How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:

When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

Lame ass dodge.

The sky is falling rightwing club..........:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Idiot liberal who thinks that the more emoticons you put in a post, the more right you are.

The stupid moron who gets his panties in a wad by an emoticon........:D:D:D:D

What are you 12 years old? Go away troll.
She's knows more about it than Chris Christie. Asymptomatic people are not infectious and she tested negative for Ebola.

Keep up the hysteria.

...oh, and stop watching Fox News.

You are a bigger idiot than I first assumed. She's a nurse, and a not a very good one at that. No one is saying that asymptomatic people are contagious.
She's knows more about it than Chris Christie. Asymptomatic people are not infectious and she tested negative for Ebola.

Keep up the hysteria.

...oh, and stop watching Fox News.

You are a bigger idiot than I first assumed. She's a nurse, and a not a very good one at that. No one is saying that asymptomatic people are contagious.
Yet, there she is in a 21 day quarantine. She tested negative for the virus yet the 21 day quarantine policy was implemented from Republican governor Chris Christie, not a doctor. Please call me an idiot again.
Because we know the test is 100% effective at early stages, right?
So we are dealing with absolutes now. Right now no one can confirm that you are 100% free of diseases. Shall we lock you up?
I wasnt exposed to Ebola, moron. She was. See the difference?
I didn't say Ebola did I. There is no way in the world to determine if you are right now 100% disease free.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

The slut is still claiming there is man made global warming. She now shifts the goal posts like every moronic left wing waste of shit and claims we say there is no such thing as "climate change."

From the moronic pervert who tries to act as if he and conservatives believe in Climate Change so tries to insinuate that I'm changing the conversation from global warming to climate change when we know the idiot and his leaders don't even believe in Climate Change.

Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have just voted to deny reality. In particular, they voted against an amendment offered by ranking Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman that stated the following:

Congress accepts the scientific finding of the Environmental Protection Agency that ‘warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.’
GOP Votes Against Climate Change Reality

The climate is constantly changing and none of us that deny that. It is the left that curiously changed the terminology from man made global warming to "climate change." You see, to a dirty whore they mean the same thing.

Bwahahaha, you infected pervert, tell that to your leaders, you and your dumb leaders don't believe in Climate Change.

Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have just voted to deny reality. In particular, they voted against an amendment offered by ranking Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman that stated the following:

Congress accepts the scientific finding of the Environmental Protection Agency that ‘warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.’

GOP Votes Against Climate Change Reality

LOL, at their stupidity and how easy it is for the democrats to shift terminology into something more ambiguous to be more inclusive of all weather events.

Looks to me, you ignorant imbecile, you are the one that is trying to make it seem that you agree with one and not the other when in reality, you and your stupid idiot leaders deny what the majority of scientist believe, but you agree with moronic idiots who think that God mandates rape because "That is what He intended".

Dumb morons like this slut cannot see she is manipulated. So, let us know if man made global warming so such a fact, why the concerted effort to change the terminology. We are all waiting for your double sided, double talking, explanation.

The only one being manipulated here is you, you dumb pervert who thinks that by using insulting words that it makes you seem smarter than your junior high education when in reality it just shows how utterly stupid and ignorant you are and want to remain.

Is this whore still claiming too that trans fats is a bigger danger to the public than a deadly infectious disease? Do these morons have any control over how pathetic they allow themselves to get?

Does this STD infected pervert still hiding in his basement because Ebola is coming to get him......bwahahaha!
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

Lame ass dodge.
No it's not. If it's a medical matter on the suject of viruses or diseases I would listen to a Doctor who is the director at the National Institute for Allergys and Diseases. Does Chris Christie have a medical degree in diseases?

You are listening to a politician, not a doctor. And a epically stupid politician at that.
No, I was listening to Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Nurse in question.

He's a politician idiot. He just happens to also be a doctor (Ron Paul is a doctor too). He's a stupid one to boot.

He's an idiot politician. There, I fixed it for you.
I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.

That's why it makes no sense, and neither does Obama.

His administration is run like a campaign, not meant to accomplish pressing issues. Merely to make Obama look good. His choice for Ebola Czar is a perfect example. Nominating a fixer instead of an experienced professional with expertise in the field.
You would think that if they are going to quarantine someone they would at least provide adequate facilities. I don't blame the nurse for complaining....I'm sure idiot Christie wouldn't like to be quarantined in the facility they made available for the nurse. He would be the first one to reject his own mandate!

Leave it to come up with half-ass solutions. Like the fear mongers that they are, they can't even calm down long enough to come up with feasible solutions.

The first person to be isolated for 21 days under new rules, she described her treatment a "frenzy of disorganization."

“Tired, hungry and confused,” she was isolated, with people asking her questions “one after another.”

“No one seemed to be in charge. No one would tell me what was going on or what would happen to me."

After several hours her temperature was tested with a forehead scanner, which revealed “fever” that Hickox said was only a result of flushing cheeks after the airport ordeal. Hickox, a graduate of two US universities explained that an oral thermometer would be more accurate, but she was taken to the hospital instead where she will be staying for 21 days.

