How Syria & Egypt are destroyed - Hebrew Prophets Tell The Story

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This reply is for Avatar who asked what the line up was according to Old Testament Prophets on the destruction of Syria, Egypt, etct. Bible scriptures included that name these nations and what leads to their destruction. -

The only one I prefer to read these days is a scholar by the name of John P. McTernan. I bought his book As America Has Done to Israel and I find he is the one who is most in alignment with how I believe it will unfold. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't read that book to buy it. He's a great teacher!

I'm going to start off by disagreeing with him though on who goes first. John believes that it is Iraq. ( So does Perry Stone & a few others I've read - still John is the best imo ) Why? Because in Obadiah prophecies he lists Iraq as Babylon. I disagree. They have the wrong Babylon. It's America. Read Rev. 18 and you'll see Mystery Babylon surrounded by many waters. That cannot be Iraq. Iraq is landlocked. So the first one to go down is America.

There are 3 battles that have yet to happen. Obadiahs war, Ezekiels war and the final one, Armageddon. The nations who are facing judgment in this next war are as follows:

The Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, Syria,Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. God judges those nations when they attempt to annihilate Israel. So let's go to the prophets and see what they have to say about the first war.

First war opens with this verse from Isaiah: For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the contraversy of Zion. - Isaiah 34:8

The bible refers first to Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Listen to Obadiah here:

The day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done ( to Israel ) it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Essau stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining in the house of Essau; for the LORD hath spoken it. And they of the south shall possess the mount of Essau, and the of the plain the Philistines; and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria; and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. ( Obadiah 1:15, 18 - 19)

So the war erupts between the "House of Jacob" and the "House of Essau" and the House of Essau is the Palestinians. It is this war that will drive the Palestinians out of the land that was given to the seed of Jacob ( The Jews ) So what Obadiah is telling us here is that Israel shall possess the plain of the Philistines, which is Gaza. As you know, right now the Palestinians are in possession of Gaza. That is about to change. Also Ephraim and Samaria which is located in the West Bank are under Israeli control and also Gilead which is the east bank of the Jordan River and this is from my study of John McTernan who I believe had nailed it dead on..

Now we go to Syria next. You'll find her future in Isaiah 17: 1- 14 I'll just quote the first few verses here:

The burden of Damascus, behold Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.. the fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant from Syria; they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of Hosts. And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.

This is something I have never told the Jews before as I don't like the news out of this one but it is going to happen so we may as well get it over with here. John points out in his book that Ephraim was a name for Israel. During this war Israel takes a hard hit. Military power ceases according to his intrepretation and I believe he is right. At the same time, Syria ceases to be a nation. When Obadiah speaks of Jacob made thin and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean he is telling us that Israel is going to lose a large portion of her population.

This battle is going to be horrific and when the destruction of Syria happens we know the Day of the Lord is drawing near. Israel WILL SURVIVE but she is going to have a huge loss of lives in this battle. It grieves me deeply to say this but I don't believe there is any other way to interpret that scripture. It is going to be bad. John McTernan has correctly interpreted the war of Obadiah in my opinion. With the exception of his belief that Babylon is Iraq as I stated earlier - I believe it is America. Let's go ahead and look at Egypt - that one is in Joel 3:19:

Egypt is a desolation, and Edom shall be desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in the land. - Joel 3:19

Now go to Ezekiel 29:9-12 and note this is before the second war ( Ezekiels war ) which goes down in Ezekiel 38.

The land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it. Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years. And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate 40 years; and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.

Let's stop there. This prophecy has not yet happened. The reason the Egyptians are scattered among nations is because the land is uninhabitable due to a nuclear strike although it might be considered a limited strike it will drive everything out of that land - man, woman, child, animal, everything is either going to die or flee to a far off nation. That is what is coming for the Egyptians. As I read Isaiah yesterday it did come to my mind that right now they are fighting against each other as predicted in Isaiah 19 and this is the lead up to it I believe..

Then according to Zephaniah's prophecy we see that Ammon, Moab and Edom will be destroyed - which is modern day Jordan. They get dragged into it in the first battle between house of Essau and house of Jacob and in Zephaniah 2: 8,9 you see that they are destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. Only Edom is not mentioned in this one. Still those three nations do make up modern day Jordan so perhaps a piece of it survives? I don't know. Anyhow, it does appear that the Palestinians will be the cause of entire nations being destroyed in this next war. Those would be Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon and again according to the scholar McTernan he believe it is nuclear and I must agree with his analysis. It must be. Otherwise why would the land be uninhabitable? You see?

In closing, I like was John McTernan said in his book about Israel. He said God has set the nation of Israel like a trap, and Jerusalem is the bait.

I like that. I think he is spot on. Again.

Avatar, if you will look at the list of nations that march against Israel in the second war after this one you'll notice that it is a Russian Led - Islamic Army -with Iran the first one listed in that Islamic Army - the Russian leaders name means Prince. Intereresting enough the name Vladimir means Prince. Will Vladmir Putin be the one to lead that "Final March Towards the South" that "VLADIMIR ZHIRINOVSKY" wrote about in his book? Or is it Vladimir Zhirinovsky? My bet is on Vladimir Zhirinovsky because when Putin strikes America he will have to step out of the way and allow "Mad Vlad" ( as he is known ) to step into his shoes. I imagine the international community will demand such a thing. ( I am guessing here - could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now we don't know about - but it is interesting - you have to admit )

The second war, Ezekiels War - I am not going to go into that right now but I am writing a book about it which will be published some time this fall. (God willing ) So let me just close with this thought.

