How stupid are left wingers? This stupid.

War on Drugs is stupid.
Protecting people from the consequences of their own actions is just as stupid.
Another liberal in favor of drugs ..... got it.
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.

Got it. It's all about you .... nothing else matters except your slavish devotion to yourself.

Gambling is, in fact, illegal in most portions of the US.

But, you wouldn't know that, would you?
Psst ---- any profit made in America IS taxed in America already.
Take that net operating loss deduction (NOLD) and shove it up your ass.

Once again, you have demonstrated your ignorance quite capably .... you want profit taxed, and then you want to change the definition of profit, because you've been embarrassed once again by your complete lack of knowledge?

Do you know anything about anything? Philosophy? Languages? Play doh? Legos?

Cuz you clearly don't have a fucking clue about economics.
I find it amazing how little profit some companies make and still remain in business. Lottery tickets is .10 cents out of every dollar. And that isn't net profit it's gross. $500 money order they make .50 cents on it. Have to risk having $500 in your deposit and you only make .50 cents for taking on that risk. Businesses like Walmart work on losses for 9 months of the year and only make a profit on their last 3 months.

When I invest my money in the stock market if I don't make at least 50% profit off of my investment I consider it a loss. I don't invest huge sums of money and the profit needs to pay for the trading fees. But most traders are happy getting in and getting out again with as little as a 10% profit. You'd have to risk thousands or even millions for that amount of profit to be enough to pay the bills.
I find it amazing how little profit some companies make and still remain in business. Lottery tickets is .10 cents out of every dollar. And that isn't net profit it's gross. $500 money order they make .50 cents on it. Have to risk having $500 in your deposit and you only make .50 cents for taking on that risk. Businesses like Walmart work on losses for 9 months of the year and only make a profit on their last 3 months.

When I invest my money in the stock market if I don't make at least 50% profit off of my investment I consider it a loss. I don't invest huge sums of money and the profit needs to pay for the trading fees. But most traders are happy getting in and getting out again with as little as a 10% profit. You'd have to risk thousands or even millions for that amount of profit to be enough to pay the bills.

If your business is turning 10% net profit annually, you are doing well. You're right, though - people just don't know. I worked on some government contracts where the mandated profit was 6.5 - 7% above costs. Frankly, that ain't much -but when it's guaranteed, you sacrifice potential for security.

Most people who whine about all those profits simply don't know what the hell they're talking about.
War on Drugs is stupid.
Protecting people from the consequences of their own actions is just as stupid.
Another liberal in favor of drugs ..... got it.
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.
Newborn babies are coming into the world suffering from excruciating opioid withdrawals due to the rising rates of heroin and painkiller abuse nationwide.

Officials from the Arizona Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 224 percent between 2008 and 2015. Additionally, officials said the rate of babies who are generally exposed to narcotics while in the womb spiked in the state by 219 percent between 2008 and 2014, reports

Doctors are still unsure what the lifetime repercussions of NAS may be for the infants, but short-term symptoms include seizures, trouble feeding, excessive crying, diarrhea and rapid breathing.

“They go through the same withdrawals that an adult would go through, except they’re not able to verbalize what that pain is,” Pat Brown, manager of the newborn intensive care unit at Tuscon Medical Center, told

The numbers reflect the rising rate of heroin abuse in the U.S. and the general prevalence of prescription opioids in American households. More Americans are taking prescription painkillers than ever before, despite record heroin abuse and rising overdose death rates connected to opioids.

Arizona is not the only state experiencing rising rates of NAS related to opioids. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born exposed to opioids more than quadrupled over the past decade. Officials recorded 598 babies born with an opioid addiction in 2015, up from 142 cases in 2006. In Missouri, at least eight-in-1,000 babies born will now suffer opioid withdrawals, an increase of 538 percent since 2006.

Ohio is also experiencing rising levels of NAS, which are especially high in the Cincinnati region. Officials at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report a 14-fold increase in the number of newborns suffering from heroin or other opioid related withdrawals since 2009 at hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. Roughly 3.3 percent of babies born in the region are exposed to opioids while in the womb.


I rest my case.
Do you not understand what a consumption tax is?

Are you unclear as to why a corporate tax is essentially the same thing?
Corporate tax is an "income" tax and consumption tax is for consumers, dumbass. No, they're not the same.
As this thread has been pointing out, dumbass, is that tax is moved to the customer through higher pricing.

You are clueless and have the temerity to insult others.
Another liberal in favor of drugs ..... got it.
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.

Got it. It's all about you .... nothing else matters except your slavish devotion to yourself.

Gambling is, in fact, illegal in most portions of the US.

But, you wouldn't know that, would you?
So, aside from not understanding rights you also do not seem to understand the difference between state law and federal.