Hickox wrote she was placed in a tent that “sat outside of the building.” The oral thermometer showed no fever and her preliminary tests for Ebola came back negative.

The nurse’s mother and DWB told the Wall Street Journal that Hickox was being held in an unheated tent with a portable toilet, but no shower.

“The location is an extended care facility inside a building that is part of the hospital,” Dawn Thomas, spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Health Thomas said in an email, as cited by Reuters.“We understand that this is an inconvenience but our primary concern is the health of the patient.”

Like a criminal US nurse quarantined upon return from Africa blasts disorganization RT USA
Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.

That's why it makes no sense, and neither does Obama.

His administration is run like a campaign, not meant to accomplish pressing issues. Merely to make Obama look good. His choice for Ebola Czar is a perfect example. Nominating a fixer instead of an experienced professional with expertise in the field.

Now you are just mouthing talking points. Obama has accomplished a lot....considering the state of affairs the country was in when Obama took over (thanks to Bush), he has managed to accomplish a lot. In spite of the obstinate Republicans in Congress who vote no, to everything he tries to do for Americans, Republicans keep fighting him and making thing worse. Shutting down the government, like idiot Ted Cruz did, costing us taxpayers billions over something that even a junior high school kid would be able to figure out (you can't repeal Obamacare while Obama is President), they've wasted tons of taxpayer money trying to do just that. Millions of people who didn't have health care, now do, but you and other conservatives support your leaders who insist on taking that away, and replacing it with what? They haven't even taken time to try and come up with something they might think is better, their whole goal is just to put the shaft to Americans.
If you have the Flu, you're able to infect anyone who hasn't gotten the flu shot or those who haven't gotten a shot with your particular strain of flu inoculation. Thirty-thousand plus die each year. About 1/4 million are hospitalized. In this nation only.
If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.

That's why it makes no sense, and neither does Obama.

His administration is run like a campaign, not meant to accomplish pressing issues. Merely to make Obama look good. His choice for Ebola Czar is a perfect example. Nominating a fixer instead of an experienced professional with expertise in the field.

Now you are just mouthing talking points. Obama has accomplished a lot....considering the state of affairs the country was in when Obama took over (thanks to Bush), he has managed to accomplish a lot. In spite of the obstinate Republicans in Congress who vote no, to everything he tries to do for Americans, Republicans keep fighting him and making thing worse. Shutting down the government, like idiot Ted Cruz did, costing us taxpayers billions over something that even a junior high school kid would be able to figure out (you can't repeal Obamacare while Obama is President), they've wasted tons of taxpayer money trying to do just that. Millions of people who didn't have health care, now do, but you and other conservatives support your leaders who insist on taking that away, and replacing it with what? They haven't even taken time to try and come up with something they might think is better, their whole goal is just to put the shaft to Americans.

Talk about mouthing talking-points.

We've been over this nonsense waaay too many times to jump you on every nonsensical point you made, but I don't miss arguing over liberal propaganda. It's such a time waster.:argue:
If you have the Flu, you're able to infect anyone who hasn't gotten the flu shot or those who haven't gotten a shot with your particular strain of flu inoculation. Thirty-thousand plus die each year. About 1/4 million are hospitalized. In this nation only.

That doesn't register with them.....they have been so terrified by the Faux News fear mongering regarding Ebola and how Obama is responsible for the epidemic (in their minds) that they are unable to reason or even think rationally.
This is the problem when the OP makes statements about people without actually giving any information about who he's talking about.
Isolated nurse slams Chris Christie s Ebola quarantine policy World news

Yeah, this nurse gets herself infected because she was sloppy with her isolation protocol and suddenly she's an expert?
She's knows more about it than Chris Christie. Asymptomatic people are not infectious and she tested negative for Ebola.

Keep up the hysteria.

...oh, and stop watching Fox News.

You are a bigger idiot than I first assumed. She's a nurse, and a not a very good one at that. No one is saying that asymptomatic people are contagious.
This is the problem when the OP makes statements about people without actually giving any information about who he's talking about.
Isolated nurse slams Chris Christie s Ebola quarantine policy World news

Yeah, this nurse gets herself infected because she was sloppy with her isolation protocol and suddenly she's an expert?
She's knows more about it than Chris Christie. Asymptomatic people are not infectious and she tested negative for Ebola.

Keep up the hysteria.

...oh, and stop watching Fox News.

You are a bigger idiot than I first assumed. She's a nurse, and a not a very good one at that. No one is saying that asymptomatic people are contagious.
Yet, there she is in a 21 day quarantine. She tested negative for the virus yet the 21 day quarantine policy was implemented from Republican governor Chris Christie, not a doctor. Please call me an idiot again.
This is going to bite Christie's ass. He was trying to appeal to ignorant Fox watchers.
And Cuomo, who was he appealing too?

People buying his book?
That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.

That's why it makes no sense, and neither does Obama.

His administration is run like a campaign, not meant to accomplish pressing issues. Merely to make Obama look good. His choice for Ebola Czar is a perfect example. Nominating a fixer instead of an experienced professional with expertise in the field.

