticks it into the baby's neck, right below the base of the skull, and if it is a syringe, draws part of the babys brain out, thus causing it to die!

And you people talk about NAZI Germany? Dude, that is YOU!

So, now are you proud you support this procedure? I bet you are! It is such a NOTHING procedure, maybe you should watch a few in real life, or maybe video. If you want to hide your eyes from the disgusting procedure as it unfolds, just put on your Halloween, Darth Vader mask.

You people are really, really pathetic. 1 minute before it comes out, you can kill it. 1 minute, after it is born, if you kill it, you will get the death penalty. You people are an EMBARRASSMENT to the human race!
You do realize the procedure you are describing was banned 15 years ago???

WHY are you bringing it up, when it was banned? What is your purpose?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (Pub.L. 108–105, 117 Stat. 1201, enacted November 5, 2003, 18 U.S.C. § 1531, PBA Ban) is a United States law prohibiting a form of late termination of pregnancy called "partial-birth abortion," referred to in medical literature by as intact dilation and extraction.
A fetus is not a baby.

End of story.
yeah, tell that to a woman with a miscarriage.
Will women be held accountable for miscarriages? Will the women have to somehow prove she didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage? Will the right bring on another government agency - the Pregnancy Police to check up on pregnant women to make sure they don't do anything to harm the fetus, and to be there in the delivery room to make sure it gets born?
A fetus is not a baby.

End of story.
yeah, tell that to a woman with a miscarriage.
Will women be held accountable for miscarriages? Will the women have to somehow prove she didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage? Will the right bring on another government agency - the Pregnancy Police to check up on pregnant women to make sure they don't do anything to harm the fetus, and to be there in the delivery room to make sure it gets born?

a 17 year old woman got 60 years later reduced to 30 years for murdering her fetus because she couldn't prove she had miscarriaged. Forgot the country
A fetus is not a baby.

End of story.
yeah, tell that to a woman with a miscarriage.
Will women be held accountable for miscarriages? Will the women have to somehow prove she didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage? Will the right bring on another government agency - the Pregnancy Police to check up on pregnant women to make sure they don't do anything to harm the fetus, and to be there in the delivery room to make sure it gets born?

a 17 year old woman got 60 years later reduced to 30 years for murdering her fetus because she couldn't prove she had miscarriaged. Forgot the country
Coming soon to a state near you.
Sorry bout that,

1. LIFE must be protected even if in the womb, or LIFE is worthless.
2. Worthless as a turd.
3. I shit you not!

Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Your a damn troll. If Roe V Wade is overturned, then it goes back to the states, and what is wrong with that?

Hey, Biffy-Biffy-the Baby Slayer, do you know how they do late term abortions? You know, the ones that are within weeks or days of the baby being born.

Well, I am GOING TO TELL YOU------------->

They turn the baby around so coming out of the birth canal, it comes feet first. Oh yes, yes.

Then, the legs come out, the torso comes out, and the shoulders and arms come out, but they leave the baby's head in. Why? I do not know, maybe legality, but not sure.

Then know what happens? This baby could be moving, or kicking, and YOUR ABORTIONIST takes either a syringe, or sharp object, and sticks it into the baby's neck, right below the base of the skull, and if it is a syringe, draws part of the babys brain out, thus causing it to die!

And you people talk about NAZI Germany? Dude, that is YOU!

So, now are you proud you support this procedure? I bet you are! It is such a NOTHING procedure, maybe you should watch a few in real life, or maybe video. If you want to hide your eyes from the disgusting procedure as it unfolds, just put on your Halloween, Darth Vader mask.

You people are really, really pathetic. 1 minute before it comes out, you can kill it. 1 minute, after it is born, if you kill it, you will get the death penalty. You people are an EMBARRASSMENT to the human race!
You do realize the procedure you are describing was banned 15 years ago???

WHY are you bringing it up, when it was banned? What is your purpose?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (Pub.L. 108–105, 117 Stat. 1201, enacted November 5, 2003, 18 U.S.C. § 1531, PBA Ban) is a United States law prohibiting a form of late termination of pregnancy called "partial-birth abortion," referred to in medical literature by as intact dilation and extraction.

PBA was banned years and years ago.

Why this scare tactics?

Well, tell it to your friends, you damn NAZI's Second Trimester Abortion Care in the DC Metro Area

This is YOUR WORLD! Aren't you proud? Take a bow heroes!

The Nazis, you Pinocchio, did not favor abortion as they wanted to build up the Master Race.
If Roe v Wade is overturned which I hughly doubt will happen it would become a states issue and I suspect all states will keep abortion legal in some form.
Since more than 60% of the population, men and woman, want regulated abortion, yeah, even if RoevWade was changed to send abortion back to the state, the procedure would continue in all of the states.
With the single condition that the abortion be performed within a specific timeline, I do not believe the state should have the authority to demand that a woman bear and deliver the product of her own organism if she does not wish to.

However, I do believe the state should have the authority to demand that a woman who cannot show that she has the means to properly raise a child abort a pregnancy within the specific timeline -- this being the way to eliminate the phenomenon of the welfare queen.

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