How soon will Biden start another war?

Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?

Obama didn't start any wars.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.

on the other hand, Democrats have always ben the biggest warmongers in History, starting one agression after another.

Now, it seems the US may have an excuse, the presidend of Honduras Hernández allegedly said he wanted to "shove the drugs right up the noses of the gringos.'" :)

newsflash for the RT tools: Bush, who started Afghan and Iraq wars is a Republican.
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Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

We should hold their feet to the fire on this issue. One of the best things Trump did was avoiding needless wars.

Doesn't matter. They'll just keep lying to themselves.

Yep. They really don't seem to have learned a thing since 2016.
And that will pretty much guarantee another Trump. Perhaps someone much worse.

LOLOL.. I used to live in Libya.. I thought the tribes would have ousted him long before 2011.

Which tribes?
Cirenaica upprising would have been easily suppressed another time if not NATO etc intervention...
the rest of Libya was more or less loyal.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

except that the US betrayed its loyal son of a bitch Mubarak and after a brief hesitation supported protests...
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.

Do you speak Arabic?
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

State control over currency "range", so to speak, does not equal stability. If it was that simple, Zimbabwe would be just fine right now.
We were warned about this from the Atlanta Jewish Times a decade ago, that Prez Biden would "forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies."

BIden is Jewish and we are going to war with Iran. The only questions are when and why, likely more total fraud like 911, which Biden massively profited from according to Hunter's laptop.

If we do get another massive fraud like 911, Chris Wray at FBI will be part of it, as he was the Steal. Many of us believe the Steal was 100 percent about preventing Trump from getting the FBI 911 file to the public. Chris Wray and Biden are not going to allow the American people to see the truth in that file.
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

State control over currency "range", so to speak, does not equal stability. If it was that simple, Zimbabwe would be just fine right now.

I did not say state control over currency is equial to stability, I said :

1) Yuan flows in and out of the country are controlled, unlike Dollar, so sudden disbalance in flows aka sudden and big currency rate fluctuation is unlikely with Yian.

2) and what is more important - Yuan circulates only in China and its zone cannot shrink at all.

while Dollar circulates mostly abroad and when now Fed pritns money - you don't have hyperinflation only becouse trillions of fresh dollars pour outside.

If Dollar zones shrinks, these dolars will create giant oversupply of money in the US, over demand on material goods, which is exactly Zimbabwe and Venezuela situation.

Actually, the YS us already Venezueka with postponed implementation. And every decrease of dollar usage in the World is very dangerouse. We can discuss only the limin of this decrease when it starts being lethal.
I doubt Honduras is on the radar. It's more likely that we're going to escalate the Syrian War again. I don't know if we'd invade a new country at this point.

Syria is a civil war... and it became an opportunity for ISIS.
Syria was briefly a civil war and it became a opportunity for the US and it’s puppets to arm jihadist head choppers as a way to isolate Iran.
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I doubt Honduras is on the radar. It's more likely that we're going to escalate the Syrian War again. I don't know if we'd invade a new country at this point.

Syria is a civil war... and it became an opportunity for ISIS.
Syria was briefly a civil war and it became a opportunity for the US and it’s puppets to arm jihadist head choppERS as a way to isolate Iran.

That's not true at all. You don't know anything about Syria. Why don't you read some history of Syria even if only from 1940. You clowns rewrite history to blame Obama.. Ever been to Damascus?

Someone once told me to search for

Gadaffi jewish

And notice that the Israeli media acknowledges Gadaffi was Jewish while the US media does not...

Someone once told me to search for

Gadaffi jewish

And notice that the Israeli media acknowledges Gadaffi was Jewish while the US media does not...

He wasn't Jewish he was a Bedouin from Takrit. There were a lot of affluent Jews in Tripoli until 1973.
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

State control over currency "range", so to speak, does not equal stability. If it was that simple, Zimbabwe would be just fine right now.

I did not say state control over currency is equial to stability, I said :

1) Yuan flows in and out of the country are controlled, unlike Dollar, so sudden disbalance in flows aka sudden and big currency rate fluctuation is unlikely with Yian.

2) and what is more important - Yuan circulates only in China and its zone cannot shrink at all.

while Dollar circulates mostly abroad and when now Fed pritns money - you don't have hyperinflation only becouse trillions of fresh dollars pour outside.

If Dollar zones shrinks, these dolars will create giant oversupply of money in the US, over demand on material goods, which is exactly Zimbabwe and Venezuela situation.

Actually, the YS us already Venezueka with postponed implementation. And every decrease of dollar usage in the World is very dangerouse. We can discuss only the limin of this decrease when it starts being lethal.

Cool story bro. How about you make an actual testable prediction? When is this hyper-inflation taking place?

