How soon will Biden start another war?

Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.
You don't know much about anything, Qudaffi son was on the phone with the pentagon that night begging them not to do it

He should have been begging his father. Nobody would touch Gadaffi.. Not even Mugabe or Chavez.
I doubt Honduras is on the radar. It's more likely that we're going to escalate the Syrian War again. I don't know if we'd invade a new country at this point.
Syrian war? with whom against whom?
To give Syria to Kurds? or to the Islamic state? or to Turkey?

and a direct fight with Russians?

US has too litte problem fighting Russia in Ukraine? :)
To give to the SAUDS...........

Give what to the Saud's? They don't want Syria, idiot.

I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.

The SAG doesn't give a shit about Syria with the exception of 6 million Syria refugees.

You obviously don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. Iran is another matter.. The Iranian people are not like their terrible government or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

You are just totally wrong about Saudis and Syria.

Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Syrian War involved the large-scale supply of weapons and ammunition to various rebel groups in Syria during the Syrian Civil War.

The Financial Times reported in May 2013 that Qatar was becoming a larger provider of arms to the various groups.[1] Since the summer of 2013, Saudi Arabia has emerged as the main group to finance and arm the rebels.[2] Saudi Arabia has financed a large purchase of infantry weapons, such as Yugoslav-made recoilless guns and the M79 Osa, an anti-tank weapon, from Croatia via shipments shuttled through Jordan.[3] The weapons began reaching rebels in December 2012 which allowed rebels' small tactical gains against the Syrian army.[3] This shipment was said to be to counter shipments of weapons from Iran to aid the Syrian government.[3]

Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar have received criticism from the Western Media for backing certain Syrian rebels associated with the Army of Conquest, which includes the al-Nusra front, an al-Qaeda affiliated group.[4]

In August 2017, the Syrian opposition was informed by the Saudi foreign minister that the Kingdom was disengaging from them.[5] Subsequently, Saudi Arabia has taken a more conciliatory stance towards the Syrian government.[6]
Saudi Arabian involvement in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia considered backing the FSA and changed their minds remembering the blowback from sending fighters to Afghanistan.
I know.. and the Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi since 1969. He was an ignorant bedu boy and a bad actor.
I wouldn't consider Gaddafi a bad actor compared to the ex-Al Quida that took over after him. Also, a massive slave trade has risen there now.

Libya went from being one of the highest rated countries in HDI in Africa to one of the lowest. I don't see how removing him has been a net positive for anyone other than war profiteers.

I used to live in Libya and I know Gadffi was a bad actor. He threw out the Idris Constitution which was enlightened. The only way to keep him in power would have been a huge occupation force. The US did not "remove" him.

Qaddafi was a bad actor, but could not possibly have been in control himself. Clearly those in charge were the southern Hill elders, and they picked him as their patsy.
That was the best that could be done in Libya.
We ambushed his mercenaries with an air attack, massacred tens of thousands, and essentially gave the country over to the Syrian and Egyptian dissidents in Benghazi.
So by removing all his troops and arming the dissidents in Benghazi, we did "remove" him.
And Hillary openly pushed for just that.
It was no secret.
It was done right in the open.
Not just a big mistake, but totally illegal and immoral.
Qaddafi was better than what is there now.

Syrians and Egyptians weren't in Benghazi. although a handful of ISIS had moved there. We didn't arm anyone. Libya was a wash in weapons. Gaddafi had been on a two year spending spree in Europe and Russia.
Gadaffi's military and police were all foreign nationals as you said.. For the most part they threw down their weapons and ran.

Benghazi has been Syrians, Egyptians and other displaced dissidents for decades, if not centuries.
The whole point of the US CIA annex in Benghazi was to fund and arm dissidents there.
Libya was not awash in weapons for the dissidents except in Benghazi, at least until the US caused Qaddafi to be murdered.
And Qaddafi's mercenaries did not throw down their weapons and run, they were murdered by US air attacks.
Just like the Highway of Death.
We killed tens of thousands.

The purpose of the annex in Benghazi was communication to try and identify which tribes might support a return to the Idris Constitution.

Yes, Libya was awash in arms... about 3 billion dollars worth.

There are NO Libyan tribes in Benghazi at all, and never have been.
Benghazi has always been mostly foreigners, like Egyptians, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.
No one would ever build anything in Benghazi in order to contact Libyans.
The main point of Benghazi would be to contact Egyptians without implicating the Egyptian government.

Yes Libya was awash in arms, but intended to be used in the assault against Benghazi.
The Benghazi dissidents did not have access to them until AFTER we massacred Qaddafi's forces in the desert.

On 10th Anniversary of the U.S.-NATO attack on Libya: Powerful perpetrators have yet to face justice
Posted Mar 24, 2021 by Jeremy Kuzmarov
Imperialism , Inequality , Political Economy , War Libya , United States Newswire
Originally published: CovertAction Magazine (March 19, 2021) |
On this day ten years ago, the Obama administration launched air strikes over Libya under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which culminated in the killing of Libya’s long-time ruler Muammar Qaddafi on October 21, 2011.

