How soon into his speech will biden blame Trump? Taking bets now...

Why shouldn't Biden mention Trump? After all one of the leaders of the Taliban, Abdul Baradar, is a person Trump set free.

Here is Abdul Baradar with MIchael Pompeo.

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Now he should be introduced to the A-10.

Within two minutes he will blame Trump.....if he doesn't lose his place, wander from the podium and ask for that nice lady, Jill, to come and take him home.....
Trump is to blame! He made the crappy deal with the Taliban last year, releasing 5000 fighters and leaders. This withdrawal was already postponed several times. Biden was dealing with a bad situation which he inherited.

Now discuss Trump pulling USA troops out of Syria and leaving the Kurds at the mercy of the Turks. That sure was brilliant!

But the bottom line is that Trump in Afghanistan did exactly what Putin wanted him to do, as he does in every instance, and it is NEVER in USA interests.
His withdraw was supposed to happen May 1st. Senile Joe didn't keep that promise.
So... is the problem that Trump had already planned the withdrawal for May 1... or that Biden pulled out now?

I think no matter what Biden did, the nonsense noise from you white-right traitors would be the same. You're all daft.
I blame Hunted for this shit show...

"Hey Daddy, the Afghan government refuses to buy one of my $50M paintings.... you know what to do Big Guy."
Then you're as stupid as most white-right treasonous Trumpoids.

Trump made the deal. Trump screwed it up. Trump didn't do ONE thing right while President.

You're so stupid you may spontaneously combust.
Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.
Biden could have done whatever he wanted. he's tossed aside a shit load of Trump policies already, why not this?

it's 100% on biden
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It was really nice of Trump to shoot off his yap blasting Biden during a foreign policy crisis. Just proves what an ignorant no good s.o.b. he really is.

Where were you Trump asslickers when your boy abandoned the Kurds leaving them to slaughter?
I'm not a trump asslicker so I wouldnt know,,

funny your supporting biden for leaving afgans to die but slamming trump for the same thing,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot dont ya think,,,
So... is the problem that Trump had already planned the withdrawal for May 1... or that Biden pulled out now?

I think no matter what Biden did, the nonsense noise from you white-right traitors would be the same. You're all daft.
Then you're as stupid as most white-right treasonous Trumpoids.

Trump made the deal. Trump screwed it up. Trump didn't do ONE thing right while President.

You're so stupid you may spontaneously combust.
Biden screwed it up, dumbass.
Trump is to blame! He made the crappy deal with the Taliban last year, releasing 5000 fighters and leaders. This withdrawal was already postponed several times. Biden was dealing with a bad situation which he inherited.

Now discuss Trump pulling USA troops out of Syria and leaving the Kurds at the mercy of the Turks. That sure was brilliant!

But the bottom line is that Trump in Afghanistan did exactly what Putin wanted him to do, as he does in every instance, and it is NEVER in USA interests.
When did Trump postpone it?
The Biden administration already began to blame Trump before Joe made it back from Camp David. I would bet you that the Zoon call the WH released a picture of - Biden sitting alone staring at a screen with multiple advisors shown in the conference call - involved more 'CYA Strategizing' & talking about blaming Trump than discussion regarding how to get stranded Americans and US-allies out of Taliban-held Afghanistan.
What's funny is while all the Marxist-loving, Biden-defending snowflakes are desperately pleading Biden's case the rest of the world is dumping on Biden, blaming him and calling it 'shameful, 'disaster', a 'stain on his administration' , an 'historic failure'.... and when you are a Democrat President and even CNN declares you f*ed up you REALLY f*ed up!

Within two minutes he will blame Trump.....if he doesn't lose his place, wander from the podium and ask for that nice lady, Jill, to come and take him home.....

He won't blame Trump. He's not a big fat baby finger-pointing city cockroach like Trump.
But he might just blame the people who got us in this mess: Cheney, Dubya and Rumsfeld.

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