How Republicans Win The Fight For The Wall

Most sensible republican strategies are categorized as a scare tactic. Like Pelosi calling the wall immoral is not a scare tactic. Tell me occupied, are you interested in stopping Fentanyl which kills 20,000 Americans a year and comes in almost exclusively through the southern border or not. As usual, there is not one fact in your post.
Most of the drugs that come into the country via Mexico come in through the legal ports of entry.
Yes most of the drugs come through ports of entry and the wall funnels the people to the ports of entry. It is not me, it is the border patrol that wants a wall in certain places to stop all kinds of trafficking. Where it has been put up it works, cutting down illegal crossings and whatever they are bringing down by 90%. Bribery is a big problem. The wall is not a cure all just as smart tech is not a cure all, but a wall works. Once the agents have a wall they can send resources to other spots like the Poe’s. Why don’t Dems call for a machine that scans vehicles to be invented? Because they do not care about border security. Let more Americans be killed if we can hurt trump in the process. Those are the facts of the matter.
Once again, spineless, fickle, weak kneed, republicans are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Here’s how you do it.

Gather up families who have lost loved ones due to drug overdoses, illegal murderers and drunk drivers. Have a massive news conference and drive home howimmoral it is not to protect American citizens. How democrats care more for illegals than citizens. How much border guards want the wall. And how little is being asked for to save American lives.

Paint Chucky as the puppet of Pelosi. As the only person standing in the way of saving American lives. As someone who cares not for American lives when it comes to obstructing trump. As someone who can give Central America 15 billion but can’t spend 5 billion to save the lives of Americans. He can approve 800 billion for the farm bills but can’t approve less than 1/10 of 1% to help real Americans and save the lives of their loved ones.

Point out that the democrats golden boy Beto can meet illegals being released because of overcrowding but can’t visit hurricane and fire ravaged areas where real Americans live. Drive home the democrats don’t care about Americans.

This is the republicans push granny off the cliff moment. if Republicans can’t grow some balls they will continue to bring a knife to a gunfight. They are not losing the fight on the merits, they are losing the fight because they won’t fight, especially in the pr space.

Finally, republicans control 2/3 of the government, but you would never know it by the coverage. Stop meeting with Nancy Pelosi when she isn’t even anything. Schumer is the minority head. Show strength by meeting with your own people. Cull out the republicans who can’t cut it.

Go on offense. GO ON OFFENSE. Democrats are not civil and you will not beat them by being civil. This is not a time for the faint of heart. The wall will save American lives. You either think that’s a good thing or you don’t.

Well if drug overdoses is what worries you than we should have a war with big pharama . Who do you think caused all the opioid mess?

Now you cons want to blame drugs from the south ?! What a joke .
What is a joke is someone like you who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Heroin laced with Fentanyl is not prescribed. Just last fall we lost 8 people in six weeks to heroin with Fentanyl in it. If it hadn’t been reject fishermen dying, it would have been a local crisis anywhere else. Fentanyl is an elephant tranquilizer and some forms are so toxic that people performing an autopsy or preparing a corpse for burial have to work in a full hazmat body suit to insure that nothing from the victim can get on their skin. This is really serious shit that needs to be addressed yesterday. Just one person with a backpack getting in the country can lead to the deaths of thousands.
Once again, spineless, fickle, weak kneed, republicans are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Here’s how you do it.

Gather up families who have lost loved ones due to drug overdoses, illegal murderers and drunk drivers. Have a massive news conference and drive home howimmoral it is not to protect American citizens. How democrats care more for illegals than citizens. How much border guards want the wall. And how little is being asked for to save American lives.

Paint Chucky as the puppet of Pelosi. As the only person standing in the way of saving American lives. As someone who cares not for American lives when it comes to obstructing trump. As someone who can give Central America 15 billion but can’t spend 5 billion to save the lives of Americans. He can approve 800 billion for the farm bills but can’t approve less than 1/10 of 1% to help real Americans and save the lives of their loved ones.

Point out that the democrats golden boy Beto can meet illegals being released because of overcrowding but can’t visit hurricane and fire ravaged areas where real Americans live. Drive home the democrats don’t care about Americans.

This is the republicans push granny off the cliff moment. if Republicans can’t grow some balls they will continue to bring a knife to a gunfight. They are not losing the fight on the merits, they are losing the fight because they won’t fight, especially in the pr space.

Finally, republicans control 2/3 of the government, but you would never know it by the coverage. Stop meeting with Nancy Pelosi when she isn’t even anything. Schumer is the minority head. Show strength by meeting with your own people. Cull out the republicans who can’t cut it.

Go on offense. GO ON OFFENSE. Democrats are not civil and you will not beat them by being civil. This is not a time for the faint of heart. The wall will save American lives. You either think that’s a good thing or you don’t.

Well if drug overdoses is what worries you than we should have a war with big pharama . Who do you think caused all the opioid mess?

Now you cons want to blame drugs from the south ?! What a joke .
What is a joke is someone like you who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Heroin laced with Fentanyl is not prescribed. Just last fall we lost 8 people in six weeks to heroin with Fentanyl in it. If it hadn’t been reject fishermen dying, it would have been a local crisis anywhere else. Fentanyl is an elephant tranquilizer and some forms are so toxic that people performing an autopsy or preparing a corpse for burial have to work in a full hazmat body suit to insure that nothing from the victim can get on their skin. This is really serious shit that needs to be addressed yesterday. Just one person with a backpack getting in the country can lead to the deaths of thousands.

The filthy bastards don't care as mostly those with money (suburban Whites) OD. Young kids try it too on peer pressure. A win for the evil bastards. They encourage it.

They dont want illegals stopped (no wall) as that is their future voting block and dependents which will lead to Tax increases.....they take bigger cut. Retire early. Push family-friends into the jobs. A viscous cycle of Big Govt. Poverty pimps.
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