how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

No socko you are just that lonely and friendless...

If you come here for friends you are a sicko as well Asa troll.

LOL, I post whenever I feel like it schmuck. I don't have multiple accounts, I don't spend all day and night here everyday like you and the clones... And when I said friends, I meant the real ones, physical beings that you can interact with in the real world...

Jesus man, I say friendless and you automatically assume I meant on here... Damn dude, if you wanted to prove my point you did it...

"LOL, I post whenever I feel like it schmuck."

We realize that. That's what trolls do. The rest of us are debating about critical science. Way, way beyond you.

If you are not here trying to make friends and are demonstrably unable to debate science, what are you here for troll?
Small problem there: OldSocks and Orogenicman live about 2,000 miles apart.

And who else am I?

Nice try, dumbass.. he outted himself clearly already. also the name.. Orogenicman.. Oregon man... Give it a rest sparky...

You're the forum moron, you are at least PMZ as well which makes you most likely ifitzme, and oopoopiepants...

Frankly I don't care if you are one person or 50, the fact is you are clones of one another. Doesn't matter if it's done by script or by use of a proxy server, or you are all living in the same dorm and trying to get an "A" on that upcoming climate science exam. You are interchangeable, and irrelevent...

Look up orogenic, troll.

I would accuse him of being high on magic mushrooms, but obviously his real problem is that he has a corn cob up his arse. Poor dear.
Nice try, dumbass.. he outted himself clearly already. also the name.. Orogenicman.. Oregon man... Give it a rest sparky...

You're the forum moron, you are at least PMZ as well which makes you most likely ifitzme, and oopoopiepants...

Frankly I don't care if you are one person or 50, the fact is you are clones of one another. Doesn't matter if it's done by script or by use of a proxy server, or you are all living in the same dorm and trying to get an "A" on that upcoming climate science exam. You are interchangeable, and irrelevent...

Look up orogenic, troll.

I would accuse him of being high on magic mushrooms, but obviously his real problem is that he has a corn cob up his arse. Poor dear.

Perhaps he's the last of the deniers, but I never really saw him as a denier. Pure troll.
I originally posted this warning on another thread but since I see you newcomers wasting so much time with this retarded troll, it seems like it would be very relevant here too at this point.

Just a note for anyone who might be new to this forum: the slackjawedidiot is a troll who will never post anything actually relevant to the topic at hand. As a troll, his mission is to derail informative threads with pointless quibbles and off topic nonsense. Engaging him in debate is futile since he isn't here to debate facts but only to disrupt actual debate. Either ignore him and his clueless drivel or mock him for his idiocy. Attempting to respond normally to his demented posts and expecting a rational response is a huge waste of time.

Just so you know...
LOL, you clones need a life... You just spent several posts talking about how bad I am, and what a troll I am, yet all of your posts were either to me or about me...

See the problem yet? You have no one else to talk to but me.. ROFL.. As bad as I am, as much as you despise me, and you still come begging for my attention...You people (person) are pathetic...

Face it sparky, I keep you shitheads in check, even on my worst day, I can beat all of you down in the little bit of free time I have to spend here..

The really sad part.. You assholes have all day to spend on the internet. ANd after all of this time, you still haven't used it to better yourselves... You are just as bad now claiming you're a science teacher, as you were the last time and before when you made up your expertise.. Why not crack a freaking book? Why not look up something that can help you in your BS song and dance? You want to claim you're a physicist? Fine learn about what they do and how they do it, learn the vernacular, learn the fact a working physicist is unlikely to have 18 hours a day to spend on an internet forum...

mamooth, the navy nuke BS artist who didn't even know half the job requirments...

ooopooopiedoo who was a physics modellor.. Not a physicist... LOL, fine but the problem is physics modellors are either physicists or well on their way to it. And then he showed he didn't know crap about the job...

Saigon the finnish journalist who didn't know anything about finland, or proper quoting and citation...

And now we have the latsest rash of ding dong BS artists.. All acting the same way, all claiming education and training they most certainly do not show here in their posts...

Wasn't organman supposedly some kind of climate science guru with credentials a mile long? And what have we seen from this self-proclaimed expert... LOL, ignorant posts using oldsocks tactics, and showing ever more that he is most assuredly not anything like he claimed to be...

And Pmz who is a science teacher... WHo doesn't know that CO2 isn't an element until we tell him, and goes off in long rants where he spews as much anti-scientific nonsense as anyone ever...

Give us all a break.. Grow up, and post as yourself if you don't want me to hurt your little feelings..
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I originally posted this warning on another thread but since I see you newcomers wasting so much time with this retarded troll, it seems like it would be very relevant here too at this point.

Just a note for anyone who might be new to this forum: the slackjawedidiot is a troll who will never post anything actually relevant to the topic at hand. As a troll, his mission is to derail informative threads with pointless quibbles and off topic nonsense. Engaging him in debate is futile since he isn't here to debate facts but only to disrupt actual debate. Either ignore him and his clueless drivel or mock him for his idiocy. Attempting to respond normally to his demented posts and expecting a rational response is a huge waste of time.

Just so you know...

