How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

It depends how it's ended. Dr. Kermit Gosnell is doing around 15 to life for his house of horrors in Phila. Lefties have rigged the system so that a full term child can be murdered if it's head is still inside the womb. If the baby slips out of the technician's hands and lands on the table it suddenly becomes legally human. Apparently Gosnell didn't give a damn either way and was hacking full term babies up as they squirmed on the table. It's O.K. though the body parts are still valuable and can be sold on the black market through Planned Parenthood.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:
And that would be their own fault.

Ummmm - NO. Women have a right to make decisions about their own bodies.

Stop creeping on 'em with your big-ass government.

Its only a disparity for people who are disingenuous --- so lets put your money where your mouth is -- Do you want women to get the death penalty for having an abortion? If not, then shut the fuck up with the disparity bullshit.
Get a grip retard...... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Translation : "I was just saying shit I didn't think through, I wasn't expecting you to call me out on it"

Suck a dick and take a nap

Recruiting homosexual partners on this web site should not be allowed.
Then stick to going to the Blue Oyster like you been doing..Live your
The Admiral and Thinker101 looking good!!

The point is this: Kennedy's announced resignation has made the election a referendum on Trump without Trump being able to bring his EV power to bear in defense.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?
The better question is....”How much prison time should ShaQuita and Guadalupe get for continuing to expand their welfare funded litters of money trees / children?”

Idiot-gram ^^^, of the Ignorant bigot variety.
Lol, it would be interesting to comb though your collective posts on USMB. It seems as though you offer NO intellectual challenges, do not debate & in fact strictly limit yourself to casting one liner dispersions rife with expletives. That is a shame, you're missing out on the whole point of this board & we are too every time you post...
It depends how it's ended. Dr. Kermit Gosnell is doing around 15 to life for his house of horrors in Phila. Lefties have rigged the system so that a full term child can be murdered if it's head is still inside the womb. If the baby slips out of the technician's hands and lands on the table it suddenly becomes legally human. Apparently Gosnell didn't give a damn either way and was hacking full term babies up as they squirmed on the table. It's O.K. though the body parts are still valuable and can be sold on the black market through Planned Parenthood.

Post your defintion of "Lefties". Then explain why you claim someone who violates the abortion law (R v. W) is a lefty, and not simply a person motivated by greed, which is one bullet point to define the 21st Century conservative (i.e. the callous variety).

Your echo on the sale of body parts is evidence you've been brainwashed by conservative propaganda.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?
The better question is....”How much prison time should ShaQuita and Guadalupe get for continuing to expand their welfare funded litters of money trees / children?”

Idiot-gram ^^^, of the Ignorant bigot variety.
Lol, it would be interesting to comb though your collective posts on USMB. It seems as though you offer NO intellectual challenges, do not debate & in fact strictly limit yourself to casting one liner dispersions rife with expletives. That is a shame, you're missing out on the whole point of this board & we are too every time you post...

Thanks so much for sharing. If I may offer a small bit of advice, don't read my posts or open any thread I might offer. And please take a course in expository writing, since you spend to many words in posting an ad hominem, one of many which lacks substance or examples or credibility.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?
It's a good thought exercise. For those who are hardcore anti-abortion and consider a fetus a life just the same as an adult/child/baby, the logical extension would be that a woman terminating her pregnancy is akin to 1st degree murder and therefore punishable by life in prison. An abortion doctor in that context could be considered a co-conspirator or a contract killer and subject to a 1st degree murder charge as well.

To suggest any less follows that you're not genuine in your assertion that a fetus is a life with full rights and protections under the law.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

If you honestly think Roe v Wade will be overturned, you are as dumb as they come.

Do any of you get tired of the hyperbole and constant stirring of shit?
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:
And that would be their own fault.

Ummmm - NO. Women have a right to make decisions about their own bodies.

Stop creeping on 'em with your big-ass government.

Yup. And one of those decisions is spreading their legs. Be responsible for your decisions, and children.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?
The better question is....”How much prison time should ShaQuita and Guadalupe get for continuing to expand their welfare funded litters of money trees / children?”

Idiot-gram ^^^, of the Ignorant bigot variety.
Lol, it would be interesting to comb though your collective posts on USMB. It seems as though you offer NO intellectual challenges, do not debate & in fact strictly limit yourself to casting one liner dispersions rife with expletives. That is a shame, you're missing out on the whole point of this board & we are too every time you post...

Thanks so much for sharing. If I may offer a small bit of advice, don't read my posts or open any thread I might offer. And please take a course in expository writing, since you spend to many words in posting an ad hominem, one of many which lacks substance or examples or credibility.
See it's not that hard. That was a fantastic post, where you presented an argument instead of merely launching invectives... Good job, I hope you keep it up! :)
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

If abortion is again outlawed they will treat it the way prostitution is treated, they will punish the doctor and not the one paying the doctor.

