How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

To all you Constitution-touting, flag-waving patriots out there - why are you so deliriously happy that Putin is trying to influence the outcome of our presidential election? Do you hate Hillary more than Putin? If you do - why do you...?

Hey Shitting Bull, where's your outrage at Obama influencing a foreign election? Why are you here condemning Russia with "no proof" and without their day in court like you did all day, SCREAMING it, post after post over Debbie Wasserman??? Let's hear it HYPOCRITE.

I'm just looking for some "credible" proof of illegality. You got any...?

I haven't heard of anyone saying that Debbie broke any laws. Just another strawman from you.
The loopy conspiracy theory is that Putin had some agents hack the DNC Emails to help Trump get elected.

So why do you think Russian agents were in the DNC? Can you name them?

Mo, you just keep getting loopier.
I don't know that Russians did it in the first plsce. There's simply no proof. And the Russians would love to have Hillary in the white house because she's weak and incompetent.

It was probably some 13 year old looking to get a paycheck from Wikilinks or somebody leaked them. It's not like Democrats are any good at security.
The State Department was unable to recover the email, but investigators got it from OneVoice... Anyone notice a FUCKING TREND with liberals and their criminal email scandals???

You can't just make shit up and make it true.
The report, issued by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said the material was not obtained by the V15 organization due to a deliberate decision by senior State Department officials, but reached the group because of negligence by midlevel diplomats.
The investigation was launched last year, when the relationship between the OneVoice Movement, a group that received State Department funding to promote the peace process, and V15 came under scrutiny by right-wing media outlets in America and Israel.
According to the Senate report, the State Department in 2013 gave $349,000 to the Israeli and Palestinian branches of OneVoice, a private group trying to influence Israeli and Palestinian public opinion in favor of the two-state solution, in conjunction with Secretary of State John Kerry’s effort in July 2013 to renew Israeli-Palestinian talks.
The funding, transferred through the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv and the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, was used to build a database of Israelis and Palestinians of voting age; to expand OneVoice’s
read more: U.S. Senate report: Resources built with state funds used against Netanyahu in 2015 Israeli election - Israel News

OMG, you lie almost as fast as Trump. I can't keep up...
That's from the United States Senate.. NOT ME dummy.

You mean a few NaziCon Obama haters...? Yeah, I get it...

When you have to resort to using the Nazi word you have lost any credibility you may have had and you lose the argument.
Sounds like Putin and Snowden hacked everything but Hillary's private server. Interesting...
That's right you moron! The Russians were able to hack everyone's server BUT Hillary's.
You REALLY need to lay off the 'fire water' bitch!
The next round of emails will link the whitehouse AND classified emails from the Clinton illegal server

You can't just make shit up and make it true.
The report, issued by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said the material was not obtained by the V15 organization due to a deliberate decision by senior State Department officials, but reached the group because of negligence by midlevel diplomats.
The investigation was launched last year, when the relationship between the OneVoice Movement, a group that received State Department funding to promote the peace process, and V15 came under scrutiny by right-wing media outlets in America and Israel.
According to the Senate report, the State Department in 2013 gave $349,000 to the Israeli and Palestinian branches of OneVoice, a private group trying to influence Israeli and Palestinian public opinion in favor of the two-state solution, in conjunction with Secretary of State John Kerry’s effort in July 2013 to renew Israeli-Palestinian talks.
The funding, transferred through the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv and the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, was used to build a database of Israelis and Palestinians of voting age; to expand OneVoice’s
read more: U.S. Senate report: Resources built with state funds used against Netanyahu in 2015 Israeli election - Israel News

OMG, you lie almost as fast as Trump. I can't keep up...
That's from the United States Senate.. NOT ME dummy.

You mean a few NaziCon Obama haters...? Yeah, I get it...

When you have to resort to using the Nazi word you have lost any credibility you may have had and you lose the argument.

thats how I feel about RW's

I don't expect Hillary-haters to denounce Putin, being they're on the same team.

Disgraceful, how they're working to put Putin's patsy in office.

I also notice how the gutless Hillary-haters won't say how the emails reflect badly on Clinton. They keep screaming it over and over, but they never show how. Again, typical.

So, Hillary-haters, what other desperate deflection tactics has DearLeaderVlad told you to use?

In any case, go suck on losing, losers.
Snowden is about to fucking MOAB Hillary's political career.
YOU fucking LIB Hillary ass likers are the ones who still believe 'Big Mike' wasn't rushing the cop when the cop shot the sub-human scum violent vermin.

Evidence suggests that a Russian intelligence group was the source of the most recent Wikileaks intel dump, which was aimed to influence the U.S. election.

