How not surprising: Top 'Gay' charged with raping boy

Reason the Greek practice worked was you could tell everyone. It wasn't a thing like it is now. Same thing in pre-contact Hawaii and various other cultures where old and young could pursue romance. In a culture where that's ok or even normal it works,
You appear to be defending pederasty.
Top Gay ?

Now that Jeremy Clarkson has been fired, this must be the show that will replace Top Gear.
Reason the Greek practice worked was you could tell everyone. It wasn't a thing like it is now. Same thing in pre-contact Hawaii and various other cultures where old and young could pursue romance. In a culture where that's ok or even normal it works,
You appear to be defending pederasty.

As practised in ancient times sure. Those cultures are the ones we celebrate today for giving the world democracy, philosophy, and the sciences. Be hypocritical to acknowledge those contributions but ignore the other stuff. Fact that modern depictions of ancient Greece skip over the homosexuality, bisexuality, and pederasty (every series about Hercules glossed over the fact that in actual mythology he was a notorious bisexual, and the Brad Pitt "Achilles" in "Troy" made his lover into his cousin, etc.) is why people have a screwed up impression of this kind of thing.

I don't approve of it today. Culture's completely different so what worked in ancient times wouldn't work now when most countries regard the onset of adulthood at 18. And when people try to justify adult-minor sexual relationships by pointing to the past they're glossing over the fact that people didn't live as long, and the chance of your dying in a some violent conflict was high so of course you were sexual earlier.

If in acknowledging reality I seem to be defending reality that's because I am. It's part of those cultures. Can't change the past by agreeing or disagreeing with it. But nothing's served ignoring or denying it.
Just about every famous ancient Greek like Socrates, Plato, etc. was a pederast. Been hiding that information in books though so most aren't aware of it. :)
As practised in ancient times sure.
Glad we got that straight. You think ancient Greek men molesting little boys was okay.

Those cultures are the ones we celebrate today for giving the world democracy, philosophy, and the sciences.
Athenian science and democracy were mostly feeble. They deserve credit for their literature and philosophy and mathematics, however.

Be hypocritical to acknowledge those contributions but ignore the other stuff.
Not really. For example, Einstein's scientific contributions can be noted even as we condemn his role in creating the atomic bomb.

I don't approve of it today. Culture's completely different so what worked in ancient times wouldn't work now when most countries regard the onset of adulthood at 18. And when people try to justify adult-minor sexual relationships by pointing to the past they're glossing over the fact that people didn't live as long, and the chance of your dying in a some violent conflict was high so of course you were sexual earlier.
What?! In the past people lived shorter lives so that made it okay to molest boys?

And the 20th century was the bloodiest of all.
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O.K., not all male homosexuals are pedophiles but all (98%) of pedophiles who prey on boys are homosexual. An unfortunate fact of life is that homosexual men often seek positions of authority over boys. The liberal establishment is so angry at the Boy Scouts that they try to cut funding and punish them for winning a court case that allows the BSA to protect the physical and mental well being of boys by being discriminate about hiring men who will have authority over boys. That's how warped society has become.
Reason the Greek practice worked was you could tell everyone. It wasn't a thing like it is now. Same thing in pre-contact Hawaii and various other cultures where old and young could pursue romance. In a culture where that's ok or even normal it works,
You appear to be defending pederasty.

As practised in ancient times sure. Those cultures are the ones we celebrate today for giving the world democracy, philosophy, and the sciences. Be hypocritical to acknowledge those contributions but ignore the other stuff. Fact that modern depictions of ancient Greece skip over the homosexuality, bisexuality, and pederasty (every series about Hercules glossed over the fact that in actual mythology he was a notorious bisexual, and the Brad Pitt "Achilles" in "Troy" made his lover into his cousin, etc.) is why people have a screwed up impression of this kind of thing.

I don't approve of it today. Culture's completely different so what worked in ancient times wouldn't work now when most countries regard the onset of adulthood at 18. And when people try to justify adult-minor sexual relationships by pointing to the past they're glossing over the fact that people didn't live as long, and the chance of your dying in a some violent conflict was high so of course you were sexual earlier.

If in acknowledging reality I seem to be defending reality that's because I am. It's part of those cultures. Can't change the past by agreeing or disagreeing with it. But nothing's served ignoring or denying it.
I'll take our economy, lousy as it is, over the Greek economy any day.
Who? How can this Harry Hay be the "Top Gay" when no one ever heard of him before today?

Deniability is the typical Liberal excuse. Sure you don't know who he is. The rest of us know that YOU LIE.

Never heard of him and neither had you.

That's because I'm not a faggot.

Nor are most of the people saying they had never heard of him. In fact, neither are the overwhelming majority of the people who feel gay marriage is fine.
Who? How can this Harry Hay be the "Top Gay" when no one ever heard of him before today?

