How Stupid is Trump?

So how many times has the person who won the popular vote lost the election?
/———/ once or twice. But it’s still an irrelevant point. How many teams have scored the most runs in 7 games and still lost the World Series ? Candidates run their campaign on winning the most Electoral Votes, not the popular vote. But all this had been discussed for the last year and a half.

Poor analogy. There is more than one game in a series. So if you have a one game series and score fewer runs, you lose. You Trump lovers need to understand that what Trump is doing is not what the majority wants.
/—-/ It’s a perfect analogy. There are rules that determine the winner of a presidential race just like there are in the World Series. Pointing to other statistics that have no bearing on the race are pointless and label you a sore loser

Every election is decided by the popular vote, with the exception of POTUS and VPOTUS. Trump is the President, but he did not, and does not have a mandate to be the rabid bull in a China Shop he has become.

Every rational thinking person understands he is inept and morally unfit to be POTUS.
/——/ When Obozo won he said elections have consequences. So deal with it

I do, every day I point out how inept, incompetent and immoral Trump is, and how he is the worst person to ever occupy the Oval Office - when he's not on the golf course, tweeting or alienating our allies.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

^^^ almost a perfect description of all of your posts; almost because your posts are also never rational, reasonable or substantive.

He bashes only toward the left, uses bullshit right-wing talking points, but insists he's above the fray.

Go figure.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
Here's an idea :cool-45:

About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:
She was also competing with Comey, Russians, and lots more crazies than anybody thought were possible. He just barely beat her with all that help.

Trump couldn't even get the majority of the peoples vote and relied on states using voter suppression to get the necessary electoral votes.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
you hate people who voted in the guy that beat your candidate, and you are too stupid to accept the defeat. instead you and your friends go on an all out butthurt crying tantrum. and you know how elections work? hahahahahaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

some day you might actually absorb the process on how it actually works. popular vote doesn't win.

So how many times has the person who won the popular vote lost the election?

Irrelevant. The popular vote is to elect state electors. The states elect the president, not the popular vote..
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:

You must be taking your cues from the top. Trump specializes in self-congratulations, too. No victory like self-declared victory!
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
/——-/ Actually Republicans accept the results of elections. It’s democRATs who refuse to accept it and have destructive riots and meltdowns. And I don't care what you have patience for.

You chumps can't even accept the results of investigations.

What results? Please specify, and provide official documentation as to the results.

No. You know good and damn well so I am not going to spend the time producing all of this documentation because you can't accept the fact that Hillary Clinton has been under endless investigations and was never found guilty of one crime. So you go look for the results yourself.

She is in a protected class. That is why she suffers no consequences.
If you believe this, you are stupid. So stupid you have no idea how our presidential elections work.

I know how elections work. And unlike you, I have studied he post election reports. I don't have much patience for a group of people like yourself who if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote, would not let the results stand, refuse to allow the presidency, and would still be trying to overturn the election.
you hate people who voted in the guy that beat your candidate, and you are too stupid to accept the defeat. instead you and your friends go on an all out butthurt crying tantrum. and you know how elections work? hahahahahaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

some day you might actually absorb the process on how it actually works. popular vote doesn't win.

So how many times has the person who won the popular vote lost the election?
/———/ once or twice. But it’s still an irrelevant point. How many teams have scored the most runs in 7 games and still lost the World Series ? Candidates run their campaign on winning the most Electoral Votes, not the popular vote. But all this had been discussed for the last year and a half.

Poor analogy. There is more than one game in a series. So if you have a one game series and score fewer runs, you lose. You Trump lovers need to understand that what Trump is doing is not what the majority wants.

That's good, because we are not a majority-ruled nation, but a nation of law.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?

Yes, and after the Shuttle program NASA became by Obama's order an outreach board to the Middle East and proponent of global warming.
That's what this is about. Restarting and redirecting NASA back to space and away from muslim outreach.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone

and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?

any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:

Ah, a definition of "leftist", FINALLY. We now know by jc's definition that all "leftists" are in his opinion smart people.

Once again, given enough monkey's enough time and one of them will post a truth.
:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:

You must be taking your cues from the top. Trump specializes in self-congratulations, too. No victory like self-declared victory!
/——/ President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it. President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:
You should probably seek help for those delusions. Here’s a helpful hint though. Anyone who wrote for Harvard Law Review is smarter than you are. And anyone who didn’t vote for Donald is smarter and more educted than you.
Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:

You must be taking your cues from the top. Trump specializes in self-congratulations, too. No victory like self-declared victory!
/——/ President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it. President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

That was reporting the news - Obama won. It wasn't - as in jc456's bullshit boast - just because he said so.
:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:
You should probably seek help for those delusions. Here’s a helpful hint though. Anyone who wrote for Harvard Law Review is smarter than you are.

I've often wondered why we have to this date not been permitted to see some of the brilliant legal treatises Obama produced on his way to the Harvard Law Review.

Why is that? I wonder ... :auiqs.jpg:
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Nope, O already sailed that dumb boat.
:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Don’t you love how the lowlife trumptards like insulting the people smarter than they are?

Which is everyone
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:
You should probably seek help for those delusions. Here’s a helpful hint though. Anyone who wrote for Harvard Law Review is smarter than you are. And anyone who didn’t vote for Donald is smarter and more educted than you.
/——/ writing for the Harvard Law Review doesn’t make Obozo smarter than me or anyone else. First of alI I studied Business at a private school and earned a 3.76 out of 4 GPA. So I am not allowed to write for HBR no matter how smart I am in other areas. Now what were Obozo's grades?
Last edited:
and the stupid people keep slapping the snot out of the smart people too funny.

Which smart person have you slapped the snot out of ?
any leftist in here. :auiqs.jpg:

You must be taking your cues from the top. Trump specializes in self-congratulations, too. No victory like self-declared victory!
/——/ President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it. President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

That was reporting the news - Obama won. It wasn't - as in jc456's bullshit boast - just because he said so.
/——/ Yes it is boasting but you’ll deflect no matter what I post.

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