Close your eyes and imagine that a hacking group backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin broke into the email system of a major U.S. political party. The group stole thousands of sensitive messages and then published them through an obliging third party in a way that was strategically timed to influence the United States presidential election. Now open your eyes, because that’s what just happened.

On Friday, Wikileaks published 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. They reveal, among other things,thuggish infighting, a push by a top DNC official to use Bernie Sanders’ religious convictions against him in the South, and attempts to strong-arm media outlets. In other words, they reveal the Washington campaign monster for what it is.

But leave aside the purported content of the Wikileaks data dump (to which numerous other outlets have devoted considerable attention) and consider the source. Considerable evidence shows that the Wikileaks dump was an orchestrated act by the Russian government, working through proxies, to undermine Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.

“This has all the hallmarks of tradecraft. The only rationale to release such data from the Russian bulletproof host was to empower one candidate against another. The Cold War is alive and well,” Tom Kellermann, the CEO of Strategic Cyber Ventures told Defense One.

Here’s the timeline: On June 14, cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, under contract with the DNC, announced in a blog post that two separate Russian intelligence groups had gained access to the DNC network. One group, FANCY BEAR or APT 28, gained access in April. The other, COZY BEAR, (also called Cozy Duke andAPT 29) first breached the network in the summer of 2015.

Cybersecurity company FireEye first discovered APT 29 in 2014 and was quick to point out a clear Kremlin connection. “We suspect the Russian government sponsors the group because of the organizations it targets and the data it steals. Additionally, APT 29 appeared to cease operations on Russian holidays, and their work hours seem to align with the UTC +3 time zone, which contains cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg,” they wrote in their report on the group. Other U.S. officials have said that the group looks like it has sponsorship from the Russian government due in large part to the level of sophistication behind the group’s attacks.

It’s the same group that hit the State Department, the White House, and the civilian email of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.The group’s modus operandi (a spearphishing attack that uploads adistinctive remote access tool on the target’s computer) is well known to cyber-security researchers.

In his blog post on the DNC breaches CrowdStrike’s CTO Dmitri Alperovitchwrote “We’ve had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of ‘living-off-the-land’ techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.”

The next day, an individual calling himself Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be the culprit behind the breach and released key documents to back up the claim, writing: “Shame on CrowdStrike.”

More: How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

One would hope that most Americans would be smart enough not to take Putin's bait. We'll see...
Could you imagine liberals playing by the rules? Then you wouldn't have to worry about thing's like this. I'm glad you are getting what you deserve, no matter who is giving it to you.
YOU fucking LIB Hillary ass likers are the ones who still believe 'Big Mike' wasn't rushing the cop when the cop shot the sub-human scum violent vermin.

Calm down, little racist. This thread isn't about your racism. It's about your side lying about Clinton, and following the orders of yoru DearLeaderVlad.

Since you jumped in, why don't you spell out for us what the DNC supposedly did to Sanders.

I'm noticing a pattern. I keep asking the Hillary-haters to show what the DNC actually did, and none of those wusses will respond. They know they're all lying, but none of them is willing to break with the herd and admit it. Worst case of herd-mentality I've ever seen.
Even Donald Trump should denounce such Russian tactics. However, that is unlikely - since he never said anything about his adviser saying Hillary should be shot by firing squad.

He won't. And it ultimately doesn't matter
Just how long did you guys think you were going to be able to get away with being complete douchebags?

Ah, I see I've touched a nerve. Maybe you've still got a conscience left.

Or maybe not. Remember, this is entirely about your and your precious feelings. Nothing else matters, especially real people.

Those who would suffer and die under Trump? Not your problem, obviously. If millions have to die so you can keep your feeling of smarmy moral purity, that's a price you're willing to have someone else pay.
You're pretty fucked up pal.
You believe "millions" will die if Trump becomes President.
You're JUST the sort of fucking insane person the DHS/CIA/FBI and your local authorities likes to keep an eye on. So I've forwarded your post to their offices.
Hope that's OK.
"Smarmy moral purity". What an odd concept of reality you have.
I don't expect Hillary-haters to denounce Putin, being they're on the same team.

Disgraceful, how they're working to put Putin's patsy in office.

I also notice how the gutless Hillary-haters won't say how the emails reflect badly on Clinton. They keep screaming it over and over, but they never show how. Again, typical.

So, Hillary-haters, what other desperate deflection tactics has DearLeaderVlad told you to use?

In any case, go suck on losing, losers.
Snowden is about to fucking MOAB Hillary's political career.
YOU fucking LIB Hillary ass likers are the ones who still believe 'Big Mike' wasn't rushing the cop when the cop shot the sub-human scum violent vermin.

