How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:

So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.
They take off time from their regular jobs to go and probably can't get the additional leave time.

But good to see you supporting big government.

Government has, as it's most important job, the job of protecting the people from outside threats. You can call it big government if YOU want to but your cheap shot misses the mark.
You've said the nurse was a bad nurse with no evidence and you cheer her being locked up without access to a bathroom or shower. You are a big government stooge.

What the hell are you talking about? The infected nurse was hospitalized, are you saying she didn't have a bathroom and a shower?

I have all the evidence I need to show that she screwed up the isolation procedures. Of the 70 people who took care of Duncan, she and one other got infected. that's because they screwed up and got sloppy.
Wow, you have different nurses mixed up, no wonder you often don't make sense.

Excuse me nit wit, you brought up my statement that the nurse was a sloppy one. The nurse I made that statement about was the one who treated Duncan. YOU have the wrong nurse dumbass.
I want to thank all the lefties who came to this thread and proved my thread title correct.
You just cannot believe the left wingers cannot possibly post anything dumber than the day before, and they just cannot help themselves.

From comparing the common flu to Ebola and claiming trans fats is more dangerous than a deadly infectious disease, to the fact they still claim man made global warming is a fact.

Quarantining healthcare workers from the hot zones does not even make sense to these worthless sacks of shit.

Of course, it would make perfect sense if their murdering sack of incompetent shit in chief declared that erring on the side of caution for the safety of American citizens, they would all of a sudden claim this disaster in white house is doing something great.

Remember, they are the truthers who then cheered and yelled like Tarzan that bin laden was killed "by obama." The person they had claimed did not plan 911 mind you, all of a sudden bragged that obama killed him.

The worst part is, they actually somehow make sense to each other.'s been said repeatedly over the news channels that if a person is NOT exhibiting symptoms of Ebola (fever, aches, vomiting, etc.) then they are very low risk for transmitting the disease.

One of the things that makes Ebola so virulent over in West Africa is the fact that when a person starts to exhibit signs of the disease (fever, aches, vomiting, etc.), THAT is the point that they become infectious, as well as the fact that the virus continues to multiply from that point forward, even until after the death of the host, which is when it is most virulent.

They don't have the same kind of facilities (i.e. sewage, running water and health facilities) that we do over here, which is why the disease spreads so quickly over there.

Nope.....................Ebola isn't going to take root here in the U.S., nor is there anything to really be concerned about other than the right wing scare points they'd have you believe.

If the GOP was to be listened to, you would be scared of Ebola infected ISIL terrorists sneaking across the border with the Mexicans.
So true

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So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

So what are you suggesting? That they have no quarantine? Isn't that more stupid?
Obama is flat out stating NO quarantine and is attacking the States that create one.
Link to Obama claiming 57 States? Really? Or to a stupid democrat claiming Guam would fall over and sink? What are you stupid?

I know one....How about Bush invading Iraq? That tops them all.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

So what are you suggesting? That they have no quarantine? Isn't that more stupid?
Obama is flat out stating NO quarantine and is attacking the States that create one.

There ya go dumb ass.

No, here you are ignorant dumb ass.

the nurses and doctors who donate their time going over there to treat ebola patients, use their vacation time to do this....

If you quarantine all nurses and Doctors when they return home, even if they are not running a fever and show no signs of having the disease, and can not pass this disease on in the healthy state they are in, then you prevent them from returning to work and prevent them from making their livelihood, by preventing them from earning their incomes for 21 more days.

this in turn will make doctors and nurses NOT go over there and treat and combat the Ebola Outbreak.....

the nurses could lose their jobs at their work for not showing up to work for an additional 21 days, or be forced to go on disability at their jobs which doesn't pay nearly enough, they could just fire them and hire another nurse....while the nurse never showed signs or any fever....

It's a muddy is not as clean cut as we may see it...

We don't need to chase health care workers away from this epidemic in Africa, we need to INCREASE worldwide, healthcare workers over there in Africa to contain it....

So there has to be some sort of standard that protects us, protects the healthcare workers and protects the disease from becoming a world wide pandemic.
Has anybody ever considered any of the myriad benefits of creating your own political philosophy rather than just joining a herd?

Not only are you freed to notice and comment upon stupidity no matter the political stripe, but you are far less likely to say stupid things.

