How soon into his speech will biden blame Trump? Taking bets now...

Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.
Hey asshole. Biden has been in Washington for fifty years, and always votes with the Establishment Pro-war crowd. He was apart of the Hussein Regime. President Trump did good things while in office and had a plan to get out, he threw those plans away. Instead he listened to idiots like Milley who claimed the Taliban wouldn’t be able to take the country back.

So nope, this is all on Biden.
Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.

You're correct on one point, except for the fact that his actions and methods did not result in the ignominious and devastating fall of Afghanistan and the deaths of thousands of people.
Maybe this is the speech where he apologizes for not being up to the job, resigns, and puts Kamela in charge. . .

. . . won't that make everyone happy? :dunno:
Why shouldn't Biden mention Trump? After all one of the leaders of the Taliban, Abdul Baradar, is a person Trump set free.

Here is Abdul Baradar with MIchael Pompeo.

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I am sure trump would have gotten the civilians and military equipment out first,,,

but please keep trolling with stupid comments,,
It was really nice of Trump to shoot off his yap blasting Biden during a foreign policy crisis. Just proves what an ignorant no good s.o.b. he really is.

Where were you Trump asslickers when your boy abandoned the Kurds leaving them to slaughter?
Why shouldn't Biden mention Trump? After all one of the leaders of the Taliban, Abdel Baradar, is a person Trump set free.

Here is Abdel Baradar with MIchael Pompeo.

View attachment 526628
Nice pic of two terrorists.
Maybe this is the speech where he apologizes for not being up to the job, resigns, and puts Kamela in charge. . .

. . . won't that make everyone happy? :dunno:
That's what a statesman would do. However, Biden is a career Democrat bureaucratic hack, so he will pass the buck. Oh how I long for a real Democrat President like Harry Truman..."The buck stops here".
That's what a statesman would do. However, Biden is a career Democrat bureaucratic hack, so he will pass the buck. Oh how I long for a real Democrat President like Harry Truman..."The buck stops here".
I don't think it would matter either way. Let's be honest, no matter who is sitting in the Oval office, at the point? It is pretty clear, Larry Fink is in charge.

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