The bombing was presented to the public as a moral imperative that was necessary to stop imminent massacres and genocide by Qaddafi who had cracked down violently on allegedly pro-democracy protesters inspired by the Arab Spring.

Speaking from Brasilia on March 19, 2011, President Barack Obama stated that “the use of force is not our first choice. It is not a choice I make lightly. But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his own people that there will be no mercy.”

A decade later, Obama’s words ring incredibly hollow.

Libya has descended into years of civil war and anarchy in the aftermath of the U.S. and NATO bombing, which killed hundreds of people.

The percentage of the population that has access to electricity and quality education and health care has declined precipitously from the period of Qaddafi’s rule (1969-2011).

Only four of 97 hospitals in the country currently function and 260,000 students have been deprived of education.

Oil production—the lifeline of Libya’s economy—fell dramatically after the U.S.-NATO invasion, and in some places, gasoline can only be obtained on the black-market.

Tens of thousands of Libyans have risked their lives undertaking a harrowing journey across the Mediterranean trying to escape the ravages of their homeland which has seen the reintroduction of slavery.

Human Rights Watch’s 2020 report paints a devastating indictment of the post-Qaddafi government which has used heavy weapons to suppress demonstrations against corruption and poor living standards, sanctioned massive human rights violations by allied militia fighters including the indiscriminate shelling of residential neighborhoods, and detained and mistreated thousands of migrants who were intercepted at sea.(1)

One of the dominant warlords, Khalifa Hiftar, was a longtime CIA asset who had led Libya’s invasion of Chad in the 1980s before defecting from Qaddafi’s regime.

According to Human Rights Watch, Hiftar’s forces have used banned cluster munitions in their drive for control of Libya while planting land mines and booby traps in Tripoli’s southern suburbs.

A confidential UN report detailed how Blackwater founder, Erik Prince, who has close ties to U.S. intelligence, coordinated an $80 million operation backed by the Trump administration, which supplied arms and mercenaries to Hiftar illegally and planned to form a hit squad to track and kill Libyan commanders opposed to him.(2)

In September 2020, two families brought lawsuits in the U.S. against Hiftar, accusing his forces of atrocities during a months-long siege of Ganfouda in Benghazi in 2017. Two previous lawsuits against Hiftar accused him of sanctioning extrajudicial killings and torture.(3)

Ghaddafi fell in line every wince Reagan bombed Libya.

For some reason, Hillary decided to aid Rebels and oust Ghaddafi. She “pressed for a secret American program that supplied arms to rebel militias. Those arms would be used to attack a CIA outpost in Benghazi, where Ambassador Stevens and some SEALS would fall at the hands of these militiamen.



At first she used the excuse they were just helping civilians that Ghaddafi was murdering...then it turned full regime change.


Trust the will end up witha spear up your ass and slaves traded in the open.

JUST VOMITOUS. HILLARY committed serious war crimes,
I know.. and the Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi since 1969. He was an ignorant bedu boy and a bad actor.
I wouldn't consider Gaddafi a bad actor compared to the ex-Al Quida that took over after him. Also, a massive slave trade has risen there now.

Libya went from being one of the highest rated countries in HDI in Africa to one of the lowest. I don't see how removing him has been a net positive for anyone other than war profiteers.

I used to live in Libya and I know Gadffi was a bad actor. He threw out the Idris Constitution which was enlightened. The only way to keep him in power would have been a huge occupation force. The US did not "remove" him.
really? , and in what period of time?
I recall US reestablished its embassy only in 2006 or something..
I know.. and the Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi since 1969. He was an ignorant bedu boy and a bad actor.
I wouldn't consider Gaddafi a bad actor compared to the ex-Al Quida that took over after him. Also, a massive slave trade has risen there now.

Libya went from being one of the highest rated countries in HDI in Africa to one of the lowest. I don't see how removing him has been a net positive for anyone other than war profiteers.

I used to live in Libya and I know Gadffi was a bad actor. He threw out the Idris Constitution which was enlightened. The only way to keep him in power would have been a huge occupation force. The US did not "remove" him.
really? , and in what period of time?
I recall US reestablished its embassy only in 2006 or something..

2006 sounds right. Dubya opened Libya back up at Cheney's urging.

The US had an embassy in Tripoli from the 1950s .. and there was Wheelus AFB and Tobruk.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.

Russia with a dozen of planes stopped everything in Syria, includind defeat of ISIS, which the US falsely attritutes to itself.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.

Russia with a dozen of planes stopped everything in Syria, includind defeat of ISIS, which the US falsely attritutes to itself.

I know.. Trump has always been a liar and a braggart. Why didn't Russia step in and help Syria between 2005 and 2011?
I know.. and the Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi since 1969. He was an ignorant bedu boy and a bad actor.
I wouldn't consider Gaddafi a bad actor compared to the ex-Al Quida that took over after him. Also, a massive slave trade has risen there now.

Libya went from being one of the highest rated countries in HDI in Africa to one of the lowest. I don't see how removing him has been a net positive for anyone other than war profiteers.

