how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

LOL, I go to bed, and I see you on here, I get up run to the office, have some lunch and you're still on here. I also happen to notice you have been on here pretty much the whole time...

DUDE! LOL get a grip..

You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???

No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


"And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less.."

But such a person would be competition for you in all of those areas.
You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???

No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


"And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less.."

But such a person would be competition for you in all of those areas.

Ah yes another pee wee herman...Nice... Now go away and let the adults talk junior...

WOW, as if busting you up needed the help, you just pulled that... LOL, too easy junior, now we know you're a juvenile mentally if not physically as well..
No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


"And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less.."

But such a person would be competition for you in all of those areas.

Ah yes another pee wee herman...Nice... Now go away and let the adults talk junior...

WOW, as if busting you up needed the help, you just pulled that... LOL, too easy junior, now we know you're a juvenile mentally if not physically as well..

Let me check and see if there's any reason at all for your opinion on anything to matter to me.

Checked and could not find any reason for your opinion to matter to anyone. I came up completely empty.

Not one reason! A new record for ignorance revealed.

Wow. I just knew that you had some talent.
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Jon Bezerk -

I think what the best scientists in the world tell us is probably quite real enough.

Water is not poisonous, and is in fact essential to our survival. But drink enough of it fast enough, and we die.

We know that trace elements can influence climate, because we have seen this with the increase (and now decrease) in the ozone hole. Deniers seem to often forget that.

What is critical here is obviously not the fact that CO2 exists as a trace gas, but that the dramatic increase in its quantity alters the very fine balance of the atmopshere.

your comparison is still stupid

co2 is not a poison

It is, technically, non-toxic. But it is an asphyxiant and at levels of 7-10% will kill you. From the Wikipedia article on carbon dioxide:

High concentrations of carbon dioxide can also be used to kill pests.

Carbon dioxide based fire protection systems have been linked to several deaths, because it can cause suffocation in sufficiently high concentrations. A review of CO2 systems identified 51 incidents between 1975 and the date of the report, causing 72 deaths and 145 injuries.[23]

At very high concentrations (100 times atmospheric concentration, or greater), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.[26]

CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals standards of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe by using the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. In concentrations up to 1% (10,000 ppm), it will make some people feel drowsy.[79] Concentrations of 7% to 10% may cause suffocation, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.[81]
"And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less.."

But such a person would be competition for you in all of those areas.

Ah yes another pee wee herman...Nice... Now go away and let the adults talk junior...

WOW, as if busting you up needed the help, you just pulled that... LOL, too easy junior, now we know you're a juvenile mentally if not physically as well..

Let me check and see if there's any reason at all for your opinion on anything to matter to me.

Checked and could not find any reason for your opinion to matter to anyone. I came up completely empty.

Not one reason! A new record for ignorance revealed.

Wow. I just knew that you had some talent.

Then stop posting to me and about me junior.... ROFL, you're saying how unimportant I am, yet you beg for my attention like a child...

Make up your mind junior
Jon Bezerk -

I think what the best scientists in the world tell us is probably quite real enough.

Water is not poisonous, and is in fact essential to our survival. But drink enough of it fast enough, and we die.

We know that trace elements can influence climate, because we have seen this with the increase (and now decrease) in the ozone hole. Deniers seem to often forget that.

What is critical here is obviously not the fact that CO2 exists as a trace gas, but that the dramatic increase in its quantity alters the very fine balance of the atmopshere.

your comparison is still stupid

co2 is not a poison

It is, technically, non-toxic. But it is an asphyxiant and at levels of 7-10% will kill you. From the Wikipedia article on carbon dioxide:

High concentrations of carbon dioxide can also be used to kill pests.