If only I had a dollar for everytime someone on the internets was mouthing off about "inflation will go through the roof any second now!".
I doubt Honduras is on the radar. It's more likely that we're going to escalate the Syrian War again. I don't know if we'd invade a new country at this point.
Oh, it could be Honduras, if they taped him saying that. Remember that assault on Panama for exactly the same reason, the prez was a drug trafficker? I think that was Bush Sr., can't remember for sure.

Most president -- nearly all -- have a war. Carter didn't; that's the only one I can think of. They like to, I think. Trump might well have, but he wanted to get re-elected first. Good strategy, but it didn't work out.

They want a war to "unify" us --- there will be some atrocity, like 9/11, and that'll unify us to go to war, see --- as if.
I don't think this is a good idea because the only people we want to fight are each other, but I think they'll try it on.
Cool story bro. How about you make an actual testable prediction? When is this hyper-inflation taking place?

If only I had a dollar for everytime someone on the internets was mouthing off about "inflation will go through the roof any second now!".

Yehbut ------ when it happens, it will happen FAST. When any country goes over the edge into hyperinflation, it's days and weeks, not months and never years. I agree, I'm watching for it and expecting it, too. One more Dem failure to crush the country.
There is a very good possibility that the US, regardless of party or president, won't be able to start any new wars now.
Iran is out of bounds for logical reasons that can be explained. Venezuela would be seen by the rest of the world as blatant US aggression for no reason other than cornering Venezuela's oil resources.

Is there any oil rich ME country in which the US could either start or escalate the regional skirmishes/war?

No oil rich country in the ME is sympathetic to further US expansion through military means.

And beyond that, the US would need to be willing to start direct confrontations with Russia/China which have oil interests in the ME was well.

Biden has been left with a huge embarrassment to his country's power when Trump abandoned the foot in the door America had with the 5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran.

Now Iran considers itself in the cat seat and will dictate the terms of any new agreement, that will be satisfactory to all concerned parties except the US and the criminal Zionist apartheid regime.

Something else that may be of more interest to entertain is whether the Zionist regime will step out of line with US priorities and start a serious war with Iran?

The world knows now that would be fraught with peril of it becoming nuclear.

Will Biden start another war? Can the US start another war?
There is a very good possibility that the US, regardless of party or president, won't be able to start any new wars now.
Iran is out of bounds for logical reasons that can be explained. Venezuela would be seen by the rest of the world as blatant US aggression for no reason other than cornering Venezuela's oil resources.

Is there any oil rich ME country in which the US could either start or escalate the regional skirmishes/war?

No oil rich country in the ME is sympathetic to further US expansion through military means.

And beyond that, the US would need to be willing to start direct confrontations with Russia/China which have oil interests in the ME was well.

Biden has been left with a huge embarrassment to his country's power when Trump abandoned the foot in the door America had with the 5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran.

Now Iran considers itself in the cat seat and will dictate the terms of any new agreement, that will be satisfactory to all concerned parties except the US and the criminal Zionist apartheid regime.

Something else that may be of more interest to entertain is whether the Zionist regime will step out of line with US priorities and start a serious war with Iran?

The world knows now that would be fraught with peril of it becoming nuclear.

Will Biden start another war? Can the US start another war?

Remember the cardinal rule.. The oil business HATES a war zone
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?

Obama didn't start any wars.

Hahaha...8 Years...hahahahhaha.
Immediate withdrawal ...hahahhaha he lied to you and you still defend the 8 year war president.

Bush, the oil president, had already signed the SOFA and installed Maliki and killed the 20 year Dual Containment Policy.

The US had NOTHING todo with the Arab Spring.. That pot boiled over on its own for good reasons. ISIS was born in Camp Brucca Prison in 2004..
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama waged more war than any president in my lifetime. What a war mongering POS you leftists putnin charge
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. They US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring or Yemen.

Obama was at war for his entire 8 years. What a war mongering POS you leftists gave the NPP to. Hahaha.

Hahaha.. The US had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring.

8 years of war and you morons gave him the NPP. Hahahaha.

You REALLY don't know anything about North Africa and the Middle East.
8 years of under Obammy. Yes. Or no?

Obama didn't start any wars.

Hahaha...8 Years...hahahahhaha.
Immediate withdrawal ...hahahhaha he lied to you and you still defend the 8 year war president.

Bush, the oil president, had already signed the SOFA and installed Maliki and killed the 20 year Dual Containment Policy.

The US had NOTHING todo with the Arab Spring.. That pot boiled over on its own for good reasons. ISIS was born in Camp Brucca Prison in 2004..

Another cool story bro. Just admit Obammy was at war for his entire 8 year presidency and you kooks gave him the NPP. You'll feel much better when you're honest with yourself. You can do it! Baby steps!

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