Intelligence is not the product of any given political orientation even as those attempting to influence your political opinions keep telling you this is so. There are smart liberals, and there are stupid leftists. There are smart conservatives and there are stupid dittoheads. There are smart libertarians and there are a bunch of kids who think repeating the words they find at Lewrockwell dot com is the basic requirement thereof.

People who are insecure about their level of intelligence may wish to assuage such feelings by investing a sense of superiority in their chosen political ideology, but that is just a crutch. Joining a herd does not make a person intelligent. If anything, it just proves the opposite.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

Lame ass dodge.

The sky is falling rightwing club..........:lmao::lmao::lmao:

From a whore who believed 6 years ago that the earth was going to be flooded due to global warming, and still believes in the bullshit.

She still thinks the country "invaded" Iraq, rather than it being a liberation from a tyrant. Wait, the slut claims she hates it when people are tortured (mind you, they feign outrage over 5 terrorists who planned 911 that were water boarded) but when it comes to a tyrant murdering and torturing his people, well they wish he was still around.

The dumb whore thinks there is nothing to worry about an infectious disease coming into the country that is one of the deadliest diseases on the planet. The moron still parrots the same left wing talking points, all while thinking she is oh so smart.

Can you believe how moronic liberals allow themselves to get?
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

Lame ass dodge.

The sky is falling rightwing club..........:lmao::lmao::lmao:

From a whore who believed 6 years ago that the earth was going to be flooded due to global warming, and still believes in the bullshit.

She still thinks the country "invaded" Iraq, rather than it being a liberation from a tyrant. Wait, the slut claims she hates it when people are tortured (mind you, they feign outrage over 5 terrorists who planned 911 that were water boarded) but when it comes to a tyrant murdering and torturing his people, well they wish he was still around.

The dumb whore thinks there is nothing to worry about an infectious disease coming into the country that is one of the deadliest diseases on the planet. The moron still parrots the same left wing talking points, all while thinking she is oh so smart.

Can you believe how moronic liberals allow themselves to get?

From a pervert who supports the idea that there is no such thing as climate change even though the majority of scientists say there is. From the idiot who still thinks that it was okay to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and let the real perpetrators go free and supports the dumb ass president who said he wouldn't go after OBL.....but the idiot then tried to give credit to the dumb ass president when Obama had Osama Bin Ladin killed. And who claims to be one that loves the Constitution, yet supports the barbaric methods his party suggests to use to get information from terrorists although it was proven that it doesn't get us the information we need. The definition of insanity, do it over and over even if it doesn't work....that's what this stupid idiot supports along with the rest of sheep who go along with it.

From the pervert who thinks that a handful of people coming to the US with Ebola is an epidemic even though the majority of them have been taken care of and cleared of the disease....

From the asshole who thinks Rush Limbaugh is the GOP's EOE........bwahahaha...and Faux News is the only thing he watches....I know you don't know what that means, idiot, it means "Expert On Everything".......

Can you believe an idiot who "doesn't know and doesn't know he doesn't know"......well, here's the owl for you.
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When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
The slut is still claiming there is man made global warming. She now shifts the goal posts like every moronic left wing waste of shit and claims we say there is no such thing as "climate change."

The climate is constantly changing and none of us that deny that. It is the left that curiously changed the terminology from man made global warming to "climate change." You see, to a dirty whore they mean the same thing.

LOL, at their stupidity and how easy it is for the democrats to shift terminology into something more ambiguous to be more inclusive of all weather events.

Dumb morons like this slut cannot see she is manipulated. So, let us know if man made global warming so such a fact, why the concerted effort to change the terminology. We are all waiting for your double sided, double talking, explanation.

Is this whore still claiming too that trans fats is a bigger danger to the public than a deadly infectious disease? Do these morons have any control over how pathetic they allow themselves to get?
Can we stick to the topic? Don't let the left wing nut jobs derail the thread.
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

Lame ass dodge.

The sky is falling rightwing club..........:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Idiot liberal who thinks that the more emoticons you put in a post, the more right you are.

The stupid moron who gets his panties in a wad by an emoticon........:D:D:D:D
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria

I think it's better to use common-sense rather than listen to a Democrat with forked tongue just trying to make it through another election.

Yet conservatives do just that....follow the leader even though the leader has no common sense.

If you mean Obama, of course I don't.

That's why you don't practice what you preach....
Make some sense rather than just lashing out.

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