How Stupid is Trump?

Someone asks, "How Stupid is Trump?", and immediately the Trumpletons loyally congregate to demonstrate that, no matter how stupid the Trumpy really is, to them it doesn't matter, and why.
and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

youre right .. millions of illegal mexicans voted for clinton and didnt get her elected .. :45:
Someone asks, "How Stupid is Trump?", and immediately the Trumpletons loyally congregate to demonstrate that, no matter how stupid the Trumpy really is, to them it doesn't matter, and why.
well he beat all the smart people and won the presidency. how stupid is that?
Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

youre right .. millions of illegal mexicans voted for clinton and didnt get her elected .. :45:
not in california, nope. again, let's see how stupid you are. how is a presidential candidate elected?
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

On a side note, consider a demonstration of raw intelligence the consequence of which is to inspire righteous self-indignation from the tongues of millions such as you. Now imagine how brilliant a strategy this becomes vis a vis exposing the opposition. That's not even giving an enemy enough rope to hang oneself. That's getting the enemy to braid his own rope, tie the noose and put it on. Lol!
/——/ If Trump wants good press then he should become a gun grabbing, tax raising Prog like Hildabeast

Idiots whose followers use the word Hildabeast aren't very popular. They won't get good press.
and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.
/——/ and the Smartest Woman in the world couldn’t beat stupid Trump. She thought she had it in the bag and coasted over the finish line in second place.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Someone who gets their talking points from a late night talk show host. How quaint. And you call Trump a moron?
Where do you get your news?
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

Which billionaire owns fox?

Or Sinclair Broadcast Group - the nation's largest chain of tv stations, representing all four networks. It doesn't get more mainstream than that, and it's in the tank for Trump.

Please display evidence from the four networks that supports your contention.

And then what?

TRANSLATION: "I cannot."
LOL...this is near-perfect.

Flocks of Trumpbots desperately trying to spin the OP video to try and explain away why their messiah comes across so INCREDIBLY stupid/ignorant/retarded in the it.

When Trumpbots start spinning the facts like know you are getting to them (of course - like all trolls/ignorant, little minions - they will NEVER dare admit that...not even to themselves, probably).

And with 163 replies in less then 6 hours - FAR and AWAY most of them from spinning Trumpbots - brother, is that video pissing them off.


Of course, 12 'Agree's' and 1 'Thank You' for the OP post is nice to see as well. Especially on a heavily-skewed con side.
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and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
Idiots whose followers use the word Hildabeast aren't very popular. They won't get good press.
and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.
and it was her stupid...... fault.

Her fault that Russia interfered with our elections to help Trump? Her fault that Comey ignored all those FBI guidelines when he made his little speech, and then again when he waited a month, and then announced the reopening of that investigation 11 days before the election? Her fault that nothing was said about the ongoing investigation into Trump's connection with Russian spies?
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

The only gaffe there is the 16 years, and not a big deal really. Who cares? Only people who hate him already. NASA has been out of the business of putting people into space. That's clearly what he was talking about here.

It's a message board and all, but this kind of nitpicking over every little thing and claiming it's proof that Trump is borderline retarded is part of why Trump's approval ratings keep slowly ticking up.

Trump is borderline retarded. And if you can continue supporting this while looking at what he's done, then you might very well be also.

Exactly my point. If you think your inflammatory language is doing yourself and your side and favors in the eyes of independents (the ones who actually decide elections) then you're flat wrong. It's why the Republicans are fucking dumb as well. The democrats are throwing huge voting blocks out of their party in the name of leftist purity and the republicans are only mirroring them. If either one party would step back from their brand of hate and division for a couple seconds, actually listening to what somewhat normal people want, they'd completely wax the other in the next election.

Both parties are not the problem. I'm sorry but as a democrat I don't accept the fact that because we can't stand the right wing racists who currently run the republican party that we are ruining anything. Independents should stand with us against this not on the sidelines talking about hate on both sides. How much more can a party listen to normal people than the fucking platform the democratic party put out there in 2016? And who are these so called "normal" people you are talking about?

That's because democrats aren't normal. Nor are republicans. You have to be so biased as not to see this.

Edit to add: ...and you're not sorry that you're a rabid blue team cheerleader. You don't need to apologize for something you're not sorry for. It's alright with me. ;)

Not biased, just looking at what both parties have done for the last 40-50 years.
Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
/——-/ Actually Republicans accept the results of elections. It’s democRATs who refuse to accept it and have destructive riots and meltdowns. And I don't care what you have patience for.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

In the meantime, how about the lower taxes for everyone, great economy and jobs numbers. Even the hated brown people are prospering thanks to President Trump. You'll just have to pucker up for the next 6 years.
Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
you hate people who voted in the guy that beat your candidate, and you are too stupid to accept the defeat. instead you and your friends go on an all out butthurt crying tantrum. and you know how elections work? hahahahahaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

some day you might actually absorb the process on how it actually works. popular vote doesn't win.
and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.
and it was her stupid...... fault.

Her fault that Russia interfered with our elections to help Trump? Her fault that Comey ignored all those FBI guidelines when he made his little speech, and then again when he waited a month, and then announced the reopening of that investigation 11 days before the election? Her fault that nothing was said about the ongoing investigation into Trump's connection with Russian spies?
/——/ All lame excuses. No evidence Russia had any effect and Hildabeast brought this all on herself with her reckless actions. She was s lazy candidate who thought it was her turn
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
/——-/ Actually Republicans accept the results of elections. It’s democRATs who refuse to accept it and have destructive riots and meltdowns. And I don't care what you have patience for.

You chumps can't even accept the results of investigations.
and yet he is. amazing.

Amazingly stupid.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.
and it was her stupid...... fault.

Her fault that Russia interfered with our elections to help Trump? Her fault that Comey ignored all those FBI guidelines when he made his little speech, and then again when he waited a month, and then announced the reopening of that investigation 11 days before the election? Her fault that nothing was said about the ongoing investigation into Trump's connection with Russian spies?
she was? where is the evidence? sixteen months SP and two years congressional hearings and fking nothing. to keep going is .. well.... stupid. and debunks your claim :auiqs.jpg:

and, it's her fault for deleting 33k of emails, destroying evidence and using an unauthorized server for government business. no one elses fault, no ones but her. how stupid.
She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
/——-/ Actually Republicans accept the results of elections. It’s democRATs who refuse to accept it and have destructive riots and meltdowns. And I don't care what you have patience for.

You chumps can't even accept the results of investigations.

What results? Please specify, and provide official documentation as to the results.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t beat Amazingly Stupid when she had MSM trying to pull her across the finish line.

She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
you hate people who voted in the guy that beat your candidate, and you are too stupid to accept the defeat. instead you and your friends go on an all out butthurt crying tantrum. and you know how elections work? hahahahahaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

some day you might actually absorb the process on how it actually works. popular vote doesn't win.

So how many times has the person who won the popular vote lost the election?

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