Now you are just mouthing talking points. Obama has accomplished a lot....considering the state of affairs the country was in when Obama took over (thanks to Bush), he has managed to accomplish a lot. In spite of the obstinate Republicans in Congress who vote no, to everything he tries to do for Americans, Republicans keep fighting him and making thing worse. Shutting down the government, like idiot Ted Cruz did, costing us taxpayers billions over something that even a junior high school kid would be able to figure out (you can't repeal Obamacare while Obama is President), they've wasted tons of taxpayer money trying to do just that. Millions of people who didn't have health care, now do, but you and other conservatives support your leaders who insist on taking that away, and replacing it with what? They haven't even taken time to try and come up with something they might think is better, their whole goal is just to put the shaft to Americans.

Talk about mouthing talking-points.

We've been over this nonsense waaay too many times to jump you on every nonsensical point you made, but I don't miss arguing over liberal propaganda. It's such a time waster.:argue:

Nice try at deflection. How many repeals have conservatives in Congress submitted? 43? How many times does it take to realize that the Senate is not going to pass it? How many times does it take for conservatives to realize that if by some rare chance in hell the Senate would pass it, that Obama would veto it? I guess the conservatives in Congress are not even able to figure that out, and you agree with them.....gotcha!:rolleyes:
You would think that if they are going to quarantine someone they would at least provide adequate facilities. I don't blame the nurse for complaining....I'm sure idiot Christie wouldn't like to be quarantined in the facility they made available for the nurse. He would be the first one to reject his own mandate!

Leave it to come up with half-ass solutions. Like the fear mongers that they are, they can't even calm down long enough to come up with feasible solutions.

The first person to be isolated for 21 days under new rules, she described her treatment a "frenzy of disorganization."

“Tired, hungry and confused,” she was isolated, with people asking her questions “one after another.”

“No one seemed to be in charge. No one would tell me what was going on or what would happen to me."

After several hours her temperature was tested with a forehead scanner, which revealed “fever” that Hickox said was only a result of flushing cheeks after the airport ordeal. Hickox, a graduate of two US universities explained that an oral thermometer would be more accurate, but she was taken to the hospital instead where she will be staying for 21 days.

Hickox wrote she was placed in a tent that “sat outside of the building.” The oral thermometer showed no fever and her preliminary tests for Ebola came back negative.

The nurse’s mother and DWB told the Wall Street Journal that Hickox was being held in an unheated tent with a portable toilet, but no shower.

“The location is an extended care facility inside a building that is part of the hospital,” Dawn Thomas, spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Health Thomas said in an email, as cited by Reuters.“We understand that this is an inconvenience but our primary concern is the health of the patient.”

Like a criminal US nurse quarantined upon return from Africa blasts disorganization RT USA

Which is complete irrelevant to the topic of this thread. You want to talk about this, start a thread on it. Does your mommy know you are on the Internet?
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was so plain and simple. You said you don't follow Obama.....which means you don't practice what you preach (use common sense.) Instead you follow leaders that don't have any common sense.

That's why it makes no sense, and neither does Obama.

His administration is run like a campaign, not meant to accomplish pressing issues. Merely to make Obama look good. His choice for Ebola Czar is a perfect example. Nominating a fixer instead of an experienced professional with expertise in the field.

Now you are just mouthing talking points. Obama has accomplished a lot....considering the state of affairs the country was in when Obama took over (thanks to Bush), he has managed to accomplish a lot. In spite of the obstinate Republicans in Congress who vote no, to everything he tries to do for Americans, Republicans keep fighting him and making thing worse. Shutting down the government, like idiot Ted Cruz did, costing us taxpayers billions over something that even a junior high school kid would be able to figure out (you can't repeal Obamacare while Obama is President), they've wasted tons of taxpayer money trying to do just that. Millions of people who didn't have health care, now do, but you and other conservatives support your leaders who insist on taking that away, and replacing it with what? They haven't even taken time to try and come up with something they might think is better, their whole goal is just to put the shaft to Americans.

Talk about mouthing talking-points.

We've been over this nonsense waaay too many times to jump you on every nonsensical point you made, but I don't miss arguing over liberal propaganda. It's such a time waster.:argue:

Nice try at deflection. How many repeals have conservatives in Congress submitted? 43? How many times does it take to realize that the Senate is not going to pass it? How many times does it take for conservatives to realize that if by some rare chance in hell the Senate would pass it, that Obama would veto it? I guess the conservatives in Congress are not even able to figure that out, and you agree with them.....gotcha!:rolleyes:

Quit with the nonsense.

You just admitted that Obama is holding everything up, and Harry Reid is helping him as well.
If you have the Flu, you're able to infect anyone who hasn't gotten the flu shot or those who haven't gotten a shot with your particular strain of flu inoculation. Thirty-thousand plus die each year. About 1/4 million are hospitalized. In this nation only.

That doesn't register with them.....they have been so terrified by the Faux News fear mongering regarding Ebola and how Obama is responsible for the epidemic (in their minds) that they are unable to reason or even think rationally.

I really don't blame the conservatives for thinking about unconventional remedies to unconventional diseases.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

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