Carbon dioxide based fire protection systems have been linked to several deaths, because it can cause suffocation in sufficiently high concentrations. A review of CO2 systems identified 51 incidents between 1975 and the date of the report, causing 72 deaths and 145 injuries.[23]

At very high concentrations (100 times atmospheric concentration, or greater), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.[26]

CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals standards of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe by using the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. In concentrations up to 1% (10,000 ppm), it will make some people feel drowsy.[79] Concentrations of 7% to 10% may cause suffocation, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.[81]

HUSH! PMZ socks must all go take a rest now.. Mom said it's nap time..
your comparison is still stupid

co2 is not a poison

It is, technically, non-toxic. But it is an asphyxiant and at levels of 7-10% will kill you. From the Wikipedia article on carbon dioxide:

High concentrations of carbon dioxide can also be used to kill pests.

Carbon dioxide based fire protection systems have been linked to several deaths, because it can cause suffocation in sufficiently high concentrations. A review of CO2 systems identified 51 incidents between 1975 and the date of the report, causing 72 deaths and 145 injuries.[23]

At very high concentrations (100 times atmospheric concentration, or greater), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.[26]

CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals standards of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe by using the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. In concentrations up to 1% (10,000 ppm), it will make some people feel drowsy.[79] Concentrations of 7% to 10% may cause suffocation, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.[81]

HUSH! PMZ socks must all go take a rest now.. Mom said it's nap time..

How much must it in suck to have this little to say. Trolls have it hard. Have to keep talking but have nothing to say.
It is, technically, non-toxic. But it is an asphyxiant and at levels of 7-10% will kill you. From the Wikipedia article on carbon dioxide:

High concentrations of carbon dioxide can also be used to kill pests.

Carbon dioxide based fire protection systems have been linked to several deaths, because it can cause suffocation in sufficiently high concentrations. A review of CO2 systems identified 51 incidents between 1975 and the date of the report, causing 72 deaths and 145 injuries.[23]

At very high concentrations (100 times atmospheric concentration, or greater), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.[26]

CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals standards of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe by using the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. In concentrations up to 1% (10,000 ppm), it will make some people feel drowsy.[79] Concentrations of 7% to 10% may cause suffocation, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.[81]

HUSH! PMZ socks must all go take a rest now.. Mom said it's nap time..

How much must it in suck to have this little to say. Trolls have it hard. Have to keep talking but have nothing to say.

"How much must it in suck to" be a guy so desperate he posts on here for 24 hours striaght...

ROFL, go take a nap junior...
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LOL, I go to bed, and I see you on here, I get up run to the office, have some lunch and you're still on here. I also happen to notice you have been on here pretty much the whole time...

DUDE! LOL get a grip..

You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???

No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.
You expect us to believe that you have a office to go to???

No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.

O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.
No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.

O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.

Desperate is as desperate does. They have literally nothing and now they know it with overwhelming certainty. So if there are amongst tbem serious deniers, they will drop out here leaving only the political hacks behind. They will never go away.
No socko, I don't expect you to believe anything.. You are always lying so you expect the same from everyone else... Frankly I don't care what you believe.. You see, unlike you I do not worry one bit over what some internet persona thinks about me.

And the fact that persona is a liar, a fraud, and a moron only makes me worry over it less..


And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.

O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.

And if you eat too much red meat you could get heart disease. So using your logic, we should legislate against red meat...

Stop socko, you're an imbecile..
And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.

O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.

Desperate is as desperate does. They have literally nothing and now they know it with overwhelming certainty. So if there are amongst tbem serious deniers, they will drop out here leaving only the political hacks behind. They will never go away.

AL franken is your hero... Nothing left to say really...Talk about low standards...
And it is all so pointless. O2 is poison at high levels as well but CO2 is a trace gas and there isn't a shred of evidence that adding a couple of hundred parts per million can cause anything at all.

Have you seen some of the "experiments" these guys try to pass off as evidence so AGW? Proof positive that they don't have a clue.

O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.

And if you eat too much red meat you could get heart disease. So using your logic, we should legislate against red meat...

Stop socko, you're an imbecile..

Guess they have no idea how many premature children go blind from a high O2 environment at 1atmosphere of pressure or that at 1 ATM high concentrations of O2 actually starts to oxidize your tissues.