Color me shocked
Another liberal in favor of drugs ..... got it.
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.
Newborn babies are coming into the world suffering from excruciating opioid withdrawals due to the rising rates of heroin and painkiller abuse nationwide.

Officials from the Arizona Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 224 percent between 2008 and 2015. Additionally, officials said the rate of babies who are generally exposed to narcotics while in the womb spiked in the state by 219 percent between 2008 and 2014, reports

Doctors are still unsure what the lifetime repercussions of NAS may be for the infants, but short-term symptoms include seizures, trouble feeding, excessive crying, diarrhea and rapid breathing.

“They go through the same withdrawals that an adult would go through, except they’re not able to verbalize what that pain is,” Pat Brown, manager of the newborn intensive care unit at Tuscon Medical Center, told

The numbers reflect the rising rate of heroin abuse in the U.S. and the general prevalence of prescription opioids in American households. More Americans are taking prescription painkillers than ever before, despite record heroin abuse and rising overdose death rates connected to opioids.

Arizona is not the only state experiencing rising rates of NAS related to opioids. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born exposed to opioids more than quadrupled over the past decade. Officials recorded 598 babies born with an opioid addiction in 2015, up from 142 cases in 2006. In Missouri, at least eight-in-1,000 babies born will now suffer opioid withdrawals, an increase of 538 percent since 2006.

Ohio is also experiencing rising levels of NAS, which are especially high in the Cincinnati region. Officials at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report a 14-fold increase in the number of newborns suffering from heroin or other opioid related withdrawals since 2009 at hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. Roughly 3.3 percent of babies born in the region are exposed to opioids while in the womb.


I rest my case.
Your case is, once again, based on a fallacy. The same exact situation is true for babies born from women who abused alcohol. It is also illegal.

Do you not understand that your actions, when damming others, is illegal and when they are not it should not be.
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.

Got it. It's all about you .... nothing else matters except your slavish devotion to yourself.

Gambling is, in fact, illegal in most portions of the US.

But, you wouldn't know that, would you?
So, aside from not understanding rights you also do not seem to understand the difference between state law and federal.

Color me shocked

Ok, that was stupid .... you got caught, and now you're trying to move the goalposts.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way ...
That depends on who's definition of a Liberal you use. Thomas Payne's version is similar to the Libertarians. Individuals should be free to pursue their own wants/desires as they see fit with no other individual interfering with them doing so as long as they are hurting no one other than themselves. Freedom for individuals.

I call myself a compassionate Libertarian.

Who am I to stop someone, who can afford to buy drugs, from doing them? If they want to, let them. It's their body. Their choice.
Same thing with Prostitution. Regulate it, but don't outlaw it.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.
Newborn babies are coming into the world suffering from excruciating opioid withdrawals due to the rising rates of heroin and painkiller abuse nationwide.

Officials from the Arizona Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 224 percent between 2008 and 2015. Additionally, officials said the rate of babies who are generally exposed to narcotics while in the womb spiked in the state by 219 percent between 2008 and 2014, reports

Doctors are still unsure what the lifetime repercussions of NAS may be for the infants, but short-term symptoms include seizures, trouble feeding, excessive crying, diarrhea and rapid breathing.

“They go through the same withdrawals that an adult would go through, except they’re not able to verbalize what that pain is,” Pat Brown, manager of the newborn intensive care unit at Tuscon Medical Center, told

The numbers reflect the rising rate of heroin abuse in the U.S. and the general prevalence of prescription opioids in American households. More Americans are taking prescription painkillers than ever before, despite record heroin abuse and rising overdose death rates connected to opioids.

Arizona is not the only state experiencing rising rates of NAS related to opioids. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born exposed to opioids more than quadrupled over the past decade. Officials recorded 598 babies born with an opioid addiction in 2015, up from 142 cases in 2006. In Missouri, at least eight-in-1,000 babies born will now suffer opioid withdrawals, an increase of 538 percent since 2006.

Ohio is also experiencing rising levels of NAS, which are especially high in the Cincinnati region. Officials at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report a 14-fold increase in the number of newborns suffering from heroin or other opioid related withdrawals since 2009 at hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. Roughly 3.3 percent of babies born in the region are exposed to opioids while in the womb.


I rest my case.
Your case is, once again, based on a fallacy. The same exact situation is true for babies born from women who abused alcohol. It is also illegal.

Do you not understand that your actions, when damming others, is illegal and when they are not it should not be.

Ok, it should be. I'm not going to say "you are doing something wrong, so when I do something wrong... it's ok."

That's the argument of a 2-year-old. Grow up.

If you think X is wrong... great... let's push to ban X as well.