When the Russian led Islamic Army marches against Israel you will notice something very interesting in Ezekiel 37,38,39 - I would read it all - see the list of nations. Guess who is missing from that list of nations who invade Israel? The Palestinians, the Jordanians, The Egyptians, The Saudis ( forgot to mention - they will get hit too in the 1st one ) the Lebonese and the Syrians. These nations are not listed. Why??? Because they have already been destroyed. THAT'S WHY.

Another fact that should be examined. Why else would Israel be an unwalled nation when Ezekiels war takes place if her neighbors were still there? They aren't. They are all gone. She expands her borders, takes down the wall.........then Later - comes Ezekiels war... it all fits.

Have an awesome day. :eusa_angel:

- Jeri
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One other thing I'd like to mention that the Muslims should realize but they do not. By invading Israel to annihilate the Jews - the Russians already know Israel is going to use her nuclear option - okay? They KNOW THIS!

They are fine with it. In fact, they need for Israel to wipe out her neighbors because when Russia leads the Islamic army in that final march to the south ( Israel is south of Russia - which is why God said he will put a hook in the jaw of those to the north of her - hello! ) the Russians do not want any of her muslim neighbors around. She has to have the Syrians, Lebanonese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Saudis out of that region totally. As the nations are destroyed in this coming battle this works perfectly for the Russians plan.

What is the plan of Russia? The real one? Very simple. The Russians want Israel for themselves. They are going to use this Islamic army to march with them but once they are on the mountain tops of Jerusalem Ezekiels prophecy is very clear about what will happen.

The Russians will turn on the Islamic Army and slaughter the Muslims right there on the mountains of Jerusalem. They will be killing one another. Do the Islamists have the same plan? To wipe out the Russians on the mountains of Jerusalem so they can have Israel? Sure! Why not? These two are definitely going to double cross each other at the last minute! You can count on it! The bible says they will fight against EACH OTHER. On the mountains of Jerusalem! Then God will step in and finish both of them off ( with a few left ) sending 100 lb hail stones raining on their heads and the Israelis will be burying dead bodies for 6 months. ( I think it is six you may want to double check that one - its in Ezekiel 38, 39 -) ( bones really as the birds are going to gorge themselves on the flesh of the Russians and the Muslims )

So here's the deal. The Russians have an edge because they know that Israel is going to get rid of any backup the Muslims would have - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinians, Saudis - by acting as if they are helping the muslims to invade Israel NOW and annihilate her! But they don't join them. They let them all get nuked. That way the neighborhood is trashed and the Russians don't have to deal with them later. That islamic army won't have any back up coming. You see how the Russians are playing this out?

So for now the Russians back the Syrians and so does Iran ( doubt Iranians have any idea the Russians are going to double cross them - they don't read the bible ) but what Russia is doing is playing both sides here. At the table with Kissinger - he only hears one side of this plan - he thinks they are all on the same page. They are not.

Listen up. The Russians are going to sit this next war out. Wait and see. They will. This one is where Israel has no other choice but to go nuclear because her borders are over run. The Russians know she will go nuclear and they can't wait because they have to get rid of Israels neighbors before they can make that march to the south with their so - called Islamic friends. Knowing this is what the Russians have planned for the Muslims it would behoove them to NOT invade Israel - to back off - to repent of your wickedness and call on the LORD to save you. The bible doesn't lie. The Russians are most definitely going to double cross you and they hope you take the bait. Please for the love of God turn around and realize that the pit you are digging for Israel is the very same one that is going to bury you! I don't want to see any dead Muslims! God loves you! He didn't make you so you could destroy yourselves! WAKE UP ALREADY! Turn around and tell the Russians to go fly a kite! - Jeri
Are we sure the Russians know all this? That would assume they are aware of their place in the prophecy and yet are going to act anyway. Which doesn't make sense from my perspective because if you know the prophecy eventually ends with you losing, and you actually believe that, why would you be involved at all?

Perhaps the Lord will reveal to me more of the end times. I may have to fast and pray over this one.
It is seven months that the house of Israel shall bury the dead. Not six. It is in Ezekiel 37: 12.

Also there is much more than hailstones that destroy these armies. That is found in Ezekiel 38:19-22

Listen to what God says here! - And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of the unwalled villages; that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates. - Ezekiel 38:11

This is when God puts a hook in the jaw of Russia and draws them from the north down upon Israel - a land described here as one enjoying peace - quietness - no bars - no gates, unwalled - think about it.

That is not the state of Israel today, Avatar. That is the state of an Israel without any neighbors! Where are Israels former neighbors? Obadiah tells you. Why are they destroyed? Obadiah tells you. Who are the ones that are destroyed or flee to a far off land? Obadiah tells you as does Zephaniah and Isaiah.

The very same nations that are missing from the line up of 2nd war decribed in Ezekiel.

Pride blinds the eyes of people very easily. God said he will frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent. He also says he will use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

If God says he is going to put a hook in their jaw you can be sure he knows exactly how to set the bait!

My prayer is that God will open the eyes of all those who would say yes and come to receive his Son as their Savior - that He would give them jobs elsewhere, a reason to move away and leave the region before it happens. Again I don't believe Damascus can become a heap of ruins - which coincides with House of Jacob become "lean" - UNTIL America is taken out of the picture first. That would be Rev. 18.

When will America be hit and taken out of the way? I don't have any idea. It could be two months from now and it could be 2 yrs from now! No one knows. But it looks like we are leading up to something here so it is definitely time to pray as never before.

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