Funny. They claim to know science but fail at such basic knowledge.
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O2 isn't toxic till you hit 2 ATM partial pressure.

Are you actually trying to suggest that YOU know better than the hundreds or thousands of scientists who have conducted and reviewed the conduct of such experiments? None of them have a clue, but you do? Really?

You're whacked, dude.

And if you eat too much red meat you could get heart disease. So using your logic, we should legislate against red meat...

Stop socko, you're an imbecile..

Guess they have no idea how many premature children go blind from a high O2 environment at 1atmosphere of pressure or that at 1 ATM high concentrations of O2 actually starts to oxidize your tissues.

Funny. They claim to know science but fail at such basic knowledge.

CO2 is toxic at 1/10th atmosphere. The toxicity of oxygen has fuck-all to do with this topic. The toxicity of CO2 also has fuck-all to do with this topic, but at least its the chemical under discussion.

Again - do you claim that carbon dioxide does not absorb infrared radiation?
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And if you eat too much red meat you could get heart disease. So using your logic, we should legislate against red meat...

Stop socko, you're an imbecile..

Guess they have no idea how many premature children go blind from a high O2 environment at 1atmosphere of pressure or that at 1 ATM high concentrations of O2 actually starts to oxidize your tissues.

Funny. They claim to know science but fail at such basic knowledge.

CO2 is toxic at 1/10th atmosphere. The toxicity of oxygen has fuck-all to do with this topic. The toxicity of CO2 also has fuck-all to do with this topic, but at least its the chemical under discussion.

Again - do you claim that carbon dioxide does not absorb infrared radiation?

TRanslation = socko is in trouble so he diverts while asking another question....

CO2 reacts to IR, sure, it just can't defy the laws of physics and warm it's own heat source further...That's a perfect machine socko...
Guess they have no idea how many premature children go blind from a high O2 environment at 1atmosphere of pressure or that at 1 ATM high concentrations of O2 actually starts to oxidize your tissues.

Funny. They claim to know science but fail at such basic knowledge.

CO2 is toxic at 1/10th atmosphere. The toxicity of oxygen has fuck-all to do with this topic. The toxicity of CO2 also has fuck-all to do with this topic, but at least its the chemical under discussion.

Again - do you claim that carbon dioxide does not absorb infrared radiation?

TRanslation = socko is in trouble so he diverts while asking another question....

CO2 reacts to IR, sure, it just can't defy the laws of physics and warm it's own heat source further...That's a perfect machine socko...

All objects warmer than absolute zero radiate energy. They don't care what that energy falls on.
CO2 is toxic at 1/10th atmosphere. The toxicity of oxygen has fuck-all to do with this topic. The toxicity of CO2 also has fuck-all to do with this topic, but at least its the chemical under discussion.

Again - do you claim that carbon dioxide does not absorb infrared radiation?

TRanslation = socko is in trouble so he diverts while asking another question....

CO2 reacts to IR, sure, it just can't defy the laws of physics and warm it's own heat source further...That's a perfect machine socko...

All objects warmer than absolute zero radiate energy. They don't care what that energy falls on.

Of course not but thankfully the object it is falling on does.. LOL, you can talk all you wish socko, it will go badly for you on this one... I'll let SSD beat you over the head with your stupidity tonight. I don't have time to do it...
TRanslation = socko is in trouble so he diverts while asking another question....

CO2 reacts to IR, sure, it just can't defy the laws of physics and warm it's own heat source further...That's a perfect machine socko...

All objects warmer than absolute zero radiate energy. They don't care what that energy falls on.

Of course not but thankfully the object it is falling on does.. LOL, you can talk all you wish socko, it will go badly for you on this one... I'll let SSD beat you over the head with your stupidity tonight. I don't have time to do it...

You have nothing to do but troll. You have all of the time in the world.

SSDD isn't going to save you on this. Radiant energy falling on a molecule energizes it regardless of it's kinetic energy. Moves electrons to a new level. It doesn't know or care where the energy came from.

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