The theory that because x is wrong, then what I'm doing wrong, is ok.... no. No you are thinking like a child. Mature. Grow up. Become an adult.

It seems that it is your body until you do something that they do not like with it. Then suddenly it becomes theirs.

You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.
Newborn babies are coming into the world suffering from excruciating opioid withdrawals due to the rising rates of heroin and painkiller abuse nationwide.

Officials from the Arizona Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 224 percent between 2008 and 2015. Additionally, officials said the rate of babies who are generally exposed to narcotics while in the womb spiked in the state by 219 percent between 2008 and 2014, reports

Doctors are still unsure what the lifetime repercussions of NAS may be for the infants, but short-term symptoms include seizures, trouble feeding, excessive crying, diarrhea and rapid breathing.

“They go through the same withdrawals that an adult would go through, except they’re not able to verbalize what that pain is,” Pat Brown, manager of the newborn intensive care unit at Tuscon Medical Center, told

The numbers reflect the rising rate of heroin abuse in the U.S. and the general prevalence of prescription opioids in American households. More Americans are taking prescription painkillers than ever before, despite record heroin abuse and rising overdose death rates connected to opioids.

Arizona is not the only state experiencing rising rates of NAS related to opioids. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born exposed to opioids more than quadrupled over the past decade. Officials recorded 598 babies born with an opioid addiction in 2015, up from 142 cases in 2006. In Missouri, at least eight-in-1,000 babies born will now suffer opioid withdrawals, an increase of 538 percent since 2006.

Ohio is also experiencing rising levels of NAS, which are especially high in the Cincinnati region. Officials at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report a 14-fold increase in the number of newborns suffering from heroin or other opioid related withdrawals since 2009 at hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. Roughly 3.3 percent of babies born in the region are exposed to opioids while in the womb.


I rest my case.
Your case is, once again, based on a fallacy. The same exact situation is true for babies born from women who abused alcohol. It is also illegal.

Do you not understand that your actions, when damming others, is illegal and when they are not it should not be.

Ok, it should be. I'm not going to say "you are doing something wrong, so when I do something wrong... it's ok."

That's the argument of a 2-year-old. Grow up.

If you think X is wrong... great... let's push to ban X as well.

The theory that because x is wrong, then what I'm doing wrong, is ok.... no. No you are thinking like a child. Mature. Grow up. Become an adult.
Bullshit. All you have here is insults because you cannot support a position. That is the childish argument here - there is nothing wrong with using a valid analogy.

Come back when you have an actual point.
You can do anything you want with your body --- we don't care. BUT ... we do care when what you do affects other people. Your lack of respect for the rights of others is appalling.
I have no lack of respect for others rights - that is firmly in your court.

If you truly supported the right to do with your body as you please, you would not demand that it be illegal for you to put something into it. This bullshit about it affecting other people is exactly that - bullshit. Driving while intoxicated and other dangerous acts will still be illegal. The social effects are none of your business in the same manner that gambling or just being a general asshole is none of your business. Neither of those are illegal and both of those can be just as damaging to families and relationships.
Newborn babies are coming into the world suffering from excruciating opioid withdrawals due to the rising rates of heroin and painkiller abuse nationwide.

Officials from the Arizona Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 224 percent between 2008 and 2015. Additionally, officials said the rate of babies who are generally exposed to narcotics while in the womb spiked in the state by 219 percent between 2008 and 2014, reports

Doctors are still unsure what the lifetime repercussions of NAS may be for the infants, but short-term symptoms include seizures, trouble feeding, excessive crying, diarrhea and rapid breathing.

“They go through the same withdrawals that an adult would go through, except they’re not able to verbalize what that pain is,” Pat Brown, manager of the newborn intensive care unit at Tuscon Medical Center, told

The numbers reflect the rising rate of heroin abuse in the U.S. and the general prevalence of prescription opioids in American households. More Americans are taking prescription painkillers than ever before, despite record heroin abuse and rising overdose death rates connected to opioids.

Arizona is not the only state experiencing rising rates of NAS related to opioids. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services revealed the rate of babies born exposed to opioids more than quadrupled over the past decade. Officials recorded 598 babies born with an opioid addiction in 2015, up from 142 cases in 2006. In Missouri, at least eight-in-1,000 babies born will now suffer opioid withdrawals, an increase of 538 percent since 2006.

Ohio is also experiencing rising levels of NAS, which are especially high in the Cincinnati region. Officials at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report a 14-fold increase in the number of newborns suffering from heroin or other opioid related withdrawals since 2009 at hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. Roughly 3.3 percent of babies born in the region are exposed to opioids while in the womb.


I rest my case.
Your case is, once again, based on a fallacy. The same exact situation is true for babies born from women who abused alcohol. It is also illegal.