LOL, and trolling blunder. A professional *cough propaganda poster.. The man who has been caught posting aggro style, more times than I can count.. When he posts a link and you find it doesn't go where it's supposed to, tell him his aggrogator is busted, he will fix it...

ROFL, the man who is the least real of anybody here...
LOL, you clones need a life... You just spent several posts talking about how bad I am, and what a troll I am, yet all of your posts were either to me or about me...

I have to be honest. In situations like this morning's, when you had the last three posts in this thread, I hit the View Post button and see what you've got to say. So far, invariably, I see nothing new. You were the first poster here I put on my Ignore List and I strongly suspect you will never get off of it.
LOL, you clones need a life... You just spent several posts talking about how bad I am, and what a troll I am, yet all of your posts were either to me or about me...

I have to be honest. In situations like this morning's, when you had the last three posts in this thread, I hit the View Post button and see what you've got to say. So far, invariably, I see nothing new. You were the first poster here I put on my Ignore List and I strongly suspect you will never get off of it.

I would neg you if you had any rep points.
LOL, you clones need a life... You just spent several posts talking about how bad I am, and what a troll I am, yet all of your posts were either to me or about me...

I have to be honest. In situations like this morning's, when you had the last three posts in this thread, I hit the View Post button and see what you've got to say. So far, invariably, I see nothing new. You were the first poster here I put on my Ignore List and I strongly suspect you will never get off of it.

I would neg you if you had any rep points.

Now here's a monumental threat. Even worse than losing Monopoly money.

I see the whole denier movement, as descriptive a word as I can think of, swirling the bowl.

They are so impotent in the science debate that their ''big weapon'' are fake points on a nothing counter.

There is nothing at risk using ignore.
Any chance you are going to man up and explain the problem you and PMZ have with your rep? It happened at the same time...

I think the obvious answer is that you did it.

How old are you son?

I didn't do shit to your rep scumbag..YOU GOT PENALIZED...

And I'm old enough toknow you are a sock... My age is on here socko, if you were smart and paid attention you'd know it.
I have to be honest. In situations like this morning's, when you had the last three posts in this thread, I hit the View Post button and see what you've got to say. So far, invariably, I see nothing new. You were the first poster here I put on my Ignore List and I strongly suspect you will never get off of it.

I would neg you if you had any rep points.

Now here's a monumental threat. Even worse than losing Monopoly money.

I see the whole denier movement, as descriptive a word as I can think of, swirling the bowl.

They are so impotent in the science debate that their ''big weapon'' are fake points on a nothing counter.

There is nothing at risk using ignore.

Yes, yes a perfect time for a speech... ROFL, moron... Sobasically you said;

"BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers..."

LOL, you crack me up socko!
I would neg you if you had any rep points.

Now here's a monumental threat. Even worse than losing Monopoly money.

I see the whole denier movement, as descriptive a word as I can think of, swirling the bowl.

They are so impotent in the science debate that their ''big weapon'' are fake points on a nothing counter.

There is nothing at risk using ignore.

Yes, yes a perfect time for a speech... ROFL, moron... Sobasically you said;

"BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers..."

LOL, you crack me up socko!

""BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers...""

Good reading. The best that I've seen from you.
Now here's a monumental threat. Even worse than losing Monopoly money.

I see the whole denier movement, as descriptive a word as I can think of, swirling the bowl.

They are so impotent in the science debate that their ''big weapon'' are fake points on a nothing counter.

There is nothing at risk using ignore.

Yes, yes a perfect time for a speech... ROFL, moron... Sobasically you said;

"BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers..."

LOL, you crack me up socko!

""BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers...""

Good reading. The best that I've seen from you.

LOL, I go to bed, and I see you on here, I get up run to the office, have some lunch and you're still on here. I also happen to notice you have been on here pretty much the whole time...

DUDE! LOL get a grip..
Yes, yes a perfect time for a speech... ROFL, moron... Sobasically you said;

"BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers..."

LOL, you crack me up socko!

""BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers...""

Good reading. The best that I've seen from you.

LOL, I go to bed, and I see you on here, I get up run to the office, have some lunch and you're still on here. I also happen to notice you have been on here pretty much the whole time...

DUDE! LOL get a grip..

You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???
By you moron...

I didn't do anything but teach science, troll. You're the only one who is interested in my rep. Why?

LOL you taught science? To whom? I hope you kept your CO2 cycle to yourself..

BS pure and simple... Sorry dude but your latest is no better than your last claim...

Liars are easy to Spot and stupid liars are even easier to spot they can only come up with lies that they would believe themselves. Guess she thinks nobody noticed how often he's wrong.
LOL, you clones need a life... You just spent several posts talking about how bad I am, and what a troll I am, yet all of your posts were either to me or about me...

Don't you recognize and genuine circle jerk when you see it?
""BLAH , BLAH, BLAH, pay no attention to the fact my rep was stripped away, because rep is unmportant, and only used by the evil deniers...""

Good reading. The best that I've seen from you.

LOL, I go to bed, and I see you on here, I get up run to the office, have some lunch and you're still on here. I also happen to notice you have been on here pretty much the whole time...

DUDE! LOL get a grip..

You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???

No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


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