How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.
Ok, so Isis hasn't attacked the US, just like Iraq hadn't attacked the US.

Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
It's a mess. Write it off. If ISIS wins, and acts like the bogey men the far left and right are making them out to be and actually attacks the US, then deal with them. This pre-emptive nonsense causes more trouble than it could ever prevent.

You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.
It's a mess. Write it off. If ISIS wins, and acts like the bogey men the far left and right are making them out to be and actually attacks the US, then deal with them. This pre-emptive nonsense causes more trouble than it could ever prevent.

You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.
It's a mess. Write it off. If ISIS wins, and acts like the bogey men the far left and right are making them out to be and actually attacks the US, then deal with them. This pre-emptive nonsense causes more trouble than it could ever prevent.

You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Here, let me teach you a leadership concept, dumb ass. Real leaders look 10, 20 and more years ahead when they make decisions. You can't see past this week. I don't expect you to grasp it. You can't grasp facts and you don't have the brains.

Just like your hero, Obama.
It's a mess. Write it off. If ISIS wins, and acts like the bogey men the far left and right are making them out to be and actually attacks the US, then deal with them. This pre-emptive nonsense causes more trouble than it could ever prevent.

You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.

You have written that you are a whore, Cheney is a genius but you think I live in a trailer? Weird.
The first item you should know as the truth, the second is funny and the third is plain ole ignorance on your part. LMAO. (did you mention to Mrs. Cheney your love of Dick?)
You remind me of all the myopics in govt I used to try to warn before AQ hit in 2001. No I never, nor did anyone, predict they'd use planes or do what they did. What some of us could clearly see though that they had a very clear trajectory of action over the years and the next one was going to be spectacular and we knew it would hurt American interests. Some of us are experts at doing trend analysis certain things. ISIS will have an upward trajectory as well.

You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.

You have written that you are a whore, Cheney is a genius but you think I live in a trailer? Weird.
The first item you should know as the truth, the second is funny and the third is plain ole ignorance on your part. LMAO. (did you mention to Mrs. Cheney your love of Dick?)

For starters, it takes a special kind of idiot to actually believe I fucked a different Saudi every day. They don't like white chicks.

Which is why you're too stupid to be on this thread.

It doesn't matter where you live, and plenty of people who live in trailers could run circles around your intellect. But it is an idiom and you know exactly what the idiom means. Oh wait, my bad, I'm talking to an uneducated clod that doesn't know what an idiom is.
You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.
Ok, so Isis hasn't attacked the US, just like Iraq hadn't attacked the US.

Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.
You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.
Ok, so Isis hasn't attacked the US, just like Iraq hadn't attacked the US.

Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.
Ok, so Isis hasn't attacked the US, just like Iraq hadn't attacked the US.

Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

Are you a cop? That's not a put down. My cop friends apply the same legal restrictions about crime here in the U.S. to foreign policy, and it's not the same.
Ok, so Isis hasn't attacked the US, just like Iraq hadn't attacked the US.

Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?
Show me where I said Iraq attacked us in that post?

I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.
I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

Sentence structure is not your strong suit I guess. If I am talking to someone that knows what you are talking about why am I talking to you? I want to talk to the person that knows what you are talking about. Cause you seem to be having problems talking about it.

But go ahead and dig up those predictions. I'll be back in 24 hours and we can go over them. OK? Or get the other person to dig them up so they can tell you what you said.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.


Reality... what a concept.
I didn't contend you had made that claim. I'm pointing out pre-emptive war is idiotic, couter-productive, and immoral. They haven't attacked the US, so by attacking them, the US is goading them into doing it. It's circular reasoning, and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

so many rightwing talking points.

so little knowledge or understanding.

try again.
You remind me of "the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud" Cheney. Sure, "trajectories". What USFG assets has ISIS attacked? What attacks have they done on the U.S.? Until they do, they're not our problem.

You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.

You have written that you are a whore, Cheney is a genius but you think I live in a trailer? Weird.
The first item you should know as the truth, the second is funny and the third is plain ole ignorance on your part. LMAO. (did you mention to Mrs. Cheney your love of Dick?)

For starters, it takes a special kind of idiot to actually believe I fucked a different Saudi every day. They don't like white chicks.

Which is why you're too stupid to be on this thread.

It doesn't matter where you live, and plenty of people who live in trailers could run circles around your intellect. But it is an idiom and you know exactly what the idiom means. Oh wait, my bad, I'm talking to an uneducated clod that doesn't know what an idiom is.

For starters, I was just responding to your claim. (of all the Saudis' you fucked. Were you lying?) What else can I say. And how in the fuck do I know you are a white chick? May be you are, maybe you are not. This is the Internet you know and you can be anything and everything you want to be. Just be all you can be. OK?
Be the econchick if that makes you feel good. Or... go fuck your Dick Cheney blow up doll. Makes no difference to me who or what you are. You are just a dipshit on a message board from what I can tell. With an over inflated opinion of your self. But that is not unusual among right wingers on this board. Carry on.
And no, pre-emptive is not idiotic. I agree it doesn't make sense when you're thinking purely conventional - completely agree, but with what we're facing in these times, waiting to counter can be too late.
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

so many rightwing talking points.

so little knowledge or understanding.

try again.

LOL, there are dif levels of libs (in descending order):

smart libs (only a hand full)
gullible libs
stupid libs
dumb as dirt libs
lobotomized libs
and then there's you, Jillian

You're way too stupid to be in this discussion, Jilly poo. This discussion is about the Middle East and you can't even find it on a map. But you're welcome to sell Obama t-shirts...that's ok.
You remind me of the lazy bureaucrats that said the same thing when those of us in the intel community warned the US would suffer a spectacular attack before 9/11. As I've caveated, we never predicted the specifics. But their resolve we got 100%. The resolve of ISIS is even stronger. Mark my words.

