How soon will Biden start another war?

I'm glad we didn't do much about Crimea. I didn't like seeing Russia enter that area, but at the same time, most of the locals already seemed more loyal to Russia than Ukraine. It wouldn't have been worth our involvement.

there's a self proclaimed Ukrainian in this forum, Esay, he may be of different opinion, but we from Russia see it as Ukraine entering the last stage of its existence.

US forced them to break all economic ties with Russia, it absolutely destroyed Ukraine's industry.

the last hope, China - was first attracted by Ukraine and then robbed (a typical Ukrainian business behaviour) , Chinese bought wheat for a couole billion $, paid money - Ukraine did not supply it. Then Chinese invested up to 1 bln dollars in Ukraine's industry - under US pressure Ukrainian government confiscated it ( nationalized without paying compensation).

Crumbling economy does not sustain present population, everybody who can move - flees the country, up to 3 mln Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in last couple of years, 3 more settled in Europe.
In 1991 Ukraine had 54 mln people, now hardly 30 mln.
More than half of Ukrainians are Russian speakers, 20% of population are Russians, yet Russian language is artificially suppressed.

It already led to civil war and yet Ukraine is going to keep disintegrating further.

Generally, Ukraine became a failed state under US governance. There has never been an independent Ukraine up to 1991 (except German made puppet state during German occupation in WWI. And this was for a reason, everything Ukrainians get - they steal and ruine.

So, in 10 years 10-20 mln Ukrainians which will still be living in what will remain of Ukraine by then will reintegrate into Russia, willingly :)

but now it seems the US is going to provoke a proxi war using Ukraine. in coming months.

Is the US governing Ukraine??

of course, didn't you hear Biden bragging he fired Ukrainian general prosecutor? :)

SBU is said to have several floors of CIA stuff, Anerican instructors train Nazi battalions, US citizen governed Ukrainian central bank and so on,

and clearly the general course is set by the US.

US policy was for Ukraine to over come its reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment. Has Russia helped Ukraine?
Nope. But the Ukrainian people are good. Their hearts are good. I would stand with them.
The hearts of the people don't matter. The government matters, because that's who we'd be working with in support of them. If we can't trust the Ukrainian government, there isn't much point to working with them.
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keeps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Pyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

Glad to see you're so cheerful about the collapse of America. Pretty sure that smile won't last when you realize that when we fall, the global economy falls. The chaos that's coming is going to hit the rest of the world as hard or harder than it will America. I know that hate is like a drug addiction but the thrill won't feed you or keep you warm.
I know everything perfectly, I have been interested in this issue for long and can lecture you for hours about details of coming World economy collapse. Including sharing my personal experience of living through hyperinflation in 90s.

but after everything is destroyed Russia is going to regain its market which is already an advantage compared to exporting economies, as well we have surplus in both foreign trade and current account, US have deficite in both (along with the UK) .
generally, we will be in better starting position than most of the World.
I see it differently. Russia would have less to lose from a global collapse, but it wouldn't exactly be in a good position either. That being said, the Russian people might weather the collapse better than Westerners due to their already harsh living conditions, however. They're used to a certain amount of suffering, whereas Westerners really aren't.

Russian mazochism is also an advantage and a big one, but I am talking not about collapse, but what is going to be after.

Russian production will have to expand from current level to fill own market.

Japan, Germany etc. - will have to shrink much.

US is in more complex position since it specializes now in spheres which cannot expand domestically if import stops. boeing? google? IBM?
And expansion of basic consumer goods production in the US will demand huge drop of costs/cost of labor/salaries of workers to make goods as available as they are now.

Drop of level of life in the US is going to be catastrophic.

no government and hardly any multiracial state can survive it.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama used our military to oust the lawful leader of Libya. See how that turned out? Clinton invaded Haiti, a sovereign nation. You folks seem to ignore reality when it suits you.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.

on the other hand, Democrats have always ben the biggest warmongers in History, starting one agression after another.

Now, it seems the US may have an excuse, the presidend of Honduras Hernández allegedly said he wanted to "shove the drugs right up the noses of the gringos.'" :)

Any wars yet?
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama used our military to oust the lawful leader of Libya. See how that turned out? Clinton invaded Haiti, a sovereign nation. You folks seem to ignore reality when it suits you.

No he didn't.. You must not know anything about Libya or Gadaffi. The ONLY way to keep Gadaffi in power would have been to install a huge occupation force.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.

on the other hand, Democrats have always ben the biggest warmongers in History, starting one agression after another.

Now, it seems the US may have an excuse, the presidend of Honduras Hernández allegedly said he wanted to "shove the drugs right up the noses of the gringos.'" :)

Any wars yet?

Besides Biden allowing thousands and thousands of illegal invaders into this country to spread the Chinese Plague unchecked? Anyway, its early days, I have no doubt Biden will be funding terrorist across the globe soon enough, and those terrorists will be attacking America in no time flat, its the Democrat way.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama used our military to oust the lawful leader of Libya. See how that turned out? Clinton invaded Haiti, a sovereign nation. You folks seem to ignore reality when it suits you.

No he didn't.. You must not know anything about Libya or Gadaffi. The ONLY way to keep Gadaffi in power would have been to install a huge occupation force.

Hardly, the only reason Gadaffi was ousted is because the full force of western powers were put to the aid of terrorists. Liberals love them some terrorists, and Libya was no exception.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.

Doesn't matter. They'll just keep lying to themselves.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.

Doesn't matter. They'll just keep lying to themselves.

Yep. They really don't seem to have learned a thing since 2016.
And that will pretty much guarantee another Trump. Perhaps someone much worse.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.

Doesn't matter. They'll just keep lying to themselves.

Yep. They really don't seem to have learned a thing since 2016.
And that will pretty much guarantee another Trump. Perhaps someone much worse.

LOLOL.. I used to live in Libya.. I thought the tribes would have ousted him long before 2011.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?

Obama didn't start any wars.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.

Doesn't matter. They'll just keep lying to themselves.
Just do not let them forget what they have done. Memories can not be short on this.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?

Obama didn't start any wars.

Hahaha...8 Years...hahahahhaha.
Immediate withdrawal ...hahahhaha he lied to you and you still defend the 8 year war president.

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