Do you not understand that your actions, when damming others, is illegal and when they are not it should not be.

Ok, it should be. I'm not going to say "you are doing something wrong, so when I do something wrong... it's ok."

That's the argument of a 2-year-old. Grow up.

If you think X is wrong... great... let's push to ban X as well.

The theory that because x is wrong, then what I'm doing wrong, is ok.... no. No you are thinking like a child. Mature. Grow up. Become an adult.
Bullshit. All you have here is insults because you cannot support a position. That is the childish argument here - there is nothing wrong with using a valid analogy.

Come back when you have an actual point.

Coming from someone who didn't have a valid position, that they could support. Hypocrite much?

Come back when you have an actual point.
Then you just end up paying their extra taxes. Duh.
That's what I just got done saying! I don't want to pay their taxes for them.
You don't have a choice, because the only way to avoid paying their taxes is to not buy their products. Think of it this way. If I pay 15% overall in income taxes and I want to take home $100,000 this year, I don't price my services so as to earn $100,000. I price my services so as to earn at least $115,000. That's how corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer.
Then you just end up paying their extra taxes. Duh.
That's what I just got done saying! I don't want to pay their taxes for them.

If you buy their products... you are paying their taxes for them. If you buy services from someone who buys their product, you are paying their taxes for them.

The only way to not pay their taxes... is to not buy anything from them, or from anyone who buys from them.

If you have NetFlix, you are paying the taxes that NetFlix is paying, plus the taxes that computer manufacturer is paying, plus the taxes that Intel, or IBM, or whatever the company they buy their parts is paying.

You are paying all those taxes... for them. All taxes are passed on to the consumer.

The only way other place to get taxes from, is from investment and growth, and jobs. So if you jack up my corporate taxes, and I know I can avoid paying those taxes by moving my jobs and investment to Canada, or somewhere else....That's likely what I'm going to do.

"We can't stand these companies outsourcing!"..... well you are the cause of that outsourcing.
If you buy their products... you are paying their taxes for them. If you buy services from someone who buys their product, you are paying their taxes for them.

The only way to not pay their taxes... is to not buy anything from them, or from anyone who buys from them.

If you have NetFlix, you are paying the taxes that NetFlix is paying, plus the taxes that computer manufacturer is paying, plus the taxes that Intel, or IBM, or whatever the company they buy their parts is paying.

You are paying all those taxes... for them. All taxes are passed on to the consumer.

The only way other place to get taxes from, is from investment and growth, and jobs. So if you jack up my corporate taxes, and I know I can avoid paying those taxes by moving my jobs and investment to Canada, or somewhere else....That's likely what I'm going to do.

"We can't stand these companies outsourcing!"..... well you are the cause of that outsourcing.
You're not moving your company anywhere where there is no demand for your product or service. Anyone who makes a profit in this country, has to pay taxes on that profit. There is no way I'm going to let you out of that obligation.
You don't have a choice, because the only way to avoid paying their taxes is to not buy their products. Think of it this way. If I pay 15% overall in income taxes and I want to take home $100,000 this year, I don't price my services so as to earn $100,000. I price my services so as to earn at least $115,000. That's how corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer.
And if your prices are not competitive, then your company suffers a loss of revenue from lack of business.
If you buy their products... you are paying their taxes for them. If you buy services from someone who buys their product, you are paying their taxes for them.

The only way to not pay their taxes... is to not buy anything from them, or from anyone who buys from them.

If you have NetFlix, you are paying the taxes that NetFlix is paying, plus the taxes that computer manufacturer is paying, plus the taxes that Intel, or IBM, or whatever the company they buy their parts is paying.

You are paying all those taxes... for them. All taxes are passed on to the consumer.

The only way other place to get taxes from, is from investment and growth, and jobs. So if you jack up my corporate taxes, and I know I can avoid paying those taxes by moving my jobs and investment to Canada, or somewhere else....That's likely what I'm going to do.

"We can't stand these companies outsourcing!"..... well you are the cause of that outsourcing.
You're not moving your company anywhere where there is no demand for your product or service. Anyone who makes a profit in this country, has to pay taxes on that profit. There is no way I'm going to let you out of that obligation.
Profit only comes after the taxes have been paid.
You don't have a choice, because the only way to avoid paying their taxes is to not buy their products. Think of it this way. If I pay 15% overall in income taxes and I want to take home $100,000 this year, I don't price my services so as to earn $100,000. I price my services so as to earn at least $115,000. That's how corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer.
And if your prices are not competitive, then your company suffers a loss of revenue from lack of business.
As the taxes are applied to everything, the prices raise everywhere.

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