I used to live in Libya and I know Gadffi was a bad actor. He threw out the Idris Constitution which was enlightened. The only way to keep him in power would have been a huge occupation force. The US did not "remove" him.
really? , and in what period of time?
I recall US reestablished its embassy only in 2006 or something..

2006 sounds right. Dubya opened Libya back up at Cheney's urging.

The US had an embassy in Tripoli from the 1950s .. and there was Wheelus AFB and Tobruk.

I wonder what happened to Leptis Magna and Sabratha, I hope they are not destroyed.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.

Russia with a dozen of planes stopped everything in Syria, includind defeat of ISIS, which the US falsely attritutes to itself.

I know.. Trump has always been a liar and a braggart. Why didn't Russia step in and help Syria between 2005 and 2011?

what for?
there was not a US/EU sponsored coup in Ukraine then.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.

Russia with a dozen of planes stopped everything in Syria, includind defeat of ISIS, which the US falsely attritutes to itself.

I know.. Trump has always been a liar and a braggart. Why didn't Russia step in and help Syria between 2005 and 2011?

what for?
there was not a US/EU sponsored coup in Ukraine then.

What does Ukraine have to do with the collapse of Syria?
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

I don't believe that.
Hillary was constantly talking about the "Arab Spring" and how it gave us an opportunity.
While we did not start the Arab Spring in Tunisia, we did massacre Qaddafi's forces, causing his murder.
We did arm, finance, and give Toyota trucks to Arab dissidents in Benghazi and other places, with the intent of escalating the Syrian civil war.
We likely also created, armed, and equipped ISIS.
And al Qaeda is our creation going way back to 1979.
We also smuggle support to dissidents in Iran.
We obviously funded Sisi's take over in Egypt.
The only place where the violence may not be the fault of the US is Yemen.
I don't know enough about that conflict to say.

You don't know anything about Libya or Syria or Egypt either. The US couldn't have stopped what was happening in Syria or Libya or Egypt if we'd tried.

Russia with a dozen of planes stopped everything in Syria, includind defeat of ISIS, which the US falsely attritutes to itself.

I know.. Trump has always been a liar and a braggart. Why didn't Russia step in and help Syria between 2005 and 2011?

what for?
there was not a US/EU sponsored coup in Ukraine then.

What does Ukraine have to do with the collapse of Syria?
US imposed confrontation on Russia, Russia may choose not the weapon and place the US prefers...
if US succeeded in coup in Ukraine it may be a good thing it fails in another place
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton- Yugoslavia, Serbia
Obama - Syria, Libya

You left out Obama- Yemen, Somalia, and Ukraine.


You don't know anything about Yemen, Somalia or Ukraine either.

I wonder what he is supposed to know about Ukraune according to you :)
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.
Libya you fucking partisan hack, Democrats almost committed treason to try to prevent that war

The US had nothing to do with the civil war in Libya.. All the embassies and oil companies had pulled out of Libya before NATO ever got involved and only then because Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy.

I recall an assasination attempt against Kaddafi by British government with hands of islamist (
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Ye
The Arab Spring was a direct result of instability created in the Middle East by the toppling of Saddam. That being said, speculative trading on grain also was a major cause. The revolts started in Tunisia in part because of the dramatic rise in grain prices there.

I know.. and the Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi since 1969. He was an ignorant bedu boy and a bad actor.

Kaddafi wasa brilliant and talented ruler which managed not only to plan a coup beinng a teenager, got a team of comrades, sent then to military schools and after they became officers - made a revolution.
An absolutely outstanding person.
And tgen he managed to rule such a diverse and complex country for how long, about 40 years?
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keeps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Pyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
Last edited:
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Clinton, Rice, and Powers (the three witches) pushed for what happened in Libya. HRC even cackled about a world leader (Qadaffi) basically being ass-raped by militants and then killed and dragged around like some trophy. Carter didn't "start" a war but he damned sure created the problem we're dealing with today in Iran. Neither party is innocent but those who despise Trump are just hypocrites on this issue and several others.
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Oyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
Glad to see you're so cheerful about the collapse of America. Pretty sure that smile won't last when you realize that when we fall, the global economy falls. The chaos that's coming is going to hit the rest of the world as hard or harder than it will America. I know that hate is like a drug addiction but the thrill won't feed you or keep you warm.
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Oyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
Glad to see you're so cheerful about the collapse of America. Pretty sure that smile won't last when you realize that when we fall, the global economy falls. The chaos that's coming is going to hit the rest of the world as hard or harder than it will America. I know that hate is like a drug addiction but the thrill won't feed you or keep you warm.
I know everything perfectly, I have been interested in this issue for long and can lecture you for hours about details of coming World economy collapse. Including sharing my personal experience of living through hyperinflation in 90s.

but after everything is destroyed Russia is going to regain its market which is already an advantage compared to exporting economies, as well we have surplus in both foreign trade and current account, US have deficite in both (along with the UK) .
generally, we will be in better starting position than most of the World.

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