Poor ignorant tool. No one cares except for dumb Donald's minions. Nice that you hate your country so much that you think it's ok for the spy and Putin to try to fix out election.
Even Donald Trump should denounce such Russian tactics. However, that is unlikely - since he never said anything about his adviser saying Hillary should be shot by firing squad.

He won't. And it ultimately doesn't matter

no it doesnt ... Donnie could throw acid on his little Trumpbots and they would follow him around like puppies.
YOU fucking LIB Hillary ass likers are the ones who still believe 'Big Mike' wasn't rushing the cop when the cop shot the sub-human scum violent vermin.

Calm down, little racist. This thread isn't about your racism. It's about your side lying about Clinton, and following the orders of yoru DearLeaderVlad.

Since you jumped in, why don't you spell out for us what the DNC supposedly did to Sanders.

I'm noticing a pattern. I keep asking the Hillary-haters to show what the DNC actually did, and none of those wusses will respond. They know they're all lying, but none of them is willing to break with the herd and admit it. Worst case of herd-mentality I've ever seen.
So if the DNC didn't do anything "wrong" why don't you explain why the 'Ramen Noodle Head' resigned?
Why don't you explain why Donna Brazile personally "apologized" to Sanders.
I'm sure you be able to explain it.
Putin and Trump are to blame right?
I don't expect Hillary-haters to denounce Putin, being they're on the same team.

Disgraceful, how they're working to put Putin's patsy in office.

I also notice how the gutless Hillary-haters won't say how the emails reflect badly on Clinton. They keep screaming it over and over, but they never show how. Again, typical.

So, Hillary-haters, what other desperate deflection tactics has DearLeaderVlad told you to use?

In any case, go suck on losing, losers.[/QUOTE
Just think if Hillary wasn't doing wrong. Then Putin wouldn't have anything on her. I'm so glad you are being exposed for the scum you are. Now say president Trump!
You believe "millions" will die if Trump becomes President.

It seems likely.

Global wars.
Lack of health care.
Global warming.
Crumbling infrastructure.
Increased crime.

Trump will be racking up the body counts in every category.

You're JUST the sort of fucking insane person the DHS/CIA/FBI and your local authorities likes to keep an eye on. So I've forwarded your post to their offices.
Hope that's OK.

Okay? You just reinforced my point concerning the Nazi-like behavior of Trump followers, so I'm thrilled with it.

And I imagine your screaming might get attention from certain agencies, but not in the way you'd like. "SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET DISAGREED WITH ME! ARREST HIM!". No, the FBI won't care, but you might be getting some local people checking on your mental health.
Even Donald Trump should denounce such Russian tactics. However, that is unlikely - since he never said anything about his adviser saying Hillary should be shot by firing squad.

Why do you hate the truth "kemosabe"?
Are you truly that dispicable of a human being"

Truth is fine - but sometimes one must also consider the motives of the source.

You are absolutely correct, and Putin is a loathsome, despicable human being. A man not to be trusted. A man not to be respected. A man to in fact be vilified.

That being said, they could hack the DNC day in and day out and if there was nothing there, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Shame on Debbie and the DNC. What Putin and other foreign governments do are out of the control of the U.S. Apparently all we as a nation can do is deal with the aftermath of their revelations.

What if your personal diary was hacked day in and day out? The DNC and RNC computers should not be hacked - especially by foreign enemies like Putin and Snowden who are trying to influence a presidential election. No wonder Pussy Riot was trying to expose Putin for the asshole tyrant he is.
This is the REAL world pocahontas.
There's lots of things people do that they shouldn't.
Like taking money to haul barrels of dead baby parts to the incinerator right pocahontas?
So if the DNC didn't do anything "wrong" why don't you explain why the 'Ramen Noodle Head' resigned?
Why don't you explain why Donna Brazile personally "apologized" to Sanders.
I'm sure you be able to explain it.
Putin and Trump are to blame right?

Because they shouldn't have talked badly about him in emails, as they're supposed to remain completely impartial, no matter what the provocation.

We liberals are overjoyed, of course, being that liberals despised DWS. We've been trying to get her out for a long time. That's why we're doing a happy dance.
Even Donald Trump should denounce such Russian tactics. However, that is unlikely - since he never said anything about his adviser saying Hillary should be shot by firing squad.

Why do you hate the truth "kemosabe"?
Are you truly that dispicable of a human being"

Truth is fine - but sometimes one must also consider the motives of the source.

So in your "learned opinion" had Reagan's emails showed that he had sold military secrets to Russia it would be bogus because somebody hacked them?
Do you have any idea how sick that is?

Hey, dumbass, we're talking about DNC political emails - not State or Defense Department government emails.
I'm sure Putin has Hillary's top secret emails. She is toast, and I love it.

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