How Staged Was This?

If he was just another pervert on the street he would be under arrest for charges related to sexual abuse but as a political candidate he is immune. A politician has no authority to advise a child about sexual orientation. The problem for society is that homosexual predators see themselves as recruiters.
Where the fuck is the sexual abuse moron! Sex was never mentioned. Being supportive of a child who is questioning their sexuality is not abuse. Telling him that he is mentally ill and will burn in hell, like you dumb fucks would do is what abuse looks like.

If it IS as I suggest, "grooming" intentionally by a parent or both, it actually CAN BE rationally called child abuse in some cases for kids that young.. In the same class as mixing meth in front of them..

Kids need a "fair playing field" when it comes to sex orientation... And I've seen WAAY too much warping of the playing field to allow the child to develop on their own terms... Like THIS....

A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics

How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

When did you decide that the pedophile road wasn't for you? When did you stop beating your girlfriends? Makes as much sense as the question you asked and you are just repeating queer talking points
A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics

How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics

How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.
If he was just another pervert on the street he would be under arrest for charges related to sexual abuse but as a political candidate he is immune. A politician has no authority to advise a child about sexual orientation. The problem for society is that homosexual predators see themselves as recruiters.
Where the fuck is the sexual abuse moron! Sex was never mentioned. Being supportive of a child who is questioning their sexuality is not abuse. Telling him that he is mentally ill and will burn in hell, like you dumb fucks would do is what abuse looks like.

If it IS as I suggest, "grooming" intentionally by a parent or both, it actually CAN BE rationally called child abuse in some cases for kids that young.. In the same class as mixing meth in front of them..

Kids need a "fair playing field" when it comes to sex orientation... And I've seen WAAY too much warping of the playing field to allow the child to develop on their own terms... Like THIS....

This is one of the more sickening videos I have come across in the last month or so. Check this out.....someone recorded Majestic Ape with the trans-gendered singer playing live at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza, you know, the James Alefantis owned parlor and he was deemed by GQ Magazine as one of the top 50 power players in D.C that made numerous visits to the WH when Barrypuppet and Manchelle were stinking up the place. Alefantis's instagram page was very disturbing with pictures and comments of children, talking about chickenhawks (pedo slang for adult male "turning" young boys) AND Alefantis was very chummy with an admitted "chickenhawk" that went to jail for manslaughter over some queer "lover's spat". Alefantis was involved in a queer relationship with David Brock who ran the Soros sponsored "" site and is very chummy with the Podesta brothers, Hildebeast and the witch that does spirit cooking known as Marina Abramovich. Alefantis also has a band called "Sex Stains" that plays at this family friendly place.

This video talks about how pedos network with each other.

How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

When did you decide that the pedophile road wasn't for you? When did you stop beating your girlfriends? Makes as much sense as the question you asked and you are just repeating queer talking points
You avoided my question. When did you decide you wanted to be gay?

I am gay? I must be a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.....

BTW, I am sure the queers, transgendered and cross dressing faction is grateful for your support. Wave that rainbow fag flag high!

How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

If a woman who identifies as trans is attracted exclusively to men is the person naturally gay or hetero?
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

When did you decide that the pedophile road wasn't for you? When did you stop beating your girlfriends? Makes as much sense as the question you asked and you are just repeating queer talking points
You avoided my question. When did you decide you wanted to be gay?

I am gay? I must be a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.....

BTW, I am sure the queers, transgendered and cross dressing faction is grateful for your support. Wave that rainbow fag flag high!

You keep avoiding my question. Dont worry. I dont judge people that are gay as long as they dont try to seduce me.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

If a woman who identifies as trans is attracted exclusively to men is the person naturally gay or hetero?
You'd have to ask them.
How does a pre-pubescent 9 year old who's never had sex, know that he's gay?

That is wrong on so many levels.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
Probably because he is attracted to men. I was attracted to women every since I was at least 4.

But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place? How do you explain guys that go to prison and would rather die than engage in a homosexual act? Is that how you found out you were gay?
But since men can be women how does that work? For a 9 year to base his sexuality as being gay on who he's attracted to sounds like he's assuming a person gender...
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.
What do you mean how does that work? Did you decide to be gay or hetero or did it just happen naturally?

Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.
Are you asking if a persons sexuality happens naturally like how a person biological sex is determine at birth?
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
No stupid. A person biological sex doesn't determine who they are sexually attracted to. Hormones in your brain do that.

So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.
So, please explain as to why men that were straight before they were sent to prison consent to homosexual acts for gratification? Explain prison rape? Seems like a choice to engage in that behavior due to a lack of options playing a huge factor.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
What made you think they were straight in the first place?

My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.
My ex had a Master's degree in Psychology and part of her study and research had to do with sexuality and perversity. She came to the conclusion with a scientific basis that homosexual men had been influenced when they were young and were subjected to sexual abuse or enticed to perform homosexual acts when they were most impressionable. If a child is subjected to abuse, be it sexual or physical, they in turn, were more prone to become abusers themselves to deal with the guilt and shame they felt even though they were powerless to stop it. As far as straight men being "turned" in prison facing long terms in prison with no other options could make peace about engaging in homosexual behavior by justifying the fact that there was no emotional attachment with their partner and once on the outside again, resumed being heterosexual.

I will assume that you are familiar with the Kinsey Report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the skewed stats that were misleading and not a truthful study into human sexuality but rather a propaganda piece that played a huge part in the sexual revolution of the 60's.

So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.

Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?
So it seems youre trying to elevate the credibility of your unknown ex over real scientists. Thats a pretty weak argument. I count at a minimum 2 logical fallacies in your argument.

I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.

Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?
Easy. They were interested in putting on makeup and playing with dolls. Why would I encourage them? Its none of my business if they suck dicks or not.
I was married to her for 15 years. I was there when she studied and wanted to discuss what she was discovering. "Real scientists" with an agenda. These same type of "scientists" are also claiming that pedophiles are naturally prone to be that way and are calling them "MAPS"? As in "minor attracted persons" and I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.
Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.

Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?
Easy. They were interested in putting on makeup and playing with dolls. Why would I encourage them? Its none of my business if they suck dicks or not.

Oh? So they were trans-gendered that were attracted to males? Then isn't there just a smidgen of heterosexuality lurking in there somewhere? Because according to the P.C crowd, if one merely thinks of it's self as a man/woman even though they have the equipment that defines gender? Then genitalia is merely a social construct used to keep them from being their true, inner-self?

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