How Should America Project Strength Abroad?

What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

No, Israel can't be nuked by anyone because the 6 million Jews in Israel are holding 12 million Arab Muslems as hostage.
Islamic types love them some Martyrs.
Mostly for the conservatives on the board.

How should America be projecting strength abroad?

What should they be doing?

Desired policies are welcomed, clearly.

By bringing back President Trump.
How would bringing back an international laughingstock project strength?

That is sort of the whole point, in that it is illegal and immoral for any country to project strength, (aka intimidation), over other countries. That is the one good thing about Trump, in that he did less of that than most.
Lol, he sucked up to the ones we usually we usually try to keep closed and threatened our allies.

He did it backwards!
Mostly for the conservatives on the board.

How should America be projecting strength abroad?

What should they be doing?

Desired policies are welcomed, clearly.

By bringing back President Trump.
How would bringing back an international laughingstock project strength?
And still stomped your guy by over 5 million votes.
Haahhaha....Fingers didnt have a chance. Keep dreaming.
Mostly for the conservatives on the board.

How should America be projecting strength abroad?

What should they be doing?

Desired policies are welcomed, clearly.

Close all foreign military bases.
Pull all troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Cut military spending by at least 50%.
Stop all foreign aid.
Unilaterally withdraw from most treaties, including but not limited to the 1925 Geneva Protocol and 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.
Begin production and stockpiling of chemical weapons, small nuclear warheads, and cobalt-jacketed warheads.

Announce a new policy that fucking with the United States in any way will result in the use of nerve agents, nuclear weapons, or both.
To keep the US dollar as the dollar of the world we have to have a presence and unfortunately that would mean making allies of demons to counter China which is what we have been doing since WWII. We then will need a huge Navy and a strike force to deter aggression the world over..If we don't someone else will do it and we can go back to having world wars.

Which is why the policy should be, "Do what you want, just don't bother us. Fuck with us and get nuked."
What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

Mostly for the conservatives on the board.

How should America be projecting strength abroad?

What should they be doing?

Desired policies are welcomed, clearly.
Whenever there is something threatening the US we should send counselors and diversity trainers instead of military, you know, like defund the police.

That's what we should have done in Afghanistan and bin Laden all those years ago.
Wow, that was spot on, but you know that the establishment or Democrat's don't give a rats ace about none of the internal struggles after they get power. They only use the sheeple to get gain in authority by patting them on their heads, and then giving them a tiny treat (extra book of food stamps), then it's back to doing business as usual.

The defund bullcrap won't last long, because it was just usery, but it was a deadly usery for law enforcement. The guilty politician's have innocent cop's blood on their hands.
What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
All caused by evil people playing politic's with our citizen's lives, and worse with peoples lives that depended on us.
What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
Not much coming back from radioactive glass.
What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
Not much coming back from radioactive glass.

Tell that to these guys...

What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
Not much coming back from radioactive glass.

Tell that to these guys...

View attachment 453990
We didn't do the
What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
Not much coming back from radioactive glass.

Tell that to these guys...

View attachment 453990
We didn't do the

You really are a little blood-thirsty when it comes to Jews.

Aren't you?
All caused by evil people playing politic's [sic] with our citizen's lives

Which evil people are those?
Hmmmm, that's a funny question coming from a person displaying a picture of a helicopter rescuing American's, and south vietnamese, prior to the collapse of the south to the north after our policies failed them all. You don't think that evilness exist in those who wanted us to fail instead of resolve that issue in a more righteous way for all ??? There, you have your answer, now go apply it as is needed. No blanketing, but just apply it where needed.
Offshore balancing, the only rational path for a super power.

What about nuking Israel though?

You might want to think twice. No one has ever gone to war with Israel and come out on top.
Not that I'm condoning this, but if we decided to do that we could completely remove the country from the map with just a few weapons. It's just not that big.

There was a time when I would have thought so ... but Goliath has had a pretty poor track record taking on tiny countries for the past 50 years. The Davids usually come out ahead.

View attachment 453953
A couple billion cubic feet of nerve gas could have ended the war in days.

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