How Stupid is Trump?


  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]

Yeah...intelligent people keep underestimating Trump's mental instability and stupidity....and that of his sadistic, un-American followers.

And he still lost the popular vote.

And I could care less about the Electoral College...he is not my POTUS. Actually, since both Trump and Pence should not be in the White House, then the next in line is Ryan.
Now I am no fan of the guy. But I would take him in a billionth of a second over the Trump/Pence freak show.
To me, Paul Ryan is the POTUS.
Trump/Pence are nothing but imposters.
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1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

So which of the 57 states do you live in?

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]
No, you offered bullshit talking points. Nice try, but no cigar.

Yeah...intelligent people keep underestimating Trump's mental instability and stupidity....and that of his sadistic, un-American followers.

And he still lost the popular vote.

And I could care less about the Electoral College...he is not my POTUS. Actually, since both Trump and Pence should not be in the White House, then the next in line is Ryan.
Now I am no fan of the guy. But I would take him in a billionth of a second over the Trump/Pence freak show.
To me, Paul Ryan is the POTUS.
Trump/Pence are nothing but imposters.
You've got a long 6.5 years ahead of you snowflake. You might want to get a helmet.

Yeah...intelligent people keep underestimating Trump's mental instability and stupidity....and that of his sadistic, un-American followers.

And he still lost the popular vote.

And I could care less about the Electoral College...he is not my POTUS. Actually, since both Trump and Pence should not be in the White House, then the next in line is Ryan.
Now I am no fan of the guy. But I would take him in a billionth of a second over the Trump/Pence freak show.
To me, Paul Ryan is the POTUS.
Trump/Pence are nothing but imposters.

You do not sound happy in your made up world. Even in the fantasy land you have created for yourself, you still sound pissed off. Relax little tiger. The adults are in charge now and everything is going to be OK.

Yeah...intelligent people keep underestimating Trump's mental instability and stupidity....and that of his sadistic, un-American followers.

And he still lost the popular vote.

And I could care less about the Electoral College...he is not my POTUS. Actually, since both Trump and Pence should not be in the White House, then the next in line is Ryan.
Now I am no fan of the guy. But I would take him in a billionth of a second over the Trump/Pence freak show.
To me, Paul Ryan is the POTUS.
Trump/Pence are nothing but imposters.

You do not sound happy in your made up world. Even in the fantasy land you have created for yourself, you still sound pissed off. Relax little tiger. The adults are in charge now and everything is going to be OK.
Adults in charge?? LOL Shirley you joke? The biggest crooks ,swamp creatures ,buffoons, ever to step into our WH
How many YEARS has it been since the space shuttle flew McStupid?'s Mr. insecurity/Small Hands who has to make up for what he lacks with ALL BOLD TYPE. LOL.

And as I told you....I have a BS in business, I skipped grade 1 and the government tested me at 125 IQ. I am no genius - far from it. But I am also miles from stupid.
But keep calling me stupid, Small Hands - if that makes you feel better. It just shows you also cannot read properly and/or it's time for your senility medication.

And shit!!! Are you stupid - as well as insecure.

The space program references were in regards to Trump inferring that America had never been to space...DUH. Why the hell else would I also mention Mercury, Gemini and Apollo...low IQ meathead?

And NASA still has LOTS of programs that are ongoing. So they are hardly in need of 're-opening' like President Moron said.

NASA - Wikipedia

And before you make yourself look even more idiotic and say 'but they are using private launch vehicles for those missions'.

Yup...and they were during the programs I mentioned above. Some/ALL of those launch vehicles were designed and built by private firms. Including the mighty Saturn V (from several private contractors).

We are done here. My dealing-with-trolls quota is up for now.

Have a medicated day.

About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.
That'......s.........Not true
No it's not.

“How Stupid is Trump?”


This is a failed, pathetic attempt by Trump to deflect from his immigration debacle.

Trump is as ridiculous as he is wrong.

The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?

Yes I voted for Stein. It is not judgemental. What about Rump U, what about Rump Foundation. Criminal and it will get exposed ask pitbull/ankle biter Cohen. And yes Rump is evil, Lucifer sits to the side of Rump at the table of evil.

I think you all should go to a doctor, those cases of TDS you guys have may possibly be terminal.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

So which of the 57 states do you live in?

That's not a rebuttal, it is an echo of too many other's idiot-grams, hackneyed, insipid and lacking substance.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]

No, you offered bullshit talking points. Nice try, but no cigar.

There is a difference between talking points and facts, facts can be verified, talking points are usually not verifiable and mostly half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations.

Thanks for proving you lack the skills and intelligence to write a rebuttal to even one of my facts/bullet points.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]

No, you offered bullshit talking points. Nice try, but no cigar.

There is a difference between talking points and facts, facts can be verified, talking points are usually not verifiable and mostly half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations.

Thanks for proving you lack the skills and intelligence to write a rebuttal to even one of my facts/bullet points.

"He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base."

Prove that, boy. You can't, because he didn't "create" it. It was already there.

PS: Don't think many illegals will fight for the leftists' cause, baby. On that, you're in for disappointment.

Illegals and voter fraud account for there even being a majority popular vote for Hillary.

What kind of sorry excuse will the left have in November?
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1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

/——/ Obozo shut down NASA and had them doing Muslim research or promotion or some kind of bullshyt and so Trump said 16 years. Is that like Obozo saying we have 56 states with two more to go? Did you give Obozo a pass on that?

Trump repeated himself many times that day... One slip of the tongue, other was from an ignorant fool with none of his staff able to correct him...

Yeah...intelligent people keep underestimating Trump's mental instability and stupidity....and that of his sadistic, un-American followers.

And he still lost the popular vote.

And I could care less about the Electoral College...he is not my POTUS. Actually, since both Trump and Pence should not be in the White House, then the next in line is Ryan.
Now I am no fan of the guy. But I would take him in a billionth of a second over the Trump/Pence freak show.
To me, Paul Ryan is the POTUS.

Trump/Pence are nothing but imposters.

You do not sound happy in your made up world. Even in the fantasy land you have created for yourself, you still sound pissed off. Relax little tiger. The adults are in charge now and everything is going to be OK.

Hey, you're still here, and still are unable to refute my bullet points.

Q. Why is that

A. You're too full of propaganda (aka digested bull food) and not capable of writing a rebuttal.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
No need to wonder He's made America into everything Putin would want I wonder what it is that Putin has on him

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