Deniability is the typical Liberal excuse. Sure you don't know who he is. The rest of us know that YOU LIE.

Never heard of him and neither had you.

That's because I'm not a faggot.

Nor are most of the people saying they had never heard of him. In fact, neither are the overwhelming majority of the people who feel gay marriage is fine.

If an overwhelming majority thought same sex marriage was fine, activist judges wouldn't have had to rule against legislation making it illegal. That overwhelming majority would have done it the way those opposing it had it done to make it illegal, through legislation. Next thing you'll tell me is that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was fake.
Who? How can this Harry Hay be the "Top Gay" when no one ever heard of him before today?

Deniability is the typical Liberal excuse. Sure you don't know who he is. The rest of us know that YOU LIE.

Never heard of him and neither had you.

That's because I'm not a faggot.

Nor are most of the people saying they had never heard of him. In fact, neither are the overwhelming majority of the people who feel gay marriage is fine.

If an overwhelming majority thought same sex marriage was fine, activist judges wouldn't have had to rule against legislation making it illegal. That overwhelming majority would have done it the way those opposing it had it done to make it illegal, through legislation. Next thing you'll tell me is that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was fake.

Most polls show the majority of people in favor of same sex marriages. The fact that the majority of people don't vote is part of the problem.

But your comment that you didn't know who Harry hay was because you are not a faggot is still ridiculous. You all but called every person who denied knowing who he was a liar, and how many of them are gay?
Deniability is the typical Liberal excuse. Sure you don't know who he is. The rest of us know that YOU LIE.

Never heard of him and neither had you.

That's because I'm not a faggot.

Nor are most of the people saying they had never heard of him. In fact, neither are the overwhelming majority of the people who feel gay marriage is fine.

If an overwhelming majority thought same sex marriage was fine, activist judges wouldn't have had to rule against legislation making it illegal. That overwhelming majority would have done it the way those opposing it had it done to make it illegal, through legislation. Next thing you'll tell me is that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was fake.

Most polls show the majority of people in favor of same sex marriages. The fact that the majority of people don't vote is part of the problem.

But your comment that you didn't know who Harry hay was because you are not a faggot is still ridiculous. You all but called every person who denied knowing who he was a liar, and how many of them are gay?

Legislation gets passed by majorities. Minority views have to use judges to do what they want, otherwise, they'd do it through legislation. You're confusing two things and trying to make them into one.

Whether or not they are gay is irrelevant. There are many who aren't gay but support same sex marriage. They don't have to be gay to be liars. Just liars.
Bunch of sick clucks. Head Homo is a predator?

Not a good role model at all for the closet dwellers



“It seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAM/BLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”

– Harry Hay, founder of the modern “gay rights” movement

How not surprising Top gay charged with raping boy

Read more at How not surprising Top gay charged with raping boy

Top gay? Never heard of him, and I bet nobody on this board has either.

Seems he has enough clout to be at the steps of Traitor 1


Harry Hay died on October 24th of 2002.

Not sure who is in the pic with Obama, but it doesn't look like these pics of Harry Hay. And if Hay was on the steps of anyplace with Obama, it was over 2 years before Obama became president.

Hay Harry Biography

I am guessing that there is no pending trial, since the guy has been dead for almost 13 years?
You fucking idiots, do any of you leftist cock suckers read?

"Bean co-founded the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which is one of the world’s largest, wealthiest and most powerful anti-Christian, pro-homosexual organizations. Bean is also a major bundler for the DNC and BFFs with Barack and Michelle Obama (see video below). He helped found HRC for the sole purpose of pushing the extremist homosexual political agenda. While, not surprisingly, HRC rushed to scrub its website of any reference to his existence, even now Bean remains on this extremist group’s board of directors.
//How not surprising Top gay charged with raping boy
"As reported in the Oregonian and a handful of other publications (don’t expect widespread media coverage on this), 66-year-old Terry Bean and his 25-year-old twinkie boy toy, Kiah Loy Lawson, have been arrested and charged with felonies for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy."
Read more at How not surprising Top gay charged with raping boy

Oh wait, that 15 y.o. isn't a boy, he's a "male having sex with males" or "MSM". That's how the homos deal with the fact that yes, homos do prey upon children.

They just refuse to call them children.
“Bean has been one of the state’s biggest Democratic donors and an influential figure in gay rights circles in the state,” reports the Oregonian. “He helped found two major national political groups, the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, and has been a major contributor for several Democratic presidential candidates, including Barack Obama. He’s also a close friend of former Gov. Barbara Roberts.”
Read more at How not surprising Top gay charged with raping boy

Now, let's continue our discussion about the many reasons democrats will never, ever, EVER seek or approve legislation that protects human trafficking victims.

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