That is what I suspect but I seriously doubt this will happen, the laws in this country are written to allow abortion and I doubt that will ever be taken away no matter how hard the it is tried. The extremes on both sides are so amped up and Trump keeps it going as well as the nut in Virginia and people like Waters, we just all need to chill.
Bill Clinton paraded four or five women who allegedly benefited from late term aka partial birth abortion when he vetoed the bill that would end the barbaric practice. It was a lie though. There are drugs that effectively cause labor but the women didn't want a live baby, they wanted a dead one. Not only is there no medical condition that justifies turning a full term baby around in the womb causing what they used to call a breach birth where the feet come out first, it's painful and invasive and dangerous. The reason for this is legal rather than medical. The baby is stabbed in the back of the head without anesthesia and it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine until it's face looks like a prune. It's all neat and tidy and legal unless the baby's head comes out before it is killed. Then it becomes manslaughter. Concerned people have been trying to end what a liberal democrat senator once called "infanticide" but lefties won't give an inch. Maybe we will get some relief from the taxpayer funded holocaust in ten or fifteen years after another million babies are murdered.
Last edited:
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

The broads are the victims here. The idea is to punish the butchers, the abortionists that engage in this brutal abomination.

Not to punish the victims.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

If abortion is again outlawed they will treat it the way prostitution is treated, they will punish the doctor and not the one paying the doctor.

That is what I suspect but I seriously doubt this will happen, the laws in this country are written to allow abortion and I doubt that will ever be taken away no matter how hard the it is tried. The extremes on both sides are so amped up and Trump keeps it going as well as the nut in Virginia and people like Waters, we just all need to chill.

I agree it will not happen, none of the current justices outside of maybe Thomas would support doing so. The Repubs would never want it to happen, they would lose 3/4 of their automatic votes and Trump supported abortion til the day he choose to run for POTUS as a Repub so he will not put someone that would rule against it.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

The broads are the victims here. The idea is to punish the butchers, the abortionists that engage in this brutal abomination.

Not to punish the victims.

How is a woman choosing to have her baby killed a victim?
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:
And that would be their own fault.

Ummmm - NO. Women have a right to make decisions about their own bodies.

Stop creeping on 'em with your big-ass government.

The issue has never been about the woman’s body. That’s the lie you hide behind. It’s about the child’s constitutional rights to life.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

It's a good thought exercise. For those who are hardcore anti-abortion and consider a fetus a life just the same as an adult/child/baby, the logical extension would be that a woman terminating her pregnancy is akin to 1st degree murder and therefore punishable by life in prison. An abortion doctor in that context could be considered a co-conspirator or a contract killer and subject to a 1st degree murder charge as well.

To suggest any less follows that you're not genuine in your assertion that a fetus is a life with full rights and protections under the law.

R v. W is the law and has been for the past 4+ decades. Efforts by the Right to Life Crowd and the Republican Party's continuing use of R v. W as a wedge issue is an example of false pathos; since the R's, when in control of the White House and The Congress, have never passed a bill to outlaw abortion, by sending a Constitutional Amendment to the States for Ratification, we can be reasonably sure they are more concerned with their election, than any fetus.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:

Sure hasn't been good times for the 60 million plus babies that have been killed.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

It's a good thought exercise. For those who are hardcore anti-abortion and consider a fetus a life just the same as an adult/child/baby, the logical extension would be that a woman terminating her pregnancy is akin to 1st degree murder and therefore punishable by life in prison. An abortion doctor in that context could be considered a co-conspirator or a contract killer and subject to a 1st degree murder charge as well.

To suggest any less follows that you're not genuine in your assertion that a fetus is a life with full rights and protections under the law.

R v. W is the law and has been for the past 4+ decades. Efforts by the Right to Life Crowd and the Republican Party's continuing use of R v. W as a wedge issue is an example of false pathos; since the R's, when in control of the White House and The Congress, have never passed a bill to outlaw abortion, by sending a Constitutional Amendment to the States for Ratification, we can be reasonably sure they are more concerned with their election, than any fetus.

Sadly abortoin rates almost always go up under Repub admins as they are stupid and cut off birth control funding as well. The best way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.
Bill Clinton paraded four or five women who allegedly benefited from late term aka partial birth abortion when he vetoed the bill that would end the barbaric practice. It was a lie though. Not only is there no medical condition that justifies turning a full term baby around in the womb causing what they used to call a breach birth where the feet come out first, it's painful and invasive and dangerous. The reason for this is legal rather than medical. The baby is stabbed in the back of the head without anesthesia and it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine until it's face looks like a prune. It's all neat and tidy and legal unless the baby's head comes out before it is killed. Then it becomes manslaughter. Concerned people have been trying to end what a liberal democrat senator once called "infanticide" but lefties won't give an inch. Maybe we will get some relief from the taxpayer funded holocaust in ten or fifteen years after another million babies are murdered.
I don't expect that either side will concede much ground. Fundamentally it comes down to a standard of morality which is tricky to pin down on the progressive side as they derive their standard out of their own anthropocentric 'intellect'. Judaeo Xian rudiments are scoffed at as is the God given innate, unadulterated conscience we all start out with in life.

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