And Cheney is a genius; I can't help you lack the cerebral facilities to absorb it.

LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.

You have written that you are a whore, Cheney is a genius but you think I live in a trailer? Weird.
The first item you should know as the truth, the second is funny and the third is plain ole ignorance on your part. LMAO. (did you mention to Mrs. Cheney your love of Dick?)

For starters, it takes a special kind of idiot to actually believe I fucked a different Saudi every day. They don't like white chicks.

Which is why you're too stupid to be on this thread.

It doesn't matter where you live, and plenty of people who live in trailers could run circles around your intellect. But it is an idiom and you know exactly what the idiom means. Oh wait, my bad, I'm talking to an uneducated clod that doesn't know what an idiom is.

For starters, I was just responding to your claim. (of all the Saudis' you fucked. Were you lying?) What else can I say. And how in the fuck do I know you are a white chick? May be you are, maybe you are not. This is the Internet you know and you can be anything and everything you want to be. Just be all you can be. OK?
Be the econchick if that makes you feel good. Or... go fuck your Dick Cheney blow up doll. Makes no difference to me who or what you are. You are just a dipshit on a message board from what I can tell. With an over inflated opinion of your self. But that is not unusual among right wingers on this board. Carry on.

Wow, now that showed real foreign policy acumen.

It's not even coherent for trash talk.


We conservatives really intimidate you. Sorry, grow a spine and a brain and maybe you won't feel so overwhelmed.
LMAO. Did you fuck Cheney as well as all those Saudis? You thinking Cheney a genius does more to prove you are fucking stupid better than anything else I have seen you post. Well done.

Cheney a genius.........fucking unbelievable.

Yes, I fucked him every morning and a Saudi every night.

You trailer trash are soooooooooooooooo impressive with your command of facts.

You have written that you are a whore, Cheney is a genius but you think I live in a trailer? Weird.
The first item you should know as the truth, the second is funny and the third is plain ole ignorance on your part. LMAO. (did you mention to Mrs. Cheney your love of Dick?)

For starters, it takes a special kind of idiot to actually believe I fucked a different Saudi every day. They don't like white chicks.

Which is why you're too stupid to be on this thread.

It doesn't matter where you live, and plenty of people who live in trailers could run circles around your intellect. But it is an idiom and you know exactly what the idiom means. Oh wait, my bad, I'm talking to an uneducated clod that doesn't know what an idiom is.

For starters, I was just responding to your claim. (of all the Saudis' you fucked. Were you lying?) What else can I say. And how in the fuck do I know you are a white chick? May be you are, maybe you are not. This is the Internet you know and you can be anything and everything you want to be. Just be all you can be. OK?
Be the econchick if that makes you feel good. Or... go fuck your Dick Cheney blow up doll. Makes no difference to me who or what you are. You are just a dipshit on a message board from what I can tell. With an over inflated opinion of your self. But that is not unusual among right wingers on this board. Carry on.

Wow, now that showed real foreign policy acumen.

It's not even coherent for trash talk.


We conservatives really intimidate you. Sorry, grow a spine and a brain and maybe you won't feel so overwhelmed.

Is the "we" part about you? Or is it about the other person that knows what you are talking about? Just curious.

And what makes you think I want to engage in a foreign policy discussion with you? Or even the other one of you that knows what you are talking about. Why would I want to waste all that time trying to educate you? Not going to happen. Let the "other" you try and educate you. Or check with your Dick Cheney. He's a genius you say. And you know him personally. From all your years in Iraq. Rummy your buddy to? Is Rumsfeld a genius as well?
So, Isis hasn't attacked the US, but they might. Thus, pre-emptive strikes, almost certainly goading an attack, and therefore justifying the unprovoked attack after the fact. All wrapped up neat with a bow, just like last time. Pffft.

They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

so many rightwing talking points.

so little knowledge or understanding.

try again.

LOL, there are dif levels of libs (in descending order):

smart libs (only a hand full)
gullible libs
stupid libs
dumb as dirt libs
lobotomized libs
and then there's you, Jillian

You're way too stupid to be in this discussion, Jilly poo. This discussion is about the Middle East and you can't even find it on a map. But you're welcome to sell Obama t-shirts...that's ok.

perhaps that's true in rightwingnuthackworld

and now i'll just continue to sit back and laugh at you
They'll attack one of our allies first. Just give it a little time. Britain or France first.
If that happens, then the US (or France or Britain ) should act, and not before. Otherwise, they are causing the very thing they wish to prevent.

I mean, is it really that difficult of a concept that if you attack someone, they attack back?

Jesus, turn on the breaking news, genius.

Just what I predicted days ago. ISIS sympathizers in Australia planning to kidnap random citizens and behead them. About 12 arrested.

If you want I can go dig up my precise prediction. Like all my predictions over the years on foreign policy, you're talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

so many rightwing talking points.

so little knowledge or understanding.

try again.

LOL, there are dif levels of libs (in descending order):

smart libs (only a hand full)
gullible libs
stupid libs
dumb as dirt libs
lobotomized libs
and then there's you, Jillian

You're way too stupid to be in this discussion, Jilly poo. This discussion is about the Middle East and you can't even find it on a map. But you're welcome to sell Obama t-shirts...that's ok.

perhaps that's true in rightwingnuthackworld

and now i'll just continue to sit back and laugh at you

LOL I take it you to don't care for each other?

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